└── jalinappbackend
├── configuration => Contains configuration files for Spring Boot
├── exception => Contains custom exception files
├── module => Contains modules/features files
│ ├── authentication
│ │ ├── entity => Contains entity files that used for persistence
│ │ ├── presenter => Contains web adapter files
│ │ │ ├── controller
│ │ │ ├── request
│ │ │ └── response
│ │ ├── repository => Contains JPA repository files
│ │ └── service => Contains bussiness logic files
│ ├── banking
│ └── gamification
├── seeder => Contains seeder class files
├── utility => Contains utility class files
└── JalinAppBackendApplication.java => Application main class
- IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate or Community version) or any Java IDE
- OpenJDK 11
- Maven 3.5 or higher
- PostgreSQL 12 or higher
First you need to clone the banking resource repository and run it before running this backend application.
- Copy
- Paste as
- Change all the environment variables corresponding value with your local environment
- If using maven, run with
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- If using IDE, just click run button