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119 lines (82 loc) · 3.59 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (82 loc) · 3.59 KB


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Enables pretty JSON viewer in Django forms, admin, or templates. The viewer is adapted from jQuery JSONView. It is compatible with almost anything: JSON stored in a string, a jsonfield (using django.contrib.postgres or django-jsonfield), or any python object that can be serialized to JSON (using standardjson).




At the command line:

pip install django-prettyjson


Add 'prettyjson' to INSTALLED_APPS in



In a form or admin of a model, enable a pretty JSON viewer for a particular field:

from prettyjson import PrettyJSONWidget

class JsonForm(forms.ModelForm):
  class Meta:
    model = Test
    fields = '__all__'
    widgets = {
      'myjsonfield': PrettyJSONWidget(),

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  form = JsonForm

Enable pretty JSON viewer for every JSONField of a model:

from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  formfield_overrides = {
    JSONField: {'widget': PrettyJSONWidget }

In templates, you can also enable a pretty JSON viewer. Use the prettyjson template tag with a string JSON or with objects (dicts, QuerySets, etc.) that can be serialized to a JSON. Note that the template tag must be loaded using {% load prettyjson %}. It also has CSS and JS that must be included using {% prettyjson_setup %}.

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% load prettyjson %}

{% block header %}
  {{ block.super }}
  {% prettyjson_setup %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
  {% prettyjson myqueryset %}
  {% prettyjson mydict %}
  {% prettyjson '{"hey": "guy","anumber": 243,"anobject": {"whoa": "nuts","anarray": [1,2,"thr<h1>ee"], "more":"stuff"},"awesome": true,"bogus": false,"meaning": null, "japanese":"明日がある。", "link": "", "notLink": " is great"}' %}
  {% prettyjson '{}' %}
{% endblock %}

The setup includes jQuery, loaded as django.jQuery to avoid namespace conflict. If your page already includes jQuery, use {% prettyjson_setup jquery=False %} to avoid loading jQuery a second time.

Configure Rendering

By default the jsonwidget will render as a raw string with a button to click to change it to parsed json. For it to render as parsed json initially, you can pass an argument:

class JsonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
  formfield_overrides = {
    JSONField: {'widget': PrettyJSONWidget(attrs={'initial': 'parsed'})}

Or, in a template tag:

{% prettyjson mydict initial='parsed' %}

Running Tests

In development.

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
(myenv) $ python


Dependencies, parts of code, and/or sources of inspiration:

Tools used in developing, testing, and/or rendering this package: