This is a FHIR web application written in Python and using Flask as the backend.
Following are the FHIR server port numbers and the datasets hosted on that ports.
9090 -> synthea10 (demo dataset)
9091 -> synthea_ri_adult
9092 -> synthea_ri_peds
This app depends on Python 3 and a few Python packages outlined in the requirements.txt
Change these parameters in the .env file. Use the port number assigned to you to run the app for FHIR_PORT.
We begin by creating a Python virtual environment using the venv
module. This is done by running the command below from the "root" of this repo.
python3 -m venv venv # create a virtual environment called venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate our virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt # install all our dependencies into the virtual environment
After the above steps, we should be able to launch our app using the following command.
python3 src/
This will start the app on port "FHIR_PORT". You can open your preferred browser and see the app running on http://localhost:FHIR_PORT
replace the FHIR_PORT with the actual port number assigned to you.
The exact URL to the app can also be found on the terminal output after running the app.