Posting diffs and the graph to a Telegram channel requires a few steps, and though they're not super complicated, I didn't find them described succinctly anywhere.
This is documented in the BotFather documentation.
- Start a chat with the BotFather account
- Create a new bot by sending
as a message - Follow the prompts to add name and username for the bot
- Copy the token from the response and stick it, for example, into a GitHub Actions secret
- Use
to add a profile picture for bonus points
Create a new Telegram channel, via mobile app, desktop app, or web client; making it private is probably a reasonable idea
Add your new bot via "Add members"
Post a message in the channel; the
method only shows updates from the last 24 hours -
Make a GET request to<token>/getUpdates
; the response looks something like this:{ "ok": true, "result": [ { "update_id": 808628153, "channel_post": { "message_id": 15, "sender_chat": { "id": -1001310120257, "title": "My new channel", "type": "channel" }, "chat": { "id": -1001310120257, "title": "My new channel", "type": "channel" }, "date": 1623113410, "text": "The message" } } ] }
where the ID we're looking for is
(including the dash!)For a more general case with potentially multiple channels, we can automate the extraction using jq, as long as we know the channel title:
curl --silent "$(< token)/getUpdates" \ | jq --arg title 'My new channel' ' .result | map( select( == $title) )[0] '
This requires the authorization token to be stored in a file named
in the current directory.
Armed with the token and the channel ID, we can send messages to our new channel. The Slack analyzer action uses appleboy/telegram-action for this (transparently).
All that has to be done is setting the optional telegram-to
inputs; assuming they are stored as secrets TELEGRAM_TO
- name: Update Slack workspace analysis
uses: bewuethr/slack-analyzer@v0
name: Foo Corp
slack-bot-token: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}
slack-user-token: ${{ secrets.USER_TOKEN }}
telegram-to: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TO }}
telegram-token: ${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}
And that's it! Happy telegramming!