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240 lines (189 loc) · 6.45 KB


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HomeMon is a distributed network monitoring system designed for monitoring home infrastructure and services. It provides real-time monitoring of internal services, with cloud-based alerting capabilities to ensure you stay informed even during network or power outages.

Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 10 15 22 PM Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 3 31 09 PM Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 10 29 38 AM


HomeMon uses a distributed architecture with three main components:

graph TD
    subgraph "Monitored Host"
        A[Agent] --> P1[Process Checker]
        A --> P2[Port Checker]
        A --> P3[Dusk Checker]

    subgraph "Local Network"
        P[Poller] --> A
        P --> A2[Agent 2]
        P --> HTTP[HTTP Checks]
        subgraph "Agent 2 Host"
            A2 --> R[Redis Status]
            A2 --> M[MySQL Status]
        subgraph "Direct Checks"
            HTTP --> WebApp[Web Application]
            HTTP --> API[API Endpoint]
    subgraph "Cloud/Internet"
        P --> CS[Cloud Service]
        CS --> WH[Webhook Alerts]
        WH --> Discord[Discord]
        WH --> Custom[Custom Webhooks]

    style P fill:#f9f,stroke:#333
    style CS fill:#bbf,stroke:#333
    style WH fill:#fbf,stroke:#333


  1. Agent (runs on monitored hosts)
  • Provides service status through gRPC
  • Supports multiple checker types:
    • Process checker (systemd services)
    • Port checker (TCP ports)
    • Custom checkers (e.g., Dusk node)
  • Must run on each host you want to monitor
  1. Poller (runs anywhere in your network)
  • Coordinates monitoring activities
  • Can run on the same host as an agent or separately
  • Polls agents at configurable intervals
  • Reports status to cloud service
  • Multiple pollers can report to the same cloud service
  1. Cloud Service (runs on a reliable host)
  • Receives reports from pollers
  • Provides web dashboard
  • Sends alerts via webhooks (Discord, etc.)
  • Should run on a reliable host outside your network


HomeMon components are distributed as Debian packages. Each component has its own package:

Building Packages

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd homemon
  1. Build the agent package:
  1. Build the poller package:
  1. Build the cloud package:

Installation Order and Location

  1. Agent Installation (on monitored hosts):
sudo dpkg -i homemon-dusk_1.0.0.deb  # For Dusk nodes
# or
sudo dpkg -i homemon-agent_1.0.0.deb  # For other hosts
  1. Poller Installation (on any host in your network):
sudo dpkg -i homemon-poller_1.0.0.deb
  1. Cloud Installation (on a reliable host):
sudo dpkg -i homemon-cloud_1.0.0.deb


Agent Configuration

Default location: /etc/homemon/checkers/

For Dusk nodes:

# /etc/homemon/checkers/dusk.json
    "name": "dusk",
    "node_address": "localhost:8080",
    "timeout": "5m",
    "listen_addr": ":50052"

# /etc/homemon/checkers/external.json
    "name": "dusk",
    "address": "localhost:50052"

Poller Configuration

Default location: /etc/homemon/poller.json

    "agents": {
        "local-agent": {
            "address": "",
            "checks": [
                    "type": "dusk"
    "cloud_address": "cloud-host:50052",
    "poll_interval": "30s",
    "poller_id": "home-poller-1"

Cloud Configuration

Default location: /etc/homemon/cloud.json

    "listen_addr": ":8090",
    "alert_threshold": "5m",
    "known_pollers": ["home-poller-1"],
    "webhooks": [
            "enabled": true,
            "url": "",
            "cooldown": "15m",
            "template": "{\"embeds\":[{\"title\":\"{{.alert.Title}}\",\"description\":\"{{.alert.Message}}\",\"color\":{{if eq .alert.Level \"error\"}}15158332{{else if eq .alert.Level \"warning\"}}16776960{{else}}3447003{{end}},\"timestamp\":\"{{.alert.Timestamp}}\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"Node ID\",\"value\":\"{{.alert.NodeID}}\",\"inline\":true}{{range $key, $value := .alert.Details}},{\"name\":\"{{$key}}\",\"value\":\"{{$value}}\",\"inline\":true}{{end}}]}]}"

Deployment Recommendations

  1. Agent Deployment:
  • Must run on each host you want to monitor
  • For Dusk nodes, use the homemon-dusk package
  • For other hosts, use the homemon-agent package
  • Requires port 50051 to be accessible to the poller
  1. Poller Deployment:
  • Can run on the same host as an agent or separately
  • Must be able to reach all agents
  • Must be able to reach the cloud service
  • Multiple pollers can report to the same cloud service
  • Each poller needs a unique poller_id
  1. Cloud Service Deployment:
  • Should run on a reliable host outside your network
  • Needs to be accessible by all pollers
  • Provides web interface on port 8090
  • Should have reliable internet for webhook alerts

Firewall Configuration

If you're using UFW (Ubuntu's Uncomplicated Firewall), here are the required rules:

# On agent hosts
sudo ufw allow 50051/tcp  # For agent gRPC server
sudo ufw allow 50052/tcp  # For Dusk checker (if applicable)

# On cloud host
sudo ufw allow 50052/tcp  # For poller connections
sudo ufw allow 8090/tcp   # For web interface

Web Interface

The web interface is available at http://cloud-host:8090 and provides:

  • Overall system status
  • Individual node status
  • Service status for each node
  • Historical availability data
  • Dusk node specific information


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.