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231 lines (216 loc) · 8.29 KB
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Welcome Again
Or getting started with Jekyll and GitHub Pages (December 2022 Edition)
2022-12-24 17:14 -0800

After a little over 10 years, my trustful MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2012) has recently died. And as it was time to upgrade, I went for the MacBook Air (M1, 2020).

And as I was getting myself ready to start blogging again, and testing my blog locally, I ran into an issue when I ran bundle install on my blog's root directory.

I installed rbenv with brew, Ruby version 2.7.4, and then this happened:

$ bundle install
# Cut for brevity
An error occurred while installing eventmachine (1.2.7), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source ''` succeeds before bundling.

In Gemfile:
  github-pages was resolved to 227, which depends on
    jekyll-avatar was resolved to 0.7.0, which depends on
      jekyll was resolved to 3.9.2, which depends on
        em-websocket was resolved to 0.5.3, which depends on

So, as suggested I tried the gem install command:

$ gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source ''
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing eventmachine:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    current directory: /Users/cesarcoatl/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/eventmachine-1.2.7/ext
/Users/cesarcoatl/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/bin/ruby -I /Users/cesarcoatl/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/2.7.0 -r ./siteconf20221220-4681-wmlash.rb extconf.rb
checking for -lcrypto... no
checking for openssl/ssl.h... yes
checking for openssl/err.h... yes
checking for rb_trap_immediate in ruby.h,rubysig.h... no
checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()... no
checking for rb_thread_call_without_gvl() in ruby/thread.h... yes
checking for rb_thread_fd_select()... yes
checking for rb_fdset_t in ruby/intern.h... yes
checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd()... yes
checking for rb_enable_interrupt()... no
checking for rb_time_new()... yes
checking for inotify_init() in sys/inotify.h... no
checking for __NR_inotify_init in sys/syscall.h... no
checking for writev() in sys/uio.h... yes
checking for pipe2() in unistd.h... no
checking for accept4() in sys/socket.h... no
checking for SOCK_CLOEXEC in sys/socket.h... no
checking for sys/event.h... yes
checking for sys/queue.h... yes
checking for clock_gettime()... yes
checking for CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW in time.h... yes
checking for CLOCK_MONOTONIC in time.h... yes
CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-ignored-qualifiers -Wno-unused-result -Wno-address
creating Makefile
# Cut for brevity
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [rubyeventmachine.bundle] Error 1

make failed, exit code 2

Gem files will remain installed in /Users/cesarcoatl/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/eventmachine-1.2.7 for inspection.
Results logged to /Users/cesarcoatl/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/extensions/arm64-darwin-22/2.7.0/eventmachine-1.2.7/gem_make.out

Before my old MacBook Air died, I did manage to install Ubuntu 22.10 and didn't run into any issues running my blog. But since this was my first time trying M1, and having read not found for architecture arm64, it did look like an issue with M1's ARM architecture.

But without feeling defeated I went to eventmachine's page at RubyGems, and found its GitHub repo, and after a quick search I found the following this issue comment.

$ gem install eventmachine -v '1.2.7' --source '' -- --with-ldflags='-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup'
Building native extensions with: '--with-ldflags=-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup'
This could take a while...
Successfully installed eventmachine-1.2.7
Parsing documentation for eventmachine-1.2.7
Installing ri documentation for eventmachine-1.2.7
Done installing documentation for eventmachine after 1 seconds
1 gem installed

And only then I was able to run bundle install with no errors.

$ bundle install
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using concurrent-ruby 1.1.10
Using minitest 5.16.3
Using thread_safe 0.3.6
Using zeitwerk 2.6.6
Using public_suffix 4.0.7
Using bundler 2.3.26
Using execjs 2.8.1
Using colorator 1.1.0
Using coffee-script-source 1.11.1
Using commonmarker 0.23.6
Using unf_ext
Using http_parser.rb 0.8.0
Using faraday-net_http 3.0.2
Using eventmachine 1.2.7
Using ruby2_keywords 0.0.5
Using rb-fsevent 0.11.2
Using gemoji 3.0.1
Using forwardable-extended 2.6.0
Using rouge 3.26.0
Using safe_yaml 1.0.5
Using liquid 4.0.3
Using unicode-display_width 1.8.0
Using mercenary 0.3.6
Using unf 0.1.4
Using ffi 1.15.5
Using i18n 0.9.5
Fetching em-websocket 0.5.3
Using racc 1.6.1
Using tzinfo 1.2.10
Using faraday 2.7.2
Using pathutil 0.16.2
Using coffee-script 2.4.1
Using simpleidn 0.2.1
Using rexml 3.2.5
Using jekyll-commonmark 1.4.0
Using jekyll-paginate 1.1.0
Using addressable 2.8.1
Using rubyzip 2.3.2
Using jekyll-swiss 1.0.0
Using activesupport 6.0.6
Using ethon 0.16.0
Using sawyer 0.9.2
Using rb-inotify 0.10.1
Using kramdown 2.3.2
Using octokit 4.25.1
Using dnsruby 1.61.9
Using listen 3.7.1
Using terminal-table 1.8.0
Using jekyll-gist 1.5.0
Using jekyll-coffeescript 1.1.1
Using jekyll-watch 2.2.1
Using sass-listen 4.0.0
Using kramdown-parser-gfm 1.1.0
Using typhoeus 1.4.0
Using nokogiri 1.13.10 (arm64-darwin)
Using sass 3.7.4
Using html-pipeline 2.14.3
Using github-pages-health-check 1.17.9
Using jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2
Installing em-websocket 0.5.3
Fetching jekyll 3.9.2
Installing jekyll 3.9.2
Fetching jekyll-feed 0.15.1
Fetching jekyll-avatar 0.7.0
Fetching jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0
Fetching jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.2
Fetching jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-include-cache 0.2.1
Fetching jekyll-mentions 1.6.0
Fetching jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4
Installing jekyll-feed 0.15.1
Installing jekyll-github-metadata 2.13.0
Installing jekyll-commonmark-ghpages 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-optional-front-matter 0.3.2
Installing jekyll-avatar 0.7.0
Installing jekyll-mentions 1.6.0
Installing jekyll-include-cache 0.2.1
Installing jekyll-default-layout 0.1.4
Fetching jekyll-readme-index 0.3.0
Fetching jekyll-redirect-from 0.16.0
Fetching jekyll-relative-links 0.6.1
Fetching jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3
Fetching jekyll-seo-tag 2.8.0
Fetching jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0
Fetching jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.3
Fetching jemoji 0.12.0
Installing jekyll-readme-index 0.3.0
Fetching jekyll-compose 0.12.0
Installing jekyll-relative-links 0.6.1
Installing jekyll-redirect-from 0.16.0
Installing jekyll-remote-theme 0.4.3
Installing jekyll-titles-from-headings 0.5.3
Installing jemoji 0.12.0
Installing jekyll-sitemap 1.4.0
Installing jekyll-compose 0.12.0
Installing jekyll-seo-tag 2.8.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-merlot 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-dinky 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-hacker 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-architect 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-midnight 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-cayman 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-minimal 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-dinky 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-modernist 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-hacker 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-primer 0.6.0
Installing jekyll-theme-cayman 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-slate 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-architect 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-minimal 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-tactile 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-modernist 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-merlot 0.2.0
Fetching jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-slate 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-primer 0.6.0
Fetching minima 2.5.1
Installing jekyll-theme-leap-day 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-tactile 0.2.0
Installing minima 2.5.1
Installing jekyll-theme-midnight 0.2.0
Installing jekyll-theme-time-machine 0.2.0
Fetching github-pages 227
Installing github-pages 227
Bundle complete! 2 Gemfile dependencies, 92 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Happy blogging!