All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added tooltips over avatars #221
- Fixed text truncation and spacing issues in features widget on dashboard page #256
- Added po and sm forms for the weekly checkin for the appropriate teams #216
- Changed how we're accessing meeting data to match changes in backend #269
- Updated dropdown menu in top nav #261
- Made meeting link optional #237
- Updated how we're retrieving the discord id to display in the directory page #202
- Fixed issue with dark mode images being different size #200
- Fixed issue with meeting notes section becoming scrollable instead of expanding when saved #248
- Added 404 page #205
- Updated top nav and side bar colors along with some other styling changes #197
- Fixed active states in the sidebar #198
- Fixed spacing issues in the calendar title with longer months wrapping to a newline #201
- Fixed spacing issues in resources page #206
- Fixed overflow issue with features description in the list #222
- Fixed an issue with selecting team members in checkboxes #230
- Added version to image in avatar component
- Changed minimum character limit input field for adding new ideation #171
- Removed character count from password input #173
- Changed arrow direction of accordion in agenda section in sprints page #187
- Fixed typo in placeholder text in new ideation form #181
- Fixed issue with saving meeting notes #186
- Fixed start meeting link #188
- Fixed display of date in error message in create meeting page when selecting a meeting time #189
- Fixed issue with weekly checkin widget displaying "due today" text in 1st week of voyage #190