Looking for more resources? See Clojure Camp Handbook
Curated exercises for learners, https://exercises.clojure.camp
- exercises are ordered approximately by increasingly complexity/difficulty
- various forms of exercises
- most are exercism.io like (”write a function to…”), except, we also suggest* what functions to use
- (with future plans to make further variations, like “fill-in-the-blank”, to make the exercises more accessible to new programmers)
- most are exercism.io like (”write a function to…”), except, we also suggest* what functions to use
- attempt solving these exercises in Clojure
- we provide the suggested functions
- …partly as a hint
- …and because we don’t expect you to know the entire standard library yet
- (as you do these exercises, you’ll start to learn and remember which functions are good for what)
- Opportunities to contribute:
- add exercises
- add solutions
- Exercise Repo:
- bigger contributions:
- push git repo for exercise app @Raf
- update zprint, and change formatting to be “leave newlines alone”
- fix function-template display on clj example tab
- github action to update live site when exercise data repo is deployed
- create new ways of programmatically generating exercise variations
- https://teachtogether.tech/en/index.html#s:exercises
- fill-in-the-blank
- re-order-this-code
- predict output of fn
- minimal-fix
- bad style - refactor