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Track2: The Chat Returns


  • To demonstrate some of Clojure's tools for managing concurrency.
  • To illustrate higher order functions and functional composition.

Our story so far...

The track1 curricula presents a guide for building a simple web-based chat application. The application allows it's users to read a single, shared conversation and post new messages with using the name and message content of their choosing.

The Conflict

Because of the anonymous nature our the chat application, it quickly becomes very popular. Because the application does not attempt to limit the length of the conversation history, it soon runs out of available memory and stops accepting new messages. This necessitates frequently restarting the program, losing all messages, and fielding complaints from the users of the system.

The Quest

After an in-depth study of the problem, it is determined that the application's behavior can be fixed, and the expectations of the users accommodated, by:

  • Limiting the number of messages kept in the chat history.
  • Keeping a running total of all the messages ever posted.
  • Retaining a count of the number of messages posted by each user.

In this section we will present a pattern for implementing these features, followed by a series of solutions that provide varying degrees correctness.

Some Definitions

  • Mutable: Something that can be changed (mutated).
  • Immutable: Something that is unchangeable.
  • Imperative: A command, sometimes a request.
  • Expression: A symbol or combination of symbols which can be evaluated to produce a result.

The approach

The Conversation Database

  1. The chat conversation will be stored in a Map, a collection of key/value pairs, also known as an associative array, dictionary, or hash.
  2. This Map will contain four (4) fields:
  • limit: A number indicating the maximum number of messages to retain.
  • messages: A list holding the message history.
  • counts: Another Map where each key is the name of a user and each value is the number of messages sent by that user.
  • total: A counter of all messages sent over the lifetime of this conversation.

Or, to put it more simply, a JSON representation of the conversation database would look like this:

{ "limit"    : 20,
  "messages" : [
                { "name": "Alice",
                  "message": "Has anyone seen the white rabbit?"
                { "name": "White Rabbit",
                  "message": "I'm Late!"
  "total"    : 2,
  "counts"   : { "Alice": 1,
                 "White Rabbit": 1

The Algorithm

When a new message is received:

  1. Create a new message record using the name and message provided by the user.
  2. Add this new message record to the front of the chat history.
  3. If the conversation contains more messages than what the limit specifies, then remove the excess entries from the tail of the list.
  4. Increment the total counter for the conversation.
  5. Find the message count for the user, and increment that too.

Attempt #1: Basic Mutable Data

Constructing the database

In order to illustrate some of the differences in how mutable and immutable data types are used, this example will build a conversation database using Java's basic, mutable HashMap and LinkedList classes rather than Clojure's native, immutable, persistent maps, lists, and vectors. Because this example uses specific Java classes, Clojure's Java interop support is used to create and interact with these native Java classes and objects.

(defn new-mutable-conversation-db
  (let [conversation (new HashMap)]
    (.put conversation :limit    message-limit)
    (.put conversation :total    0)
    (.put conversation :counts   (new HashMap))
    (.put conversation :messages (new LinkedList))))

The example above is written in an imperative style, as a series of commands.

  1. Construct a new HashMap and give it then name conversation.
  2. put four new entries into the HashMap, defining a fresh conversation.
  3. Return the configured conversation.

If conversation wasn't present, and the function ended with one of the calls to (.put conversation ...) instead, then the function would try to return the result from that (.put ...) call, which would be nothing, nil, since a put on a Map is a void method in Java.

Fortunately, Clojure provides a simpler way to write the same code with less repetition, and less room for human error.

(defn new-mutable-conversation-db
  (doto (new HashMap)
    (.put :limit    message-limit)
    (.put :total    0)
    (.put :counts   (new HashMap))
    (.put :messages (new LinkedList))))

This doto form will take it's first argument, a new HashMap in this case, then use it as the first argument to each of the (.put ...) calls, and return the now mutated object. Clojure contains many such shorthand forms to reduce common redundancies, and ensure consistent behavior.

Implementing the algorithm

Clojure is designed for writing expression-oriented, functional logic with immutable values, but as we saw in the conversation constructor above, the language doesn't prevent you from writing imperative, mutating logic when needed. Mutable data and imperative logic go hand-in-hand. Since this function will be adding a new message to a mutable conversation database, the code has an imperative flow to it.

(defn mutating-add-message
  [conversation name new-message]
  (let [limit    (.get conversation :limit)
        total    (.get conversation :total)
        counts   (.get conversation :counts)
        messages (.get conversation :messages)]

    (.put counts
      name (inc (.getOrDefault counts name 0)))

    (.addFirst messages
      (doto (new HashMap)
            (.put :name name)
            (.put :message new-message)))

    (loop []
      (when (< limit (.size messages))
            (.removeLast messages)

    (doto conversation
      (.put :total (inc total)))))

To restate this in English:

  1. Get the :limit, :total, :counts, and :messages fields from the received conversation.
  2. Update the counts by incrementing the count for the provided name.
  3. Construct a new message and add it to the front of the messages list.
  4. Remove any excess messages using a loop
  5. Update the total number of messages for the conversation.
  6. Return the conversation.

Each of the steps mutates, or changes, the conversation data in-place. This is likely a familiar pattern, but as we shall discover not only is the code more verbose than equivalent expression based, functional code, making it safe for multithreaded use can be challenge.

Now that we have these two functions new-mutable-conversation-db and mutating-add-message we can now run some simple experiments using these functions.

=> (new-mutable-conversation-db 20)

{:counts {}, :limit 20, :total 0, :messages ()}

=> (mutating-add-message
     (new-mutable-conversation-db 20)
     "Friends, Romans, countryman")

{:counts {"Alice" 1}, :limit 20, :total 1,
 :messages ({:name "Alice", :message "Friends, Romans, countryman"})}

Testing the implementation

Since we expect multiple people to use this application simultaneously, having a test case that can simulate this type of parallel activity would let us verify the correctness of our code.

First let's load the test code, and then switch to namespace so that we can use some of the tests.

=> (load "/chatter/handler_test")


=> (in-ns 'chatter.handler-test)

 #<Namespace chatter.handler-test>

In the chatter.handler-test namespace you can find a simulate-conversation function that provides an example of we can write a test that exercises our code in parallel.

(defn simulate-conversation
  [constructor message-limit add-message message-count]
  (let [conv     (constructor message-limit)
        names    ["Alice" "Bob" "Cindy" "Doug"]
        messages ["Hello"
                  "Good news everyone!"
                  "What are we going to do tonight Brain?"]]
      (pmap (partial add-message conv)
            (take message-count (cycle names))
            (take message-count (cycle messages))

This simulate-conversation function takes four arguments. Two of those arguments, constructor and add-message, are expected to be functions. The simulator will use the constructor function to create a new conversation of message-limit messages. The add-message function will be used to add message-count messages to the conversation.

A few amazing features

Infinite Lists: Computers do not have infinite memory, storage, or processing capacity, so something like infinite lists may sound like a strange capability. The simulator creates two small lists, names and messages that it will use for the name and message arguments when calling the add-message function. Passing these small lists to the cycle function will return an infinite list that cycles through the list of provided values. From this infinite list the simulator will take a finite number of values. This is made possible by Lazy Evaluation. By using a lazily generated list the program will likely never have a full copy of the list in memory at any time. The contents of the list will be generated as it is read. As new values are read from the beginning of the list they will be discarded, leaving the remainder of the list, which is just the continuation of the lazy list, will retained.

For fun you can try this out in your REPL, but remember to take a limited number of values, otherwise an infinite list can crash the REPL.

=> (take 10 (cycle ["Alice" "Bob" "Cindy" "Doug"]))

("Alice" "Bob" "Cindy" "Doug" "Alice" "Bob" "Cindy" "Doug" "Alice" "Bob")

Currying: If you look for uses of add-message in the simulate-conversation function, you will find it wrapped with the partial function. This is a form of functional composition. For example, if I wanted a function that doubles a number, I could use partial along with the multiplication function to to combine * with an argument of 2 thus composing a doubling function.

(def double (partial * 2))

Calling (double 5) would become (* 2 5). In the simulator, I always want to call the add-message function on conv, so partial takes care of that for me, and turns add-message into a function of two arguments instead of three.

Easy Parallelism: Like the map function, pmap will apply a function to each entry in a list of values, and return a new list composed of the results. Additionally, pmap will apply these functions in parallel using a pool of threads. For long-running tasks, this can reduce the total time needed to process the entire collection.

Let's run the conversation simulator and see what we get.

=> (simulate-conversation
      new-mutable-conversation-db 20
      mutating-add-message 500)

NoSuchElementException   java.util.LinkedList.removeLast (

The shock, the horror, the failure. The simple explanation for failures like this is that Java's simple data structures, like LinkedList and HashMap, aren't "thread safe", they can't be modified by two threads at the same time.

Re-implementing the algorithm

Java, and many other languages, provide concurrent, thread-safe versions of common collections types. So let's whip up an alternate implementation of new-mutable-conversation-db. This version will be called new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db and will use alternate, thread-safe collections.

(defn new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db
  (doto (new ConcurrentHashMap)
    (.put :limit    message-limit)
    (.put :total    0)
    (.put :counts   (new ConcurrentHashMap))
    (.put :messages (new ConcurrentLinkedDeque))))

The two classes chosen, ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentLinkedDequeu, implement the same interfaces as their simpler non-thread-safe counterparts. So we can still use the mutating-add-message function without any changes to add messages to a conversation. Below are some simple test to verify the new constructor function works, and that mutating-add-message can update it correctly.

=> (new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db 20)

{:counts {}, :limit 20, :total 0, :messages #<ConcurrentLinkedDeque []}

=> (mutating-add-message
     (new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db 20)
     "Friends, Romans, countryman")

{:counts {"Alice" 1}, :limit 20, :total 1,
 :messages #<ConcurrentLinkedDeque [{:name=Alice, :message=Friends, Romans, countryman}]>}

So far, so good. Next let's try using it with the parallel simulator and see how it holds up.

=> (simulate-conversation
     new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db 20
     mutating-add-message 500)

{:counts { ... }, :limit 20, :total ...,
 :messages #<ConcurrentLinkedDeque [ ... ]>}

For brevity, the result has been truncated. To quickly check the results, the value of :total should by 500, and the sum of the per-user message counts should also be 500. If the values you see don't add up, then try running the simulation and checking the results a couple more times to see what comes back.

What went wrong

After studying the results from simulator using conversations constructed from either basic mutable collections or even thread-safe collections, it should be apparent developing thread-safe code can be very challenging. There are very fundamental reasons for this complexity, as the problem doesn't just exist in the choice of data structures, but exists all the way down to the most basic level of the computing machinery, and is even present everywhere in the physical world.

The most basic reason these coordination problems exist is because there are three steps that need to occur for any change to be made. First the current state of the thing you wish to change must be observed. Second, a new state, or value, will be calculated based on the observed state. Last, the data will be updated with the new value or state. If two or more tasks are actively observing, calculating, and updating even a single address in memory, changes made by one task are invalidating the observations and calculations made by the other tasks, but the other tasks continue on anyway, oblivious to these changes. This leads to lost changes, or changes that are inconsistent with other changes.

For example, let's imagine a program has been written where two threads attempt to increment the same number in memory. If one thread reads the value, increments it, and writes it back to memory all before the other thread performs the same steps, then we will see that the original value was incremented twice. On the other hand, if both threads read the value before the other has made the change, then both threads will independently increment the same value, and calculate the same result. Each thread will then write it's result back to memory, and outcome will be the original value only incremented once instead of twice.

Visualizing Mutable Data

Mutating Data Mutating State

Attempt #2: Coordination with Locking

The theory

One way of coordinating changes across threads is through locking. With locking we can create a barrier that will only allow one thread access to a variable at a time. The first thread to acquire the lock will continue with it's work. Any other threads that attempt to acquire the lock while it's being held will pause until the lock has been released.

The implementation

Since locking is something that is performed to coordinate changes to a variable, we will write a new function for adding messages to the conversation database.

(defn locking-add-message
  [conversation name message]
  (locking conversation
    (mutating-add-message conversation name message)))

This is simple enough. Just like the mutating-add-message function, this function takes the same three arguments, conversation, name, and message. It uses the locking function to acquire a lock on the conversation variable it received, and then reuses the existing mutating-add-message function to perform the change. Syntactically we can see how locking the conversation literally wraps the call to mutating-add-message.

Testing the implementation

Let's try running the simulator with the new locking-add-message function.

=> (simulate-conversation
     new-mutable-conversation-db 20
     locking-add-message 500)

{:counts {"Bob" 125, "Alice" 125, "Cindy" 125, "Doug" 125},
 :limit 20, :total 500,
 :messages ( ... )}

=> (simulate-conversation
     new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db 20
     locking-add-message 500)

{:counts {"Bob" 125, "Alice" 125, "Cindy" 125, "Doug" 125},
 :limit 20, :total 500,
 :messages #<ConcurrentLinkedDeque [ ... ]>}

These results are much better. The :total field matches the number of messages added to the conversation, and the per-user :counts also add up to the expected number of messages. Now we can update our application to build the conversation database with either the new-mutable-conversation-db or the new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db and add messages with the locking-add-message function and all should be well.

The changes can be made in the chatter.handler namespace. Find the definition of CONVERSATION-DB and update it to use the constructor of your choice, then navigate down a little further and update the route for (POST "/" [] ...) to call locking-add-message instead of mutating-add-message.

The server can be started from the command-line using the command lein ring server, or can be started from within the REPL using the command (start-server). Either of these options should open up your web brower and direct it to the application. Go ahead and add a couple messages to make sure it works for you.

With the server running there is another round of testing we can perform. Because almost all of the data in the conversation database is used to build the HTML shown to the user, we could develop a test that sends a new message to the server, the same way your web browser would, then reads the HTML response, and reconstructs the state the conversation database was in at the time the page was generated. With this reconstructed view of the conversation database, the test can verify a couple of requirements:

  1. The total number of messages equals the sum of the per-user message counts.
  2. The conversation contains the message sent by the test.

If you are interested in seeing how the conversation data is extracted from the rendered HTML, you can review and experiment with the functions parse-chat-response, extract-chat-user-counts, and extract-chat-messages.

In the meantime, you can use the post-message function to send a message to your server, and display the parsed response.

(defn post-message
  [url name message]
    (http/post url {:form-params {:name name :msg message}
                    :as :stream})))

=> (post-message
     "The Cat"
     "I'm hungry!")

{:messages ({:name "The Cat", :message "I'm hungry!"}),
 :counts {"The Cat" 1},
 :total 1}

In this example the URL http://localhost:8000/ should match the URL shown in your browser.

The only piece of information missing from the reconstructed conversation is the message limit. If we knew this, we could also confirm that the number of messages never exceeded that limit, but we will let that slide.

Building on post-message we can write a post-message-and-check function to inspect the result and ensure it meets the expectations.

(defn post-message-and-check
  [url name message]
  (let [expected-message {:name name :message message}
        conv (post-message url name message)]
    (and (is (some (partial = expected-message)
                   (:messages conv))
             "Must see my own new message")

         (is (= (:total conv)
                (reduce + (vals (:counts conv))))
             "Total must equal the sum of the user counts")

=> (post-message-and-check
     "The Cat"
     "Still hungry!")


Now that the pieces are in place, the simulate-conversation function can once again be used to simulate a conversation using HTTP calls instead of just operating directly on local data. If we look at the post-message-and-check function the arguments it expects are similar to both the mutating-add-message and locking-add-message functions. The second and third arguments are identical, the only difference is the first argument to post-message-and-check is a URL instead of a data structure. So, in place of the constructor function, we can pass (constantly "http://localhost:8000") and nil as the two constructor parameters to simulate-conversation. Another pair of arguments that would work are identity and "http://localhost:8000/".

=> (simulate-conversation
     (constantly "http://localhost:8000/") nil
     post-message-and-check 500)

At this stage, this will likely produce a long series of failure messages.

What could have gone wrong? Every time the program adds a new message, it uses locking to ensure no other user is also adding a message, and then uses the updated data to render the page. What happens when we are reading the data from the conversation? The locking function hasn't been used anywhere that reads data yet, just for the updating. So if one thread were updating the data, another thread, or even several threads, could still read from the conversation while the update is in progress, and before the data is once again consistent. This means that we not only need to lock all places where the conversation data is modified, we also need to use locking when the data is being read and rendered into HTML. This affects not only the (POST "/" [] ... ) route used to add a new message, but also the (GET "/" [] ... ) used to just display the chat messages.

In a small program, like this chat server, finding every place that the conversation data is used isn't terribly difficult, but in larger programs tracking every place that some data structure is used and ensuring that proper locking has been maintained can be a significant amount of effort. To globally ensure the consistency of the conversation data, we can use a function, idiomatically referred to as middleware, that intercepts every request made to the server. This function can enforce the lock on the conversation database, and then the application will always return consistent information.

(defn wrap-with-lock
  (fn [request]
    (locking CONVERSATION-DB
      (handler request))))

In this wrap-with-lock function we can see the use of a functional programming technique called functional composition. The handler argument to wrap-with-lock will be a function that can handle the incoming requests. The wrap-with-lock will return a new function, as indicated by the (fn [request] ... ) form that will receive the request first, acquire a lock on the CONVERSATION-DB, and then pass the request to the original handler function. Using this technique of wrapping a function in another function we can progressively build up increasingly elaborate request handling pipelines while keeping each individual step as simple as it needs to be. Another instance of functional composition is the partial function used in simulate-conversation to construct a new function with fewer arguments.

The analysis

Writing programs that can accurately and consistently manage changes to mutable data structures across multiple active threads is very difficult. Often the shortcomings in the code won't be caught through basic correctness testing, but are found in the wild, on active production systems, where the impact may range from merely obnoxious to very disruptive and damaging. Finding every instance in a large program where two procedures may share, and possibly make changes to, the same data structure often borders on impossible.

This is a small program with an easy to find hinge point through which all data in and out of a single data structure will pass. Because of this simple design, controlling access to the data through locking is relatively easy to accomplish. However there is a significant down side to this approach: only one thread, representing the actions of one user, can interact with the conversation data in any way at any time. The core of the application has become serialized, single-threaded, and the ability to serve many users at once has been substantially diminished.

Attempt #3: The Immutable Approach

What is immutable data?

Fortunately, Clojure provides a simpler alternative to the lock-and-mutate approach. Clojure's standard collections types are very different from the collections typically found in imperative languages. Most importantly, they are immutable. Immutable collections cannot be modified after they have been constructed. If a value can't be modified, it can be shared and reused without the need to worry about modifications of any sort. No matter how many times the value is shared, it will never be modified. This removes the need for techniques like defensive copying and read-locking.

It may sound strange to try to work with immutable data, but it's surprisingly easy in Clojure.

=> (let [profile {:given-name "Grace"
                  :family-name "Hopper"}]
     (assoc profile :title "Rear Admiral"))

{:given-name "Grace" :family-name "Hopper" :title "Rear Admiral"}

In the example above a Map is created with the keys :given-name and :family-name. This map value is then given the name profile. The last line (assoc profile :title "Rear Admiral") returns a new map, containing all of the keys and values in the original profile map, but with an additional entry for :title. Functions like assoc, dissoc, conj, and cons don't modify the collections they operate on, but instead always return new collections that reuse the structure of the original value when possible, but always return a new immutable collection. Also you may have noticed that since these functions always return a new value, they can be more easily written as expressions, rather than imperative statements.

(def safe-inc
  (fnil inc 0))

(defn new-immutable-conversation-db
  {:limit message-limit})

(defn immutable-add-message
  [{:keys [limit total counts messages] :as conversation} name message]
  {:limit    limit
   :total    (safe-inc total)
   :counts   (update-in counts [name] safe-inc)
   :messages (take limit
                   (cons {:name name :message message}

The three functions implement approximately the same functionality present in new-mutable-conversation-db and mutating-add-message.

First, the safe-inc function is composed with fnil and inc. This provides a variation of inc that will replace nil arguments with 0. So (safe-inc nil) returns 1 instead of throwing a NullPointerException.

Second, the new-immutable-conversation-db constructs an empty conversation database. Because all of the functions that will be used to "add" a message are null-safe, there is no need to pre-populate any fields other than the limit.

Last, is the immutable-add-message function. Just like the mutating-add-message defined earlier, this function will take three arguments: a conversation database, a name, and a new message. Unlike the mutating-add-message function, this function will leave the original conversation database unchanged and return an entirely new conversation database that reflects what the new state of the conversation is after the new information has been added.

  1. A shorthand syntax called destructuring is used to get important fields from the original conversation. This removes several redundant lines of code.
  2. An entirely new map is created using the { } map literal form. No need to explicitly call a constructor.
  3. The value of the :limit field is copied from the original conversation.
  4. The :total field is populated by incrementing the original total with safe-inc so it doesn't matter if it was initially nil.
  5. The :counts field is updated using the very clever update-in function. The update-in function "updates" a map by applying a function, safe-inc to the value of a key, name. This increments the message counter for the user who submitted the message.
  6. Finally, the :messages field is updated. The new message item is constructed with the literal {:name name :message message}. This message item is added to the front of the messages list using cons. If messages is nil, cons will return a new list. Then take is used to trim the messages list down to limit entries.

Compared to the mutating-add-message function, this function is much more succinct, and hopefully, the intended result is more evident.

How can we change it?

Immutable values that can be shared, retained, and reused are great, but this chat application really does need to add and update it's data, and preserve the changes.

To safely manage changing values, Clojure provides Atoms. One way of picturing an atom is as a box that can hold one, and only one, thing. The value held in this box can be replaced with a new value through a very specific set of steps.

  1. The value held be the atom is retrieved.
  2. A function is applied to this value, returning a new value.
  3. The new value will replace the current value if, and only if, the current value has not already been replaced by another task.
  4. If the current value of the box, doesn't match the original value, then the process is repeated from the beginning. Through these steps, the logic needed to change a value is encapsulated in a function. Intermediate values, like those that would exist in a mutating process, are never saved in the atom. The atom can be asked for it's current value at any time, and you can be confident the value returned will be consistent for that point in time.

To work with atoms we will use two functions deref and swap!. The deref function will return the current contents of an atom, and swap! will be used to change the contents of the atom with a function.

So, let's look at an example and see how this might work.

(defn new-atomic-conversation-db
  (atom (new-immutable-conversation-db limit)))

(defn atomic-add-message
  [conversation-atom name new-message]
  (swap! conversation-atom immutable-add-message name new-message))

In these new functions, both the new-immutable-conversation-db and the immutable-add-message functions have been reused. The new-atomic-conversation-db builds a new immutable conversation database, and wraps that value in an atom. The atomic-add-message function will expect to receive an atom containing one of these immutable conversations. The swap! function will pull out the current contents of the atom, and apply the immutable-add-message function to the contents, and will provide the name and new-message values as extra arguments. Here's a way of visualizing how swap! will apply a function and extra arguments to the contents of an atom.

(=  (swap! conversation-atom immutable-add-message name new-message)
    (immutable-add-message (deref conversation-atom) name new-message) )

Now to prove that atoms plus immutable values is both consistent and thread safe, let's run this atomic conversation through the conversation simulator

=> (simulate-conversation new-atomic-conversation-db 20 atomic-add-message 500)

 #<Atom@452bceb5: {:limit 20, :total 500,
                   :counts {"Bob" 125, "Doug" 125, "Alice" 125, "Cindy" 125},
                   :messages ( ... )}>

These results look good, the :total matches the number of messages we asked it to add, and the sum of the per-user :counts adds up to the total.

Is it better?

Correctness and consistency are always essential qualities for any computational tool we use, but you may be wondering what the performance characteristics are. If two threads are trying to update the same atom, one of those will compute a new value for the atom and succeed immediately, but the other thread will go through all the work of calculating a new value, determine the contents of the atom has already been change, then throw away it's work and start over. That sounds like a lot of wasted effort.

In the handler-test namespace, there is another function called parallel-add-messages this function provides another level of testing beyond the conversation simulator. This test case will run the simulator against different versions of the chat algorithm, check the final conversation state for correctness, and time how long the process took. Go ahead and uncomment (remove the leading ; character) from the following groups of functions:

         ;;  This should work

         ;;  This should work too

         ;;  This should work and should perform noticeably better

Now reload the namespace, run the test, and examine it's results.

=> (parallel-add-messages)

Simulation completed in 1076ms: new-mutable-conversation-db locking-add-message

Simulation completed in 1438ms: new-mutable-concurrent-conversation-db locking-add-message

Simulation completed in 120ms: new-atomic-conversation-db atomic-add-message

The actual times will vary from system to system, and from run-to-run, but the overall rankings should be consistent. The combination of Java's concurrent data types, and locking-add-message will be the slowest, followed by the simple mutable types implementation with locking, and the atomic implementations will be substantially faster.

It turns out that "locking" a value is not cheap, and every time a program locks a value that no other thread attempts to access, referred to as an uncontested lock, the effort of creating the lock is wasted. With the atomic approach, no locking is required to safely read a value, and the computational work of calculating a new value and throwing it away is usually less than the cost of maintaining locks. Additionally, the amount of development time needed to ensure the correct implementation of a concurrent algorithm is dramatically when using atoms.

Let's wrap up by updating the chat application to use these functions.

  (new-atomic-conversation-db 20))

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/" [] (generate-message-view @CONVERSATION-DB))
  (POST "/" {params :params}
    (let [name-param (get params "name")
          msg-param (get params "msg")
          new-messages (atomic-add-message CONVERSATION-DB
                                           name-param msg-param)]
      (generate-message-view new-messages name-param)
  (route/resources "/")
  (route/not-found "Not Found"))

(def app
  (wrap-params app-routes))

In conclusion
