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File metadata and controls

420 lines (313 loc) · 17.6 KB

Push integration (legacy)


Messages will be pushed to different endpoints depending on type:

  • Account URL: https POST endpoint where account feed will be pushed
  • Car URL: https POST endpoint where car feed will be pushed

URL's should be provided for staging/testing and production environments.

Request Headers:

  • X-Request-Id: Identifier for this request

Acceptable return http codes:

  • 200: Messages have been consumed successfully
  • not 200: Something went wrong, retry

Requests will be retried 3 times after 20 seconds delay. If no response is received on the first 3 retry attempts, each following attempt is made afterwards with an exponential back off starting at 2 minutes.

Messages will be sent in bulk of up to 10000 at a time, in case of failure the full bulk will be retried. Which means you should discard the entire request, if you return anything other than 200.

Requests should only be rejected in case you have issues parsing, validating or storing the full bulk, fx. not knowing a carId should not result in rejection as this is a configuration synchronization issue and not related to the transfer of the messages.


The ID format should be treated as an ascii string which is case insensitive and holds at most 64 characters


The feed will only output information corresponding the the requested and authorized scope, the scopes a service can request is:

  • user_name
  • user_email
  • user_phone
  • vehicle_license_plate
  • vehicle_make
  • vehicle_model
  • vehicle_ignition
  • vehicle_position
  • vehicle_odometer
  • vehicle_fuel_level
  • vehicle_fuel_consumed

User Consents

Once your application is listed as a service provider in our third party section, users will be able to connect their vehicle to your system.

Once a user initiates the connection to your application, two things will happen, first, we will initiate the sending of the account feed and car feed, as defined by the given scope. This will happen from our backend servers to your feed urls as you have provided. Secondly, the user will be prompted to continue on to your application service URL to finish the sign up. This happens via a redirect, where you will be able to ask the user for additinoal sign up info, as needed.

The redirect point to the service URL which you have provided: ${serviceUrl}?userId=${userId}&carId=${carId}

See the consent flow from the user perspective below:

Image of user consent flow

Account feed

user_signup message - New user sign up

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
userId string ID 90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d User id
firstName string utf8 Test Middlename User first names (Requires user_name scope)
lastName string utf8 Testsen User last name (Requires user_name scope)
email string utf8 [email protected] User e-mail (Requires user_email scope)
phone string E.164 +4512345678 User phone number (Requires user_phone scope)


Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
carId string ID 90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d Car id
vin string utf8 WAUZZZ3GXJA123456 Car VIN
make string utf8 Audi Car make (Requires vehicle_make scope)
model string utf8 Q2 Sport Car model (Requires vehicle_model scope)
year string utf8 2009 Car model year (Requires vehicle_model scope)
licensePlate string utf8 AB12345 Car license plate (Requires vehicle_license_plate scope)

Example payload:

        "type": "user_signup",
        "userId": "90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d",
        "firstName": "Test",
        "lastName": "Testsen",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "phone": "+4512345678",
        "cars": [
                "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
                "vin": "WAUZZZ3GXJA123456",
                "make": "Audi",
                "model": "Q2",
                "year": 2018,
                "licensePlate": "AB12345"

user_remove message - User was removed

        "type": "user_remove",
        "userId": "90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d",

car_add message - Car was added

        "type": "car_add",
        "userId": "90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d",
        "cars": [
                "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
                "vin": "WAUZZZ3GXJA123456",
                "make": "Audi",
                "model": "Q2",
                "year": 2018,
                "licensePlate": "AB12345"

car_remove message - Car was removed

        "type": "car_remove",
        "userId": "90123e1c-7512-523e-bb28-76fab9f2f73d",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",

Car feed

Standard information on all messages

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
carId string 3bbcee75-3bbcee75 Car id reference
time datetime ISO 8601 2017-05-19T18:31:03.000Z Time the data was recorded
type string ignition_on String enum describing event type

ignition_on message - Ignition on

This message type requires the vehicle_ignition scope


        "type": "ignition_on",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",

ignition_off message - Ignition off

This message type requires the vehicle_ignition scope


        "type": "ignition_off",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",

position message - Position

This message type requires the vehicle_position scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
lat decimal decimal degrees 51.12345 Latitude part of vehicle position
long decimal decimal degrees -2.12345 Longitude part of vehicle position
speed decimal/null km/h 60.0 Vehicle speed
direction decimal/null degrees 180.0 Vehicle direction
        "type": "position",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "lat": 51.12345,
        "lon": -2.12345,
        "direction": 260.0,
        "speed": 51.0

odometer message - Odometer

This message type requires the vehicle_odometer scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
odometer decimal km 45000.0 Total distance travelled by vehicle since start
        "type": "odometer",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "odometer": 123123.0

fuel_level message - Tank fuel level

This message type requires the vehicle_fuel_level scope

Nb: Fuel levels reported by each cars, note that this is only reported in whole liters for some vehicles, as such it might not be sutible for all purposes

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
fuel_level decimal whole liters 40 Fuel level as reported by the car
        "type": "fuel_level",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "fuel_level": 40

fuel_level_percent message - Tank fuel level in percent

This message type requires the vehicle_fuel_level scope

Nb: Fuel levels reported by each cars, note that this is only reported in whole percent for some vehicles, as such it might not be sutible for all purposes

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
fuel_level_percent decimal percent 67 Fuel level in percent as reported by the car
        "type": "fuel_level_percent",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "fuel_level_percent": 67

fuel_consumed message - Fuel consumed since unit installation

This message type requires the vehicle_fuel_consumed scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
fuel_consumed decimal liters 57.23 Fuel consumption since unit installation
        "type": "fuel_consumed",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "fuel_consumed": 57.23

charge_level_percent message - High voltage battery charge level in percent

This message type requires the vehicle_fuel_level scope

Nb: The charge level describes the remaining charge percent on the high voltage battery in electric and hybrid vehicles

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
charge_level_percent decimal percent 55 Charge level as reported by the car
        "type": "charge_level_percent",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "percent": 55

high_voltage_battery_temperature message - High voltage battery temperature

This message type requires the vehicle_fuel_level scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
high_voltage_battery_temperature decimal degrees, celsius 24.13 High voltage battery temperature reported by the car
        "type": "high_voltage_battery_temperature",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "celsius": 24.13

profiling - Vehicle acceleration / braking / turning

This message requires the vehicle_profiling scope

Each unit is instrumented with a gsensor that monitors the gravitational force on the car. The g-force has to be minimum 0.2 before it's getting reported by the unit.

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
g_force decimal ratio in g's 0.4 gravitational force experienced by the car
direction  string acceleration, brake, turn_left, turn_right  acceleration  the direction that caused the change in gravity

idle_time - Vehicle idle time in seconds

This message requires the vehicle_idle_time scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
idle_time decimal seconds 220 Total number of seconds a car has been idling since the last ignition_on.

dtc - Diagnostic Trouble Codes

This message requires the vehicle_dtc scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
vendor string VAG The unit provider
code string DTC code (can be propriatary in context to vendor) TLB147918 Remote diagnostic info on the vehicle
description json JSON array {"german": "..", "english": "..", "swedish": ".."} Description of DTC codes in different languages. A language may be null if we can't find any description in that particular language
enabled  boolean  true Whether the DTC code started appearing

refuel - Vehicle refuel event

This message requires the vehicle_fuel_level scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
liters_before decimal whole liters 10 Fuel level before refueling as reported by the car.
liters_after decimal whole liters 40 Fuel level after refueling as reported by the car.
liters_added decimal whole liters 30 Fuel level added as calculated from the two above values.
        "type": "refuel",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "liters_before": 10,
        "liters_after": 40,
        "liters_added": 30

can_odometer message - CAN Odometer

This message type requires the vehicle_odometer scope

Name Type Unit/Format Example Description
odometer decimal km 45000.0 Total distance travelled by vehicle since start
        "type": "can_odometer",
        "carId": "3bbcee75-cecc-5b56-8031-b6641c1ed1f1",
        "time": "2017-01-01T12:30:10Z",
        "odometer": 123123.0