[Bug]: Atom Archival Node v22.1.0 Not syncing to peers #3551
status: waiting-triage
This issue/PR has not yet been triaged by the team.
type: bug
Issues that need priority attention -- something isn't working
Is there an existing issue for this?
What happened?
Hi ,
I am running atom archival node v22.1.0 but getting following error logs:
6:27AM INF service start impl=MConn{} module=p2p msg="Starting MConnection service" peer=[email protected]:14956
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:27AM INF service start impl="Peer{MConn{} 870bf4d4f3c39b183155187d5cdef327202d0ac9 out}" module=p2p msg="Starting Peer service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:27AM INF service start impl=MConn{} module=p2p msg="Starting MConnection service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=3
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=3
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=3
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=3
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=3
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:27AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:29656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:28156 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=4
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:29656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:28156 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:28156 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=5
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:29656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Ensure peers module=pex numDialing=2 numInPeers=0 numOutPeers=8 numToDial=0
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:28156 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:29656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=6
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=8
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:2000 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp connect: connection refused" module=p2p tries=10
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:28156 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:29656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM ERR Error in validation err="wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 014D6642D091F0E4FB3F30CBEDB9D8C3649BE7E73E6EB54D2BD44330FBF756C8, got 56D225F2A3E7BCDF515EA0722CEFAE569A3361EC345B1426441EA70933D8542C" module=blocksync
6:28AM ERR Stopping peer for error err="reactor validation error: wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 014D6642D091F0E4FB3F30CBEDB9D8C3649BE7E73E6EB54D2BD44330FBF756C8, got 56D225F2A3E7BCDF515EA0722CEFAE569A3361EC345B1426441EA70933D8542C" module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 6681cee74de13aaac561442bcbc420bdb025aacc out}"
6:28AM INF service stop impl=MConn{} module=p2p msg="Stopping MConnection service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:28AM ERR Stopping peer for error err="read tcp> use of closed network connection" module=p2p peer="Peer{MConn{} 6681cee74de13aaac561442bcbc420bdb025aacc out}"
6:28AM ERR error while stopping peer error="already stopped" module=p2p
6:28AM INF service stop impl="Peer{MConn{} 6681cee74de13aaac561442bcbc420bdb025aacc out}" module=p2p msg="Stopping Peer service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:28AM INF Reconnecting to peer addr=[email protected]:26656 module=p2p
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF service start impl="Peer{MConn{} 6681cee74de13aaac561442bcbc420bdb025aacc out}" module=p2p msg="Starting Peer service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:28AM INF service start impl=MConn{} module=p2p msg="Starting MConnection service" peer=[email protected]:26656
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26090 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=10
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=10
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:14956 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:26656 err="auth failure: secret conn failed: read tcp> i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=7
6:28AM INF Error reconnecting to peer. Trying again addr=[email protected]:13456 err="dial tcp i/o timeout" module=p2p tries=9
Gaia Version
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