This runner can be used with CrawlKit in order to audit a website with the aXe accessibility engine.
npm install crawlkit-runner-axe --save
const CrawlKit = require('crawlkit');
const AxeRunner = require('crawlkit-runner-axe');
const crawler = new CrawlKit('http://your/page');
// You could add a finder here in order to audit a whole network of pages
crawler.addRunner('aXe', new AxeRunner());
.then((data) => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data.results, true, 2));
}, (err) => console.error(err));
You can pass an options object to the aXe runner like this:
crawler.addRunner('aXe', new AxeRunner(), {
runOnly: {
type: 'tag',
values: ['wcag2aa']
For a list of options and the structure of the options object, please consult the aXe API.
You can define the context the aXe runner should use like this:
crawler.addRunner('aXe', new AxeRunner(), null, '.my-context');
By default, the context is document
. Please bear in mind that only selector contexts work, as the code of the aXe runner itself runs in node.
This project is in no way affiliated with Deque Labs.