content of info['g'] #191
I am playing with a simulation with variable h_opty.
On page 58 of the documentation it says info[g] = np.array of shape (m, ) where m = number of input trajectories (on page 57) (the solution looks fine, and found fast) # %%
import sympy as sm
import sympy.physics.mechanics as me
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from opty.direct_collocation import Problem
from opty.utils import parse_free, create_objective_function
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.optimize import root
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import HTML
import matplotlib as mp
mp.rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import patches
import time
# %% [markdown]
# A uniform, solid ball with radius r and mass $m_b$ is rolling on a horizontal disc without slipping.\
# The disc starts at rest and speeds up like this: $u_3(t) = \Omega \cdot (1 - e^{-\alpha \cdot t})$, where $alpha > 0$ is a measure of the acceleration and $\Omega$ is the final rotational speed.\
# A torque is applied to the ball, and the goal is to get it to the center of the disc.
# An observer, a particle of mass $m_o$, is attached to the surface the ball.
# **Constants**
# - $m_b$: mass of the ball [kg]
# - r : radius of the ball [m]
# - $m_o$ : mass of the observer [kg]
# - $\Omega$: final rotational speed of the disc around the vertical axis [rad/sec]
# - $\alpha$: measure of the acceleration of the disc [1/sec]
# **States**
# - $q_1, q_2, q_3$: generalized coordinates of the ball w.r.t the disc [rad]
# - $u_1, u_2, u_3$: generalized angual velocities of the ball [rad/sec]
# - $x, y$: position of the contact point w.r.t. the disc. Dependent states. [m]
# - $ux, uy$: speeds of the contact point w.r.t the disc. Dependent states. [m/sec]
# **Specifieds**
# - $t_1, t_2, t_3$: Torque applied to the ball [N $\cdot$ m]
# **Additional parameters**
# - N: inertial frame
# - A1: frame fixed to the ball
# - A2: frame fixed to the disc
# - $O$: point fixed in N
# - CP: contact point of ball with disc
# - Dmc: center of the ball
# - $m_{Dmc}$: position of observer
# A video similar to this one, which I saw in something JM published gave me the idea.\
# %% [markdown]
# Initialize the variables.
# %%
start0 = time.time()
t = me.dynamicsymbols._t
q1, q2, q3 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3')
u1, u2, u3 = me.dynamicsymbols('u1 u2 u3')
x, y, ux, uy = me.dynamicsymbols('x, y, ux, uy')
t1, t2, t3 = me.dynamicsymbols('t1 t2 t3')
T = sm.symbols('T', cls=sm.Function)
Tdot, Tdotdot = sm.symbols('Tdot Tdotdot')
mb, mo, g, r = sm.symbols('mb, mo, g, r')
Omega, alpha = sm.symbols('Omega, alpha')
N, A1, A2 = sm.symbols('N, A1 A2', cls=me.ReferenceFrame)
O, CP, Dmc, m_Dmc = sm.symbols('O, CP, Dmc, m_Dmc', cls=me.Point)
O.set_vel(N, 0)
# %% [markdown]
# **Determine the holonomic constraints**
# If the ball rotates around the x axis by an angle $q_1$ the contact point will be move by -$q_1 \cdot r$ in the A2.y direction\
# If the ball rotates around the y axis by an angle $q_2$ the contact point will be move by $q_2 \cdot r$ in the A2.x direction\
# Hence the coordinate constraints are;
# - $x = r \cdot q_2$
# - $y = -r \cdot q_1$
# so the resulting speed constraints are:
# - $\frac{d}{dt} x = r \cdot \frac{d} {dt}q_2$
# - $\frac{d}{dt} y = -r \cdot \frac{d} {dt}q_1$
# %% [markdown]
# **Description of the system**
# The time t appears explicitly in the EOMs.\
# I copy the trick from JM in the example1.2.3 Parameter identification.: declare a function T(t), and then\
# pass the time as known trajectory. My OEMs also contain $\frac{d}{dt} T(t)$ and $\frac{d^2}{dx^2} T(t)$\
# As $T(t) = const \cdot t$ I set these derivatives accordingly.
# **NOTE**: opty can handle Kane's equations with the reaction forces. They must be declared as state variables.\
# At least with this simulation opty did not find a solution. Hence here I set up Kanes equations without reaction\
# forces, and I calculate the further down. This works very fast.
# %%
# set up the EOMs without virtual speeds and reaction forces
udisc = Omega * (1 - sm.exp(-alpha * T(t)))
# I do not use sm.integrate(udisc, t), as this gives
# a sm.Piecewise(..) result, but us the result of this
# integration for alpha != 0.
qdisc = (Omega * T(t) + Omega * sm.exp(-alpha * T(t)) / alpha -
Omega / alpha)
A2.orient_axis(N, qdisc, N.z)
A2.set_ang_vel(N, udisc*N.z)
A1.orient_body_fixed(A2, (q1, q2, q3), '123')
rot = A1.ang_vel_in(N)
A1.set_ang_vel(A2, u1*A1.x + u2*A1.y + u3*A1.z)
rot1 = A1.ang_vel_in(N)
CP.set_pos(O, x*A2.x + y*A2.y)
CP.set_vel(A2, ux*A2.x + uy*A2.y)
Dmc.set_pos(CP, r*N.z)
Dmc.set_vel(N, Dmc.pos_from(O).diff(t, N))
m_Dmc.set_pos(Dmc, r*A1.x)
m_Dmc.v2pt_theory(Dmc, N, A1)
iXX = 2./5. * mb * r**2
iYY = iXX
iZZ = iXX
I = me.inertia(A1, iXX, iYY, iZZ)
Ball = me.RigidBody('Ball', Dmc, A1, mb, (I, Dmc))
observer = me.Particle('observer', m_Dmc, mo)
BODY = [Ball, observer]
FL = [(Dmc, -mb*g*N.z), (m_Dmc, -mo*g*N.z),
(A1, t1*A1.x + t2*A1.y + t3*A1.z)]
kd = sm.Matrix([ux - x.diff(t), uy - y.diff(t),
*[(rot - rot1).dot(uv) for uv in N ]])
speed_constr = sm.Matrix([ux - r*u2, uy + r*u1])
hol_constr = sm.Matrix([x - r*q2, y + r*q1])
q_ind = [q1, q2, q3]
q_dep = [x, y]
u_ind = [u1, u2, u3]
u_dep = [ux, uy]
KM = me.KanesMethod(N,
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
EOM = kd.col_join(fr + frstar)
EOM = me.msubs((EOM.col_join(hol_constr)),
{sm.Derivative(T(t), t):
Tdot, sm.Derivative(T(t), (t,2)): Tdotdot},
print(f'OEM contains {sm.count_ops(EOM):,} operations, ' +
f'{sm.count_ops(sm.cse(EOM))} after cse')
# %% [markdown]
# Set up the **optimization problem** and solve it.
# %%
h_opty = sm.symbols('h_opty')
state_symbols = (*q_ind, *q_dep, *u_ind, *u_dep)
laenge = len(state_symbols)
constant_symbols = (r, mb, mo, g, Omega,
alpha, Tdot, Tdotdot)
specified_symbols = (t1, t2, t3)
unknown_symbols = []
methode = "backward euler"
num_nodes = 250
duration = (num_nodes - 1) * h_opty
disc_time = 7.5
interval_value = h_opty
interval_value_fix = disc_time/num_nodes
zeit = np.linspace(0, disc_time, num_nodes)
# Specify the known system parameters.
par_map = OrderedDict()
par_map[mb] = 5.0
par_map[mo] = 1.0
par_map[r] = 1.0
par_map[Omega] = 10.0
par_map[alpha] = 0.5
par_map[g] = 9.81
par_map[Tdot] = interval_value_fix
par_map[Tdotdot] = 0.0
# I minimize the square of the control torques,
# but I also want to minimize the duration of the motion.
# weight give the relative weight of durintion to 'energy'.
weight = 5.e5
def obj(free):
free1 = free[0: -1]
Tz1 = free1[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
Tz2 = free1[(laenge + 1) * num_nodes: (laenge + 2) * num_nodes]
Tz3 = free1[(laenge + 2) * num_nodes: (laenge + 3) * num_nodes]
return free[-1] * (np.sum(Tz1**2) + np.sum(Tz2**2) + np.sum(Tz3**2)) + free[-1] * weight
def obj_grad(free):
grad = np.zeros_like(free)
grad[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes] = 2.0 * free[-1] * free[laenge * num_nodes: (laenge + 1) * num_nodes]
grad[(laenge + 1) * num_nodes: (laenge + 2) * num_nodes] = 2.0 * free[-1] * free[(laenge + 1) * num_nodes: (laenge + 2) * num_nodes]
grad[(laenge + 2) * num_nodes: (laenge + 3) * num_nodes] = 2.0 * free[-1] * free[(laenge + 2) * num_nodes: (laenge + 3) * num_nodes]
grad[-1] = weight
return grad
t0, tf = 0.0, duration
# holonomic constrains must be fullfilled.
x_start = 7.0
q2_start = x_start / par_map[r]
y_start = 7.0
q1_start = -y_start / par_map[r]
initial_state_constraints = {
q1: q1_start,
q2: q2_start,
q3: 0.0,
u1: 0.0,
u2: 0.0,
u3: 0.0,
x: x_start,
y: y_start,
ux: 0.0,
uy: 0.0
final_state_constraints = {
x: 0.0,
y: 0.0,
ux: 0.0,
uy: 0.0,
instance_constraints = (
) + tuple(
xi.subs({t: t0}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in initial_state_constraints.items()
) + tuple(
xi.subs({t: tf}) - xi_val for xi, xi_val in final_state_constraints.items()
grenze = 10.0
bounds = {t1: (-grenze, grenze), t2: (-grenze, grenze),
t3: (-grenze, grenze), h_opty: (0.0001, 1.0)}
# Create an optimization problem.
prob = Problem(
known_trajectory_map = {T(t): zeit},
# Use an initial guess, meeting the holonomic constraints.
i1b = np.zeros(num_nodes)
i2 = np.linspace(initial_state_constraints[x],
final_state_constraints[x], num_nodes)
i1a = i2 / par_map[r]
i3 = np.linspace(initial_state_constraints[y],
final_state_constraints[y], num_nodes)
i1 = -i3 / par_map[r]
i4 = np.zeros(8*num_nodes)
initial_guess = np.hstack((i1,i1a, i1b, i2, i3, i4, 0.01))
# set max number of iterations. Default is 3000.
prob.add_option('max_iter', 2000)
# Find the optimal solution.
for _ in range(1):
solution, info = prob.solve(initial_guess)
print('message from optimizer:', info['status_msg'])
print('Iterations needed',len(prob.obj_value))
initial_guess = solution
#print final state violations
laenge = len(final_state_constraints)
zaehler = -laenge - 1
zaehler += 1
fehler = info['g']
for j in final_state_constraints.keys():
print(f'violation of final constraint {str(j)} is {fehler[zaehler]:.3e} ???')
print('length of info[g]', len(info['g']))
# plot the trajectories
state_vals, input_vals, _ = parse_free(solution, len(state_symbols),
len(specified_symbols), num_nodes)
laenge = len(state_symbols) + len(specified_symbols)
ergebnis = np.hstack((state_vals.T, input_vals.T))
times = np.linspace(t0, num_nodes*solution[-1], num_nodes)
bezeichnung = ([str(s) for s in state_symbols] +
[str(s) for s in specified_symbols])
fig, ax = plt.subplots(laenge, 1, figsize=(7.25, 3*laenge), sharex= True)
for i in range(laenge):
ax[i].plot(times[:], ergebnis[:, i], lw=0.5)
msg1 = bezeichnung[i]
ax[0].set_title('trajectories of state variables')
ax[-3].set_title('trajectories of specified symbols')
ax[-1].set_xlabel('time [sec]')
# %% [markdown]
# with this simulation opty is slow finding the reaction forces.\
# So, I from Kane's EOMs again, but this time with auxiliary speeds and the reaction forces.
# %%
t = me.dynamicsymbols._t
q1, q2, q3 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1 q2 q3')
u1, u2, u3 = me.dynamicsymbols('u1 u2 u3')
t1, t2, t3 = me.dynamicsymbols('t1 t2 t3')
T = sm.symbols('T', cls=sm.Function)
Tdot, Tdotdot = sm.symbols('Tdot Tdotdot')
x, y = me.dynamicsymbols('x y')
ux, uy = me.dynamicsymbols('ux uy')
aux = me.dynamicsymbols('auxx, auxy, auxz')
F_r = me.dynamicsymbols('Fx, Fy, Fz')
mb, mo, g, r = sm.symbols('mb, mo, g, r')
Omega, alpha = sm.symbols('Omega, alpha')
rhs = list(sm.symbols('rhs:5'))
N, A1, A2 = sm.symbols('N, A1 A2', cls=me.ReferenceFrame)
O, CP, Dmc, m_Dmc = sm.symbols('O, CP, Dmc, m_Dmc', cls=me.Point)
O.set_vel(N, 0)
udisc = Omega * (1 - sm.exp(-alpha * t))
udisc = Omega * (1 - sm.exp(-alpha * T(t)))
# I do not use sm.integrate(udisc, t), as this gives
# a sm.Piecewise(..) result, but us the result of this
# integration for alpha != 0.
qdisc = Omega * T(t) + Omega * sm.exp(-alpha * T(t)) / alpha - Omega / alpha
A2.orient_axis(N, qdisc, N.z)
A2.set_ang_vel(N, udisc*N.z)
A1.orient_body_fixed(A2, (q1, q2, q3), '123')
rot = A1.ang_vel_in(N)
A1.set_ang_vel(A2, u1*A1.x + u2*A1.y + u3*A1.z)
rot1 = A1.ang_vel_in(N)
CP.set_pos(O, x*A2.x + y*A2.y)
CP.set_vel(A2, ux*A2.x + uy*A2.y)
Dmc.set_pos(CP, r*N.z)
Dmc.set_vel(N, Dmc.pos_from(O).diff(t, N) + aux[0] *N.x + aux[1]*N.y + aux[2]*N.z)
m_Dmc.set_pos(Dmc, r*A1.x)
m_Dmc.v2pt_theory(Dmc, N, A1)
iXX = 2./5. * mb * r**2
iYY = iXX
iZZ = iXX
I = me.inertia(A1, iXX, iYY, iZZ)
Ball = me.RigidBody('Ball', Dmc, A1, mb, (I, Dmc))
observer = me.Particle('observer', m_Dmc, mo)
BODY = [Ball, observer]
FL = [(Dmc, -mb*g*N.z + F_r[0]*N.x + F_r[1]*N.y + F_r[2]*N.z),
(m_Dmc, -mo*g*N.z), (A1, t1*A1.x + t2*A1.y + t3*A1.z)]
kd = sm.Matrix([ux - x.diff(t), uy - y.diff(t),
*[(rot - rot1).dot(uv) for uv in N ]])
speed_constr = sm.Matrix([ux - r*u2, uy + r*u1])
hol_constr = sm.Matrix([x - r*q2, y + r*q1])
q_ind = [q1, q2, q3]
q_dep = [x, y]
u_ind = [u1, u2, u3]
u_dep = [ux, uy]
KM = me.KanesMethod(N,
(fr, frstar) = KM.kanes_equations(BODY, FL)
MM = KM.mass_matrix_full
force = me.msubs(KM.forcing_full, {sm.Derivative(T(t), t):
Tdot, sm.Derivative(T(t), (t,2)): 0},
{i: 0 for i in F_r},
eingepraegt = me.msubs(KM.auxiliary_eqs,
{sm.Derivative(T(t), t):
Tdot, sm.Derivative(T(t), (t,2)): 0},
{i.diff(t): rhs[j] for j, i in enumerate(u_ind + u_dep )},
print(f'eingepraegt contains {sm.count_ops(eingepraegt):,} operations, ' +
f'{sm.count_ops(sm.cse(eingepraegt))} after cse')
# %% [markdown]
# Calculate and plot the **reaction forces** on the center of the ball.
# The reaction forces need $\dfrac{d^2}{dt^2}\text{(generalized coordinates)}$\
# It is faster to calculate $\dfrac{d}{dt} = MM^{-1} \cdot force$ numerically, compared to doing it symbolically.\
# (which sympy.physics,mehanics provides for: rhs = KM.rhs() ).\
# Of course, the solution created by opty is used.
# %%
qL = q_ind + q_dep + u_ind + u_dep + [T(t)] + [t1, t2, t3]
rhs = list(sm.symbols('rhs:5'))
pL = [i for i in par_map.keys()]
pL_vals = [par_map[i] for i in pL]
MM_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, MM, cse=True)
force_lam = sm.lambdify(qL + pL, force, cse=True)
eingepraegt_lam = sm.lambdify(F_r + qL + pL + rhs, eingepraegt, cse=True)
state_vals, input_vals, _ = parse_free(solution, len(state_symbols),
len(specified_symbols), num_nodes)
resultat2 = state_vals.T
schritte2 = resultat2.shape[0]
# times must be scaled, as opty used the time num_nodes * h_opty
# when integrating the EOMs
times2 = zeit * solution[-1] * (num_nodes - 1) / disc_time
RHS1 = np.empty((schritte2, resultat2.shape[1]))
for i in range(schritte2):
zeit1 = times2[i]
t11, t21, t31 = input_vals.T[i, :]
RHS1[i, :] = np.linalg.solve(MM_lam(*[resultat2[i, j]for j in
range(resultat2.shape[1])], zeit1, t11, t21, t31, *pL_vals),
force_lam(*[resultat2[i, j] for j in range(resultat2.shape[1])],
zeit1, t11, t21, t31, *pL_vals)).reshape(10)
#calculate implied forces numerically
def func (x, *args):
# just serves to 'modify' the arguments for fsolve.
return eingepraegt_lam(*x, *args).reshape(3)
for _ in range(2):
kraftx = np.empty(schritte2)
krafty = np.empty(schritte2)
kraftz = np.empty(schritte2)
x0 = tuple((1., 1., 1.)) # initial guess
for i in range(schritte2):
for _ in range(2):
y0 = [resultat2[i, j] for j in range(resultat2.shape[1])]
rhs = [RHS1[i, j] for j in range(5, 10)]
t11, t21, t31 = input_vals.T[i, :]
zeit1 = times2[i]
args = tuple(y0 + [zeit1, t11, t21, t31] + pL_vals + rhs)
# print('args', args)
AAA = root(func, x0, args=args)
x0 = AAA.x # improved guess. Should speed up convergence of fsolve
kraftx[i] = AAA.x[0]
krafty[i] = AAA.x[1]
kraftz[i] = AAA.x[2]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
for i, j in zip((kraftx, krafty, kraftz), ('reaction force on Dmc in X direction',
'reaction force on Dmc in Y direction', 'reaction force on Dmc in Z direction')):
# time has to be scaled properly.
plt.plot(times2, i, label=j)
ax.set_title('Reaction Forces on center of the ball')
ax.set_xlabel('time [sec]')
ax.set_ylabel('force [N]')
# %% [markdown]
# **Animate** the system
# %%
import time
fps = 40
def add_point_to_data(line, x, y):
# to trace the path of the point. Copied from Timo.
old_x, old_y = line.get_data()
line.set_data(np.append(old_x, x), np.append(old_y, y))
state_vals, input_vals, _ = parse_free(solution, len(state_symbols),
len(specified_symbols), num_nodes)
t_arr = np.linspace(t0, num_nodes*solution[-1], num_nodes)
state_sol = CubicSpline(t_arr, state_vals.T)
input_sol = CubicSpline(t_arr, input_vals.T)
# set the radius of the disc, so the ball will
# stay on it.
x_max = np.max(np.max([np.abs(state_vals[3, i])for i in range(num_nodes)]))
y_max = np.max(np.max([np.abs(state_vals[4, i])for i in range(num_nodes)]))
r_disc = np.sqrt(x_max**2 + y_max**2) * 1.2
t1h, t2h, t3h = sm.symbols('t1h t2h t3h')
Pl, Pr, Pu, Pd, T_total, T_Z = sm.symbols('Pl Pr Pu Pd, T_total, T_Z', cls=me.Point)
Pl.set_pos(O, -r_disc*A2.x)
Pr.set_pos(O, r_disc*A2.x)
Pu.set_pos(O, r_disc*A2.y)
Pd.set_pos(O, -r_disc*A2.y)
T_total.set_pos(Dmc, t1h*A1.x + t2h*A1.y + t3h*A1.z)
# show the perpendicula portion of the torque vector
# in the X/Y plane. A bit arbitraryly, I show it
# perpendicular to t_Total.
hilfs = sm.Max(t1h**2 + t2h**2 + t3h**2, 1.e-15)
x_coord = (t1h*A1.x + t2h*A1.y + t3h*A1.z).dot(A2.x)
y_coord = (t1h*A1.x + t2h*A1.y + t3h*A1.z).dot(A2.y)
T_Z.set_pos(Dmc, t3h/sm.sqrt(hilfs) * (y_coord*A2.x - x_coord*A2.y))
coordinates = Dmc.pos_from(O).to_matrix(N)
for point in (m_Dmc, Pl, Pr, Pu, Pd, T_total, T_Z):
coordinates = coordinates.row_join(point.pos_from(O).to_matrix(N))
pL, pL_vals = zip(*par_map.items())
coords_lam = sm.lambdify(list(state_symbols) + [t1h, t2h, t3h] + list(pL) + [T(t)],
coordinates, cse=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 7))
ax.set_xlim(-r_disc-1, r_disc+1)
ax.set_ylim(-r_disc-1, r_disc+1)
ax.set_xlabel('x', fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('y', fontsize=15)
# draw the disc
phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 500)
x_phi = r_disc * np.cos(phi)
y_phi = r_disc * np.sin(phi)
ax.plot(x_phi, y_phi, color='black', lw=2)
# draw the spokes
line1, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, marker='o', markersize=0, color='black')
line2, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, marker='o', markersize=0, color='black')
line3, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, marker='o', markersize=0, color='black')
line4, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, marker='o', markersize=0, color='black')
line5, = ax.plot([],[], color='magenta', lw=0.5)
# draw the torque vektor
pfeil1 = ax.quiver([], [], [], [], color='green', scale=30, width=0.004)
pfeil2 = ax.quiver([], [], [], [], color='blue', scale=30, width=0.004)
# draw the ball
ball = patches.Circle((initial_state_constraints[x], initial_state_constraints[y]),
radius=par_map[r], fill=True, color='magenta', alpha=0.75)
# draw the observer
observer, = ax.plot([], [], marker='o', markersize=5, color='blue')
# Function to update the plot for each animation frame
def update(t):
message = (f'running time {t:.2f} sec \n The green arrow is the projection ' +
f'of the torque vector on the X/Y plane \n' +
f'The blue arrow is the component of the torque perpendicular to the disc \n' +
f'The blue dot is the observer')
ax.set_title(message, fontsize=12)
coords = coords_lam(*state_sol(t), *input_sol(t), *pL_vals, t)
line1.set_data([0, coords[0, 2]], [0, coords[1, 2]])
line2.set_data([0, coords[0, 3]], [0, coords[1, 3]])
line3.set_data([0, coords[0, 4]], [0, coords[1, 4]])
line4.set_data([0, coords[0, 5]], [0, coords[1, 5]])
add_point_to_data(line5, coords[0, 0], coords[1, 0])
observer.set_data([coords[0, 1]], [coords[1, 1]])
ball.set_center((coords[0, 0], coords[1, 0]))
pfeil1.set_offsets([coords[0, 0], coords[1, 0]])
pfeil1.set_UVC(coords[0, -2] - coords[0, 0] , coords[1, -2] - coords[1, 0])
pfeil2.set_offsets([coords[0, 0], coords[1, 0]])
pfeil2.set_UVC(coords[0, -1] - coords[0, 0] , coords[1, -1] - coords[1, 0])
return line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, ball, observer, pfeil1, pfeil2
# Create the animation
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=np.arange(t0, num_nodes*solution[-1], 1 / fps),
interval=1.5*fps, blit=False)
plt.close(fig) # Prevents the final image from being displayed directly below the animation
# Show the plot
# A frame from the animation.
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 7
print(f'total running time is {time.time() - start0}') Small observation on the side: num_nodes = 200 opty running time 50 sec 2000 iterations (hit my itertation limit) Seems num_nodes is a parameter worth playing around with. |
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This has been taken care of in the docstrings of solve(..), so I can close it. |
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Clear, thanks!
I cannot close it from my iPad, will close it as soon as I get access to my PC again.