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Demonstration with docker compose and Vagrant


This demonstration gets you a three-node Kubernetes cluster installed by CKE.

Be warned that etcd and vault deployed by this example is not durable nor secure. Use this only for testing and development.


CKE host

  • git
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • VirtualBox
  • Vagrant

Setup CKE

Follow the steps to setup CKE with docker compose.

$ git clone
$ cd ./cke/example/
$ mkdir bin
$ mkdir etcd-data
$ docker compose up -d

bin is the directory where the cli tools are installed. etcd-data is the directory where the data of etcd is stored.

You will be able to see that the following containers are running.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                  NAMES
844ea90ab7b5    "/"         12 seconds ago      Up 10 seconds                                              cke
9617f2dc36c5   "/"         14 seconds ago      Up 12 seconds>8200-8201/tcp       vault
7140fa308dc3    "/"         16 seconds ago      Up 14 seconds>2379-2380/tcp       etcd

Setup node VMs

In this demonstration, Kubernetes Cluster is deployed on 3 Virtual Machines.

Follow the steps to setup the VMs with Vagrant.

$ vagrant up

After a few minutes you will be able to log in to the VM via ssh.

$ vagrant ssh worker-1

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster

Registering SSH private-key

Register SSH private-key to log in to the VMs.

$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config vault ssh-privkey ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key

Declare Kubernetes Cluster Configuration

Declares the number of control planes and workers of Kubernetes cluster and configuration.

$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config constraints set minimum-workers 2
$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config constraints set control-plane-count 1
$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config cluster set ./cke-cluster.yml

Checking the logs

Once the cluster configuration is set, CKE will soon install Kubernetes.

You can see the operation history with the following command.

$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config history -f

You can also see the logs of CKE.

$ docker logs cke -f

CKE will finish installation of Kubernetes components in a few minutes.

Operating Kubernetes cluster

setup kubectl

See Install and Set Up kubectl

Issuing configuration file of kubectl

You can get a configuration file of kubectl to access Kubernetes cluster with the following command.

$ ./bin/ckecli --config=./cke.config kubernetes issue > .kubeconfig
$ KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.kubeconfig

Setup CNI plugin

CKE itself does not install any network plugins. To implement the Kubernetes networking model, you have to install a plugin.

You can use Cilium as one of the CNI plugins.

See Cilium Documentation for details.

After a few minutes, Kubernetes cluster will become ready.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME            STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION   Ready    <none>   7h29m   v1.15.3   Ready    <none>   7h29m   v1.15.3   Ready    <none>   7h29m   v1.15.3