single button for bind and persist (or make it an alternative to archive that doesn't close)
each group should have active tab selected
order windows by last used (or at least selected window should be first)
bookmarks should be in same order as in bookmarks menu
make links in group clickable. window click takes you to tab. bookmarks are normal links
don't discard active tab
make it clearer which tabs are discarded from memory
user feedback when saving group
move categories into archived section
favicon background
style icon (not visible on dark themes)
revise css and better colors
dark mode support
custom CSS scrollbars
- bug: sometimes favicons don't update properly until extension is reloaded
- bindings should be saved to localstorage ASAP instead of on close
- bindings do not persist between browser reloads as windows change ids
- chrome groups support: one level of bm folder nesting maps to group. optional groups permission
- move ownership of groups to background script so updates can happen in the bg. still needed?
- changing bookmark root redraws whole page. Should avoid flickering
- auto sync (needs more details)
- icon for which tabs have changed compared to bookmark. removed items show greyed out
- firefox port when manifest 3 is ready https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Build_a_cross_browser_extension
- custom window names do not persist on reload
- ability to change root bookmark folder
- chrome.tabGroups ts types not working
- drag & drop functionality
- save tab history locally
- button to open group folder in bookmarks
- select and delete multiple tabs
- hover over item to see address
- toggle mode that shows address under tab titles
- search bar
- move current window into existing bookmark group?
- add context menu on right click. tried https://stackoverflow.com/a/26760703/3510803 but didn't work
- button for group emoticon?
- abstract bookmarks as persist method, provide other storage types. Alternative can be localstorage
- masonry grid for groups. or wait for grid implementation. https://css-tricks.com/piecing-together-approaches-for-a-css-masonry-layout/
- removing existing bookmarks and re-adding might increase ids. is this a problem? could be solved by diffing current window vs archived one
- https://every-layout.dev/rudiments/modular-scale/
- https://hihayk.github.io/shaper
- https://open-props.style/
- https://shoelace.style/
- https://headlessui.com/
- https://tailwindui.com/
- bootstrap
- daisyui https://daisyui.com/docs/colors/
- https://www.fluid-type-scale.com/calculate
- https://contrast-grid.eightshapes.com/
- https://www.radix-ui.com/
- vuetify
- bind: ok
- unbind: ok
- persist: ok
- archive: ok
- restore: ok
- delete: ok
- rename: ok