Druid Operator is a Kubernetes controller that manages the lifecycle of Apache Druid clusters. The operator simplifies the management of Druid clusters with its custom logic that is configurable via custom API (Kubernetes CRD).
- Getting Started
- API Specifications
- Supported Features
- Example Specs
- Developer Documentation
- Migration To Kubebuilder V3 in the Upcoming Version
German company iunera has published their druid cluster spec in github which is used in the context of a software project by the German Ministry for Digital and Transport. The spec have the following features:
- Kubernetes-native Druid
- K8S jobs instead of Middlemanager with separated pod-templates
- Service Discovery by Kubernetes aka. no zookeeper
- HPA for historical nodes / extended Metrics Exporter
- Multiple Authenticator/Authorizer (Basic Auth and Azure AD Authentication with pac4j)
- Examples for authorization and authentication
- Based on druid-operator and flux-cd
- Secrets managed by SOPS and ingested as Environment Variables
- Postgres as Metadata Store (incl. Helmchart Config)
- All endpoints TLS encrypted incl. Howto
Link to the complete config file: https://github.com/iunera/druid-cluster-config