Move to central-publishing-maven-sonatype plugin
Move to central-publishing-maven-sonatype plugin
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.4
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.4
Update distributionManagement to use new OSSRH portal
Update distributionManagement to use new OSSRH portal
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.3
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 7.0.3
[STREAM-555] Fix for Release plugin issue with the newly introduced s…
[STREAM-555] Fix for Release plugin issue with the newly introduced s…
Pull request merge
Would not be deploying this internal artifact to maven central
Would not be deploying this internal artifact to maven central
Release Plugin fix for pulsar-client-jms
Release Plugin fix for pulsar-client-jms
[STREAM-574] Introduced Guava Cache for handling Request/Reply Pattern (
[STREAM-574] Introduced Guava Cache for handling Request/Reply Pattern (
Pull request merge
logged the closing exception at a debug level
logged the closing exception at a debug level
Fixed Serialization as producers is not a final field
Fixed Serialization as producers is not a final field
Bumped Guava package version to 32.1.2-jre same as pulsar-client
Bumped Guava package version to 32.1.2-jre same as pulsar-client
Added test class for the Producers Guava Cache
Added test class for the Producers Guava Cache
organized import
organized import
Reverted Key type to String on the producers hashmap
Reverted Key type to String on the producers hashmap
Added test for checking in factory.
Added test for checking in factory.
updated to default specifier for the newly introduced PulsarMessageTe…
updated to default specifier for the newly introduced PulsarMessageTe…
session createsProducers and switches between temporary or normal
session createsProducers and switches between temporary or normal
Added flag for using Temporary Producers
Added flag for using Temporary Producers
Added Temporary Producers and closing logic for them.
Added Temporary Producers and closing logic for them.
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating by adding the depend…
Fix ClassNotFoundException because of relocating by adding the depend…