Java Chinese Calendar is a Java library of Chinese (lunar) calendar. It can convert date between Gregorian calendar(also called Western calendar) and Chinese calendar. Also, it can compute the weight of Ba Zi(八字).
A large part of the code about Java Chinese Calendar is written in Chinese.
農曆 class is in the org.magiclen.農曆 package.
You can't create a 農曆 instance by using new operator directly. You have to use the 建立 static method provided by 農曆 class to create a 農曆 instance.
You can pass the year, month and the days of the month in Gregorian calendar as parameters to 建立 method.
For example, we want to create a 農曆 object instance with the date 2015-12-16 in Gregorian calendar. The code will be,
農曆.建立(2015, 12, 12);
For example, we want to create a 農曆 object instance with the date 2015-12-16 in Chinese calendar and we know that date is not in a leap month. The code will be,
農曆 date = 農曆.建立(2015, 12, false, 12);
Use 取得西曆 method to get the date in Gregorian calendar.
String gregorianDate = date.取得西曆();
Use 取得農曆 method to get the date in Chinese calendar.
String chineseDate = date.取得農曆();
Use 計算八字有幾兩重 method to compute the weight of Ba Zi. Because 農曆 object has no hour information, if you want to compute the weight of Ba Zi, you have to provide the hour information in the form of the twelve Earthly Branches.
float BaZiWeight = date.計算八字有幾兩重(農曆.地支.子);
You can also use the two commands below to run Java Chinese Calendar:
java -jar JavaChineseCalendar.jar
It will show today's date in Gregorian calendar and Chinese calendar. The result just likes
農曆:2015(乙未、羊年) 冬月 初六
You can input a date in Gregorian calendar. This program can convert it to the date in Chinese calendar.
java -jar JavaChineseCalendar.jar YYYY MM DD
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