From 67637ddb0522576fe2910fc52fa3e2b1183258ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ddelange <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 18:01:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] :sparkles: Add rich, maccy, kubetop
.bash_profile | 11 +- | 37 +-
com.googlecode.iterm2.plist | 11333 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
iStat Menus Settings.ismp | 44 +-
4 files changed, 5896 insertions(+), 5529 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.bash_profile b/.bash_profile
index 0f90690..5ac28ee 100644
--- a/.bash_profile
+++ b/.bash_profile
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ eval "$(zoxide init bash)" || true
# pyenv direnv
+export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
+export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
+eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ alias sm='smerge'
alias xdg-open='open'
alias pyenvls='pyenv virtualenvs | grep --invert-match "/envs/"'
alias i="
-python -c 'import autotime, ipdb' || pip install ipython-autotime ipdb
+python -c 'import autotime, ipdb, pandas, rich' || pip install ipython-autotime ipdb pandas rich
ipython -i -c '
# just make sure to use escaped double quotes
@@ -82,6 +85,9 @@ import os, logging, numpy as np, pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
here = Path(\".\").resolve()
+from rich import pretty
# set to WARNING by default
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -126,6 +132,7 @@ PS1="⨊ 𝕯𝓭𝓵:\[\033[36m\]\w\[\033[m\]$ " # ⚛ ⨊ 𝓓𝔇𝒟ℓℒ
# functions
+alias kubetop="watch -n4 ~/git/"
kubelogs() {
# View logs as they come in (like in Rancher) using mktemp and less -r +F.
@@ -170,7 +177,7 @@ kubebash() {
echo "Pod \"${pod}\" not found in namespace \"${namespace}\""
- kubectl exec -ti --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} ${podname} bash
+ kubectl exec -ti --kubeconfig ${KUBECONFIG:-"$HOME/.kube/config"} --namespace ${namespace} ${podname} -- bash
kubebranch() {
diff --git a/ b/
index 4faa597..665e066 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
- Under `Shortcuts`, tick `Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls` on the bottom
- Under `Input Sources`, set keyboard layout to U.S. (remove U.S. International)
- Under `Touch Bar shows`, choose `Expanded Control Strip`
-- `System Preferences/Keyboard/`
- `System Preferences/Security & Privacy/`
- Under `FileVault`, turn on FileVault
- `System Preferences/Accessibility/`
@@ -144,14 +143,14 @@ brew doctor
# and some essentials
# - ruby, gcc-8 are linked in `.bash_profile`
-# - node@12 (LTS at time of writing) installs npm
+# - node@14 (LTS at time of writing) installs npm
brew install \
git git-lfs gitmoji bash-completion rsync curl openssl readline automake xz zlib \
osxfuse sshfs htop ncdu direnv pwgen \
- gcc@8 rust ruby node@12 sqlite3
+ gcc@8 rust ruby node@14 sqlite3
# check out caveats from command above!
# npm installs yarn
-PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@12/bin:$PATH" npm install -g yarn
+PATH="/usr/local/opt/node@14/bin:$PATH" npm install -g yarn
@@ -181,8 +180,6 @@ alias ll="ls --long --sort=age --git --time=modified --time-style=iso"
# Docker CE - - Open manually to install helper and to enable CLI
brew install --cask docker
brew install docker-compose
-# PostgresApp -
-brew install --cask postgres
# Sublime Text -
brew install --cask sublime-text
# Sublime Merge -
@@ -200,7 +197,7 @@ brew install --cask flux
# VLC -
brew install --cask vlc
# Slack -
-brew install --cask slack
+# brew install --cask slack
# -
brew install --cask zoom
# Whatsapp -
@@ -209,6 +206,10 @@ brew install --cask zoom
# brew install --cask dropbox
# Authy - - Set Master Password in preferences after init
brew install --cask authy
+# Jitsi Meet -
+brew install --cask jitsi-meet
+# Maccy -
+brew install --cask maccy
@@ -234,8 +235,6 @@ mas install 411643860
mas install 937984704
# Telegram - - set password and enter behaviour after init
mas install 747648890
-# Copyclip -
-mas install 595191960
@@ -288,18 +287,13 @@ Note: first open Chrome for the first time
git clone git:// "$(pyenv root)"/plugins/pyenv-implict
# list all available python versions
pyenv install -l | grep '^\s*[0-9]'
- pyenv install-latest 2.7
- pyenv install-latest 3.7
- pyenv install-latest 3.8
- pyenv global $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.7) $(pyenv install-latest --print 2.7) # set default versions: prefer py3 over py2
- source ~/.bash_profile # make them visible
- pip2.7 install wheel Cython
- pip3.7 install wheel Cython
- pip3.8 install wheel Cython
+ pyenv install-latest 2
+ pyenv install-latest 3
+ pyenv versions # see currently installed versions
+ pyenv global $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.8) $(pyenv install-latest --print 2) # set default versions: prefer py3 over py2
# install virtualenv 'vv' based latest pyenv Python version 3.7, inheriting installed packages
- pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.7) --system-site-packages vv
- pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 2.7) --system-site-packages vv27
- pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.8) --system-site-packages vv38
+ pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 3.8) --system-site-packages vv
+ pyenv virtualenv $(pyenv install-latest --print 2) --system-site-packages vv27
- Manage envs
@@ -357,6 +351,7 @@ git config --global core.untrackedCache true #
git config --global merge.log true # Include summaries of merged commits in newly created merge commit messages
git config --global push.default "simple" #
git config --global push.followTags true #
+git config --global init.defaultBranch master
@@ -412,7 +407,7 @@ git config --global alias.amend "commit --amend --no-edit -a"
# "commit all amend with message" - add all modified tracked files to the last commit with a new commit message
git config --global alias.camend "commit --amend -am"
# "squash last" X commits - allowing to edit a pre-generated commit message before committing - known caveat: when trying to squash into an initial commit, the reset fails
-git config --global alias.squashlast '"!f(){ git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit --edit -m\"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})\"; };f"'
+git config --global alias.squashlast '!f(){ git reset --soft HEAD~${1} && git commit --edit -m\"$(git log --format=%B --reverse HEAD..HEAD@{1})\"; };f'
# "undo" whatever you did last, for instance an erroneous squashlast - ref
git config --global alias.undo '! f() { git reset --hard $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)@{${1-1}}; }; f'
diff --git a/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist b/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
index 49a15f5..c430b2c 100644
--- a/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
+++ b/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
Default Arrangement Name
- 2x4
+ 4x2
Default Bookmark Guid
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Maximize Active Pane
+ bash
Cursor Color
Blue Component
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ Maximize Active Pane
Custom Command
- No
+ Custom Shell
Custom Directory
Default Bookmark
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ Maximize Active Pane
Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
Normal Font
- InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 9
Option Key Sends
Prompt Before Closing 2
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ Maximize Active Pane
Window Arrangements
- 2x4
+ 4x2
Desired Columns
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ Maximize Active Pane
Has Toolbelt
- 877
+ 377
Hide After Opening
Hiding Toolbelt Should Resize Window
@@ -890,6 +890,8 @@ Maximize Active Pane
+ Scroller Width
+ 15
Selected Tab Index
@@ -897,5535 +899,5876 @@ Maximize Active Pane
+ Splitter ID
+ 3FD89BEB-CCB6-4236-B84B-438F9C4D8B25
+ Splitter ID
+ 9BB900FD-DB1F-465A-9548-72AA55FCF549
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
+ Splitter ID
+ 357C8ECF-9652-4468-8E41-5EDF1BF0A6B5
+ Subviews
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
+ Is Active
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 3CB930EA-8A5A-4E70-9CF6-5EA471BF11E8
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 176
+ width
+ 125
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH"
- colorls
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 8999CAB9-136E-470E-BBF4-FAC56AD4C4C7
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 176
+ width
+ 126
+ x
+ 126
+ y
+ 0.0
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- 8BE8ADFF-50CB-47F6-9C21-688031EFDC1E
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
View Type
- SessionView
+ Splitter
- 426.5
+ 176
- 359.5
+ 252
+ isVertical
- Is Active
- 1
- Session
- Bookmark
+ Splitter ID
+ F83AB691-E3AF-4FD4-AA45-23D0DE6A2A75
+ Subviews
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 3D3446D6-14A8-4702-8070-E03CBFC51B74
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 177
+ width
+ 125.5
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 8612A30A-1234-4B34-A065-09330B7F085E
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 177
+ width
+ 125.5
+ x
+ 126.5
+ y
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
+ View Type
+ Splitter
+ frame
+ height
+ 177
+ width
+ 252
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
+ 177
+ isVertical
+ View Type
+ Splitter
+ frame
+ height
+ 354
+ width
+ 252
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
+ 0.0
+ isVertical
+ Splitter ID
+ FE33C055-99E0-4180-96CE-A801A1745315
+ Subviews
+ Splitter ID
+ 0D41070A-C083-43E6-AF21-1FFF8075DB33
+ Subviews
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 1731D2E0-0593-4742-AFA0-031093E324D5
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 176
+ width
+ 125
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 37A326A4-F057-4A06-88DE-9043E0C5162F
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 176
+ width
+ 126
+ x
+ 126
+ y
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
+ View Type
+ Splitter
+ frame
+ height
+ 176
+ width
+ 252
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
+ 0.0
+ isVertical
+ Splitter ID
+ 62802B06-D8AE-4C90-8C79-E42FE6A8F08B
+ Subviews
+ Is Active
+ 0
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ 2D68D4E0-2E34-446C-8F68-6206259EE63E
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 177
+ width
+ 125.5
+ x
+ 0.0
+ y
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
+ Is Active
+ 1
+ Session
+ Bookmark
+ ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Ambiguous Double Width
+ Ansi 0 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Red Component
+ 0.30978869999999997
+ Ansi 1 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.4235294
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 10 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.67277030000000004
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.80941479999999999
+ Ansi 11 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.7996491
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 12 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.9982605
+ Green Component
+ 0.86277559999999998
+ Red Component
+ 0.71165029999999996
+ Ansi 13 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99652090000000004
+ Green Component
+ 0.61330589999999996
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 14 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99703969999999997
+ Green Component
+ 0.87631029999999999
+ Red Component
+ 0.87591359999999996
+ Ansi 15 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 2 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 0.65882350000000001
+ Ansi 3 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 4 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.79607839999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.58823530000000002
+ Ansi 5 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99215690000000001
+ Green Component
+ 0.4509804
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Ansi 6 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.99607840000000003
+ Green Component
+ 0.77254900000000004
+ Red Component
+ 0.77647060000000001
+ Ansi 7 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.93353169999999996
+ Ansi 8 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Green Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Red Component
+ 0.4862745
+ Ansi 9 Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.69019609999999998
+ Green Component
+ 0.71372550000000001
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ BM Growl
+ Background Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Green Component
+ 0.0
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Background Image Location
+ Badge Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.5
+ Blue Component
+ 0.0
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.1491314172744751
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Badge Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete-Bold
+ Badge Max Height
+ 0.040000000000000001
+ Badge Max Width
+ 0.5
+ Badge Right Margin
+ 10
+ Badge Text
+ (\(jobPid)) \(rows)x\(columns)
+ Badge Top Margin
+ 10
+ Blinking Cursor
+ Blur
+ Bold Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Character Encoding
+ 4
+ Close Sessions On End
+ Columns
+ 80
+ Command
+ bash
+ Cursor Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.37647059999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.64705880000000005
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Cursor Guide Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 0.25
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.9268307089805603
+ Red Component
+ 0.70213186740875244
+ Cursor Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 1
+ Green Component
+ 1
+ Red Component
+ 1
+ Custom Command
+ Custom Shell
+ Custom Directory
+ No
+ Default Bookmark
+ No
+ Description
+ Default
+ Disable Window Resizing
+ Draw Powerline Glyphs
+ Flashing Bell
+ Foreground Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Green Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Red Component
+ 0.73333334922790527
+ Guid
+ 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
+ Horizontal Spacing
+ 0.84999999999999998
+ Idle Code
+ 0
+ Jobs to Ignore
+ rlogin
+ ssh
+ slogin
+ telnet
+ Keyboard Map
+ 0x2d-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x32-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x00
+ 0x33-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b
+ 0x34-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1c
+ 0x35-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1d
+ 0x36-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1e
+ 0x37-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1f
+ 0x38-0x40000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x7f
+ 0xf700-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2A
+ 0xf700-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5A
+ 0xf700-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6A
+ 0xf700-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
+ 0xf701-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2B
+ 0xf701-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5B
+ 0xf701-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6B
+ 0xf701-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
+ 0xf702-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2D
+ 0xf702-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5D
+ 0xf702-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6D
+ 0xf702-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
+ 0xf703-0x220000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2C
+ 0xf703-0x240000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5C
+ 0xf703-0x260000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;6C
+ 0xf703-0x280000
+ Action
+ 11
+ Text
+ 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
+ 0xf704-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2P
+ 0xf705-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2Q
+ 0xf706-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2R
+ 0xf707-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2S
+ 0xf708-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [15;2~
+ 0xf709-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [17;2~
+ 0xf70a-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [18;2~
+ 0xf70b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [19;2~
+ 0xf70c-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [20;2~
+ 0xf70d-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [21;2~
+ 0xf70e-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [23;2~
+ 0xf70f-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [24;2~
+ 0xf729-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2H
+ 0xf729-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5H
+ 0xf72b-0x20000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;2F
+ 0xf72b-0x40000
+ Action
+ 10
+ Text
+ [1;5F
+ Link Color
+ Alpha Component
+ 1
+ Blue Component
+ 0.73423302173614502
+ Color Space
+ sRGB
+ Green Component
+ 0.35916060209274292
+ Red Component
+ 0.0
+ Mouse Reporting
+ Name
+ Default
+ Non Ascii Font
+ Monaco 12
+ Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
+ Normal Font
+ InconsolataLGCNerdFontComplete- 11
+ Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Prompt Before Closing 2
+ Right Option Key Sends
+ 0
+ Rows
+ 25
+ Screen
+ -1
+ Scrollback Lines
+ 0
+ Selected Text Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Green Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Red Component
+ 0.94760049999999996
+ Selection Color
+ Blue Component
+ 0.51530609999999999
+ Green Component
+ 0.22248570000000001
+ Red Component
+ 0.20990739999999999
+ Send Code When Idle
+ Shortcut
+ Silence Bell
+ Sync Title
+ Tags
+ Terminal Type
+ xterm-256color
+ Title Components
+ 3
+ Transparency
+ 0.0
+ Unlimited Scrollback
+ Use Bold Font
+ Use Bright Bold
+ Use Italic Font
+ Use Non-ASCII Font
+ Vertical Spacing
+ 1
+ Visual Bell
+ Window Type
+ 0
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/
+ Columns
+ 16
+ Commands
+ Directories
+ Environment
+ /Users/david
+ Hostname to Shell
+ Hosts
+ Is UTF-8
+ Key Labels
+ Name Controller State
+ icon title stack
+ window title stack
+ Program
+ Custom Shell
+ bash
+ Type
+ Custom Shell
+ Rows
+ 10
+ Session GUID
+ A9EF4B40-1780-4679-A506-BFFFD87BDDFE
+ Short Lived Single Use
+ Should Expect Current Dir Updates
+ Should Expect Prompt Marks
+ Substitutions
+ $$$$
+ $$
+ Working Directory
+ /Users/david
+ Working Directory Poller Disabled
+ View Type
+ SessionView
+ frame
+ height
+ 177
+ width
+ 125.5
+ x
+ 126.5
+ y
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- B28A800B-A96C-4C00-AE83-612E001AA574
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359.5
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 427.5
- View Type
- Splitter
- frame
- height
- 854
- width
- 359.5
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 0.0
- isVertical
- Subviews
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- 5EB2C252-BF07-487A-AE31-320DCDD83F21
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 0.0
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- BDC599FF-EC93-402E-955C-88E4C1F1CDCB
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 427.5
- View Type
- Splitter
- frame
- height
- 854
- width
- 359
- x
- 360.5
- y
- 0.0
- isVertical
- Subviews
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- 25B131C5-3EDF-4553-A30F-0D9DFAE112A5
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 0.0
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- 92FD6C7E-0578-4B70-80A3-3F974A05BF66
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 427.5
- View Type
- Splitter
- frame
- height
- 854
- width
- 359
- x
- 720.5
- y
- 0.0
- isVertical
- Subviews
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- B512A1CA-A976-4C7D-BA02-EC91E423AAC1
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
- View Type
- SessionView
- frame
- height
- 426.5
- width
- 359.5
- x
- 0.0
- y
- 0.0
- Is Active
- 0
- Session
- Bookmark
- ASCII Anti Aliased
- Ambiguous Double Width
- Ansi 0 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 1 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 10 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 11 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 12 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 13 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 14 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 15 Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Ansi 2 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 3 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 4 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 5 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 6 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Ansi 7 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Ansi 8 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Ansi 9 Color
- Blue Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Green Component
- 0.3333333432674408
- Red Component
- 1
- BM Growl
- Background Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Background Image Location
- Blinking Cursor
- Blur
- Bold Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Character Encoding
- 4
- Close Sessions On End
- Columns
- 80
- Command
- Cursor Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Cursor Text Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 1
- Red Component
- 1
- Custom Command
- No
- Custom Directory
- No
- Default Bookmark
- No
- Description
- Default
- Disable Window Resizing
- Draw Powerline Glyphs
- Flashing Bell
- Foreground Color
- Blue Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Green Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Red Component
- 0.73333334922790527
- Guid
- 17439720-BF64-4E89-AE33-8770E3F62131
- Horizontal Spacing
- 1
- Idle Code
- 0
- Jobs to Ignore
- rlogin
- ssh
- slogin
- telnet
- Keyboard Map
- 0x2d-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x32-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x00
- 0x33-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b
- 0x34-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1c
- 0x35-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1d
- 0x36-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1e
- 0x37-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1f
- 0x38-0x40000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x7f
- 0xf700-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2A
- 0xf700-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5A
- 0xf700-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6A
- 0xf700-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x41
- 0xf701-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2B
- 0xf701-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5B
- 0xf701-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6B
- 0xf701-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x42
- 0xf702-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2D
- 0xf702-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5D
- 0xf702-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6D
- 0xf702-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x44
- 0xf703-0x220000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2C
- 0xf703-0x240000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5C
- 0xf703-0x260000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;6C
- 0xf703-0x280000
- Action
- 11
- Text
- 0x1b 0x1b 0x5b 0x43
- 0xf704-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2P
- 0xf705-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2Q
- 0xf706-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2R
- 0xf707-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2S
- 0xf708-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [15;2~
- 0xf709-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [17;2~
- 0xf70a-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [18;2~
- 0xf70b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [19;2~
- 0xf70c-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [20;2~
- 0xf70d-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [21;2~
- 0xf70e-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [23;2~
- 0xf70f-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [24;2~
- 0xf729-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2H
- 0xf729-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5H
- 0xf72b-0x20000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;2F
- 0xf72b-0x40000
- Action
- 10
- Text
- [1;5F
- Mouse Reporting
- Name
- Default
- Non Ascii Font
- Monaco 12
- Non-ASCII Anti Aliased
- Normal Font
- CodeNewRomanNerdFontComplete- 12
- Option Key Sends
- 0
- Prompt Before Closing 2
- Right Option Key Sends
- 0
- Rows
- 25
- Screen
- -1
- Scrollback Lines
- 0
- Selected Text Color
- Blue Component
- 0.0
- Green Component
- 0.0
- Red Component
- 0.0
- Selection Color
- Blue Component
- 1
- Green Component
- 0.8353000283241272
- Red Component
- 0.70980000495910645
- Send Code When Idle
- Shortcut
- Silence Bell
- Sync Title
- Tags
- Terminal Type
- xterm-256color
- Transparency
- 0.0
- Unlimited Scrollback
- Use Bold Font
- Use Bright Bold
- Use Italic Font
- Use Non-ASCII Font
- Vertical Spacing
- 1
- Visual Bell
- Window Type
- 0
- Working Directory
- /Users/david
- Columns
- 47
- Commands
- Directories
- /Users/
- /Users/
- /Users/
- Environment
- /Users/
- Hostname to Shell
- bash
- Hosts
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Host name
- davids-MacBook-Pro.local
- User name
- Is UTF-8
- Name Controller State
- icon title stack
- window title stack
- Program
- Command
- login -fp ""
- Type
- Command
- Rows
- 33
- Session GUID
- 09CD6C0A-1C2C-4305-9400-F342D32356A3
- Short Lived Single Use
- Should Expect Current Dir Updates
- Should Expect Prompt Marks
- Substitutions
- Working Directory
- /Users/
- Working Directory Poller Disabled
View Type
- SessionView
+ Splitter
- 426.5
+ 177
- 359.5
+ 252
- 427.5
+ 177
+ isVertical
View Type
@@ -6433,11 +6776,11 @@ Maximize Active Pane
- 854
+ 354
- 359.5
+ 252
- 1080.5
+ 253
@@ -6450,9 +6793,9 @@ Maximize Active Pane
- 854
+ 354
- 1440
+ 505
@@ -6461,10 +6804,12 @@ Maximize Active Pane
+ Tab GUID
+ BFADBBB8-9833-4960-B127-3F4B1335F6D3
- pty-07FE2DB1-11E2-4D9B-A654-C9A7716B12DD
+ pty-CD5E21EC-D954-4B99-92BC-02E25A8BCF6A
@@ -6493,13 +6838,13 @@ Maximize Active Pane
Use Transparency
- 1440
+ 505
Window Type
X Origin
Y Origin
- 0.0
+ 500
diff --git a/iStat Menus Settings.ismp b/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
index ad29b23..0aacfce 100644
--- a/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
+++ b/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
- 1157
+ 1185
@@ -47,6 +47,21 @@
+ Battery_MenubarModeNotCharging
+ key
+ 3
+ uuid
+ 598A3F79-46ED-49C6-9A8F-76EFB56F06D3
+ key
+ 7
+ uuid
+ 567A3CFA-A25B-4180-AEA6-2226EC00FA39
@@ -66,6 +81,10 @@
+ Disks_DropdownActivityDisplayMode
+ 1
+ Disks_DropdownOrderDisabled
@@ -88,7 +107,7 @@
- MacBookPro16,2
+ MacBookPro10,1
@@ -98,7 +117,7 @@
- MacBookPro16,2
+ MacBookPro10,1
@@ -130,6 +149,8 @@
+ Migrated_6.52
@@ -146,13 +167,13 @@
- 433959A1-4630-49B3-838C-357A133678AC
+ 58BABB0F-B45F-42B8-A98A-F77172FE83AD
- 9F3571D4-A808-4F3C-8E53-8635BDBEBBEB
+ 8509E2F7-8D0D-44A3-9E8B-9C5A8B91AF28
@@ -204,7 +225,7 @@
- 3F04CCE5-DBCE-47E6-A8B5-479025158D23
+ C0559556-198A-4796-8CEB-665B90A4F0B9
@@ -243,15 +264,14 @@
- 1610120405.9910491
+ 1649317915.9197631
-1 25544U 98067A 21008.41078817 .00001907 00000-0 42360-4 0 9993
-2 25544 51.6453 53.0183 0000571 194.6399 179.4598 15.49269883263830
+1 25544U 98067A 22097.02427676 .00011708 00000+0 21342-3 0 9995
+2 25544 51.6453 329.0557 0004559 356.4183 147.1455 15.49913292334147
- 6.51
+ 6.61