- [FRONT][FIX]Fix breadcrumbs (#648)
- [FRONT][FIX]In Document View: show Institute field of the document (#629)
- [BACK][FIX] Cabal optim
- [BACK][FIX]duckling fork (#319)
- [BACK][FIX]haskell-opaleye fork (#317)
- [BACK][FIX][Node type/API GQL] Extend a little the node GQL query to have an extra "node_type" (or similar) so that we can extend the Purescript Node type with the value form the backend (#336)
- [BACK][DOC]Welcome: Door To enter the project (#177)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Documents] In the settings popin, remove the upload button (and also delete button) (#634)
- [FRONT][FIX] NoList Serialization
- [FRONT][FIX][Fonts & CSS] Internalise external calls (initiated by alternative themes) (#626)
- [BACK][FIX] Dev Prelude Refactoring
- [BACK][FIX]Test, file missing (#338)
- [BACK][FIX]boolexpr has been fixed upstream (#315)
- [BACK][FIX][Node Corpus] Creating a corpus from an empty Notes node make a big document with HTML code instead of simple text (#333)
- [BACK][FIX]Export Data as zip for all exports (#312)
- [BACK][FIX]Sort by terms is not language-aware (#331)
- [BACK][FIX][API search] When an external service is down (HAL or other), display a message with a more explicit text (#335)
key close current popup window (#640) - [FRONT][FIX]Inconsistency in naming nodes (#641)
- [FRONT][FIX]Remove All language
- [BACK][DEPS]wikiparsec fork (#320)
- [BACK][TEST]Output of
& co non-deterministic? (#329)
- [FRONT][FIX][Forest] Tree node focus: find a way to focus on the current node in the forest layout layout (#556)
- [FRONT][DOC] Source code url
- [BACK][FIX]Error at graph O2 generation (#321)
- [BACK][FIX][API search HAL] On the HAL api, launching the exact same request several times can give different results (#327)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node phylo] Phylomemy displays terms with broken accented words (#632)
- [BACK][FIX] Adding .mailmap file
- [FRONT][FIX][Tree search] Enrich search results with the path of the node (#638)
- [BACK][RELATED]Singulars and plurals not grouped anymore (#169)
- [FRONT][RELATED]Machting Documents are not displayed anymore in graph (#636)
- [BACK][FIX][Terms] Importing JSON or CSV seems to add new terms to the old ones, rather than overwriting and replacing them all (#313)
- [BACK][FIX]Coherent Stemming interface (#324)
- [FRONT][RELATED][Node phylo] Phylomemy displays terms with broken accented words (#632)
- [BACK][WIP]Singulars and plurals not grouped anymore (#169)
- [BACK][FEAT]Coherent Stemming interface (#324)
- [BACK][FIX] Order 1 aligned with first implementation with tests
- [BACK][FEAT][Node Phylo] Change the default value of findAncestors to False (#314)
- [BACK][OPTIM]Export Data as zip for all exports (#312)
- [BACK][METRICS] SQL queries to follow the community (export to CSV)
- [BACK][OPTIM] Option to enable GHC buld with O2 option
- [BACK][FIX]Node stories insertion error (SqlError violates foreign key constraint) (#303)
- [BACK][DOC]Welcome: Door To enter the project (#177)
- [BACK][OPTIM]Improve Phylo robustness and performance (#292)
- [BACK][CI]Improving CI
- [FRONT][ERGO]Display Phylomemy parameters (#580)
- [FRONT][FIX]Try to invite someone without email (#600)
- [FRONT][FIX]getLangs (#628)
- [FRONT][FIX]The first change in the map term is never taken into account (#622)
- [BACK][FIX]Different Logins (#302)
- [GUIDELINES][About MR] a way to better coordinate
- [FRONT][ERRORFORMAT]Try to invite someone without email (#600)
- [FRONT][ERRORFORMAT]Try to invite someone without email (#600)
- [BACK][CABAL]Stack2cabal install (#301)
- [BACK][GHC][Upgrade] Upgrade to 947
- [BACK][FIX][API HAL] Remove useless first 2 characters before authors and sources: ", " (#296)
- [BACK][FIX]Add server options to obfuscate credentials from logs (#298)
- [BACK][FIX][Corpus HAL] (Backend) Remove/comment the HAL "All" lang choice (#299)
- [FRONT][FIX][Corpus HAL] Remove/comment the HAL "All" lang choice (#624)
- [BACK][LOGS]Add server options to obfuscate credentials from logs (#298)
- [FRONT][FIX]Try to invite someone without email (#600)
- [FRONT][FIX]The first change in the map term is never taken into account (#622)
- [BACK][FIX][Istex import] Changes in the parser: documents sources are wrong (JSON from ZIP file) (#293)
- [FRONT][FIX]trim / deblank missing in invitations modal box (#618)
- [FRONT][FIX][Breadcrumb] Remove unnecessary informations (#616)
- [BACK][LOGS]A consistent error format for Gargantext (#267)
- [BACK][ADM] Build Deps / test / cabal
- [BACK][FIX] Deps and build
- [BACK][FIX] Deps and build
- [FRONT][FIX][Docs View] Highlight sometimes broken (#598)
- [BACK][CLEAN]Clean up XML code (#280)
- [BACK][CLEAN]TextFlow without list (CSV upload) (#287)
- [BACK][FEAT]DB obfuscation (#282)
- [BACK][FRONT][FEAT] EPO API integration
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Documents] Frontend enhancement - highlight terms side-by-side with other terms (#615)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Terms] On clicking on a term association (+/-) the scroll position is lost (#546)
- [FRONT][FIX][NGram Table] Display of all terms return blank page (#208)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Documents] Frontend enhancement - highlight terms side-by-side with other terms (#615)
- [BACK][FIX]A consistent error format for Gargantext (#267)
- [BACK][FIX]Phylo Default (#284)
- [BACK][REFACT]A consistent error format for Gargantext (#267)
- [FRONT][FIX][Docs View] Highlight sometimes broken (#598)
- [FRONT][ERGO][Top header & navbar] Reorganize to navbar (#569)
- [BACK][TESTS]Adding new ngrams (#281)
- [BACK][SECURITY]Post policy-manager fixups (#273)
- [BACK][SECURITY]Investigate
(#279) - [BACK][FIX]
function is wrong (#275) - [FRONT][FIX][Breadcrumb] Limit the elements that the user is allowed to see and add links (#609)
- [FRONT][FIX]Improve global theme (#509)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node options (flower)] Standardise upload and download buttons (order) (#587)
should store theNodeId
(#276) - [BACK][REFACT]Extend
with the whole ofProtolude
(#274) - [FRONT][FIX][Node Terms] On clicking on a term association (+/-) the scroll position is lost (#546)
- [BACK][CODE] Type Classes improvement
- [BACK][FIX] Disabling policy check
- [BACK][FIX]Docs Node: Score (#272)
- [BACK][FIX]Post policy-manager fixups (#273)
- [FRONT][FEAT][Corpus Upload] Add a new ISTEX (from a zip file) option in the selectbox source field (first field below the "Browse files" button) (#603)
- [FRONT][FIX][Tree] Change the "Hide Tree" button by a more intuitive toggle button (display the btn in the lateral bar) (#530)
- [FRONT][FIX][User page] Fix the error message when the page loads (#604)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node content] Breadcrumb: display the full path of a node, as a breadcrumb (with each clickable parent) (#568)
- [BACK][FIX][Node content] Breadcrumb: display the full path of a node, as a breadcrumb (with each clickable parent) (#263)
- [BACK][FIX]Post policy-manager fixups (#273)
- [BACK][FIX]Security considerations (#259)
- [FRONT][FIX][Docs View] Highlight sometimes broken (#598)
- [BACK][FIX] return in SQL query (instead of pure)
- [FRONT][FIX]Slider 'level of observation' in phylomemies (#601)
- [FRONT][FIX][Corpus from pads] Put "EN" as default value in the import form language field (#602)
- [FRONT][FIX]Ngrams Table: click on terms status (#594)
- [BACK][CLEAN] make hlint happier : return -> pure
- [FRONT][WIP] removing ALL, putting EN lang by default
- [FIX][DOC] Link to documentation
- [BACK][FEAT]Improving search in Documents (#261)
- [FRONT][FIX]Ngrams Table: click on terms status (#594)
- [BACK][TESTS] Make a start on benchmarking, add more tests
- [FRONT][FEAT] Restoring APIs for tests
- [BACK][API/DATA] OpenAlex connection
- [BACK][DOC]README: Add note about libraries devlopment (#260)
- [BACK][FIX][ArXiv][TextFlow] Ngrams Table empty (#258)
- [BACK][FIX][Corpus HAL API] Abstract in both languages FR+EN instead of only 1 language (#244)
- [FRONT][ERGO]API key pubmed (#593)
- [FRONT][FACTO]Tree on the right (#511)
- [FRONT][FIX]Single document upload doesn't work when abstract is empty (#592)
- [FRONT][RENDER][Node Phylo] Form render improvements (#581)
- [BACK][FIX][Corpus HAL API] Abstract in both languages FR+EN instead of only 1 language (#244)
- [FRONT][FIX] Commenting APIs that are not fully operational yet
- [BACK][FEAT]DB queries testing coverage (#226)
- [BACK][FEAT]Docs Occurence are first at 0, and must be recalculate to have a reliable value (#254)
- [FRONT][FIX] Node Corpus settings: removing download button
- [BOTH][BACK] Dev Guidelines
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Doc] Annotation: select/add ngram to map terms doesn't seems to sync in frontend render (#563)
- [FRONT][FIX]Wrong date record in "add document" (#561)
- [BACK][FIX]Remove package.yaml from the project (#252)
- [BACK][FIX]Adding Chineze to GarganText (#250)
- [BACK][FIX]Job tests fail randomly (#198)
- [BACK][FEAT]Adding Chineze to GarganText (#250)
- [BACK][FIX] Cabal CI Fix
- [BACK][DOC][Readme] Test/Reinstall project with cabal and update the readme file (#239)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Doc] Annotation: select/add ngram to map terms doesn't seems to sync in frontend render (#563)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Docs] On the refresh dialog set "Both" as default and on documents page remove 2 unused icons (#578)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Phylo] Form render improvements (#581)
- [FRONT][FIX][Home connection] On first user connection, automatically select the current server instance on clicking the Login button (#579)
- [BACK][FIX] Phylo
- [BACK][FIX] Nix configuration
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Docs] Popin dimensions and scroll improvement (#577)
- [FRONT][FIX][Phylo refresh] In phylo params, add a class active on buttons (#576)
- [FRONT][FIX]Add the number of matched results in graph selection (#560)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Docs] On the refresh dialog set "Both" as default and on documents page remove 2 unused icons (#578)
- [FRONT][FIX]Search in the Tree (#506)
- [FRONT][FIX]Ngrams Table: click on Child (#565)
- [FRONT][FIX]Node Corpus / API search (#571)
- [BACK][FIX] Phylo (WIP)
- [FRONT][FIX]Node Corpus / API search (#571)
- [BACK][FIX] PhyloTypes
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Doc] Annotation: select/add ngram to map terms doesn't seems to sync in frontend render (#563)
- [FRONT][FIX][Graph] Rearrange the graph toolbar (#567)
- [BACK|FRONT][WARNING] Button to launch API corpus is broken for now
- [BACK][FEAT] Phylo is working again
- [FRONT][ERGO][Graph] Rearrange the graph toolbar (#567)
- [BACK|FRONT][FIX] Order 2
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Terms] Restore a good display the main table cols display (since adding the "show" column) (#566)
- [BACK][FIX]ngrams children in
node stories
are not in thengrams
table (#222) - [BACK][FIX]NodeUser json parse error (#213)
- [BACK][FEAT][Gitlab Issue Parser, ZuriHac]
- [FRONT][FIX]Doc Annotation: the selected term menu selection has disappeared (#562)
- [FRONT][FIX]Abstract almost disapear in graph's doc view when there is too much authors (#555)
- [FRONT][FIX]Ngrams Context (#547)
- [BACK][FIX]Boolean Query Parser (#182)
- [BACK][FEAT] Gitlab Issue Parser, Welcome Christian
- [BACK][FIX]Ngrams Status change (#217)
- [FRONT][FEAT]Ngrams Context (#547)
- [BACK|FRONT][DOC] Renaming NodeFrame(Write|Calc) -> Notes|Calc
- [FRONT][FIX] Default Node List name
- [FRONT][DESIGN]Design, improve the position of the icons (#554)
- [FRONT][DESIGN]Not Found</title>
- [FRONT|BACKEND][FIX]Doc View, ngrams selected: children of grouped terms are not shown (#551)
- [BACK][FIX] Removing cron job
- [FRONT][FIX]Doc View, ngrams selected: children of grouped terms are not shown (#551)
- Removing cron jobs
- [BACK/FRONT][FIX] Reverting Notes / NodeWrite and Calc / NodeCalc change
- [FRONT][DOC]Change waiting message when selecting nodes (#557)
- [BACK][OPTIM/FIX][Node terms] Random slowness on loading a page list of terms (#199)
- [BACK|FRONT][DOC] NodeFrameWrite -> Notes
- [FRONT][DOC] Node Functions order
- [FRONT][DOC] NodeFrameCalc -> Calc only
- [FRONT][FEAT]Search in the Tree (#506)
- [BACK][FIX]NodeUser json parse error (#213)
- [BACK][FET][Book functions (WIP)] Used to analyze Rabelais' masterpices
- [BACK][FIX]Ngrams Status change (#217)
- [BACK][ADM/CI]Docker image with nix (#188)
- [FRONT][FEAT/ERGO][Home instances blocks] Add a log out action and picto in each instance block header (same action that is in the log in/log out modal) (#552)
- [FRONT][FIX/REVERT][Term table] Add term should not be suggested when term is already added (#544)
- [BACK][FEAT]fonction to post to either Write or Calc (#205)
- [FRONT][FIX][Term table] Add term should not be suggested when term is already added (#544)
- Enabling Isidore API connection for tests
- [BACK][OPTIM][Node terms] Random slowness on loading a page list of terms (#199) Refresh index for textflow, reindex of terms list and schedule job
- [BACK][FIX]Docker image with nix (#188)
- [FRONT][FEAT]improvement Doc table : default state is stars empty, become one star after reading (#541)
- [BACK][FEAT]Import Corpus Docs as Json (#203)
- [BACK][OPTIM][Node terms] Random slowness on loading a page list of terms (#199)
- Upgrade indications: run gargantext-upgrade gargantext.ini
- [FRONT][FIX/WIP][Term table] Add term should not be suggested when term is already added (#544)
- [FRONT][FIX] File Type vs Node Type
- [FRONT][FIX]APi tab not shown (#540)
- [BACK][FIX] SearX analysis needs its NodeTexts
- [BACK][FIX][Node terms] Random slowness on loading a page list of terms (#199)
- [FRONT][CLEAN] Removing API that do not fully work (yet)
- [FRONT][FIX] Chat Link
- [FRONT][FIX]Doc annotation: space selected as ngrams issue (#458)
- [BACK][ADM]API key / user (pubmed) (#201)
- [FRONT][FIX]Doc annotation: space selected as ngrams issue (#458)
- [BACK][FEAT]API key / user (pubmed) (#201)
[FRONT][CSS]Improve global theme (#509)
[FRONT][FIX]Update chart (#536)
- [FRONT/BACK][FEAT] Not visible yet but Iramuteq parser added (needs more data to consolidate the format).
- [FRONT][DESIGN]Improve global theme (#509)
- [FRONT][FIX][Node Terms] The number of terms per page (eg. 10 by default) seems to be ramdomly wrong (#531)
- [BACK][FEAT] New Languages added with Spacy model, test ok (need to group ngrams though)
- [BACK][FIX]Job tests fail randomly (#198)
- [FRONT][FIX]Improve global theme (#509) Pin icon
- [FRONT][FEAT]Pin Tree to a specific Node (#513)
- [BACK][FIX]Job tests fail randomly (#198)
- [BACK][TYPES]query pubmed, arxiv, istex, HAL not working anymore (#193)
- [BACK][FIX]Progress Bar (#192)
- [FRONT][ADM] Do not use
as a revision foreasy-ps.nix
- [BACK][DOC]Welcome: Door To enter the project (#177)
- [BACK][FEAT] Adding more redundancies of Text in FrameWrite parsing (Notes)
- [BACK][FIX] Clean code for documentation haddock
- [BACK][FIX]Doc Table: count (#175)
- [BACK][FIX]Error WOS import
- [BACK][FIX]List upload does not work any more (#191)
- [BACK][FIX][NLP parsing] Removing urls which are untokenable for Spacy
- [BACK][FIX]query pubmed, arxiv, istex, HAL not working anymore (#193)
- [FRONT][DOC][Graph Toolbar] Add tooltips/legends on buttons (#529)
- [FRONT][FIX]Improve global theme (#509)
- [FRONT][FIX]Improve global theme (#509)
- [BACK][REFACT]JOBs' API (#185)
- [FRONT][FIX]Improve global theme (#509)
- [BACK][FIX]query pubmed, arxiv, istex, HAL not working anymore (#193)
- [BACK][FIX] Username could be an email
- [BACK][REFACT]JOBs' API (#185)
- [FRONT][CSS]Improve global theme (#509)
- [BACK][FEAT]Adding New Language NLP tools through gargantext.ini (postagging case) (#184)
- [FRONT][CSS]Improve global theme (#509)
- [BACK][FIX]FrameCalc POST method not allowed any more (#190) (cherry-pick to testing)
- [BACK][OPTIM] Quality tested and optimized Order 2 (with recursive clustering)
- [BACK][OPTIM] Back to Distri Similarity (2)
- [BACK][FEAT/ADM]Adding New Language NLP tools through gargantext.ini (postagging case) (#184)
- UPGRADE: update your gargantext ini file with the [nlp] section check the gargantext.ini_toModify file as example
- [BACK][SPACY] NLP server tested with FR lang
- [BACK][FRONT][FEAT] Phylo 1 click
- [BACK][UPGRADE] Igraph bindings
- [BACK][NIX]Adapt nix configuration of haskell-igraph (#187)
- [FRONT][CLEAN] Node Graph, one option only
- [FRONT][CSS]Improve global theme (#509)
- [FRONT][CSS]FA send button not available (#517)
- [FRONT][FIX] Node Settings : Main nodes (Private, Shared, Public) can not be deleted or created.
- [FRONT][FIX][hackathon] GraphExplorer fixes (#489)
- [FRONT][FEAT]Label Shape in Graph Explorer (#501)
- [FRONT][FIX] Spatialization of Graph improved
- [BACK][FEAT] Phylo in 1 click really merged (backend only for now).
- [FRONT][FEAT]Label Shape in Graph Explorer (#501)
- [BACK][DOC]Welcome: Door To enter the project (#177)
- [FRONT][DESIGN]Improve global theme (#509)
- [BACK][CLEAN] Removing debug info
- [BACK/FRONT][475]Issues · gargantext / purescript-gargantext · GitLab</title>
- [BACK][WIP]Doc Table: count (#175)
- [BACK][FEAT] Clustering with better granularity and structure at different levels
- [FRONT][FIX]Limite on text lenght is too small (#500)
- [BACK][FEAT] Clustering with better granularity and structure
- [FRONT][ERGO]When the progress bar is empty: say: waiting task (#503)
- [FRONT][DOC]Door to entry: Welcome! (#269)
- [FRONT][DOC] Show Text Size Limit
- [BACK][FIX] Order 2 regression fixed and clustering with more granularity
- [BACK][CLEAN] Switch to Hackage version of hstatistics
- [BACK][CLEAN] Drop unused servant-static-th
- [BACK]Add optional Accelerate dependency on Darwin for pkgs.nix
- [BACK][Crawlers] pubmed clean unused deps removed
- [BACK][CLEAN]Explore cutting down forks/extra-deps of libraries (#180)
- [BACK][DOC]Welcome: Door To enter the project (#177)
- [FRONT][DOC]Door to entry: Welcome! (#269)
- [BACK][REFACT]Doc Table: count (#175)
- [FRONT][FIX]Regression : on graph (#496)
- [BACK][FIX] Username and email to lowerCase always. Use migration script please to avoid errors.
- [BACK][FIX]Ngrams Change insert causes Database error (#173)
- [FRONTED][CLEAN] Removing Isidore DB for now
- [BACK][FIX] WOS Parser
- [FRONT][FIX][hackathon] GraphExplorer fixes (#489)
- [BACK][FIX]Corpus Analysis from Nodes FrameWrites (#164)
- [BACK][FIX] NodeWrite simple parsing
- [BACK][FIX] List Learning is back
- [BACK][FIX]Document rating in Doc Table is broken (#174)
- [FRONT][FIX]Document supression do not work (#495)
- [FRONT][FIX][terms] resolve flickering issue on children
- [FRONT][FIX] [layout] Close CTA button on graph/phylo sidebar
- [BACK][FIX] Advanced Bridgeness fix
- [FRONT][FEAT] Ratings in Document each
- [FRONT][FIX] Ngrams Table, removing useless columns
- [BACK][FIX] Duplicates
- [FRONT][FIX] Node Selection Indicator
- [FRONT][FIX] Just a little warning specifying a bug on
- [FRONT][FEAT] Graph Explorer fixes (labels, Sigma JS parameters)
- [FRONT][layout] Close CTA button on graph/phylo sidebar
- [BACK][NodeWrite] Corpus easier to make with NodeWrite Frames
- [BACK][FIX]New Corpus, Ngrams Table Repo (#163)
- [BACK][FIX]Export List as CSV (#155)
- [FRONT][FIX]Editor codtype change (#145)
- [BACK][FIX]Conduit insert with batch of documents in db (#161)
- [BACK][FIX] API: Upload file with options
- [BACK][FIX]Conduit insert with batch of documents in db (#161)
- [BACK][FIX]Not Found</title>
- [BACK][FIX] Incorrect count in HAL
- [FRONT][FEAT] Node Move Settings (Just a type and it changes everything)
- [BACK][FIX]fix to current db to update versions (#159)
- [ALL][FEAT] Text Flow with NoList built as option
- [FRONT][FIX]Adding 3th ngrams in document view breaks ngrams Table (#476)
- [FRONT][FIX]Graph Explorer Nodes (#471)
- [FRONT][FIX][docs] Backend improvements (#443)
- [FRONT][FIX]Graph Explorer Blank Page (#465)
- [BACK][FIX] Date parser for HAL and WOS
- [BACK][FIX]Group breaks List with Backend (#156)
- [BACK][FIX] Spacy Bug if String is empty
- [FRONT][FEAT]Adding unary document: Language option (#445)
- [BACK][FIX] FIX Ngrams List building
- [BACK][FIX]Pubmed parser (#151)
- [BACK][CI]jobqueue test: tweak delay for more stable CI results?
- [FRONT][FIX]User email change doesn't work (#469)
- [FRONT][FIX]Graph Explorer Blank Page (#465)
- [FRONT][FIX]NgramsTable: user orderBy parameter (#468)
- [BACK][FIX] Indexing issue: taking all terms instead of longest of terms in case of ngrams included in others
- [FRONT][FIX]Disconnection of instance causes a blank page (#464)
- [BACK][FIX] ArXiv search in Abstracts by default
- [BACK][FIX]Ngrams Table, page sort / limit (#149)
- [FRONT][FIX]Security Issue with Teams (#452)
- [FRONT][FIX]Darkster Mode: when creating a node we miss informations (#461)
- [BACK][FEAT] Fix reindexing functions
- [INFO][UPGRADE] To upgrade use the script
- [FRONT][SECU]Security Issue with Teams (#452)
- [FRONT][FEAT]Graph Explorer: disable controls when ForceAtlas is running (#451)
- [FRONT][FIX][Doc date filter] Filter by multiple dates (#450)
- [FRONT][ERGO][layout] Description node block hide feature (#447)
- [FRONT][ERGO][layout] Node view additions (#448)
- [BACK][FIX]Problem at list import (#148)
- [FRONT][FIX]CSS in Graph Explorer toolbar (#460)
- [BACK][FEAT] Bridgeness with more links
- [FRONT][FIX][Doc view] By default sort document from latest to oldest (#457)
- [FRONT][FIX]Regression on Documents' annotation (#456)
- [FRONT][FIX][layout] Move Cache CTA to topbar (#446)
- [FRONT][FIX]Graph Explorer: node status change to either candidates or stop (#454)
- [BACK][IMPROVEMENT] Ngrams Extraction without verbs and with better Parsing for French Pos.
- [BACK][FIX] SQL error disconnection, tested, the issue should be closed
- [BACK][FEAT]Flexible job queue system
- [FRONT][FEAT]Doc View, Histogram click on bar -> select documents by Date (#430)
- [BACK][OPTIM]Ngrams Table, queries optimization (#144)
- [FRONT][UPGRADE]Upgrade PS to 0.15 (#395)
- [FRONT][GRAPH]Filtering edge weight bring back new edges (#442)
- [FRONT][GRAPH]Louvain clustering on filtered graph (#418)
- [FRONT][GRAPH]GraphExplorer Node size slider (#215)
- [FRONT][GRAPH]Graph Explorer : link filtering does not impact spatialization (#243)
- [FRONT][FIX][maplist upload] bugged modal after upload (#440)
- [BACK][OPTIM]Ngrams Table, queries optimization (#144)
- [BACK][CONFIG] gargantext.ini needs new field BACKEND_NAME = THE INSTANCE NAME
- [GRAPH][FIX] Nodes with one edge only are removed now
- [FRONT][GRAPH] Option to chose the clustering method is not shown any more.
- [FRONT][UPGRADE]Upgrade PS to 0.15 (#395)
- SigmaJS upgrade inside
- [BACK][OPTIM] Confluence optimization (#137)
- [FRONT][FIX][maplist upload] bugged modal after upload (#440)
- [BACK][FIX] Ngrams Table concurrency issue. Issue 143
- [BACK][MERGE] dev-phylo branch
- [FRONT][FIX] If space are in username or password
- [FRONT][FIX] Search page parameters to 0 for the result
- [FRONT][FIX] Modal closing
- [FRONT][TEAM] Show leader of the Team. Issue 438
- [FRONT][ADM] [Forgot password] disable input field after submit
- [BACK][FRONT][FEAT] FR NLP connection tested
- [FRONT][ERGO] click on node to get the modal actions
- [BACK][DOC] default name of folder
- [BACK][FIX] Ngrams List saved in database on halting
- [BACK][FIX] Confluence on Graph
- [BACK][FIX] HAL parser fix
- [BACK][UPGRADE] ./bin/psql gargantext.ini < devops/postgres/upgrade/
- [BACK][ADMIN] upgrade script, test ok
- [BACK][FIX][API] IsTex
- [BACK][ADM] Invitation script
- [BACK][FEAT] Spacy Server connection for French (and others) languages
- [BACK][FEAT] At startup, check if gargantext.init script has been activated
- [BACK][UPGRADE] Use the devops/postgres/upgrade/ upgrade script
- [BACK][FIX] PubMed Parser with threadDelay
- [BACK][FIX] Hash to remove duplicates on filtered text
- [BACK][OPTIM] Ngrams Table optmization. To upgrade:
./bin/psql gargantext.ini < devops/postgresql/upgrade/0.0.6.sql
2. instack --nix repl
runrunCmdReplEasy $ migrateFromDirToDb
- [FRONT][FIX] Ngrams Table next button: loads only one time instead of twice previously
- [FRONT][FIX] Resize handler on Write Node
- [FRONT][FIX] Do not highlight ngrams if maximum abstract length > 4500 characters
- [BACK][FIX] Nix build ok
- [BACK][OPTI] Confluence optimization
- [FRONT][GACK][FEAT] Team management
- [FRONT][FEAT] Legend for graph
- [FRONT][FIX] View Document List fix CSS
- [FRONT][FIX] Node Modal fix
- [FIX] Arxiv API fix
- [DESIGN/ERGO] Tree node position highlight
- [FEAT] Graph options with Links Strength
- [FEAT] User description field to User page
- [FIX] Ngrams Table cache on
- [FEAT] Ngrams Status change from Phylo Explorer
- [OPTIM] Graph Order 2 generation
- [FIX] Forgot password improvement
- [FIX] Graph self referencing nodes
- [FIX] Ngrams Table Tree CSS
- [FIX] Ngrams Table Search with enter only
- [FIX] Graph build: removing mergechildren function for tests
- [FIX] Annuaire Contact Page
- [WIP] Graph Debug (mergeNgrams enabled again)
- [FIX] Debug Graph Labels
- [FIX] schema upgraded, use to upgrade your database
- [FEAT] Script to create and sending email to user: invitation
- [ERGO] NgramsTable, change group and search for ngrams to add
- [FIX] Board, Source Chart fix
- [FEAT] Infomap Clustering
- [FIX] IsTex crawler working with basic queries (i.e. without quotes)
- [FIX] FrontEnd maybe ParentId
- [FIX] IsTex crawler
- [FE] [FEAT] Phylo Explorer, interactions with documents
- [FE] [ERGO] Fonts in Ngrams Table
- [BE] [FIX] garg password function
- [FE] [FIX] Trees closing/opening issue
- [FE] [FIX] Viz Explorer Side Panel
- [FEAT] Lost Password
- [Phylo] More Data in API
- [FE] [DESIGN] NoteBook, UI/UX Improvements
- [FE] [FEAT] Automatic Sync when adding a new ngrams
- [FE] Frame Page
- [COUNTS] Chart update when docs are deleted or added
- [ERGO] Plane navigation improved
- [ERGO] Mouse misalignemnt fixed
- [FIX] Date parser WOS
- [FIX] Node names: List -> Terms
- [FE] Fix Contact Page
- [FE] Fix regression on Graph Explorer: edges color + confluence filter
- [FE] Fix regression on Graph Explorer for annuaire
- [FE] Graph Doc Focus
- [BE] Docker solution for codebook
- [BE] Annuaire pairing, using full first name
- [FE] Graph Explorer Document exploration improvements
- [FE] Plane navigation improvements
- [FRONT] FIX CSS Forest
- [FRONT] CSS + Design, Graph Toolbar and many things
- [BACK] Security FIX GQL route
- [BACK] Arxiv API connexion
- [BACK] GraphQL routes
- [FRONT] CSS, Forest Sidebar
- [HAL] parser back and front
- [CRAWLERS] HAL for organizations, example done for IMT
- [FIX] Regex Error on HAL Date parsing with Duckling
- [FIX] Folder Up button working well now, using GraphQL
- [FIX] reindex ngrams-contexts function
- [PARAM] decreasing the Candidate list
- [FEAT] enabling Notebooks for Teams
- [REFACT] Page user and email refactoring
- [FIX] Group revert + NLP French API implemented (WIP)
- Default Names of Folder and Frames simplified
- [FEAT] New NLP server for postagging
- [FIX] Spinglass unconnected componnent of graph
- [FIX] PubMed limit parser
- [FEAT FIX] Link Annuaire Corpus (WIP)
- [UPGRADE METHOD] ./bin/psql gargantext.ini < devops/postgres/upgrade/
- [FIX] Default behavior of Ngrams Table: Cache off and Desc order by score
- [FIX] Progress length
- [FIX] User Page info get/update/security
- [OPTIM] HAL and PubMed parsers with Conduit
- [BACK] Zip files added
- [FIX] Phylo default parameters on frontend side
- [FIX] Phylo error findBounds fixed
- [FEAT] Phylo Backend/Frontend connected for tests
- [BACK] fix limit with MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS
- [FEAT] Users Password Sugar function : in repl, runCmdReplEasy $ updateUsersPassword ["[email protected]"]
- [BACK] CSV List post and reindex after (for both CSV and JSON)
- [BACK] HAL parser with Conduit
- [FRONT] Forest Tooltip + Async progress bar fix
- [BACK][EXPORT][GEXF] node size
- [FRONT][FIX] Ngrams Batch change
- [BACK][FEAT] Confluence Method connection
- [BACK][FEAT] Phylo backend connection
- [FRONT] Editable Metadata
- [FRONT][FIX] NgramsTable Cache search.
- [BACK][FIX] ./bin/psql gargantext.ini < devops/posgres/upgrade/
- [FRONT] fix NodeType list show (Nodes options)
- [FORNT] fix Graph Explorer search ngrams
- [FRONT] fix NodeType list show (main Nodes)
- [BACK][OPTIM] NgramsTable scores
- [BACK] bin/client script to analyze backend performance and reproduce bugs
- [FRONT] Adding Language selection
- [BACK] Adding a Max limit for others lists.
- [BACK][OPTIM] Index on node_node_ngrams to seed up ngrams table score queries. Please execute the upgrade SQL script devops/postgres/
- [BACK] FIX Graph Explorer search with selected ngrams
- [FRONT] Clean CSS
- [FRONT] Visio frame removed, using a new tab instead (which is working)
- [BACK] Scores on the docs view fixed
- [FRONT] SSL local option
- [QUAL] Scores in Ngrams Table fixed during workflow and user can refresh it if needed.
- [OPTIM] Upgrade fix with indexes and scores counts
- [OPTIM][DATABASE] Upgrade Schema, move conTexts in contexts table which requires a version bump.
- [BACK] PubMed parser fixed
- [FRONT] Visio Frame resized
- [FIX] Chart Sort
- [FEAT] Corpus docs download
- [BACK] Graph update with force option
- [BACK] Opaleye Upgrade
- [FRONT] 350-dev-graph-search-in-forms-not-labels
- [FRONT] 359-dev-input-with-autocomplete
- [FIX] Continuous Integration (CI)
- [FEAT] All backend routes with clients functions
- [FEAT] Searx API done (needs a fix for language selection)
- [UX] GT.query forces trees reload for async tasks
- [FEAT] Order 2 fixed with filtered edges
- [FEAT] Order 1 similarity validated and optimized
- [FIX] Node Calc import + more flexible delimiter for CSV parser
- [FEAT] Node Calc Parsing added (in tests)
- [FIX] Graph Screenshot
- [FEAT] Graph with order 1 and order 2 and node size
- BACKEND: fix psql function util without sensitive data
- FRONTEND: fix folder navigation (up link)
- FIX for CI
- FIX the graph generation (automatic/default, renewal, any distance)
- FIX the ngrams grouping
- Unary document insertion: Doc table is reloaded after upload
- Migration: instance dev is now dev.sub.gargantext.org
- Refact/code design better syntax for DataType fields
- Fix the search in Title and abstracts.
- [UPGRADE] execute devops/postgres/upgrade/0.0.4.sql to your database to upgrade it
- Graph Update fix
- Document view: full text removed
- Fix the community detection.
- TextFlow starts to make sense
- Very first version (main functions ready for tests) of Haskell Version of Gargantext. Previous versions (3) were written with another language and another framework (Python/Javascript mainly).