Releases: dequelabs/axe-core
Releases · dequelabs/axe-core
Release 4.2.2
Bug Fixes
- aria-allowed-attr: allow aria-posinset and aria-setsize on row elements for treegrids (#2952) (3023e69)
- heading-order: Prevent crash on page with iframes but no headings (#2965) (4b7db37)
- meta-viewport: test that a user-scalable number does not prevent zoom (048c5c1)
- JS error in @axe-core/react caused by stale reference to heading (3afda4e)
Release 4.2.1
Bug Fixes
- aria-allowed-attr: pass aria-label on some HTML elements (#2935) (695aa77)
- treat input with no role as textbox (#2929) (de18030)
- autocomplete-appropriate: pass for autocomplete=username and type=email (#2896) (8b478c8)
- getStandards: Read standards from utils (#2903) (52ad4c6)
- required-parent: Allow *item > group > *item nesting (#2898) (3acd229)
- types: make
check optional (#2902) (75fabfe)
Release 4.2.0
- add axe.frameMessenger with configurable allowedOrigins (#2880) (b27bab3)
- aria-allowed-attr: add ARIA 1.2 prohibited attrs check (#2764) (4a77e88)
- empty-table-header: new rule to flag empty table headers (#2811) (813ee7e)
- frame-focusable-content: new rule to test iframes with tabindex=-1 do not have focusable content (#2785) (aeb044c)
- locale: missing translations for DE (#2704) (f312994)
- locale: Polish translation (#2677) (c46979f)
- nested-interactive: new rule to flag nested interactive elements (#2691) (13a7cf1)
- role-text: add role-text rule (#2702) (7c05162)
- setup/teardown: add functions to setup and teardown axe-core internal data, deprecate axe._tree (#2738) (9d19f24)
- standards: add graphics roles (#2761) (22032cc)
- standards/aria-roles: add presentational children property (#2689) (78c239c)
- utils.getRule: add function to get rule by id (#2724) (9d0af53)
- utils/matches: support selectors level 4 :not and :is (#2742) (21d9b0e)
- virtual-node: add attrNames property which returns list of attribute names (#2741) (1d864b4)
Bug Fixes
- aria-allowed-attr: error when generic elements use aria-label and aria-labelledy (#2766) (64379e1)
- aria-required-children: allow group and rowgroup roles (#2661) (5a264e4)
- aria-required-children: only match for roles that require children (#2703) (95de169)
- aria-valid-attr-value: pass for aria-errormessage when aria-invalid is not set or false (#2721) (93a765c)
- aria-valid-attr-value: report when aria-labelledby ref is not in DOM (#2723) (116eb06)
- aria-valid-attr-value: return false when int type attribute uses invalid values (#2710) (ce9917e)
- bypass: mark as needs review rather than failure (#2818) (bb41b3e)
- focus-order-semantics: allow role=tooltip to pass (#2871) (dc526d8)
- heading-order: handle iframe as first result (#2876) (33428d8)
- respondable: Avoid message duplication with messageId (#2816) (4bd0acf)
- respondable: work on iframes in shadow DOM (#2857) (38cad94)
- avoid 'undefined' showing in check messages (#2779) (3beb0b1)
- properly translate checks when building axe.js using --lang (#2848) (76545b0)
- aria-required-parent: only match for roles that require parents (#2707) (ce8281e)
- color-contrast: account for text client rects that start outside the parent container (#2682) (a4e4a34)
- color-contrast-matches: do not pass empty string to getElementById (#2739) (0b0fec2)
- frame-title: update rule description to be more descriptive (#2735) (159e25b)
- heading-order: allow partial context to pass (#2622) (f8baee6)
- landmark-complementary-is-top-level: allow aside inside main (#2740) (9388c96)
- metadata: consistenct use of 'must' and 'should' (#2770) (603b612)
- region: allow role=alertdialog as region (#2660) (b928df7)
- select-name: fix typo in accessible name help (#2676) (6b916b9)
- to-grid/get-headers: work with rowspan=0 (#2722) (508190b)
- types: Add noHtml option (#2810) (c03c826)
- utils: fix warning thrown by Webpack (#2843) (0826177), closes #2840
- utils: remove attributes from source string (#2803) (8e8c4fa)
- add noHtml to axe.configure (#2789) (5c8dec8)
- do not allow postMessage with axe version of x.y.z (#2790) (5acda82)
Release 4.1.4
Release 4.1.3
Release 4.1.2
Release 4.1.1
Release 4.1.0
- new-rule: check that treeitem role has an accessible name (#2615) (5e95153)
- Add aria-dialog-name (#2609) (b0e14b0)
- aria-toggle-field-name: add option role (#2605) (0af0551)
- checks: deprecate role-none and role-presentation for presentational-role (#2503) (cef54a0)
- get-role: add noPresentational option (#2549) (4f39299), closes #1792
- imports: deprecate axios (#2542) (82d43a0)
- label,select-name: allow placeholder to pass label rule, add select-name rule (#2448) (1315f8e)
- new-rule: ARIA links, buttons, menuitems have an accessible name (#2571) (9476a1f)
- new-rule: aria-tooltip-name (#2548) (d00f378)
- new-rule: check that meter role has an accessible name (#2607) (3ca2f04)
- new-rule: check that progressbars have an accessible name (#2555) (dd0b44a)
- presentation-role-conflict: create rule to flag elements with role conflict resolution (#2440) (e4edffc)
- rule-matches: depreacte window-is-top-matches for is-intiator-matches (#2531) (db2be93)
- standards: add superclassRole to ariaRoles (#2600) (a5e9ce0)
- standards: add superclassRole to dpubRoles (#2606) (1b66930)
- utils: deprecate get/set-scroll-state (#2581) (3c4827f)
- valid-langs: deprecate validLangs, add isValidLangs, reduce file size (#2527) (8a699ec)
Bug Fixes
- commons/get-text-element-stack: account for newline characters when text is larger than container (#2631) (3c2429b)
- Update ACT rule tags (#2625) (c640d4f)
- aria-errormessage: allow aria-live="polite" on aria-errormessage target (926b6a8)
- aria-errormessage: allow aria-live=polite on aria-errormessage target (#2597) (0d5cfb1)
- aria-roles: add group to menuitemradio context (#2518) (52b89f1)
- aria-roles: Add WAI-ARIA 1.2 roles (#2544) (635b084), closes #2107 #2107 #2107 #2107
- attr-non-space-content-evaluate: Split no attribute and empty attribute message (#2495) (5f822f4)
- audit: updated axe.reset() to reset branding, application, and tagExcludes. (#2537) (828864b)
- autocomplete-valid: allow type=tel for appropriate cc types (#2575) (ae21713)
- checks/aria: Mark elements missing from aria-errormessage for review (#2550) (8f9a035), closes #2460
- color-contrast: allow small text shadows to serve as text outline (#2627) (432e1f3)
- color-contrast: mark elements with pseudo content as needs review (#2613) (fcdbdbc)
- color-contrast: properly handle scrolling text (#2619) (984e7e2)
- docs/rules: add missing category tags to rules metadata (#2569) (285c442), closes #2554
- explicit-label: work with multiple labels (#2573) (d26f106)
- get-headers: fix for rowspan and colspan (#2545) (3f02d14)
- heading-order: evaluate headings from iframes in DOM order (#2572) (46f6628)
- implilcit-role: use type property instead of attribute to resolve input role (#2547) (35e853d), closes #2514
- link-name: pass landmark content as link text (#2617) (e77992e)
- name-rules: ignore when explicit roles don't require a name (#2629) (52fb138)
- region: allow role=dialog and svg elements outside regions (#2586) (fab58d4)
- region: treat iframes as regions (#2614) (936db81)
- rule: add check node to the check result object (#2608) (b188911)
- scrollable-region-focusalbe: do not fail for combobox pattern (#2601) (ac71a57)
- deprecate aria-form-field-name-matches for no-name-method-matches (#2584) (8be89e3)
- do not allow fallback content for objects (#2525) (486eafe)
Release v4.0.2
Bug Fixes
- color-contrast: dont error for floating element (#2444) (45eb746)
- i18n: proofreading of the french translations (#2485) (ebd0407), closes #2484
- implicit-role: return gridcell for td child of grid or treegrid (#2501) (0553d4d)
- label: pass when role none or presentation (#2464) (1d3c2fc), closes #2458
- link-name: fix regression where link was not named from title attribute (#2492) (b86c73b)
- required-parent: fail if intermediate role is not the required parent (#2494) (522865c)
- svg-non-empty-title: update fail message to indicate if the title element is empty or missing (#2462) (9598656), closes #2452
- valid-lang: fail when lang attribute contains only whitespace (#2504) (8455a7f)