- Status: accepted
- Deciders: Chris Simon
- Date: 2021-11-01
Use Expecto as a unit testing framework and Unquote for assertions.
There are a number of frameworks and libraries to support various types of testing that are compatible with F# (given the decision to use F# in ADR-0002). The project needs to select a framework/library to support unit and integration testing.
- Documentation
- Support
- F# 'native' feel
Chosen option: "Expecto" for the unit testing framework, because of its support for F# idiomatic design. "Unquote" for assertion library for the same reason.
Rationale based on analysis here: https://devonburriss.me/review-fsharp-test-libs/ and here: https://newbedev.com/what-unit-testing-frameworks-are-available-for-f