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A validation class using the Prototype Javascript Library version 1.6.1.

ProValidate attaches methods to form elements like all native Prototype methods.

You can also create your own handlers that will deal with error messages easily. A tutorial on creating a handler is coming soon.



$('login_form').observe('form:valid', function(ev){

There is an example on the demo page


ProValidate extends both Form and Form.Element to add everything you need for validation.

Forms are added to ProValidate by calling any of the methods below. Once the form is being controlled by ProValidate the onSubmit event will be stoped. Simply observe your forms for the custom event ‘form:valid’.

$('myForm').observe('form:valid', function(){ this.request(); });


Form.rules(form, rules, options)

Adds rules to elements within the form. Rules should be an object with either the id of the element or the name of the element to its corresponding rules, parameters, and messages.

var rules = {
    user_name: {
        required: {message: "You must enter a user name"},
        email: {message: "Should me an email address"}
    password: {
        matches: { // will use the default message
            parameters: 'confirm_password'
    confirm_password: 'required' // will use the default message

options can be passed to most form methods or set statically using ProValidate.options and Provalidate.Handler.options
var options = {

provalidate uses Element#store to store the rules on an element. You can change the retrieval name. Default is 'provalidate'
    storeName: 'myRules',

    // sets the handler to be used with the form
	handler: 'ProValidate.Handler'

The entire options object is passed to the handler for its options below are the defaults of the included handler
	defaultInvalidMessage: 'Invalid',
	errorMessageClassName: 'errorMessage',
	invalidElementClassName: 'invalid'

$('login_form').rules(rules, options).observe('form:valid', function(){

Form.validate(form, options)

Validates all form elements and triggers errors if need be. If there are no errors ‘form:valid’ is fired.

Form.errors(form, errors)

Triggers errors on the passed in elements. This is simple a batch process for Element.error();

var errors = {login_name: ‘Bad Name’, password: ‘Bad Password’};


Clears all errors off the form.


Form.Element.rules(elem, rules)

If rules is an object all will be added to the element.
var rules = {length: {parameters: 10}};

You can also pass a string to add a single rule.

Form.Element.rule(elem, rule)

Just an alias to rules above incase you are passing a string as the rule.

Form.Element.removeRules(elem, rules)

Removes all, one or chosen rules from an element.
$(‘input’).removeRules(); will remove all rules on input
$(‘input’).removeRules([‘required’, ‘length’]); will remove required and length rules only

Form.Element.removeRule(elem, rule)

Removes a single rule. $(‘input’).removeRule(‘required’);


Validates the element and triggers any errors.


Returns true or false if the element passes all validation. This will not trigger an error.

Form.Element.error(elem, message)

Triggers an error on an element.
$(‘input’).error(‘You must be kidding me!’);


Clears errors off an element.

Built in rules

Rules are passed in as either strings or objects with parameters and a message. ProValidate.lang.defaultInvalid houses the default messages. To set your own simply override or extend them.


No Parameters

Value must contain only letters


No Parameters

Value must contain only letters and numbers


parameter – regex date pattern

By default date checks for dd/dd/dddd but you can change the pattern to whatever you like.
To change the pattern globally, add ProValidate.rules.dateFormat = ‘regexPattern’.
You can also pass the pattern in as a param. You must remember to use RegExp conventions. Example /\d/ would be ‘\\d’.


No Parameters

Value must contain only numbers


No Parameters

Value must be a valid [email protected].


parameters – single digit for exact or an array for min and max
{parameters: 5} – Value would have to be exactly 5 chars
{parameters: [1,10]} – Value would have to be between 1 and 10 chars


parameter – decimal character – ‘.’ by default

Value must be a valid positive, negative or decimal number. By default the decimal is a ‘.’. Change the param if you require a different decimal such as ‘,’.


parameters – array of valid lengths
{parameters: 7} – only 7 digit phone numbers allowed
{parameters: [7,10,11]} – 7, 10 or 11 digit numbers are allowed (default)

Value must contain the given amount of numbers found in the parameter. Only numbers are considered so 888-888-8888 would be a valid 10 digit phone number.


No Parameters – returns false on an empty() value

More built in rules to come.

You can add your own rules by creating a rules object and extending ProValidate.rules:

myRules = {
	not: function(elem, param){
		var value = $F(elem);
		return value.empty() ? true : (value != param);

Object.extend(ProValidate.rules, myRules);

To add your rule to an element:

        not: {
            parameters: 'VA',
            message: "You can't live in Virginia, you are not a lover"        


ProValidate comes with a default handler that inserts the first error message in a span beneath the failed form element. One of the goals for ProValidate was to allow user created handlers to be easy to make and add when needed. You could even have to different form handlers on the same page for two different forms.

Tutorial coming soon!


Big thanks to tfluehr @ for providing the getObject function to return Handler instances.

#prototype rules