Francisco Couto and Tiago Guerreiro
This tutorial aims to help you create a simple web application composed of 3 steps:
- Retrieval
- Annotation
- Access
You can develop the application using:
- applicational web server (appserver), available at, features an Apache Web server and has support for PHP.
- any linux machine with PHP (for example:
PHP is a programming language that is specially targeted at web application development. PHP code can be directly integrated with HTML code. As one can create an HTML file and make it available online, by using a web server, one can also do that with a PHP file. The main difference is that the information available in the HTML is static while the PHP file will provide dynamic information. That is, the resulting content of accessing an HTML page is always the same, unless the HTML file is edited. Conversely, the resulting content of accessing a PHP file through the Web is the HTML produced by executing the PHP commands in that file. This result can vary depending on the input data, data available in the database, time of access, ...As a simple example, the file can include a command that changes the background color of the webpage depending on the time of the day that the file is accessed.
To make PHP files available you will have to resort to a Web server that supports PHP, meaning that all files with extension .php will be executed by the PHP interpreter. A Web server is an application that is able to accept HTTP requests and return a response, normally an HTML file or other objects like images, PDFs, etc. One of the most popular Web servers that support PHP is Apache, that can be installed on several operating systems.
The first step to write and deploy a web application is to identify where these files need to be stored so they can be executed by the Web server every time an HTTP request is received. In the case of appserver, and most Apache Web servers, the web root for each user is the public_html folder (or /var/www/html/ in local machines).
In Windows 10, you can also install PHP and a Apache Web server on Ubuntu (
To access appserver, on Linux or Mac, open a Terminal and input:
On Windows, you can use applications like SSH Secure Shell or PuTTY to access the remote machine. They are installed in the lab. List of clients:
Upon attempt to connect, the system will ask you for a password (provided to you in class). Upon connection, and once you have your group number, change the password to one all the group members are aware of by using the following command:
Notice that you can only access appserver inside FCUL network, so you need to be using one of the faculty labs or connected through the VPN.
These terminals allow you to input commands in the remote machine. To transfer files to and from the remote machine, you can use file transfer specialized applications (on Windows: SSH Secure Shell, FileZilla, WinSCP) or map the remove location and manage it as if it was a local folder. To do so on Linux, in the file manager go to GO-> OPEN LOCATION and input:
ssh://[email protected]/home/awXXX
Upon making the connection, you will be able to navigate and edit your files as you would do with a local folder.
The first step to create a webpage is to create and allow access (change access restrictions) to this folder. In the terminal, type in the home directory:
mkdir public_html
chmod go+rx ~/
chmod go+rx public_html
The first command creates a subdirectory in the home directory. The second and third commands give access permission rights to read and execute files to groups and other users. This is important to let the web server access your files.
After creating the directory, you can then create the HTML file and place it into the directory public_html. To do so:
cd public_html
echo '<html>Hello World!</html>' > index.html
The >
is a redirection operator ( ) that move the output of
the command echo
to the file index.html .
Or you can create the file index.html and edit it with your preferred text editor, making sure that the remote directory is updated with the new file.
Now you can open in your browser the link
and check the result.
If using a local machine the link should start with localhost http://localhost/...
In a DI labs should be http://localhost/~fcXXXXX/
This is result is static and will not change unless the file index.html in the machine appserver or localhost is updated.
Note that in some machines you may have to change the permissions of the file:
chmod go+rx index.html
To create a dynamic page, you can now create a PHP file inside the directory public_html
. You can perform the following commands:
cd ~
cd public_html
echo '<html><?php echo data(DATE_RFC822); ?> </html>' > index.php
By opening the URL
you will see a blank page. Probably, an error occurred. To be able to test PHP files more efficiently, you can also execute the php command, through the remote console:
php index.php
You found the line of the error. The function is called date
, not data
. Fix it and open the url again:
echo '<html><?php echo date(DATE_RFC822); ?> </html>' > index.php
By opening the URL
you will see that the content is not the content of the file; rather it is the content of the interpretation of that file at the time it was executed, that is, the date the access was made.
To create and edit the PHP files, you should use a text editor (e.g., gedit, emacs, SublimeText, Notepad++, vi, nano,..), and not the echo command, that should be used only to create very short files.
Use the tool curl to open an URL that provides you with 10 PubMed identifiers about Asthma (type man curl
to know more about curl
curl ""
You should get 10 PubMed identifiers on your screen embbed in a xml file. This URL corresponds to a web service that we will explore further in the following modules.
Now parse the results using the tools grep and sed to keep only the Id numbers (again type man
and the name of tool to know more about it):
curl "" | grep "<Id>" | sed -e "s/<Id>//" -e "s/<\/Id>//"
Now you should get the 10 PubMed identifiers on your screen without xml tags.
Using a text editor create a file named and copy and paste the following command into it:
curl "$1&retmax=10&retmode=xml" | grep "<Id>" | sed -e "s/<Id>//" -e "s/<\/Id>//"
Note that we replaced Asthma by $1 so we can use the name of disease as input, Now add permissions to execute the script, and execute it saving the result to a file using the redirection operator:
chmod u+x ./
./ Asthma > Asthma.txt
Check the contents of file Asthma.txt, for example by using the cat tool:
cat Asthma.txt
To convert the Ids to links try the sed tool:
sed "s/^/https:\/\/\/pubmed\//" < Asthma.txt
Using a text editor create a file named and copy and paste the following command into it:
sed "s/^/https:\/\/\/pubmed\//" < $1.txt
Note that we replaced Asthma by $1 so we can use the name of disease as input. Now add permissions to execute the script, and execute it saving the result to a file:
chmod u+x ./
./ Asthma > AsthmaLinks.txt
Check the contents of file AsthmaLinks.txt:
cat AsthmaLinks.txt
PHP can receive data through POST and GET. As an example, create a file mywebapp.php with the following code:
echo 'Disease: '.htmlspecialchars($_GET['disease']);
Now, by opening the URL you will see Asthma, given as an argument, in the resulting page.
Now clear the previous file, and add the following HTML code to create a form:
<form action='mywebapp.php' method='get'>
<p> Disease: <input type='text' name='disease' /> </p>
<p><input type='submit' /> </p>
and the following PHP code to produce the links according to the input:
<p>Abstracts about the disease <?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['disease']); ?>:</p>
$filename = $_GET['disease']."Links.txt";
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$links = explode("\n",$contents);
foreach($links as $v) {
echo '<a href="' . $v . '">' . $v . '</a></br>';
Open the URL (hit refresh) and check the results.
You can execute the scripts multiple times using the xargs
First, create a file named diseases.txt with one disease per line, for example:
Then use xargs
to get the identifiers of all the previous diseases:
cat diseases.txt | xargs -I {} ./ {}
To get and convert and save to a file, create a script named with the following contents:
./ $1 > $1.txt
./ $1 > $1Links.txt
Then use xargs
with the new script:
cat diseases.txt | xargs -I {} ./ {}
Now you should be able to find the links for all previous diseases in
Another option to invoke shell scripts is using the for
for disease in $( cat diseases.txt ); do
echo $disease
./ disease
Or invoke them from another application:
- Python:
import os
os.system("./" + disease)
- PHP:
passthru("./" + disease)
- Java:
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./" + disease)
Note: curl libraries are also available for Python, Java or PHP.