Bump Python, project-wide, to 3.11.11. Fix state: absent
bug in the Droplet module. Disable integration testing for the monitoring_alert_policy
and one_click
modules since they are broken (#234).
- Bump Python to 3.11.11 and Poetry to 1.8.5 (#229).
- monitoring_alert_policy - mark integration test as
since it is broken (#229)." - one_click - mark this integration test as
since it is broken (#229)."
- droplet - add misisng
parameter when forstate: absent
- added an action group 'digitalocean.cloud.all' for use with module defaults: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_module_defaults.html (#180)
- Bump Kubernetes version in its integration test (#100).
- Fix broken links due to Ansible Galaxy NG launch (#91).
- Lint tweaked ansible-lint configuration so production profile is now the target for this repo (#104).
- ci - configure dependabot for grouped dependency updates (#84).
- container_registry_info - Get information about your container registry
- one_click - Install Kubernetes 1-Click applications
- project_resources_info - Retrieve a list of all of the project resources in your account
- space - Manage Spaces
- spaces_info - List all of the Spaces in your account
- uptime_check - Create or delete Uptime checks
- uptime_checks_info - List all of the Uptime checks on your account
- uptime_checks_state_info - Get the state of an Uptime check
- database_cluster - fix C(database_cluster) module and reenable integration test (#60).
- kubernetes_cluster - fix C(kubernetes_cluster) module polling and refactor integration test (#62).
- project - fix C(project) module with API workaround and add integration test (#61).
- droplets - Droplets dynamic inventory plugin
- common - add C(client_override_options) and C(module_override_options) for experimental or future options (#44).
- common - remove region validation from argument_specs to facilitate API test beds (#44).
- droplet - add missing C(user_data) parameter (#44).
- droplet_action_power - new module for changing power states on Droplets (#44).
- droplet_action_resize - new module for resizing Droplets (#44).
- droplet_action_snapshot - new module for taking Droplet snapshots (#44).
- droplet_action - removed and will be split into individual actions (#44).
- integration - do not ignore errors for C(billing_history_information) test (#44).
- droplet_action_power - Set power states of a Droplet
- droplet_action_resize - Resize a Droplet
- droplet_action_snapshot - Take a snapshot of a Droplet
Add many more modules.
- add many more modules (#10).
- add more modules (#10).
- configured ansible-lint to use the production profile (#20).
- set up a devcontainer configuration allowing contributors to the project to use GitHub Codespaces or other tools that leverage devcontainer configurations (#18).
- updated python dependencies (#18).
- updated the pyproject.toml to more loosely define dependency versions, allowing the poetry lockfile to pin explicit versions (#18).
- integration tests - fix missing C(PR_NUMBER) when run on C(main) (#22).
- balance_info - Retrieve the balances on a customer's account
- billing_history_info - Retrieve a list of all billing history entries
- cdn_endpoints - Manage CDN endpoints
- cdn_endpoints_info - List all of the CDN endpoints available on your account
- certificate - Manage certificates
- certificates_info - List all of the certificates available on your account
- database_cluster - Create or delete database clusters
- database_clusters_info - List all of the database clusters on your account
- domain - Manage domains
- domain_record - Manage domain records
- domain_records_info - Retrieve a listing of all of the domain records for a domain
- domains_info - Retrieve a list of all of the domains in your account
- droplet - Create or delete Droplets
- droplet_action - Perform Droplet actions
- droplets_info - List all Droplets in your account
- firewall - Create or delete firewalls
- firewalls_info - List all firewalls on your account
- images_info - List all of the images available on your account
- kubernetes_cluster - Create or delete Kubernetes clusters
- kubernetes_clusters_info - Retrieve a list of all of the Kubernetes clusters in your account
- load_balancer - Create or delete load balancers
- load_balancers_info - Retrieve a list of all of the load balancers in your account
- monitoring_alert_policies_info - Returns all alert policies that are configured for the given account
- monitoring_alert_policy - Create or delete monitoring alert policy
- one_clicks_info - List all available 1-Click applications
- project - Create or delete projects
- projects_info - Retrieve a list of all of the projects in your account
- regions_info - List all of the regions that are available
- reserved_ip - Create or delete reserved IPs
- reserved_ips_info - List all reserved IPs on your account
- sizes_info - List all of available Droplet sizes
- snapshot - Delete snapshots
- snapshots_info - Retrieve a list of all of the snapshots in your account
- ssh_key - Create or delete SSH keys
- ssh_keys_info - List all of the keys in your account
- tag - Create or delete tags
- tags_info - List all of the tags on your account
- volume - Create or delete volumes
- volume_action - Attach or detach volumes from Droplets
- volume_snapshot - Create or delete volume snapshots
- volumes_info - List all of the block storage volumes available on your account
- vpc - Create or delete VPCs
- vpcs_info - List all of the VPCs on your account
Small Shark-a-Hack iterations.
- small Shark-a-Hack iterations (#9).
- common - ignore C(pydo) module unused (#9).
Just bumping the version.
- just bumping the version (#8).
Initial release of the Collection.
- add Galaxy publish workflow (#7).
- account_info - Show information about the current user account