Releases: digitalocean/godo
Releases · digitalocean/godo
- #589 - @wez470 - load-balancers: Minor doc fixup
- #585 - @StephenVarela - Add firewall support for load balancers
- #587 - @StephenVarela - Support new http alerts for load balancers
- #586 - @andrewsomething - godo.go: Sort service lists.
- #583 - @ddebarros - Adds support for functions trigger API
- #582 - @StephenVarela - Load Balancers: Support new endpoints for http alerts
- #571 - @kraai - Add WaitForAvailable
- #579 - @bentranter - Deprecate old pointer helpers, use generic one
- #580 - @StephenVarela - LBAAS Fixup default http idle timeout behaviour
- #578 - @StephenVarela - LBAAS-2430 Add support for HTTP idle timeout seconds
- #577 - @ddebarros - Functions api support
- #575 - @ghostlandr - apps: add option to get projects data from Apps List endpoint
- #573 - @kamaln7 - apps: add ListBuildpacks, UpgradeBuildpack
- #572 - @ghostlandr - Apps: add project id as a parameter to CreateApp and to the App struct
- #570 - @kraai - Fix copy-and-paste error in comment
- #568 - @StephenVarela - LBAAS-2321 Add project_id to load balancers structs
- #564 - @DWizGuy58 - Add public monitoring alert policies for dbaas
- #565 - @dylanrhysscott - CON-5657 (Re-)expose public HA enablement flags in godo
- #563 - @andrewsomething - Add option to configure a rate.Limiter for the client.
Note: This release contains beta functionality. If you are not a member of the beta group for this feature, you will not be able to use it until it has been more widely released. Please watch the official DigitalOcean changelog for updates.
- #561 - @jonfriesen - apps: add docr image deploy on push
- #554 - @andrewsomething - reserved IPs: project_id should have omitempty in create req.
- #552 - @andrewsomething - reserved IPs: Expose project_id and locked attributes.
- #549 - @rpmoore - adding the replica id to the database replica model