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feat: add Fibonacci Numbers (TheAlgorithms#63)
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* Add fibonacci_numbers.nim

* move constant time formula to docs.

* positive input for sequence procedures

* small doc changes

* better constants for tests

* add matrix version?

* return Binet formula to code

* nicer tests

* nimpretty

* rename closed-form expression

* implement suggestions

* replace recursive pow with iterative

* add matrix exponentiation tests
  • Loading branch information
janAkali authored Dec 30, 2023
1 parent f591c20 commit 63b0482
Showing 1 changed file with 228 additions and 0 deletions.
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions dynamic_programming/fibonacci_numbers.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
## Fibonacci Numbers
## ===========================================================================
## Fibonacci numbers are numbers that are part of the Fibonacci sequence.
## The Fibonacci sequence generally starts with 0 and 1, every next number
## is the sum of the two preceding numbers:
## - F(0) = 0;
## - F(1) = 1;
## - F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2);
## References:
## -
## -
{.push raises: [].}


doAssert fibonacciSeqIterative(5) == @[Natural(0), 1, 1, 2, 3]

doAssert fibonacciClosure(4) == Natural(3)

for f in fibonacciIterator(1.Natural..4.Natural):
echo f # 1, 1, 2, 3

import std/math

Matrix2x2 = array[2, array[2, int]]

IdentityMatrix: Matrix2x2 = [[1, 0],
[0, 1]]
InitialFibonacciMatrix: Matrix2x2 = [[1, 1],
[1, 0]]

## Recursive Implementation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

func fibonacciRecursive*(nth: Natural): Natural =
## Calculates the n-th fibonacci number in a recursive manner.
## Recursive algorithm is extremely slow for bigger numbers of n.
if nth <= 1: return nth
fibonacciRecursive(nth-2) + fibonacciRecursive(nth-1)

## List of first terms
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

func fibonacciSeqIterative*(n: Positive): seq[Natural] =
## Generates a list of n first fibonacci numbers in iterative manner.
result = newSeq[Natural](n)
result[0] = 0
if n > 1:
result[1] = 1
for i in 2..<n:
result[i] = result[i-1] + result[i-2]

## Closed-form approximation of N-th term
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

func fibonacciClosedFormApproximation*(nth: Natural): Natural =
## Approximates the n-th fibonacci number in constant time O(1)
## with use of a closed-form expression also known as Binet's formula.
## Will be incorrect for large numbers of n, due to rounding error.
const Sqrt5 = sqrt(5'f)
const Phi = (Sqrt5 + 1) / 2 # golden ratio
let powPhi = pow(Phi, nth.float)
Natural(powPhi/Sqrt5 + 0.5)

## Closure and Iterator Implementations
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

func makeFibClosure(): proc(): Natural =
## Closure constructor. Returns procedure which can be called to get
## the next fibonacci number, starting with F(2).
var prev = 0
var current = 1
proc(): Natural =
swap(prev, current)
current += prev
result = current

proc fibonacciClosure*(nth: Natural): Natural =
## Calculates the n-th fibonacci number with use of a closure.
if nth <= 1: return nth
let fib = makeFibClosure()
for _ in 2..<nth:
discard fib()

proc fibonacciSeqClosure*(n: Positive): seq[Natural] =
## Generates a list of n first fibonacci numbers with use of a closure.
result = newSeq[Natural](n)
result[0] = 0
if n > 1:
result[1] = 1
let fib = makeFibClosure()
for i in 2..<n:
result[i] = fib()

iterator fibonacciIterator*(s: HSlice[Natural, Natural]): Natural =
## Nim iterator.
## Returns fibonacci numbers from F(s.a) to F(s.b).
var prev = 0
var current = 1
for i in 0..s.b:
if i <= 1:
if i >= s.a: yield i
swap(prev, current)
current += prev
if i >= s.a: yield current

## An asymptotic faster matrix algorithm
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

func `*`(m1, m2: Matrix2x2): Matrix2x2 =
a = m1[0][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[0][1] * m2[1][0]
b = m1[0][0] * m2[0][1] + m1[0][1] * m2[1][1]
z = m1[1][0] * m2[0][0] + m1[1][1] * m2[1][0]
y = m1[1][0] * m2[0][1] + m1[1][1] * m2[1][1]

[[a, b], [z, y]]

func pow(matrix: Matrix2x2, n: Natural): Matrix2x2 =
## Fast binary matrix exponentiation (divide-and-conquer approach)
var matrix = matrix
var n = n

result = IdentityMatrix
while n != 0:
if n mod 2 == 1:
result = result * matrix
matrix = matrix * matrix
n = n div 2

func fibonacciMatrix*(nth: Natural): Natural =
## Calculates the n-th fibonacci number with use of matrix arithmetic.
if nth <= 1: return nth
var matrix = InitialFibonacciMatrix
matrix.pow(nth - 1)[0][0]

when isMainModule:
import std/unittest
import std/sequtils
import std/sugar

GeneralMatrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
ExpectedMatrixPow4 = [[199, 290], [435, 634]]
ExpectedMatrixPow5 = [[1069, 1558], [2337, 3406]]

LowerNth: Natural = 0
UpperNth: Natural = 31
OverflowNth: Natural = 93

Count = 32
OverflowCount = 94

HighSlice = Natural(32)..Natural(40)

Expected = @[Natural(0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377,
610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368,
75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269]
## F0 .. F31
ExpectedHigh = @[Natural(2178309), 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352,
24157817, 39088169, 63245986, 102334155]
## F32 .. F40

template checkFib(list: openArray[Natural]) =
check list == Expected

template checkFib(calcTerm: proc(n: Natural): Natural,
range = LowerNth..UpperNth) =
let list = collect(for i in range: calcTerm(i))
check list == Expected

template checkFibOverflow(code: typed) =
expect OverflowDefect:
discard code

suite "Matrix exponentiation":
test "Matrix to the power of 0":
check pow(GeneralMatrix, 0) == IdentityMatrix
test "Matrix to the power of 1":
check pow(GeneralMatrix, 1) == GeneralMatrix
test "Matrix to the power of 4":
check pow(GeneralMatrix, 4) == ExpectedMatrixPow4
test "Matrix to the power of 5":
check pow(GeneralMatrix, 5) == ExpectedMatrixPow5

suite "Fibonacci Numbers":
test "F0..F31 - Recursive Version":
test "F0..F31 - Closure Version":
test "F0..F31 - Matrix Version":
test "F0..F31 - Iterative Sequence Version":
test "F0..F31 - Closure Sequence Version":
test "F0..F31 - Closed-form Approximation":
test "F0..F31 - Nim Iterator":

test "Closed-form approximation fails when nth >= 32":
let list = collect(for i in HighSlice: fibonacciClosedFormApproximation(i))
check list != ExpectedHigh

#test "Recursive procedure overflows when nth >= 93": # too slow at this point
# checkFibOverflow(fibonacciRecursive(OverflowNth))
test "Closure procedure overflows when nth >= 93":
test "Matrix procedure overflows when nth >= 93":
test "Iterative Sequence function overflows when n >= 94":
test "Closure Sequence procedure overflows when n >= 94":
test "Nim Iterator overflows when one or both slice indexes >= 93":

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