In order to compile winLAME, you just need Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. Any dition will do, including Community, which I use to develop winLAME.
Open the winlame.sln in Visual Studio, set the startup project to "winLAME", the configuration to "Debug" and hit F5 to compile and run winLAME.
For some of the projects, tools are necessary to be installed, e.g. doxygen, cppcheck, the WiX Visual Studio addin or the HTML Help Workshop.
All output (object files, intermediate files and so on) will be put into sub folders of the main folder named "bin", "lib" and "intermediate".
The following list describes the folders in the winLAME source code repository:
Contains buildtools needed for building winLAME. among them are the HTML help compiler, SonarQube tools and the PortableApps installer.
bin, lib, intermediate
These folders don't exist in the repository, but will be created in your working copy when you compile the project.
Contains the source files used by winLAME. Contains all project files (*.vcxproj) and various scripts to create a build.
Let's take a deeper look at this folder:
Contains files for the HTML help file, the project, table of contents and index file. Contains the subfolder "html" in which all html and png's reside.
Contains include header and lib files for the third-party libraries.
Contains the files for the winLAME UI. Has a folder "res" which contains the binary resource files used, a folder "encoder" containing the encoder backend and the folder "preset" for the preset management.
Contains code of the nlame API that wraps the normal LAME API.
This chapter describes how to translate winLAME into other languages. Since winLAME 2009 it is possible to provide the winLAME author with a translation for your native language. Note that you must provide translation under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. See here for more:
There are two ways to translate the dialog and string resources from winLAME, depending on if you are a developer or not. The easy way is using Resource Hacker, and the more complicated way involves creating a translated resoure DLL.
You can use the tool Resource Hacker to translate all texts, by opening the winLAME.exe or the german translation DLL winLAME.0407.dll and start translating all resources that are listed in the tool. Please don't change dialog layouts or control positions and sizes if possible.
You can send me the translated binary file so I can incorporate the texts in a new Visual Studio resource project.
Translations use another project file in the source\winlame folder, with the
file names looking like: winlame_resXXXX.vcxproj
´. The XXXX stands for the
country code of the language. You can find the appropriate country code in
the file LangCountryMapper.cpp, in the method CountryCodeFromLanguageCode(),
starting at line 282.
Copy the german project file winlame_res0407.vcxproj and all other resource files with 0704 in the name and replace them with your language code. Also replace the file names in the .vcxproj file.
After adding the newly created project file to the winlame.sln solution, you can use the Visual Studio resource view to translate any elements. Compile the project to produce the winLAME.XXXX.dll file in the "bin" folder. It is automatically recognized by winLAME and is shown in the settings dialog.
After translating you can send me the project files in order to incorporate them in the project.
Expected result:
Expected result:
Case: Use filename with characters in a local codepage (like umlauts) Expected result: Encoded files should contain correct filenames.
Case: Try to convert invalid or non-audio files Expected result: An error message that the file is invalid or no input module could be found should be shown.
Case: Expected result:
Case: Expected result:
Case: Try to encode audio CD that is scratched Epected result:
Case: Try to encode Data CD Expected result: Error is reported in
Case: Insert CD after "Encoding CD" is selected Expected result: After some seconds, the tracks need to be detected and listed.
Case: Try to request FreeDB or CoverArt data without internet connection Expected result: After a while an error message should be reported.
Case: Use characters in a local codepage (like umlauts) in the CD or Track title or other metadata Expected result: Encoded files should contain correct metadata (check with e.g. Mp3Tag).
Case: Try cancelling encoding from Encoding page Expected result: First, a message asking if tasks should be stopped should appear, and when answering with Yes, the Classic mode start page should appear.
Case: Watch progress of encoding in classic mode in Task Bar icon Expected result: The task bar should show a progress background while encoding files.
Case: Switch to modern mode while encoding in Classic mode Epected result: Encoding should continue, showing the task list.
Here's a checklist of what to do before each release:
- Update version number in the following files:
- version.h
- config.wxi
- doxygen.cfg
- source\portable\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini
- appveyor.yml
- AppVeyor Settings on
- SonarQube build script
- Update copyright year in the following files:
- setup\License.winLAME.rtf
- htmlhelp index page
- setup\readme.txt
- Check all external libraries for updates and update them
- Check all NuGet packages and update them
- Check external tools for updates and update them (doxygen, cppcheck, wix)
- Build all projects in Release|Win32
- Run all unit tests
- Fix cppcheck errors and doxygen warnings
- Compile all project with /analyze and fix all warnings
- Use SonarQube to find even more warnings and fix them
- Test built .msi setup if it installs properly
- Do a short smoke test, encoding all test files
- Test portable zip archive by extracting and starting winLAME
- create winLAME portable with BuildPortable.cmd
- Fix all errors, check them in and push all changes
- Tag the git repository with tag "winlame-yyyy-beta-z" and push the tag
- Add a release and upload result .msi file, to releases on
- Update website and upload it to
- Done