Additional properties that you can pass to the partner's short link. Will be used to override the default link properties for this partner.
Field | Type | Required | Description | Example |
external_id |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The ID of the link in your database. If set, it can be used to identify the link in future API requests (must be prefixed with 'ext_' when passed as a query parameter). This key is unique across your workspace. | 123456 |
tenant_id |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The ID of the tenant that created the link inside your system. If set, it can be used to fetch all links for a tenant. | |
prefix |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The prefix of the short link slug for randomly-generated keys (e.g. if prefix is /c/ , generated keys will be in the /c/:key format). Will be ignored if key is provided. |
archived |
T.nilable(T::Boolean) | ➖ | Whether the short link is archived. Defaults to false if not provided. |
tag_ids |
T.nilable(::Object) | ➖ | The unique IDs of the tags assigned to the short link. | [ "clux0rgak00011..." ] |
tag_names |
T.nilable(::Object) | ➖ | The unique name of the tags assigned to the short link (case insensitive). | |
folder_id |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The unique ID existing folder to assign the short link to. | |
comments |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The comments for the short link. | |
expires_at |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The date and time when the short link will expire at. | |
expired_url |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The URL to redirect to when the short link has expired. | |
password |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The password required to access the destination URL of the short link. | |
proxy |
T.nilable(T::Boolean) | ➖ | Whether the short link uses Custom Social Media Cards feature. Defaults to false if not provided. |
title |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The custom link preview title (og:title). Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true. Learn more: |
description |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The custom link preview description (og:description). Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true. Learn more: |
image |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The custom link preview image (og:image). Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true. Learn more: |
video |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The custom link preview video (og:video). Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true. Learn more: |
rewrite |
T.nilable(T::Boolean) | ➖ | Whether the short link uses link cloaking. Defaults to false if not provided. |
ios |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The iOS destination URL for the short link for iOS device targeting. | |
android |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The Android destination URL for the short link for Android device targeting. | |
do_index |
T.nilable(T::Boolean) | ➖ | Allow search engines to index your short link. Defaults to false if not provided. Learn more: |
utm_source |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The UTM source of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the UTM source in the destination URL. | |
utm_medium |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The UTM medium of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the UTM medium in the destination URL. | |
utm_campaign |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The UTM campaign of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the UTM campaign in the destination URL. | |
utm_term |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The UTM term of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the UTM term in the destination URL. | |
utm_content |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The UTM content of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the UTM content in the destination URL. | |
ref |
T.nilable(::String) | ➖ | The referral tag of the short link. If set, this will populate or override the ref query parameter in the destination URL. |