Assignment_1: Plant DNA C-Values
The Assignment_1 folder can be downloaded here when the assignment becomes available.
The folder contains the instructions and dataset required to complete the assignment.
Date Assigned: January 16th, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm January 23rd, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file and a .csv file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
Assignment_2: Normalizing Fly RNA-Seq Counts
The Assignment_2 folder can be downloaded here when the assignment becomes available.
Date Assigned: January 23rd, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm January 30th, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
Assignment_3: Parsing a FASTA file from NCBI
The Assignment_3 folder can be downloaded here when the assignment becomes available.
Date Assigned: January 30th, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm February 6th, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file and a .xls(x) file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
Assignment_4: Exploratory Analysis of an Arabidopsis Chemical Genetic Screen
The Assignment_4 folder can be downloaded here when the assignment becomes available.
The folder contains the instructions and dataset required to complete the assignment.
Date Assigned: February 6th, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm February 13th, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file and a .png or .pdf file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
Assignment_5: Modelling yeast gene expression under nutrient starvation
The Assignment_5 folder can be downloaded here when the assignment becomes available.
The folder contains the instructions and dataset required to complete the assignment.
Date Assigned: February 13th, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm February 20th, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
General Late Policy: 1 mark will be deducted for each day the assignment is late to a maximum of 5 days, after which a mark of 0 will be given.
Final_Project: Microbial Composition of Freshwater Lakes and Bogs
The Final Project folder can be downloaded here when the project becomes available.
The folder contains the instructions and dataset required to complete the assignment.
Date Assigned: February 13th, 2019
Due date: 11:59pm February 27th, 2019
Submission: Each student will upload a .R file to Quercus. Please include your first and last name, the date of submission, and the assignment number.
Project Late Policy: 5% will be deducted for each day the assignment is late to a maximum of 5 days, after which a mark of 0 will be given.