Directory | Description |
deployment | Docker and Docker Compose scripts |
documentation | Repository documentation. |
edgeless_api | gRPC API definitions, both services and messages. This directory must be imported by other projects wishing to interact with EDGELESS components through its interfaces. |
edgeless_api_core | API definitions with minimal functions for embedded devices using CoAP. |
edgeless_bal | Reference implementation of the ε-BAL, currently a mere skeleton. The concrete implementation will be done in the next project phase when inter-domain workflows will be supported. |
edgeless_benchmark | Suite to benchmark an EDGELESS system in controlled and repeatable conditions using artificial workloads. |
edgeless_cli | EDGELESS command-line interface. This is used currently to locally build function instances and to interact with the ε-CON to create/terminate/list workflows. |
edgeless_con | Reference implementation of the ε-CON, currently only supporting a single orchestration domain and ignoring workflow annotations. |
edgeless_container_function | Skeleton of a function to be deployed in a container. |
edgeless_dataplane | EDGELESS intra-domain dataplane, which is realised through the full-mesh interconnection of gRPC services. Provides the primary communication chains. Used by communicating entities to send and receive events. Provides local and remote communication providers. |
edgeless_dda | EDGELESS Data Distribution Agent. |
edgeless_embedded | Work-in-progress implementation of special features for embedded devices. |
edgeless_embedded_emu | Embedded device emulator. |
edgeless_embedded_esp32 | Support of some ESP32 microcontrollers. |
edgeless_function | WebAssembly Rust bindings and function programming model. |
edgeless_http | Utility structures and methods for HTTP bindings. Specifies the interface between the ingress and the functions consuming HTTP events. |
edgeless_inabox | Implements a minimal, yet complete, EDGELESS system consisting of an ε-CON, an ε-ORC, an ε-BAL and an edgeless node. This is intended to be used for development/validation purposes. |
edgeless_node | EDGELESS node with WebAssembly and Container run-times. |
edgeless_orc | Reference implementation of the ε-ORC, supporting deployment annotations and implementing two simple function instance allocation strategies: random and round-robin. Upscaling is not supported: all the functions are deployed as single instances. |
edgeless_systemtests | Tests of EDGELESS components deployed in a system fashion, e.g., interacting through gRPC interfaces. |
edgeless_telemetry | Node telemetry support in EDGELESS, also supporting Prometheus agents. |
examples | Examples showcasing the key features of the EDGELESS reference implementation. |
functions | Library of example functions shipping with the EDGELESS platform and used in the examples. |
model | Work-in-progress OCaml model of the EDGELESS system. |
scripts | Collection of scripts |
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