- Ruby 2.2.2
- A mongo database running (please, edit the config/mongoid.yml to your database configuration, but don't modify production configurations).
- Redis
- Sidekiq
- Articles: a class that represents all the actions related to articles
- KnowledgeBase: a class that represents the actions around the Knowledge Base of this admin prototype
- ArticlesController
- KnowledgebasesController
Well, the platform doesn't search real articles at all, it just saves the query typed in a Knowledge Base database. To make a better query Knowledge Base, the platform only saves the query before 1 second without typing.
In the first page all things happens, it has:
- the search field.
- the list of query with respective times that was searched.
- a button that clears the Knowledge Base database.
to run the test, please, run bundle exec rspec
When executed, all tests run automatically.
We have two simple tests:
- To stress the application, 10 thousands KnowledgeBases objects are created (but they are not commited to database) with and without Sidekiq