| 1 | +## [`v100.0.0`](https://github.com/elastic/eui/releases/v100.0.0) |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +# eui-theme/borealis Changelog ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 4 | + ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 5 | +- Added new "Borealis" theme as `@elastic/eui-theme-borealis` package ([#8030](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8030)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 6 | +- Updated the default `theme` value on `EuiProvider` to "Borealis" ([#8288](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8288)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 7 | +- Added shared theme code as `@elastic/eui-theme-common` package ([#8030](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8030)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 8 | +- Added new semantic color tokens on `euiTheme.colors` ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 9 | + - `textPrimary` |
| 10 | + - `textAccent` |
| 11 | + - `textAccentSecondary` |
| 12 | + - `textSuccess` |
| 13 | + - `textWarning` |
| 14 | + - `textDanger` |
| 15 | + - `textParagraph` |
| 16 | + - `textHeading` |
| 17 | + - `textSubdued` |
| 18 | + - `textDisabled` |
| 19 | + - `textInverse` |
| 20 | + - `backgroundBasePrimary` |
| 21 | + - `backgroundBaseAccent` |
| 22 | + - `backgroundBaseAccentSecondary` |
| 23 | + - `backgroundBaseSuccess` |
| 24 | + - `backgroundBaseWarning` |
| 25 | + - `backgroundBaseDanger` |
| 26 | + - `backgroundBaseSubdued` |
| 27 | + - `backgroundBasePlain` |
| 28 | + - `backgroundBaseDisabled` |
| 29 | + - `backgroundBaseHighlighted` |
| 30 | + - `backgroundBaseFormsPrepend` |
| 31 | + - `backgroundBaseFormsControlDisabled` |
| 32 | + - `backgroundBaseInteractiveHover` |
| 33 | + - `backgroundBaseInteractiveSelect` |
| 34 | + - `backgroundBaseInteractiveOverlay` |
| 35 | + - `backgroundBaseSkeletonEdge` |
| 36 | + - `backgroundBaseSkeletonMiddle` |
| 37 | + - `backgroundLightPrimary` |
| 38 | + - `backgroundLightAccent` |
| 39 | + - `backgroundLightAccentSecondary` |
| 40 | + - `backgroundLightSuccess` |
| 41 | + - `backgroundLightWarning` |
| 42 | + - `backgroundLightDanger` |
| 43 | + - `backgroundLightText` |
| 44 | + - `backgroundFilledPrimary` |
| 45 | + - `backgroundFilledAccent` |
| 46 | + - `backgroundFilledAccentSecondary` |
| 47 | + - `backgroundFilledSuccess` |
| 48 | + - `backgroundFilledWarning` |
| 49 | + - `backgroundFilledDanger` |
| 50 | + - `backgroundFilledText` |
| 51 | + - `borderBasePrimary` |
| 52 | + - `borderBaseAccent` |
| 53 | + - `borderBaseAccentSecondary` |
| 54 | + - `borderBaseSuccess` |
| 55 | + - `borderBaseWarning` |
| 56 | + - `borderBaseDanger` |
| 57 | + - `borderBasePlain` |
| 58 | + - `borderBaseSubdued` |
| 59 | + - `borderBaseDisabled` |
| 60 | + - `borderBaseFloating` |
| 61 | + - `borderBaseFormsColorSwatch` |
| 62 | + - `borderBaseFormsControl` |
| 63 | + - `borderStrongPrimary` |
| 64 | + - `borderStrongAccent` |
| 65 | + - `borderStrongAccentSecondary` |
| 66 | + - `borderStrongSuccess` |
| 67 | + - `borderStrongWarning` |
| 68 | + - `borderStrongDanger` |
| 69 | +- Added deprecation for non-semantic color tokens ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 70 | +- Added new component specific tokens on `euiTheme.components` ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 71 | + - added `components.buttons`, `components.forms` for shared tokens (e.g. `components.forms.maxWidth`) |
| 72 | +- Added data vis color tokens on `euiTheme.colors.vis` ([#8112](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8112)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 73 | + - `euiColorVis0` |
| 74 | + - `euiColorVis1` |
| 75 | + - `euiColorVis2` |
| 76 | + - `euiColorVis3` |
| 77 | + - `euiColorVis4` |
| 78 | + - `euiColorVis5` |
| 79 | + - `euiColorVis6` |
| 80 | + - `euiColorVis7` |
| 81 | + - `euiColorVis8` |
| 82 | + - `euiColorVis9` |
| 83 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText0` |
| 84 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText1` |
| 85 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText2` |
| 86 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText3` |
| 87 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText4` |
| 88 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText5` |
| 89 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText6` |
| 90 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText7` |
| 91 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText8` |
| 92 | + - `euiColorVisBehindText9` |
| 93 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight0` |
| 94 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight1` |
| 95 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight2` |
| 96 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight3` |
| 97 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight4` |
| 98 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight5` |
| 99 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextLight6` |
| 100 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark0` |
| 101 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark1` |
| 102 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark2` |
| 103 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark3` |
| 104 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark4` |
| 105 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark5` |
| 106 | + - `euiColorVisAsTextDark6` |
| 107 | + - `euiColorVisSuccess0` |
| 108 | + - `euiColorVisSuccess1` |
| 109 | + - `euiColorVisWarning0` |
| 110 | + - `euiColorVisDanger0` |
| 111 | + - `euiColorVisDanger1` |
| 112 | + - `euiColorVisNeutral0` |
| 113 | + - `euiColorVisGrey0` |
| 114 | + - `euiColorVisGrey1` |
| 115 | + - `euiColorVisGrey2` |
| 116 | + - `euiColorVisGrey3` |
| 117 | + - `euiColorVisWarm0` |
| 118 | + - `euiColorVisWarm1` |
| 119 | + - `euiColorVisWarm2` |
| 120 | + - `euiColorVisCool0` |
| 121 | + - `euiColorVisCool1` |
| 122 | + - `euiColorVisCool2` |
| 123 | + - `euiColorVisComplementary0` |
| 124 | + - `euiColorVisComplementary1` |
| 125 | +- Added severity colors to `euiTheme.colors.vis` ([#8247](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8247)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 126 | + - `euiColorSeverity0` |
| 127 | + - `euiColorSeverity1` |
| 128 | + - `euiColorSeverity2` |
| 129 | + - `euiColorSeverity3` |
| 130 | + - `euiColorSeverity4` |
| 131 | + - `euiColorSeverity5` |
| 132 | + - `euiColorSeverity6` |
| 133 | + - `euiColorSeverity7` |
| 134 | + - `euiColorSeverity8` |
| 135 | + - `euiColorSeverity9` |
| 136 | + - `euiColorSeverity10` |
| 137 | + - `euiColorSeverity11` |
| 138 | + - `euiColorSeverity12` |
| 139 | + - `euiColorSeverity13` |
| 140 | + - `euiColorSeverity14` |
| 141 | +- Updated color palette functions to support multiple themes by retrieving colors from the new `EuiVisColorStore` ([#8112](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8112)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 142 | +- Added new semantic tokens to SCSS variables ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 143 | +- Added new semantic tokens to static JSON exports ([#8115](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8115)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 144 | +- Updated mixin functions `euiBackgroundColor`, `euiBorderColor`, `euiButtonColor`, `euiButtonFilledColor` and `euiButtonEmptyColor` to return tokens ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 145 | +- Updated usages of `transparentize`, `shade` and `tint` with tokens ([#8097](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8097)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 146 | +- Added hooks for color palette functions ([#8284](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8284)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 147 | + - `useEuiPaletteColorBlind` |
| 148 | + - `useEuiPaletteColorBlindBehindText` |
| 149 | + - `useEuiPaletteForStatus` |
| 150 | + - `useEuiPaletteForTemperature` |
| 151 | + - `useEuiPaletteComplementary` |
| 152 | + - `useEuiPaletteRed` |
| 153 | + - `useEuiPaletteGreen` |
| 154 | + - `useEuiPaletteCool` |
| 155 | + - `useEuiPaletteWarm` |
| 156 | + - `useEuiPaletteGray` |
| 157 | +- Updated `EuiPopover`, `EuiToolTip`, `EuiTour` and `EuiRange` with shared popover arrow styles ([#8212](https://github.com/elastic/eui/)pull/8212) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 158 | +- Updated border styles on `EuiPanel` to use pseudo element borders ([#8270](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8270)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 159 | + |
| 160 | +**Bug fixes** |
| 161 | + |
| 162 | +- Fixed `EuiComboBox` by cleaning duplicated values when having a delimiter prop. ([#8335](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8335)) |
| 163 | + |
| 164 | +**Breaking changes** |
| 165 | + |
| 166 | +- Renamed `eui_theme_light.json` and `eui_theme_dark.json` to `eui_theme_amsterdam_light.json` and `eui_theme_amsterdam_dark.json` ([#8115](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8115)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 167 | +- Removed `isDefaultTheme` ([#8288](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8288)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 168 | + |
| 169 | +**Accessibility** |
| 170 | + |
| 171 | +- Updated colors of `EuiToken` to increase contrast ([#8250](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8250)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 172 | +- Added background to hovered `EuiKeypadMenuItem` to increase visibility ([#8294](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8294)) ([#8386](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8386)) |
| 173 | + |
1 | 174 | ## [`v99.4.0`](https://github.com/elastic/eui/releases/v99.4.0)
2 | 175 |
3 | 176 | - Minor design updates to `EuiCollapsibleNavBeta` ([#8332](https://github.com/elastic/eui/pull/8332))
0 commit comments