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Florian Fülling edited this page May 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

The config is pretty simpel. You can find a explained version below. This is also the default config which will be created when you first install the plugin.

If a schematic source is not found it will not fail the plugin loading. If you want to check if everything is loaded properly set debug to true and you will get a list of loaded directories on startup or reload.

# Never change this!
version: 2
# Enable to get more information in our server console
debug: false
# Settings for selector
  # The character you want to use when entering a path
  pathSeperator: /
  # We prefix the path with the source of the path. Use this if you have directories with equal names in your sources.
  pathSourceAsPrefix: false
# Manage which directories we use for schematic loading
  # Directories we should search for schematics
    # Schematic brush directory
      # path of directory. Seperate folder name with '/'
      path: SchematicBrushReborn/schematics
      # prefix. this is always required. Also when you set pathSourceAsPrefix to false.
      prefix: sbr
      path: FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics
      prefix: fawe
      path: WorldEdit/schematics
      prefix: we
  # Define pathes which we should not scan inside the sources. Use the prefix to define the source.
  # Use a '*' at the end to exlude all schematic in subfolders too.
    - prefix/none
# We will save your presets here
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