@Hashimoto @ckerr @killian
Unified Documentation
- Reiteration of goals from ckerr: have a single set of sample code that can be shared across website, Fiddle, and api-demos; make electronjs.org/docs more organized & navigatable, increase the number of code samples so that new users will know how to do anything in Electron
- Launching code examples from docs into Fiddle (@ckerr)
- What changes would we need to make to the docs in
? (@ckerr)
Making 'Breaking Changes' more discoverable
- Kilian points out this is useful to link to in release notes
- If we use the same terminology and link to this in every release notes post, developers will know to use that.
- Open tracking issue for electronjs.org/docs page brainstorming & improvements (@ckerr)
- Add link to 'Breaking Changes' in release notes script? Open issue & get feedback from Releases WG (@ckerr)
Unified Documentation
- Embed Fiddle gists as code samples? (@malept)
How the Squirrel.Windows deprecation affects us (@malept)
- Reboot proposal from @shiftkey
- Someone from governance should be a part of talks if they aren't already
follow-up (@malept, for @felix) -
update (@malept, @MarshallOfSound)- Needs to be renamed something else due to NPM naming restrictions