Thursday, Oct 10, 2019 (9:00-9:30am PT)
- @ckerr
- @felix
- @HashimotoYT
- @Kilian
- @malept
- @MarshallOfSound
- @erickzhao
- Membership updates
- @erickzhao would like to join
- Approved! 🎉
- @erickzhao would like to join
- Key Result status updates
- Increase adoption of Electron-provided tooling (@ckerr)
- build-tools has been rewritten in JS to have same feature set on all 3 platforms
- Electron Forge 6 to go to website
- How to track numbers so that we know if we're increasing it?
- Ideally, we will scrape npm counts daily and add to grafana. Sam will investigate feasability.
- Collect page views of Forge documentation
- Decrease percentage of documented poor-practices (needs point person!)
- Increase views on /docs (@felix)
- Increase adoption of Electron-provided tooling (@ckerr)
- Followup from previous meetings
- @MarshallOfSound will find and send the project inclusion draft he made to @malept for review
- Status check on Hacktoberfest issue (@erickzhao)
- Archive electron-api-demos (@hashimoto)
- Will wait until after demos are migrated to Fiddle
- Some questions around open in Fiddle (@hashimoto)
- respond async in opened issues
- Issues on macOS Catalina (10.15) building Windows targets (@malept)
- Affects rcedit & electron-winstaller
- Need help, respond in issues (e.g. electron/packager#1055)
- Status of Electron Forge 6.0? (Currently: 6.0.0-beta.45) (added by @ckerr, answer by @malept)
- Should meetings have a 1 hr time slot? (Even if we don't use a full hour) (@ckerr)
- Erick added to all user groups and permission groups and all the groups and stuff (@marshallofsound)
- Investigate piping npm download counts into grafana (@marshallofsound)
- Investigate piping gitbook views + ratings into grafana (@marshallofsound)
- Felix should think about how to do the work for decrease documented poor-practices (@felix)
- Raise an issue in Fiddle for multiple html files / limitations found in the hacktoberfest issue (@erickzhao)
- Ping JDD about unblocking Forge 6. Also, look at previous notes to find who else volunteered (@malept)
- Move the biweekly meeting by a week, starting next week, so we can increase the timeslot to an hour (@ckerr)