Thursday, Apr 02, 2020 (9:00-10:00am PT)
- @erickzhao
- @felix
- @hashimotoyt
- @kilian
- @malept
- @marshallofsound
- Administrivia: Chair rotation
- will ask for volunteers in Slack channel
- Follow up from last meeting
- Curated Electron projects list
- docs feedback (loop/appzi)
- needs a volunteer to integrate with the website
- Also need to coordinate with Slack integration
- Should we do anything with simple-samples?
- It's an abandoned repo
- Dependabot on repos
- inconsistently added
- Multi-ver docs (@hashimotoyt)
- Key Result status updates
- Increase adoption of Electron-provided tooling (@ckerr)
- Increase views on /docs (@felix)
- Sidebar: it takes too long for docs PRs to get reviewed
- As long as a PR improves the docs (and typos are fixed), it should get merged
- Further improvements should be documented in separate issues
- Sidebar: it takes too long for docs PRs to get reviewed
- archive simple-samples (@marshallofsound)
- Look into Loop/Appzi integration (@erickzhao)
- Request relevant repos to add Dependabot via GitHub interface (@malept)