Releases: electrovir/prettier-plugin-multiline-arrays
Releases · electrovir/prettier-plugin-multiline-arrays
Potentially breaking changes:
- The default wrap threshold is now
which indicates that no wrapping is forced, by default. In order to maintain the previous 1.x default behavior, setmultilineArraysWrapThreshold: 1
in your Prettier config. - Leading new lines now force an array wrap. This means that existing wrapped arrays will not unwrap if the
config is lowered. - If you're also using the plugin
, it now works with this plugin: your JSON formatting will likely change as a result.
- 4f5c742: update deps and configs (electrovir)
- 091f6a5: use test-as-package (electrovir)
- 45b754e: add better debugging info to README (electrovir)
- aeca1b6: update configs, license, and deps (electrovir)
- 309f8cb: fix prettier warning on missing parser (in tests) (electrovir)
- 67011d2: tweak test case property names (electrovir)
- 8f50b50: remove spellcheck words that are now covered in base config (electrovir)
- c081b9a: add tsconfig test (electrovir)
- 59735c5: fix comments not overriding manual wrapping (electrovir)
- 4c20dd5: work with prettier-plugin-sort-json (electrovir)
- d36fcf8: add leading new line detection (electrovir)
- ecb12ac: change default wrap threshold to -1, indicating none (electrovir)
- cc84605: upgrade deps (electrovir)
- 76d7ecb: update docs (electrovir)
- a80b328: update to 2.0.0 (electrovir)
- ade2c54: add one more json test (Giacomo Tazzari)
- cd29dc6: update configs and dependencies (electrovir)
- 7f417f6: update tests to use mocha (electrovir)
- 55340c7: fix comment only array throwing errors (electrovir)
- c03cb8f: fix comments inside of JSON arrays (electrovir)
- 8013d99: bump deps and version (electrovir)
- c2ef2ea: update package-lock (electrovir)
- 04b884b: add more tests (electrovir)
- 2101ae5: update deps (electrovir)
- 025c30f: explain options in README better (electrovir)
- e33dd9d: separate typescript tests (electrovir)
- 24a6ecf: create separate code flow for arguments (electrovir)
- 70a6ddd: get some initial tests working for function args (electrovir)
- 350b439: fix readme prettier config example (electrovir)
- 9545366: finish up argument wrapping (electrovir)
- 0e15a1d: cover edge case of require calls (electrovir)
- ac8f223: totally change direction on how to handle arguments (electrovir)
- 791ffc4: get most arguments tests working (electrovir)
- 2bcef0f: get some arguments wrapping working (electrovir)
- ac99ea1: fix formatting of () with no args (electrovir)
- 190c7cc: allow test exclusion (electrovir)