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237 lines (187 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

237 lines (187 loc) · 10.7 KB

Endeavour Logo

Endeavour Angular Library



For managing pending changes


Service & Dialogs for code searching


Error handling, State management


Configuration management


Inline Editor

The inline editor control is used to display a label which is then replace (on mouseclick) with an input box containing confirm/cancel buttons. The control also has properties for styling the label and input box.

<inline-edit labelClass="text-success" inputClass="btn-danger" [(ngModel)]="myvalue"></inline-edit>
[labelClass] : string : optional css class to use on the label
[inputClass] : string : optionalcss class to use on the input box
[type] : string : optional use text-area to show a text-area rather than a input box. default is 'text'
[disabled] : boolean : optional set this to enable or disable the edit functionality to prevent users without correct privileges being able to edit.

Loading Indicator

The loading indicator is used to wrap and replace a section of html (displaying and animated circle and message) until its done property is not undefined/null/false.

<loadingIndicator [done]="loadedItems">
        <li *ngFor="let item of loadedItems">{{}}</li>


Application wrapper, Http wrapper, LinqTs, Svg Helper


Basic text input dialog and simple message dialog.

Entity Viewer

Display a list of (pretty much) any generic item with built in pagination, filtering, ordering and user selected page sizes.
Clicking on an item will open a modal dialog window with custom definable properties for each type of item. The dialog will have a button that takes you to the relevant page to see full details and be able to edit the details.


Import using

import {EntityViewComponentsModule} from "eds-common-js";

and add EntityViewComponentsModule to your imports section in the module you want to use it.

Then call by:

       [secondaryOrderText]="'ODS Code'"

[items] :any[] : array of the items you want to be displayed
[typeDescription] : string : Used to advise users what they are seeing (or not seeing) eg There are no associated 'Organisations' if the array is empty. Also the details modal dialog displays this text. Use the singular and capitalised as you would want it on a heading. eg. Organisation rather than organisations.
[model] : string : What data model is being used (used to redirect to the correct page if they want more details) Valid options currently are :
[primary] : string : The main property of the item you want displaying (eg name) case sensitive
[primaryOrderText] : string : The text to use in the orderBy dropdown box. (eg Name)
[detailsToShow] :any[] : the list of properties you want to be displayed in the details modal dialog box. Each model has a function to return the default list . new Organisation().getDisplayItems(); but this can be defined at the point of calling if you want a specific subset of properties.
[displayClass] : string : optional if you want to add a custom styling class, default is region
[secondary] : string : optional The secondary property of the item you want displaying (eg odsCode) case sensitive
[secondaryOrderText] : string : optional The text to use in the orderBy dropdown box. (eg ODS Code)
[pageSize] : number : optional The number of items to display on a page - default is 12
[allowDelete] : boolean : optional allow the deletion of the entities being displayed

Deletions work by emitting an event when the delete button is pressed in the component.
Subscribe to the event by adding a listener like below

<entity-viewer (deleted)="delete($event)

then implement the logic in whatever function you have specified.

This also implements a pdf viewer so documents can be viewed using this component. To enable viewing of PDF documents, pass the document entities as you would normally ensuring it contains the document data.
The model giving 'details to show' should be extended to indicate which property is a document.
{label: 'fileData', property: 'fileData', document : true},

Entity Viewer With Server Side Pagination

Display a list of (pretty much) any generic item with built in server side pagination, server side filtering, server side ordering and user selected page sizes.
Clicking on an item will open a modal dialog window with custom definable properties for each type of item. The dialog will have a button that takes you to the relevant page to see full details and be able to edit the details.


Import using

import {EntityViewComponentsModule} from "eds-common-js";

and add EntityViewComponentsModule to your imports section in the module you want to use it.

Then call by:

       [secondaryOrderText]="'ODS Code'"

[items] :any[] : array of the items you want to be displayed
[totalItems]: number : Total number of items (obtained from the DB) [typeDescription] : string : Used to advise users what they are seeing (or not seeing) eg There are no associated 'Organisations' if the array is empty. Also the details modal dialog displays this text. Use the singular and capitalised as you would want it on a heading. eg. Organisation rather than organisations.
[model] : string : What data model is being used (used to redirect to the correct page if they want more details) Valid options currently are :
[primary] : string : The main property of the item you want displaying (eg name) case sensitive
[primaryOrderText] : string : The text to use in the orderBy dropdown box. (eg Name)
[detailsToShow] :any[] : the list of properties you want to be displayed in the details modal dialog box. Each model has a function to return the default list . new Organisation().getDisplayItems(); but this can be defined at the point of calling if you want a specific subset of properties.
[displayClass] : string : optional if you want to add a custom styling class, default is region
[secondary] : string : optional The secondary property of the item you want displaying (eg odsCode) case sensitive
[secondaryOrderText] : string : optional The text to use in the orderBy dropdown box. (eg ODS Code)
[pageSize] : number : optional The number of items to display on a page - default is 12
[pageNumber] : number : Current Page Number
[maxPageSize] : number : limit the maximum size of page default is 48 [allowDelete] : boolean : optional allow the deletion of the entities being displayed

Deletions work by emitting an event when the delete button is pressed in the component.
Subscribe to the event by adding a listener like below

<entity-viewer (deleted)="delete($event)

then implement the logic in whatever function you have specified.

Component emits events for the following. Subscribe to hook up the server side pagination in whatever is calling this.

(onPageChange) : Emitted whenever a user changes page and returns the new current Page.
(onPageSizeChanged) : Emitted whenever a user changes the page size and returns the new page size
(search) : Emitted when a user types a string in the search box and presses enter. The search string is returned.
(onOrderChange) : Emitted when a user changes the order drop down and returns an object containing the a string of the column name (column) and a boolean advising if the order is descending or not.

This also implements a pdf viewer so documents can be viewed using this component. To enable viewing of PDF documents, pass the document entities as you would normally ensuring it contains the document data.
The model giving 'details to show' should be extended to indicate which property is a document.
{label: 'fileData', property: 'fileData', document : true},


Angular implementation of the flowchart component


Endeavour library folder navigation component. Optional context menu (configurable via actionMenuItems property). Events for selection changes and item actions.



Comman application layout (shell, top bar, side menu)


Base components for implementing domain specific library


Error logging service


Mouse handling/dragging service component


Keycloak security components and authenticating Http interceptor

Making Changes

To make changes to the common angular code, you will need to perform the following steps.

  • Increment the version number at the top of the package.json file
  • Make your code changes!
  • Build using the npm run build command
    • This will create a new version of the common tgz file

      Note: During development, the contents of this file can simply be unpacked into the relevant node_modules folder of your main project to circumvent the commit/install process.

  • Once development is complete, you should commit:
    • Your code changes!
    • The updated package.json file
    • The new eds-common-js.?.?.?.tgx file
  • In your main project, update the eds-common-js entry in your package.json file
  • Perform an npm install to retrieve your new package