- Shows current album cover (does not switch covers, that is WIP)
- Shows Title, Author of song.
- Live progress through song, song length.
- viu (https://github.com/atanunq/viu) (You need to have a rust env. on your computer, very easy to do)
- requests
- spotipy
- pip install spotipy
- pip install requests
- git clone https://github.com/etfriedman/spotiline/
- cd spotiline
- Follow tutorial below to get your credentials
- python main.py you-spotify-username
7: Follow this gif when promted to enter link:
- If you get an error regard NonType, make sure you are playing a song! (otherwise spotify drops your "currently playing" and you cant access it!)
- If you are getting a creds error (export=blahlbahlblah), run the lines in the creds.txt file 1 by 1 in terminal (make sure you have replced each item to your own)
- if you don't know where to get those, follow this: https://developer.spotify.com/
- Make a new account, and makea new app.
- Check your dashboard and click on that app, get the creds there.
- If you need more help, lookup "Make spotify app"