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Bind WebGL2RenderingContext #72

Happypig375 opened this issue Aug 2, 2021 · 1 comment

Bind WebGL2RenderingContext #72

Happypig375 opened this issue Aug 2, 2021 · 1 comment
enhancement New feature or request good first issue Good for newcomers help wanted Extra attention is needed


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@Happypig375 Do you want to try send a PR to add it to WebGL package?

I guess it should be possible to use

type [<AllowNullLiteral>] WebGLRenderingContext =
abstract canvas: HTMLCanvasElement with get, set
abstract drawingBufferHeight: float with get, set
abstract drawingBufferWidth: float with get, set
abstract ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES: float with get, set
abstract ACTIVE_TEXTURE: float with get, set
abstract ACTIVE_UNIFORMS: float with get, set
abstract ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE: float with get, set
abstract ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE: float with get, set
abstract ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract ALPHA_BITS: float with get, set
abstract ALWAYS: float with get, set
abstract ARRAY_BUFFER: float with get, set
abstract ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: float with get, set
abstract ATTACHED_SHADERS: float with get, set
abstract BACK: float with get, set
abstract BLEND: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_DST_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_DST_RGB: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_EQUATION: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_EQUATION_RGB: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_SRC_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract BLEND_SRC_RGB: float with get, set
abstract BLUE_BITS: float with get, set
abstract BOOL: float with get, set
abstract BOOL_VEC2: float with get, set
abstract BOOL_VEC3: float with get, set
abstract BOOL_VEC4: float with get, set
abstract BROWSER_DEFAULT_WEBGL: float with get, set
abstract BUFFER_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract BUFFER_USAGE: float with get, set
abstract BYTE: float with get, set
abstract CCW: float with get, set
abstract CLAMP_TO_EDGE: float with get, set
abstract COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: float with get, set
abstract COLOR_BUFFER_BIT: float with get, set
abstract COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE: float with get, set
abstract COLOR_WRITEMASK: float with get, set
abstract COMPILE_STATUS: float with get, set
abstract COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS: float with get, set
abstract CONSTANT_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract CONSTANT_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract CONTEXT_LOST_WEBGL: float with get, set
abstract CULL_FACE: float with get, set
abstract CULL_FACE_MODE: float with get, set
abstract CURRENT_PROGRAM: float with get, set
abstract CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB: float with get, set
abstract CW: float with get, set
abstract DECR: float with get, set
abstract DECR_WRAP: float with get, set
abstract DELETE_STATUS: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_ATTACHMENT: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_BITS: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_COMPONENT: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_COMPONENT16: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_FUNC: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_RANGE: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_STENCIL: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_TEST: float with get, set
abstract DEPTH_WRITEMASK: float with get, set
abstract DITHER: float with get, set
abstract DONT_CARE: float with get, set
abstract DST_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract DST_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract DYNAMIC_DRAW: float with get, set
abstract ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER: float with get, set
abstract ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: float with get, set
abstract EQUAL: float with get, set
abstract FASTEST: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_MAT2: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_MAT3: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_MAT4: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_VEC2: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_VEC3: float with get, set
abstract FLOAT_VEC4: float with get, set
abstract FRAGMENT_SHADER: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_TYPE: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LEVEL: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_DIMENSIONS: float with get, set
abstract FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: float with get, set
abstract FRONT: float with get, set
abstract FRONT_AND_BACK: float with get, set
abstract FRONT_FACE: float with get, set
abstract FUNC_ADD: float with get, set
abstract FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT: float with get, set
abstract FUNC_SUBTRACT: float with get, set
abstract GENERATE_MIPMAP_HINT: float with get, set
abstract GEQUAL: float with get, set
abstract GREATER: float with get, set
abstract GREEN_BITS: float with get, set
abstract HIGH_FLOAT: float with get, set
abstract HIGH_INT: float with get, set
abstract IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT: float with get, set
abstract IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE: float with get, set
abstract INCR: float with get, set
abstract INCR_WRAP: float with get, set
abstract INT: float with get, set
abstract INT_VEC2: float with get, set
abstract INT_VEC3: float with get, set
abstract INT_VEC4: float with get, set
abstract INVALID_ENUM: float with get, set
abstract INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION: float with get, set
abstract INVALID_OPERATION: float with get, set
abstract INVALID_VALUE: float with get, set
abstract INVERT: float with get, set
abstract KEEP: float with get, set
abstract LEQUAL: float with get, set
abstract LESS: float with get, set
abstract LINEAR: float with get, set
abstract LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR: float with get, set
abstract LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST: float with get, set
abstract LINES: float with get, set
abstract LINE_LOOP: float with get, set
abstract LINE_STRIP: float with get, set
abstract LINE_WIDTH: float with get, set
abstract LINK_STATUS: float with get, set
abstract LOW_FLOAT: float with get, set
abstract LOW_INT: float with get, set
abstract LUMINANCE: float with get, set
abstract LUMINANCE_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract MAX_VARYING_VECTORS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS: float with get, set
abstract MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS: float with get, set
abstract MEDIUM_FLOAT: float with get, set
abstract MEDIUM_INT: float with get, set
abstract MIRRORED_REPEAT: float with get, set
abstract NEAREST: float with get, set
abstract NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR: float with get, set
abstract NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST: float with get, set
abstract NEVER: float with get, set
abstract NICEST: float with get, set
abstract NONE: float with get, set
abstract NOTEQUAL: float with get, set
abstract NO_ERROR: float with get, set
abstract ONE: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract OUT_OF_MEMORY: float with get, set
abstract PACK_ALIGNMENT: float with get, set
abstract POINTS: float with get, set
abstract POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR: float with get, set
abstract POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL: float with get, set
abstract POLYGON_OFFSET_UNITS: float with get, set
abstract RED_BITS: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_ALPHA_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_BINDING: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_BLUE_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_DEPTH_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_GREEN_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_HEIGHT: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_RED_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH: float with get, set
abstract RENDERER: float with get, set
abstract REPEAT: float with get, set
abstract REPLACE: float with get, set
abstract RGB: float with get, set
abstract RGB565: float with get, set
abstract RGB5_A1: float with get, set
abstract RGBA: float with get, set
abstract RGBA4: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLER_2D: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLER_CUBE: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLES: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLE_BUFFERS: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLE_COVERAGE: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT: float with get, set
abstract SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE: float with get, set
abstract SCISSOR_BOX: float with get, set
abstract SCISSOR_TEST: float with get, set
abstract SHADER_TYPE: float with get, set
abstract SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION: float with get, set
abstract SHORT: float with get, set
abstract SRC_ALPHA: float with get, set
abstract SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE: float with get, set
abstract SRC_COLOR: float with get, set
abstract STATIC_DRAW: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_ATTACHMENT: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_FAIL: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_FUNC: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_REF: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BITS: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_FAIL: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_FUNC: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_INDEX: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_INDEX8: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_PASS_DEPTH_PASS: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_REF: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_TEST: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_VALUE_MASK: float with get, set
abstract STENCIL_WRITEMASK: float with get, set
abstract STREAM_DRAW: float with get, set
abstract SUBPIXEL_BITS: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE0: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE1: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE10: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE11: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE12: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE13: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE14: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE15: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE16: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE17: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE18: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE19: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE2: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE20: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE21: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE22: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE23: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE24: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE25: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE26: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE27: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE28: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE29: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE3: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE30: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE31: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE4: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE5: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE6: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE7: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE8: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE9: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_2D: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_BINDING_2D: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_WRAP_S: float with get, set
abstract TEXTURE_WRAP_T: float with get, set
abstract TRIANGLES: float with get, set
abstract TRIANGLE_FAN: float with get, set
abstract TRIANGLE_STRIP: float with get, set
abstract UNPACK_ALIGNMENT: float with get, set
abstract UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL: float with get, set
abstract UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL: float with get, set
abstract UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_BYTE: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_INT: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_SHORT: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: float with get, set
abstract UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: float with get, set
abstract VALIDATE_STATUS: float with get, set
abstract VENDOR: float with get, set
abstract VERSION: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE: float with get, set
abstract VERTEX_SHADER: float with get, set
abstract VIEWPORT: float with get, set
abstract ZERO: float with get, set
abstract activeTexture: texture: float -> unit
abstract attachShader: program: WebGLProgram * shader: WebGLShader -> unit
abstract bindAttribLocation: program: WebGLProgram * index: float * name: string -> unit
abstract bindBuffer: target: float * buffer: WebGLBuffer -> unit
abstract bindFramebuffer: target: float * framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer -> unit
abstract bindRenderbuffer: target: float * renderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer -> unit
abstract bindTexture: target: float * texture: WebGLTexture -> unit
abstract blendColor: red: float * green: float * blue: float * alpha: float -> unit
abstract blendEquation: mode: float -> unit
abstract blendEquationSeparate: modeRGB: float * modeAlpha: float -> unit
abstract blendFunc: sfactor: float * dfactor: float -> unit
abstract blendFuncSeparate: srcRGB: float * dstRGB: float * srcAlpha: float * dstAlpha: float -> unit
abstract bufferData: target: float * size: U3<float, ArrayBufferView, ArrayBuffer> * usage: float -> unit
abstract bufferSubData: target: float * offset: float * data: U2<ArrayBufferView, ArrayBuffer> -> unit
abstract checkFramebufferStatus: target: float -> float
abstract clear: mask: float -> unit
abstract clearColor: red: float * green: float * blue: float * alpha: float -> unit
abstract clearDepth: depth: float -> unit
abstract clearStencil: s: float -> unit
abstract colorMask: red: bool * green: bool * blue: bool * alpha: bool -> unit
abstract compileShader: shader: WebGLShader -> unit
abstract compressedTexImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float * border: float * data: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract compressedTexSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * width: float * height: float * format: float * data: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract copyTexImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float * border: float -> unit
abstract copyTexSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float -> unit
abstract createBuffer: unit -> WebGLBuffer
abstract createFramebuffer: unit -> WebGLFramebuffer
abstract createProgram: unit -> WebGLProgram
abstract createRenderbuffer: unit -> WebGLRenderbuffer
abstract createShader: ``type``: float -> WebGLShader
abstract createTexture: unit -> WebGLTexture
abstract cullFace: mode: float -> unit
abstract deleteBuffer: buffer: WebGLBuffer -> unit
abstract deleteFramebuffer: framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer -> unit
abstract deleteProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract deleteRenderbuffer: renderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer -> unit
abstract deleteShader: shader: WebGLShader -> unit
abstract deleteTexture: texture: WebGLTexture -> unit
abstract depthFunc: func: float -> unit
abstract depthMask: flag: bool -> unit
abstract depthRange: zNear: float * zFar: float -> unit
abstract detachShader: program: WebGLProgram * shader: WebGLShader -> unit
abstract disable: cap: float -> unit
abstract disableVertexAttribArray: index: float -> unit
abstract drawArrays: mode: float * first: float * count: float -> unit
abstract drawElements: mode: float * count: float * ``type``: float * offset: float -> unit
abstract enable: cap: float -> unit
abstract enableVertexAttribArray: index: float -> unit
abstract finish: unit -> unit
abstract flush: unit -> unit
abstract framebufferRenderbuffer: target: float * attachment: float * renderbuffertarget: float * renderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer -> unit
abstract framebufferTexture2D: target: float * attachment: float * textarget: float * texture: WebGLTexture * level: float -> unit
abstract frontFace: mode: float -> unit
abstract generateMipmap: target: float -> unit
abstract getActiveAttrib: program: WebGLProgram * index: float -> WebGLActiveInfo
abstract getActiveUniform: program: WebGLProgram * index: float -> WebGLActiveInfo
abstract getAttachedShaders: program: WebGLProgram -> ResizeArray<WebGLShader>
abstract getAttribLocation: program: WebGLProgram * name: string -> float
abstract getBufferParameter: target: float * pname: float -> obj
abstract getContextAttributes: unit -> WebGLContextAttributes
abstract getError: unit -> float
abstract getExtension: name: string -> obj
abstract getFramebufferAttachmentParameter: target: float * attachment: float * pname: float -> obj
abstract getParameter: pname: float -> obj
abstract getProgramInfoLog: program: WebGLProgram -> string
abstract getProgramParameter: program: WebGLProgram * pname: float -> obj
abstract getRenderbufferParameter: target: float * pname: float -> obj
abstract getShaderInfoLog: shader: WebGLShader -> string
abstract getShaderParameter: shader: WebGLShader * pname: float -> obj
abstract getShaderPrecisionFormat: shadertype: float * precisiontype: float -> WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat
abstract getShaderSource: shader: WebGLShader -> string
abstract getSupportedExtensions: unit -> ResizeArray<string>
abstract getTexParameter: target: float * pname: float -> obj
abstract getUniform: program: WebGLProgram * location: WebGLUniformLocation -> obj
abstract getUniformLocation: program: WebGLProgram * name: string -> WebGLUniformLocation
abstract getVertexAttrib: index: float * pname: float -> obj
abstract getVertexAttribOffset: index: float * pname: float -> float
abstract hint: target: float * mode: float -> unit
abstract isBuffer: buffer: WebGLBuffer -> bool
abstract isContextLost: unit -> bool
abstract isEnabled: cap: float -> bool
abstract isFramebuffer: framebuffer: WebGLFramebuffer -> bool
abstract isProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> bool
abstract isRenderbuffer: renderbuffer: WebGLRenderbuffer -> bool
abstract isShader: shader: WebGLShader -> bool
abstract isTexture: texture: WebGLTexture -> bool
abstract lineWidth: width: float -> unit
abstract linkProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract pixelStorei: pname: float * param: float -> unit
abstract polygonOffset: factor: float * units: float -> unit
abstract readPixels: x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract renderbufferStorage: target: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float -> unit
abstract sampleCoverage: value: float * invert: bool -> unit
abstract scissor: x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float -> unit
abstract shaderSource: shader: WebGLShader * source: string -> unit
abstract stencilFunc: func: float * ref: float * mask: float -> unit
abstract stencilFuncSeparate: face: float * func: float * ref: float * mask: float -> unit
abstract stencilMask: mask: float -> unit
abstract stencilMaskSeparate: face: float * mask: float -> unit
abstract stencilOp: fail: float * zfail: float * zpass: float -> unit
abstract stencilOpSeparate: face: float * fail: float * zfail: float * zpass: float -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * width: float * height: float * border: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * format: float * ``type``: float * image: HTMLImageElement -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * format: float * ``type``: float * canvas: HTMLCanvasElement -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * format: float * ``type``: float * video: HTMLVideoElement -> unit
abstract texImage2D: target: float * level: float * internalformat: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ImageData -> unit
abstract texParameterf: target: float * pname: float * param: float -> unit
abstract texParameteri: target: float * pname: float * param: float -> unit
abstract texSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * width: float * height: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ArrayBufferView -> unit
abstract texSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * format: float * ``type``: float * image: HTMLImageElement -> unit
abstract texSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * format: float * ``type``: float * canvas: HTMLCanvasElement -> unit
abstract texSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * format: float * ``type``: float * video: HTMLVideoElement -> unit
abstract texSubImage2D: target: float * level: float * xoffset: float * yoffset: float * format: float * ``type``: float * pixels: ImageData -> unit
abstract uniform1f: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float -> unit
abstract uniform1fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniform1i: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float -> unit
abstract uniform1iv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Int32Array -> unit
abstract uniform2f: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float -> unit
abstract uniform2fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniform2i: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float -> unit
abstract uniform2iv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Int32Array -> unit
abstract uniform3f: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float * z: float -> unit
abstract uniform3fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniform3i: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float * z: float -> unit
abstract uniform3iv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Int32Array -> unit
abstract uniform4f: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> unit
abstract uniform4fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniform4i: location: WebGLUniformLocation * x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> unit
abstract uniform4iv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * v: Int32Array -> unit
abstract uniformMatrix2fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * transpose: bool * value: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniformMatrix3fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * transpose: bool * value: Float32Array -> unit
abstract uniformMatrix4fv: location: WebGLUniformLocation * transpose: bool * value: Float32Array -> unit
abstract useProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract validateProgram: program: WebGLProgram -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib1f: indx: float * x: float -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib1fv: indx: float * values: Float32Array -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib2f: indx: float * x: float * y: float -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib2fv: indx: float * values: Float32Array -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib3f: indx: float * x: float * y: float * z: float -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib3fv: indx: float * values: Float32Array -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib4f: indx: float * x: float * y: float * z: float * w: float -> unit
abstract vertexAttrib4fv: indx: float * values: Float32Array -> unit
abstract vertexAttribPointer: indx: float * size: float * ``type``: float * normalized: bool * stride: float * offset: float -> unit
abstract viewport: x: float * y: float * width: float * height: float -> unit

as a reference.

@MangelMaxime MangelMaxime added enhancement New feature or request good first issue Good for newcomers help wanted Extra attention is needed labels Aug 7, 2021
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enhancement New feature or request good first issue Good for newcomers help wanted Extra attention is needed
None yet

No branches or pull requests

2 participants