diff --git a/.emacs.d/init.el b/.emacs.d/init.el index ba1b31e..98045ff 100644 --- a/.emacs.d/init.el +++ b/.emacs.d/init.el @@ -1,50 +1,276 @@ -;;(defvar *emacs-load-start* (current-time)) - -(defvar dotfiles-dir "~/.emacs.d/" "The root Emacs Lisp source folder") -(defvar ext-dir (concat dotfiles-dir "vendor/") "The root folder for external packages") - -(defun add-subfolders-to-load-path (parent-dir) - "Adds all first level `parent-dir' subdirs to the Emacs load path." - (dolist (f (directory-files parent-dir)) - (let ((name (concat parent-dir f))) - (when (and (file-directory-p name) - (not (equal f "..")) - (not (equal f "."))) - (add-to-list 'load-path name))))) - -;; add everything to the load path, then add the first level subfolders automatically -(add-to-list 'load-path dotfiles-dir) -(add-subfolders-to-load-path dotfiles-dir) -(add-subfolders-to-load-path ext-dir) +;;; user defaults +(setq user-full-name "Frank Failla") +(setq user-mail-address "frank@frankfailla.com") +;;; environment (setenv "PATH" (concat "~/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:" (getenv "PATH"))) (setq exec-path (append '("~/bin" "/opt/local/bin" "/opt/local/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/sbin") exec-path)) +(require 'cl) -;;; -;;; package manager -;;; -(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/") -(require 'package) -(setq package-archives '(("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/") - ("ELPA" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/") - ("gnu" . "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"))) +;;; package management +(load "package") (package-initialize) +(add-to-list 'package-archives + '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/")) +(add-to-list 'package-archives + '("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t) + +(setq package-archive-enable-alist '(("melpa" deft magit))) + +(defvar ffailla/packages '(ac-slime + auto-complete + autopair + clojure-mode + coffee-mode + csharp-mode + ; deft + erlang + ; feature-mode + flycheck + ; gist + go-autocomplete + go-eldoc + go-mode + ; graphviz-dot-mode + ; haml-mode + haskell-mode + htmlize + ; idris-mode + ; magit + markdown-mode + marmalade + nodejs-repl + ; o-blog + org + paredit + php-mode + ; puppet-mode + ; restclient + rvm + ; scala-mode + smex + ; sml-mode + solarized-theme + ; web-mode + writegood-mode + yaml-mode + ess + cider + pbcopy + python + ;;ido-ubiquitous + powershell + graphviz-dot-mode + go-mode + ) + "Default packages") + +(defun ffailla/packages-installed-p () + (loop for pkg in ffailla/packages + when (not (package-installed-p pkg)) do (return nil) + finally (return t))) + +(unless (ffailla/packages-installed-p) + (message "%s" "Refreshing package database...") + (package-refresh-contents) + (dolist (pkg ffailla/packages) + (when (not (package-installed-p pkg)) + (package-install pkg)))) + +;;; startup settings +(setq inhibit-splash-screen t + initial-scratch-message nil + initial-major-mode 'org-mode) + +;; (scroll-bar-mode -1) +(tool-bar-mode -1) +(menu-bar-mode -1) +(delete-selection-mode t) +(transient-mark-mode t) +(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t) + +(setq-default indicate-empty-lines t) +(when (not indicate-empty-lines) + (toggle-indicate-empty-lines)) + +(setq tab-width 2 indent-tabs-mode nil) +(setq make-backup-files nil) + +(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) + +(setq echo-keystrokes 0.1 + use-dialog-box nil + visible-bell t) +(show-paren-mode t) + +(defvar ffailla/vendor-dir (expand-file-name "vendor" user-emacs-directory)) +(add-to-list 'load-path ffailla/vendor-dir) + +(dolist (project (directory-files ffailla/vendor-dir t "\\w+")) + (when (file-directory-p project) + (add-to-list 'load-path project))) + +;;; smex +(setq smex-save-file (expand-file-name ".smex-items" user-emacs-directory)) +(smex-initialize) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'smex) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-X") 'smex-major-mode-commands) + + +;;; recent +(require 'recentf) +(recentf-mode 1) +(setq recentf-max-menu-items 25) +(global-set-key "\C-x\ \C-r" 'recentf-open-files) + +;;; ido +(ido-mode t) +(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t + ido-use-virtual-buffers t) +;; (require 'ido-ubiquitous) +(defun recentf-ido-find-file () + "Find a recent file using Ido." + (interactive) + (let ((file (ido-completing-read "Choose recent file: " recentf-list nil t))) + (when file + (find-file file)))) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-f") 'ido-find-file-other-window) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x f") 'recentf-ido-find-file) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer) + +;;; column nummbers +(setq column-number-mode t) + +;;; tmp files +(setq backup-directory-alist `((".*" . ,temporary-file-directory))) +(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t))) + +;;; autopair +(require 'autopair) + +;;; autocomplete +(require 'auto-complete-config) +(ac-config-default) + +;;; indentation and buffer +(defun untabify-buffer () + (interactive) + (untabify (point-min) (point-max))) + +(defun indent-buffer () + (interactive) + (indent-region (point-min) (point-max))) + +(defun cleanup-buffer () + "Perform a bunch of operations on the whitespace content of a buffer." + (interactive) + (indent-buffer) + (untabify-buffer) + (delete-trailing-whitespace)) + +(defun cleanup-region (beg end) + "Remove tmux artifacts from region." + (interactive "r") + (dolist (re '("\\\\│\·*\n" "\W*│\·*")) + (replace-regexp re "" nil beg end))) + +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-t") 'cleanup-region) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-c n") 'cleanup-buffer) + +;;; (setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t) + +;; flyspell +(setq flyspell-issue-welcome-flag nil) +(if (eq system-type 'darwin) + (setq-default ispell-program-name "/usr/local/bin/aspell") + (setq-default ispell-program-name "/usr/bin/aspell")) +(setq-default ispell-list-command "list") + +;;; mode hooks +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.zsh$" . shell-script-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.gitconfig$" . conf-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.yml$" . yaml-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.yaml$" . yaml-mode)) + +(defun coffee-custom () + "coffee-mode-hook" + (make-local-variable 'tab-width) + (set 'tab-width 2)) + +(add-hook 'coffee-mode-hook 'coffee-custom) + +(defun js-custom () + "js-mode-hook" + (setq js-indent-level 2)) + +(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'js-custom) + +;;; markdown +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.md$" . markdown-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.mdown$" . markdown-mode)) +(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook + (lambda () + (visual-line-mode t) + (writegood-mode t) + (flyspell-mode t))) +;;(setq markdown-command "pandoc --smart -f markdown -t html") +;;(setq markdown-css-paths `(,(expand-file-name "markdown.css" ffailla/vendor-dir))) + +(defun markdown-preview-file () + "run Marked on the current file and revert the buffer" + (interactive) + (shell-command + (format "open -a /Applications/Marked.app %s" + (shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))) + +(eval-after-load 'markdown-mode + '(define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'markdown-preview-file)) + + +;;; colortheme +(if window-system + (load-theme 'solarized-light t) + (load-theme 'wombat t)) + +;;; org-mode +;; (require 'org) +;; (require 'ob-clojure) +;; (setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'cider) +(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/org-mode") + +;;; cider + + +;;; pbcopy +; (require 'pbcopy) +(turn-on-pbcopy) ;;; -;;; requires +;;; xml pretty printer +;;; * http://blog.bookworm.at/2007/03/pretty-print-xml-with-emacs.html ;;; -(require 'ffailla-emacs) -(require 'ffailla-lang) +(defun xml-pprint-region (begin end) + "Pretty format XML markup in region. You need to have nxml-mode +http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/NxmlMode installed to do +this. The function inserts linebreaks to separate tags that have +nothing but whitespace between them. It then indents the markup +by using nxml's indentation rules." + (interactive "r") + (save-excursion + (nxml-mode) + (goto-char begin) + (while (search-forward-regexp "\>[ \\t]*\<" nil t) + (backward-char) (insert "\n")) + (indent-region begin end)) + (message "Ah, much better!")) + +(defun xml-pprint () + (interactive) + (push-mark) + (xml-pprint-region (point-min) (point-max))) + ;;; -;;; start emacs server -;;; * use /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient as editor +;;; graphviz ;;; -(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'server-start) -;; (if (not (and (boundp 'server-process) -;; (memq (process-status server-process) '(connect listen open run)))) -;; (server-start)) - -;; (message "My .emacs loaded in %ds" -;; (destructuring-bind (hi lo ms) (current-time) -;; (- (+ hi lo) (+ (first *emacs-load-start*) (second *emacs-load-start*))))) +;;(setq graphviz-dot-view-command "dot -o $1.png -Tpng $1 && open $1.png") diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 94d25f2..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 94d25f2e011cb5a1735f1e467c15683c3e44a65b diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/cider b/.emacs.d/vendor/cider deleted file mode 160000 index 14a7a7f..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/cider +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 14a7a7f42af5c8f4945920a03c9e2d7855976061 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/clojure-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/clojure-mode deleted file mode 160000 index c5c2140..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/clojure-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit c5c214020cd0e6d0033af25497c0268b86f44a44 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/color-theme b/.emacs.d/vendor/color-theme deleted file mode 160000 index e576b72..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/color-theme +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit e576b7263b9c96766f08e358e552eec29b6059ab diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/company-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/company-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 7d3c5d4..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/company-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 7d3c5d4733540b8aaa3c033c308f3690fe0508dc diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/csharpmode b/.emacs.d/vendor/csharpmode deleted file mode 160000 index a4e66b0..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/csharpmode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit a4e66b0f3e65f8c393b47b8de8dd8881c1eea21f diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/cypher-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/cypher-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 635d546..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/cypher-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 635d546b26782598f012df27c2670d482a5ff54b diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/dash b/.emacs.d/vendor/dash deleted file mode 160000 index 9936885..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/dash +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9936885588a2cbcbbfed06ea2d21f3a5b8f5e4f3 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/elpa-queue b/.emacs.d/vendor/elpa-queue deleted file mode 160000 index 381ba96..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/elpa-queue +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 381ba960c2e8959cf1e68f5c5d8b4f62a2a0694a diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-gradle-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-gradle-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 7916874..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-gradle-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 7916874eb8b222e1f5efec2d6a78c4303dfbd73d diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-prolog/prolog.el b/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-prolog/prolog.el deleted file mode 100644 index fb6bbb7..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/emacs-prolog/prolog.el +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4125 +0,0 @@ -;; prolog.el --- major mode for editing and running Prolog (and Mercury) code - -;; Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - -;; Authors: Emil Åström -;; Milan Zamazal -;; Stefan Bruda (current maintainer) -;; * See below for more details -;; Keywords: prolog major mode sicstus swi mercury - -(defvar prolog-mode-version "1.22" - "Prolog mode version number") - -;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) -;; any later version. - -;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -;; GNU General Public License for more details. - -;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the -;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, -;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. - -;; Original author: Masanobu UMEDA -;; Parts of this file was taken from a modified version of the original -;; by Johan Andersson, Peter Olin, Mats Carlsson, Johan Bevemyr, Stefan -;; Andersson, and Per Danielsson (all SICS people), and Henrik Båkman -;; at Uppsala University, Sweden. -;; -;; Some ideas and also a few lines of code have been borrowed (not stolen ;-) -;; from Oz.el, the Emacs major mode for the Oz programming language, -;; Copyright (C) 1993 DFKI GmbH, Germany, with permission. -;; Authors: Ralf Scheidhauer and Michael Mehl ([scheidhr|mehl](at)dfki(dot)uni-sb(dot)de) -;; -;; More ideas and code have been taken from the SICStus debugger mode -;; (http://www.csd.uu.se/~perm/source_debug/index.shtml -- broken link -;; as of Mon May 5 08:23:48 EDT 2003) by Per Mildner. -;; -;; Additions for ECLiPSe and other helpful suggestions: Stephan Heuel -;; - -;;; Commentary: -;; -;; This package provides a major mode for editing Prolog code, with -;; all the bells and whistles one would expect, including syntax -;; highlighting and auto indentation. It can also send regions to an -;; inferior Prolog process. -;; -;; The code requires the comint, easymenu, info, imenu, and font-lock -;; libraries. These are normally distributed with GNU Emacs and -;; XEmacs. - -;;; Installation: -;; -;; Insert the following lines in your init file--typically ~/.emacs -;; (GNU Emacs and XEmacs <21.4), or ~/.xemacs/init.el (XEmacs -;; 21.4)--to use this mode when editing Prolog files under Emacs: -;; -;; (setq load-path (cons "/usr/lib/xemacs/site-lisp" load-path)) -;; (autoload 'run-prolog "prolog" "Start a Prolog sub-process." t) -;; (autoload 'prolog-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Prolog programs." t) -;; (autoload 'mercury-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Mercury programs." t) -;; (setq prolog-system 'swi) ; optional, the system you are using; -;; ; see `prolog-system' below for possible values -;; (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.pl$" . prolog-mode) -;; ("\\.m$" . mercury-mode)) -;; auto-mode-alist)) -;; -;; where the path in the first line is the file system path to this file. -;; MSDOS paths can be written like "d:/programs/emacs-19.34/site-lisp". -;; Note: In XEmacs, either `/usr/lib/xemacs/site-lisp' (RPM default in -;; Red Hat-based distributions) or `/usr/local/lib/xemacs/site-lisp' -;; (default when compiling from sources) are automatically added to -;; `load-path', so the first line is not necessary provided that you -;; put this file in the appropriate place. -;; -;; The last s-expression above makes sure that files ending with .pl -;; are assumed to be Prolog files and not Perl, which is the default -;; Emacs setting. If this is not wanted, remove this line. It is then -;; necessary to either -;; -;; o insert in your Prolog files the following comment as the first line: -;; -;; % -*- Mode: Prolog -*- -;; -;; and then the file will be open in Prolog mode no matter its -;; extension, or -;; -;; o manually switch to prolog mode after opening a Prolog file, by typing -;; M-x prolog-mode. -;; -;; If the command to start the prolog process ('sicstus', 'pl' or -;; 'swipl' for SWI prolog, etc.) is not available in the default path, -;; then it is necessary to set the value of the environment variable -;; EPROLOG to a shell command to invoke the prolog process. In XEmacs -;; and Emacs 20+ you can also customize the variable -;; `prolog-program-name' (in the group `prolog-inferior') and provide -;; a full path for your Prolog system (swi, scitus, etc.). -;; -;; Note: I (Stefan, the current maintainer) work under XEmacs. Future -;; developments will thus be biased towards XEmacs (OK, I admit it, -;; I am biased towards XEmacs in general), though I will do my best -;; to keep the GNU Emacs compatibility. So if you work under Emacs -;; and see something that does not work do drop me a line, as I have -;; a smaller chance to notice this kind of bugs otherwise. - -;; Changelog: - -;; Version 1.22: -;; o Allowed both 'swipl' and 'pl' as names for the SWI Prolog -;; interpreter. -;; o Atoms that start a line are not blindly coloured as -;; predicates. Instead we check that they are followed by ( or -;; :- first. Patch suggested by Guy Wiener. -;; Version 1.21: -;; o Cleaned up the code that defines faces. The missing face -;; warnings on some Emacsen should disappear. -;; Version 1.20: -;; o Improved the handling of clause start detection and multi-line -;; comments: `prolog-clause-start' no longer finds non-predicate -;; (e.g., capitalized strings) beginning of clauses. -;; `prolog-tokenize' recognizes when the end point is within a -;; multi-line comment. -;; Version 1.19: -;; o Minimal changes for Aquamacs inclusion and in general for -;; better coping with finding the Prolog executable. Patch -;; provided by David Reitter -;; Version 1.18: -;; o Fixed syntax highlighting for clause heads that do not begin at -;; the beginning of the line. -;; o Fixed compilation warnings under Emacs. -;; o Updated the email address of the current maintainer. -;; Version 1.17: -;; o Minor indentation fix (patch by Markus Triska) -;; o `prolog-underscore-wordchar-flag' defaults now to nil (more -;; consistent to other Emacs modes) -;; Version 1.16: -;; o Eliminated a possible compilation warning. -;; Version 1.15: -;; o Introduced three new customizable variables: electric colon -;; (`prolog-electric-colon-flag', default nil), electric dash -;; (`prolog-electric-dash-flag', default nil), and a possibility -;; to prevent the predicate template insertion from adding commata -;; (`prolog-electric-dot-full-predicate-template', defaults to t -;; since it seems quicker to me to just type those commata). A -;; trivial adaptation of a patch by Markus Triska. -;; o Improved the behaviour of electric if-then-else to only skip -;; forward if the parenthesis/semicolon is preceded by -;; whitespace. Once more a trivial adaptation of a patch by -;; Markus Triska. -;; Version 1.14: -;; o Cleaned up align code. `prolog-align-flag' is eliminated (since -;; on a second thought it does not do anything useful). Added key -;; binding (C-c C-a) and menu entry for alignment. -;; o Condensed regular expressions for lower and upper case -;; characters (GNU Emacs seems to go over the regexp length limit -;; with the original form). My code on the matter was improved -;; considerably by Markus Triska. -;; o Fixed `prolog-insert-spaces-after-paren' (which used an -;; unitialized variable). -;; o Minor changes to clean up the code and avoid some implicit -;; package requirements. -;; Version 1.13: -;; o Removed the use of `map-char-table' in `prolog-build-case-strings' -;; which appears to cause prblems in (at least) Emacs -;; o Added if-then-else indentation + corresponding electric -;; characters. New customization: `prolog-electric-if-then-else-flag' -;; o Align support (requires `align'). New customization: -;; `prolog-align-flag'. -;; o Temporary consult files have now the same name throughout the -;; session. This prevents issues with reconsulting a buffer -;; (this event is no longer passed to Prolog as a request to -;; consult a new file). -;; o Adaptive fill mode is now turned on. Comment indentation is -;; still worse than it could be though, I am working on it. -;; o Improved filling and auto-filling capabilities. Now block -;; comments should be [auto-]filled correctly most of the time; -;; the following pattern in particular is worth noting as being -;; filled correctly: -;; % some comment here that goes beyond the -;; % rightmost column, possibly combined with -;; % subsequent comment lines -;; o `prolog-char-quote-workaround' now defaults to nil. -;; o Note: Many of the above improvements have been suggested by -;; Markus Triska, who also provided useful patches on the matter -;; when he realized that I was slow in responding. Many thanks. -;; Version 1.11 / 1.12 -;; o GNU Emacs compatibility fix for paragraph filling (fixed -;; incorrectly in 1.11, fix fixed in 1.12). -;; Version 1.10 -;; o Added paragraph filling in comment blocks and also correct auto -;; filling for comments. -;; o Fixed the possible "Regular expression too big" error in -;; `prolog-electric-dot'. -;; Version 1.9 -;; o Parenthesis expressions are now indented by default so that -;; components go one underneath the other, just as for compound -;; terms. You can use the old style (the second and subsequent -;; lines being indented to the right in a parenthesis expression) -;; by setting the customizable variable `prolog-paren-indent-p' -;; (group "Prolog Indentation") to t. -;; o (Somehow awkward) handling of the 0' character escape -;; sequence. I am looking into a better way of doing it but -;; prospects look bleak. If this breaks things for you please let -;; me know and also set the `prolog-char-quote-workaround' (group -;; "Prolog Other") to nil. -;; Version 1.8 -;; o Key binding fix. -;; Version 1.7 -;; o Fixed a number of issues with the syntax of single quotes, -;; including Debian bug #324520. -;; Version 1.6 -;; o Fixed mercury mode menu initialization (Debian bug #226121). -;; o Fixed (i.e., eliminated) Delete remapping (Debian bug #229636). -;; o Corrected indentation for clauses defining quoted atoms. -;; Version 1.5: -;; o Keywords fontifying should work in console mode so this is -;; enabled everywhere. -;; Version 1.4: -;; o Now supports GNU Prolog--minor adaptation of a patch by Stefan -;; Moeding. -;; Version 1.3: -;; o Info-follow-nearest-node now called correctly under Emacs too -;; (thanks to Nicolas Pelletier). Should be implemented more -;; elegantly (i.e., without compilation warnings) in the future. -;; Version 1.2: -;; o Another prompt fix, still in SWI mode (people seem to have -;; changed the prompt of SWI Prolog). -;; Version 1.1: -;; o Fixed dots in the end of line comments causing indentation -;; problems. The following code is now correctly indented (note -;; the dot terminating the comment): -;; a(X) :- b(X), -;; c(X). % comment here. -;; a(X). -;; and so is this (and variants): -;; a(X) :- b(X), -;; c(X). /* comment here. */ -;; a(X). -;; Version 1.0: -;; o Revamped the menu system. -;; o Yet another prompt recognition fix (SWI mode). -;; o This is more of a renumbering than a new edition. I promoted -;; the mode to version 1.0 to emphasize the fact that it is now -;; mature and stable enough to be considered production (in my -;; opinion anyway). -;; Version 0.1.41: -;; o GNU Emacs compatibility fixes. -;; Version 0.1.40: -;; o prolog-get-predspec is now suitable to be called as -;; imenu-extract-index-name-function. The predicate index works. -;; o Since imenu works now as advertised, prolog-imenu-flag is t -;; by default. -;; o Eliminated prolog-create-predicate-index since the imenu -;; utilities now work well. Actually, this function is also -;; buggy, and I see no reason to fix it since we do not need it -;; anyway. -;; o Fixed prolog-pred-start, prolog-clause-start, prolog-clause-info. -;; o Fix for prolog-build-case-strings; now prolog-upper-case-string -;; and prolog-lower-case-string are correctly initialized, -;; o Various font-lock changes; most importantly, block comments (/* -;; ... */) are now correctly fontified in XEmacs even when they -;; extend on multiple lines. -;; Version 0.1.36: -;; o The debug prompt of SWI Prolog is now correctly recognized. -;; Version 0.1.35: -;; o Minor font-lock bug fixes. - - -;;; Code: - -(eval-when-compile - (require 'compile) - (require 'font-lock) - ;; We need imenu everywhere because of the predicate index! - (require 'imenu) - ;) - (require 'info) - (require 'shell) - ) - -(require 'comint) -(require 'easymenu) -(require 'align) - - -(defgroup prolog nil - "Major modes for editing and running Prolog and Mercury files." - :group 'languages) - -(defgroup prolog-faces nil - "Prolog mode specific faces." - :group 'font-lock) - -(defgroup prolog-indentation nil - "Prolog mode indentation configuration." - :group 'prolog) - -(defgroup prolog-font-lock nil - "Prolog mode font locking patterns." - :group 'prolog) - -(defgroup prolog-keyboard nil - "Prolog mode keyboard flags." - :group 'prolog) - -(defgroup prolog-inferior nil - "Inferior Prolog mode options." - :group 'prolog) - -(defgroup prolog-other nil - "Other Prolog mode options." - :group 'prolog) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; User configurable variables -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -;; General configuration - -(defcustom prolog-system nil - "*Prolog interpreter/compiler used. -The value of this variable is nil or a symbol. -If it is a symbol, it determines default values of other configuration -variables with respect to properties of the specified Prolog -interpreter/compiler. - -Currently recognized symbol values are: -eclipse - Eclipse Prolog -mercury - Mercury -sicstus - SICStus Prolog -swi - SWI Prolog -gnu - GNU Prolog" - :group 'prolog - :type '(choice (const :tag "SICStus" :value sicstus) - (const :tag "SWI Prolog" :value swi) - (const :tag "Default" :value nil))) -(make-variable-buffer-local 'prolog-system) - -;; NB: This alist can not be processed in prolog-mode-variables to -;; create a prolog-system-version-i variable since it is needed -;; prior to the call to prolog-mode-variables. -(defcustom prolog-system-version - '((sicstus (3 . 6)) - (swi (0 . 0)) - (mercury (0 . 0)) - (eclipse (3 . 7)) - (gnu (0 . 0))) - "*Alist of Prolog system versions. -The version numbers are of the format (Major . Minor)." - :group 'prolog) - -;; Indentation - -(defcustom prolog-indent-width tab-width - "*The indentation width used by the editing buffer." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'integer) - -(defcustom prolog-align-comments-flag t - "*Non-nil means automatically align comments when indenting." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-indent-mline-comments-flag t - "*Non-nil means indent contents of /* */ comments. -Otherwise leave such lines as they are." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-object-end-to-0-flag t - "*Non-nil means indent closing '}' in SICStus object definitions to level 0. -Otherwise indent to `prolog-indent-width'." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-left-indent-regexp "\\(;\\|\\*?->\\)" - "*Regexp for character sequences after which next line is indented. -Next line after such a regexp is indented to the opening paranthesis level." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'regexp) - -(defcustom prolog-paren-indent-p nil - "*If non-nil, increase indentation for parenthesis expressions. -The second and subsequent line in a parenthesis expression other than -a compound term can either be indented `prolog-paren-indent' to the -right (if this variable is non-nil) or in the same way as for compound -terms (if this variable is nil, default)." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-paren-indent 4 - "*The indentation increase for parenthesis expressions. -Only used in ( If -> Then ; Else) and ( Disj1 ; Disj2 ) style expressions." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type 'integer) - -(defcustom prolog-parse-mode 'beg-of-clause - "*The parse mode used (decides from which point parsing is done). -Legal values: -'beg-of-line - starts parsing at the beginning of a line, unless the - previous line ends with a backslash. Fast, but has - problems detecting multiline /* */ comments. -'beg-of-clause - starts parsing at the beginning of the current clause. - Slow, but copes better with /* */ comments." - :group 'prolog-indentation - :type '(choice (const :value beg-of-line) - (const :value beg-of-clause))) - -;; Font locking - -(defcustom prolog-keywords - '((eclipse - ("use_module" "begin_module" "module_interface" "dynamic" - "external" "export" "dbgcomp" "nodbgcomp" "compile")) - (mercury - ("all" "else" "end_module" "equality" "external" "fail" "func" "if" - "implementation" "import_module" "include_module" "inst" "instance" - "interface" "mode" "module" "not" "pragma" "pred" "some" "then" "true" - "type" "typeclass" "use_module" "where")) - (sicstus - ("block" "dynamic" "mode" "module" "multifile" "meta_predicate" - "parallel" "public" "sequential" "volatile")) - (swi - ("discontiguous" "dynamic" "ensure_loaded" "export" "export_list" "import" - "meta_predicate" "module" "module_transparent" "multifile" "require" - "use_module" "volatile")) - (gnu - ("built_in" "char_conversion" "discontiguous" "dynamic" "ensure_linked" - "ensure_loaded" "foreign" "include" "initialization" "multifile" "op" - "public" "set_prolog_flag")) - (t - ("dynamic" "module"))) - "*Alist of Prolog keywords which is used for font locking of directives." - :group 'prolog-font-lock - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-types - '((mercury - ("char" "float" "int" "io__state" "string" "univ")) - (t nil)) - "*Alist of Prolog types used by font locking." - :group 'prolog-font-lock - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-mode-specificators - '((mercury - ("bound" "di" "free" "ground" "in" "mdi" "mui" "muo" "out" "ui" "uo")) - (t nil)) - "*Alist of Prolog mode specificators used by font locking." - :group 'prolog-font-lock - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-determinism-specificators - '((mercury - ("cc_multi" "cc_nondet" "det" "erroneous" "failure" "multi" "nondet" - "semidet")) - (t nil)) - "*Alist of Prolog determinism specificators used by font locking." - :group 'prolog-font-lock - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-directives - '((mercury - ("^#[0-9]+")) - (t nil)) - "*Alist of Prolog source code directives used by font locking." - :group 'prolog-font-lock - :type 'sexp) - - -;; Keyboard - -(defcustom prolog-electric-newline-flag t - "*Non-nil means automatically indent the next line when the user types RET." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-hungry-delete-key-flag nil - "*Non-nil means delete key consumes all preceding spaces." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-dot-flag nil - "*Non-nil means make dot key electric. -Electric dot appends newline or inserts head of a new clause. -If dot is pressed at the end of a line where at least one white space -precedes the point, it inserts a recursive call to the current predicate. -If dot is pressed at the beginning of an empty line, it inserts the head -of a new clause for the current predicate. It does not apply in strings -and comments. -It does not apply in strings and comments." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-dot-full-predicate-template nil - "*If nil, electric dot inserts only the current predicate's name and `(' -for recursive calls or new clause heads. Non-nil means to also -insert enough commata to cover the predicate's arity and `)', -and dot and newline for recursive calls." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-underscore-flag nil - "*Non-nil means make underscore key electric. -Electric underscore replaces the current variable with underscore. -If underscore is pressed not on a variable then it behaves as usual." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-tab-flag nil - "*Non-nil means make TAB key electric. -Electric TAB inserts spaces after parentheses, ->, and ; -in ( If -> Then ; Else) and ( Disj1 ; Disj2 ) style expressions." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-if-then-else-flag nil - "*Non-nil makes `(', `>' and `;' electric -to automatically indent if-then-else constructs." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-colon-flag nil - "*Makes `:' electric (inserts `:-' on a new line). -If non-nil, pressing `:' at the end of a line that starts in -the first column (i.e., clause heads) inserts ` :-' and newline." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-electric-dash-flag nil - "*Makes `-' electric (inserts a `-->' on a new line). -If non-nil, pressing `-' at the end of a line that starts in -the first column (i.e., DCG heads) inserts ` -->' and newline." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-old-sicstus-keys-flag nil - "*Non-nil means old SICStus Prolog mode keybindings are used." - :group 'prolog-keyboard - :type 'boolean) - -;; Inferior mode - -(defcustom prolog-program-name - `(((getenv "EPROLOG") (eval (getenv "EPROLOG"))) - (eclipse "eclipse") - (mercury nil) - (sicstus "sicstus") - (swi ,(if (not (executable-find "swipl")) "pl" "swipl")) - (gnu "gprolog") - (t ,(let ((names '("prolog" "gprolog" "swipl" "pl"))) - (while (and names - (not (executable-find (car names)))) - (setq names (cdr names))) - (or (car names) "prolog")))) - "*Alist of program names for invoking an inferior Prolog with `run-prolog'." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-program-switches - '((sicstus ("-i")) - (t nil)) - "*Alist of switches given to inferior Prolog run with `run-prolog'." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-consult-string - '((eclipse "[%f].") - (mercury nil) - (sicstus (eval (if (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,consult,%l)." - "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,consult)."))) - (swi "[%f].") - (gnu "[%f].") - (t "reconsult(%f).")) - "*Alist of strings defining predicate for reconsulting. - -Some parts of the string are replaced: -`%f' by the name of the consulted file (can be a temporary file) -`%b' by the file name of the buffer to consult -`%m' by the module name and name of the consulted file separated by colon -`%l' by the line offset into the file. This is 0 unless consulting a - region of a buffer, in which case it is the number of lines before - the region." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-compile-string - '((eclipse "[%f].") - (mercury "mmake ") - (sicstus (eval (if (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,compile,%l)." - "prolog:zap_file(%m,%b,compile)."))) - (swi "[%f].") - (t "compile(%f).")) - "*Alist of strings and lists defining predicate for recompilation. - -Some parts of the string are replaced: -`%f' by the name of the compiled file (can be a temporary file) -`%b' by the file name of the buffer to compile -`%m' by the module name and name of the compiled file separated by colon -`%l' by the line offset into the file. This is 0 unless compiling a - region of a buffer, in which case it is the number of lines before - the region. - -If `prolog-program-name' is non-nil, it is a string sent to a Prolog process. -If `prolog-program-name' is nil, it is an argument to the `compile' function." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-eof-string "end_of_file.\n" - "*Alist of strings that represent end of file for prolog. -nil means send actual operating system end of file." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-prompt-regexp - '((eclipse "^[a-zA-Z0-9()]* *\\?- \\|^\\[[a-zA-Z]* [0-9]*\\]:") - (sicstus "| [ ?][- ] *") - (swi "^\\(\\[[a-zA-Z]*\\] \\)?[1-9]?[0-9]*[ ]?\\?- \\|^| +") - (t "^ *\\?-")) - "*Alist of prompts of the prolog system command line." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-continued-prompt-regexp - '((sicstus "^\\(| +\\| +\\)") - (t "^|: +")) - "*Alist of regexps matching the prompt when consulting `user'." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'sexp) - -(defcustom prolog-debug-on-string "debug.\n" - "*Predicate for enabling debug mode." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-debug-off-string "nodebug.\n" - "*Predicate for disabling debug mode." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-trace-on-string "trace.\n" - "*Predicate for enabling tracing." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-trace-off-string "notrace.\n" - "*Predicate for disabling tracing." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-zip-on-string "zip.\n" - "*Predicate for enabling zip mode for SICStus." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-zip-off-string "nozip.\n" - "*Predicate for disabling zip mode for SICStus." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag t - "*Non-nil means use the standard compilation method. -Otherwise the new compilation method will be used. This -utilises a special compilation buffer with the associated -features such as parsing of error messages and automatically -jumping to the source code responsible for the error. - -Warning: the new method is so far only experimental and -does contain bugs. The recommended setting for the novice user -is non-nil for this variable." - :group 'prolog-inferior - :type 'boolean) - - -;; Miscellaneous - -(defcustom prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag t - "*Non-nil means use the internal prolog tokenizer for indentation etc. -Otherwise use `parse-partial-sexp' which is faster but sometimes incorrect." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-imenu-flag t - "*Non-nil means add a clause index menu for all prolog files." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-imenu-max-lines 3000 - "*The maximum number of lines of the file for imenu to be enabled. -Relevant only when `prolog-imenu-flag' is non-nil." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'integer) - -(defcustom prolog-info-predicate-index - "(sicstus)Predicate Index" - "*The info node for the SICStus predicate index." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'string) - -(defcustom prolog-underscore-wordchar-flag nil - "*Non-nil means underscore (_) is a word-constituent character." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-use-sicstus-sd nil - "*If non-nil, use the source level debugger of SICStus 3#7 and later." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'boolean) - -(defcustom prolog-char-quote-workaround nil - "*If non-nil, declare 0 as a quote character so that 0' does not break syntax highlighting. -This is really kludgy but I have not found any better way of handling it." - :group 'prolog-other - :type 'boolean) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Internal variables -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -(defvar prolog-emacs - (if (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version) - 'xemacs - 'gnuemacs) - "The variant of Emacs we're running. -Valid values are 'gnuemacs and 'xemacs.") - -(defvar prolog-known-systems '(eclipse mercury sicstus swi gnu)) - -;(defvar prolog-temp-filename "") ; Later set by `prolog-temporary-file' - -(defvar prolog-mode-syntax-table nil) -(defvar prolog-mode-abbrev-table nil) -(defvar prolog-mode-map nil) -(defvar prolog-upper-case-string "" - "A string containing all upper case characters. -Set by prolog-build-case-strings.") -(defvar prolog-lower-case-string "" - "A string containing all lower case characters. -Set by prolog-build-case-strings.") - -(defvar prolog-atom-char-regexp "" - "Set by prolog-set-atom-regexps.") -;; "Regexp specifying characters which constitute atoms without quoting.") -(defvar prolog-atom-regexp "" - "Set by prolog-set-atom-regexps.") - -(defconst prolog-left-paren "[[({]" - "The characters used as left parentheses for the indentation code.") -(defconst prolog-right-paren "[])}]" - "The characters used as right parentheses for the indentation code.") - -(defconst prolog-quoted-atom-regexp - "\\(^\\|[^0-9]\\)\\('\\([^\n']\\|\\\\'\\)*'\\)" - "Regexp matching a quoted atom.") -(defconst prolog-string-regexp - "\\(\"\\([^\n\"]\\|\\\\\"\\)*\"\\)" - "Regexp matching a string.") -(defconst prolog-head-delimiter "\\(:-\\|\\+:\\|-:\\|\\+\\?\\|-\\?\\|-->\\)" - "A regexp for matching on the end delimiter of a head (e.g. \":-\").") - -(defvar prolog-compilation-buffer "*prolog-compilation*" - "Name of the output buffer for Prolog compilation/consulting.") - -(defvar prolog-temporary-file-name nil) -(defvar prolog-keywords-i nil) -(defvar prolog-types-i nil) -(defvar prolog-mode-specificators-i nil) -(defvar prolog-determinism-specificators-i nil) -(defvar prolog-directives-i nil) -(defvar prolog-program-name-i nil) -(defvar prolog-program-switches-i nil) -(defvar prolog-consult-string-i nil) -(defvar prolog-compile-string-i nil) -(defvar prolog-eof-string-i nil) -(defvar prolog-prompt-regexp-i nil) -(defvar prolog-continued-prompt-regexp-i nil) -(defvar prolog-help-function-i nil) - -(defvar prolog-align-rules - (eval-when-compile - (mapcar - (lambda (x) - (let ((name (car x)) - (sym (cdr x))) - `(,(intern (format "prolog-%s" name)) - (regexp . ,(format "\\(\\s-*\\)%s\\(\\s-*\\)" sym)) - (tab-stop . nil) - (modes . '(prolog-mode)) - (group . (1 2))))) - '(("dcg" . "-->") ("rule" . ":-") ("simplification" . "<=>") - ("propagation" . "==>"))))) - - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Prolog mode -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -;; Example: (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 6)) -(defun prolog-atleast-version (version) - "Return t if the version of the current prolog system is VERSION or later. -VERSION is of the format (Major . Minor)" - ;; Version.major < major or - ;; Version.major = major and Version.minor <= minor - (let* ((thisversion (prolog-find-value-by-system prolog-system-version)) - (thismajor (car thisversion)) - (thisminor (cdr thisversion))) - (or (< (car version) thismajor) - (and (= (car version) thismajor) - (<= (cdr version) thisminor))) - )) - -(if prolog-mode-syntax-table - () - (let ((table (make-syntax-table))) - (if prolog-underscore-wordchar-flag - (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" table)) - - (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" table) - - ;; Any better way to handle the 0' construct?!? - (when prolog-char-quote-workaround - (modify-syntax-entry ?0 "\\" table)) - - (modify-syntax-entry ?% "<" table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table) - (if (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs) - (progn - (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 67" table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 58" table) - ) - ;; Emacs wants to see this it seems: - (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23b" table) - (modify-syntax-entry ?/ ". 14" table) - ) - (setq prolog-mode-syntax-table table))) - -(define-abbrev-table 'prolog-mode-abbrev-table ()) - -(defun prolog-find-value-by-system (alist) - "Get value from ALIST according to `prolog-system'." - (if (listp alist) - (let (result - id) - (while alist - (setq id (car (car alist))) - (if (or (eq id prolog-system) - (eq id t) - (and (listp id) - (eval id))) - (progn - (setq result (car (cdr (car alist)))) - (if (and (listp result) - (eq (car result) 'eval)) - (setq result (eval (car (cdr result))))) - (setq alist nil)) - (setq alist (cdr alist)))) - result) - alist)) - -(defun prolog-mode-variables () - "Set some common variables to Prolog code specific values." - (setq local-abbrev-table prolog-mode-abbrev-table) - (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) - (setq paragraph-start (concat "[ \t]*$\\|" page-delimiter)) ;'%%..' - (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) - (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start) - (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix) - (setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t) - (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-mode) - (setq adaptive-fill-mode t) - (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) - (setq normal-auto-fill-function 'prolog-do-auto-fill) - (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) - (setq indent-line-function 'prolog-indent-line) - (make-local-variable 'comment-start) - (setq comment-start "%") - (make-local-variable 'comment-end) - (setq comment-end "") - (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) - ;; This complex regexp makes sure that comments cannot start - ;; inside quoted atoms or strings - (setq comment-start-skip - (format "^\\(\\(%s\\|%s\\|[^\n\'\"%%]\\)*\\)\\(/\\*+ *\\|%%+ *\\)" - prolog-quoted-atom-regexp prolog-string-regexp)) - (make-local-variable 'comment-column) - (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function) - (setq comment-indent-function 'prolog-comment-indent) - (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function) - (setq comment-indent-function 'prolog-comment-indent) - (make-local-variable 'parens-require-spaces) - (setq parens-require-spaces nil) - ;; Initialize Prolog system specific variables - (let ((vars '(prolog-keywords prolog-types prolog-mode-specificators - prolog-determinism-specificators prolog-directives - prolog-program-name prolog-program-switches - prolog-consult-string prolog-compile-string prolog-eof-string - prolog-prompt-regexp prolog-continued-prompt-regexp - prolog-help-function))) - (while vars - (set (intern (concat (symbol-name (car vars)) "-i")) - (prolog-find-value-by-system (eval (car vars)))) - (setq vars (cdr vars)))) - (when (null prolog-program-name-i) - (make-local-variable 'compile-command) - (setq compile-command prolog-compile-string-i)) - (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) - (setq font-lock-defaults - '(prolog-font-lock-keywords nil nil ((?_ . "w")))) -) - -(defun prolog-mode-keybindings-common (map) - "Define keybindings common to both Prolog modes in MAP." - (define-key map "\C-c?" 'prolog-help-on-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-c/" 'prolog-help-apropos) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'prolog-debug-on) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-t" 'prolog-trace-on) - (if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7))) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-z" 'prolog-zip-on)) - (define-key map "\C-c\r" 'run-prolog)) - -(defun prolog-mode-keybindings-edit (map) - "Define keybindings for Prolog mode in MAP." - (define-key map "\M-a" 'prolog-beginning-of-clause) - (define-key map "\M-e" 'prolog-end-of-clause) - (define-key map "\M-q" 'prolog-fill-paragraph) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-a" 'align) - (define-key map "\C-\M-a" 'prolog-beginning-of-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-\M-e" 'prolog-end-of-predicate) - (define-key map "\M-\C-c" 'prolog-mark-clause) - (define-key map "\M-\C-h" 'prolog-mark-predicate) - (define-key map "\M-\C-n" 'prolog-forward-list) - (define-key map "\M-\C-p" 'prolog-backward-list) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'prolog-insert-predicate-template) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'prolog-insert-predspec) - (define-key map "\M-\r" 'prolog-insert-next-clause) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-va" 'prolog-variables-to-anonymous) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-v\C-s" 'prolog-view-predspec) - - (define-key map [Backspace] 'prolog-electric-delete) - (define-key map "." 'prolog-electric-dot) - (define-key map "_" 'prolog-electric-underscore) - (define-key map "(" 'prolog-electric-if-then-else) - (define-key map ";" 'prolog-electric-if-then-else) - (define-key map ">" 'prolog-electric-if-then-else) - (define-key map ":" 'prolog-electric-colon) - (define-key map "-" 'prolog-electric-dash) - (if prolog-electric-newline-flag - (define-key map "\r" 'newline-and-indent)) - - ;; If we're running SICStus, then map C-c C-c e/d to enabling - ;; and disabling of the source-level debugging facilities. - ;(if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - ; (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7))) - ; (progn - ; (define-key map "\C-c\C-ce" 'prolog-enable-sicstus-sd) - ; (define-key map "\C-c\C-cd" 'prolog-disable-sicstus-sd) - ; )) - - (if prolog-old-sicstus-keys-flag - (progn - (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'prolog-consult-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-cc" 'prolog-consult-region) - (define-key map "\C-cC" 'prolog-consult-buffer) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'prolog-compile-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-ck" 'prolog-compile-region) - (define-key map "\C-cK" 'prolog-compile-buffer)) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'prolog-consult-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'prolog-consult-region) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'prolog-consult-buffer) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'prolog-consult-file) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-cp" 'prolog-compile-predicate) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-cr" 'prolog-compile-region) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-cb" 'prolog-compile-buffer) - (define-key map "\C-c\C-cf" 'prolog-compile-file))) - -(defun prolog-mode-keybindings-inferior (map) - "Define keybindings for inferior Prolog mode in MAP." - ;; No inferior mode specific keybindings now. - ) - -(if prolog-mode-map - () - (setq prolog-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) - (prolog-mode-keybindings-common prolog-mode-map) - (prolog-mode-keybindings-edit prolog-mode-map) - ;; System dependent keymaps for system dependent menus - (let ((systems prolog-known-systems)) - (while systems - (set (intern (concat "prolog-mode-map-" - (symbol-name (car systems)))) - ;(cons 'keymap prolog-mode-map) - prolog-mode-map - ) - (setq systems (cdr systems)))) - ) - - -(defvar prolog-mode-hook nil - "List of functions to call after the prolog mode has initialised.") - -;;;###autoload -(defun prolog-mode (&optional system) - "Major mode for editing Prolog code. - -Blank lines and `%%...' separate paragraphs. `%'s starts a comment -line and comments can also be enclosed in /* ... */. - -If an optional argument SYSTEM is non-nil, set up mode for the given system. - -To find out what version of Prolog mode you are running, enter -`\\[prolog-mode-version]'. - -Commands: -\\{prolog-mode-map} -Entry to this mode calls the value of `prolog-mode-hook' -if that value is non-nil." - (interactive) - (kill-all-local-variables) - (if system (setq prolog-system system)) - (use-local-map - (if prolog-system - ;; ### Looks like it works under XEmacs as well... - ;; (and prolog-system - ;; (not (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs))) - (eval (intern (concat "prolog-mode-map-" (symbol-name prolog-system)))) - prolog-mode-map) - ) - (setq major-mode 'prolog-mode) - (setq mode-name (concat "Prolog" - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'eclipse) "[ECLiPSe]") - ((eq prolog-system 'mercury) "[Mercury]") - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) "[SICStus]") - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) "[SWI]") - ((eq prolog-system 'gnu) "[GNU]") - (t "")))) - (set-syntax-table prolog-mode-syntax-table) - (prolog-mode-variables) - (prolog-build-case-strings) - (prolog-set-atom-regexps) - (dolist (ar prolog-align-rules) (add-to-list 'align-rules-list ar)) - - ;; imenu entry moved to the appropriate hook for consistency - - ;; Load SICStus debugger if suitable - (if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - prolog-use-sicstus-sd) - (prolog-enable-sicstus-sd)) - - (run-mode-hooks 'prolog-mode-hook)) - -;;;###autoload -(defun mercury-mode () - "Major mode for editing Mercury programs. -Actually this is just customized `prolog-mode'." - (interactive) - (prolog-mode 'mercury)) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Inferior prolog mode -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -(defvar prolog-inferior-mode-map nil) -(defvar prolog-inferior-mode-hook nil - "List of functions to call after the inferior prolog mode has initialised.") - -(defun prolog-inferior-mode () - "Major mode for interacting with an inferior Prolog process. - -The following commands are available: -\\{prolog-inferior-mode-map} - -Entry to this mode calls the value of `prolog-mode-hook' with no arguments, -if that value is non-nil. Likewise with the value of `comint-mode-hook'. -`prolog-mode-hook' is called after `comint-mode-hook'. - -You can send text to the inferior Prolog from other buffers -using the commands `send-region', `send-string' and \\[prolog-consult-region]. - -Commands: -Tab indents for Prolog; with argument, shifts rest - of expression rigidly with the current line. -Paragraphs are separated only by blank lines and '%%'. '%'s start comments. - -Return at end of buffer sends line as input. -Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it. -\\[comint-delchar-or-maybe-eof] sends end-of-file as input. -\\[comint-kill-input] and \\[backward-kill-word] are kill commands, -imitating normal Unix input editing. -\\[comint-interrupt-subjob] interrupts the shell or its current subjob if any. -\\[comint-stop-subjob] stops, likewise. -\\[comint-quit-subjob] sends quit signal, likewise. - -To find out what version of Prolog mode you are running, enter -`\\[prolog-mode-version]'." - (interactive) - (cond ((not (eq major-mode 'prolog-inferior-mode)) - (kill-all-local-variables) - (comint-mode) - (setq comint-input-filter 'prolog-input-filter) - (setq major-mode 'prolog-inferior-mode) - (setq mode-name "Inferior Prolog") - (setq mode-line-process '(": %s")) - (prolog-mode-variables) - (if prolog-inferior-mode-map - () - (setq prolog-inferior-mode-map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map)) - (prolog-mode-keybindings-common prolog-inferior-mode-map) - (prolog-mode-keybindings-inferior prolog-inferior-mode-map)) - (use-local-map prolog-inferior-mode-map) - (setq comint-prompt-regexp prolog-prompt-regexp-i) - ;(make-variable-buffer-local 'shell-dirstack-query) - (make-local-variable 'shell-dirstack-query) - (setq shell-dirstack-query "pwd.") - (run-hooks 'prolog-inferior-mode-hook)))) - -(defun prolog-input-filter (str) - (cond ((string-match "\\`\\s *\\'" str) nil) ;whitespace - ((not (eq major-mode 'prolog-inferior-mode)) t) - ((= (length str) 1) nil) ;one character - ((string-match "\\`[rf] *[0-9]*\\'" str) nil) ;r(edo) or f(ail) - (t t))) - -;;;###autoload -(defun run-prolog (arg) - "Run an inferior Prolog process, input and output via buffer *prolog*. -With prefix argument ARG, restart the Prolog process if running before." - (interactive "P") - (if (and arg (get-process "prolog")) - (progn - (process-send-string "prolog" "halt.\n") - (while (get-process "prolog") (sit-for 0.1)))) - (let ((buff (buffer-name))) - (if (not (string= buff "*prolog*")) - (prolog-goto-prolog-process-buffer)) - ;; Load SICStus debugger if suitable - (if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - prolog-use-sicstus-sd) - (prolog-enable-sicstus-sd)) - (prolog-mode-variables) - (prolog-ensure-process) - )) - -(defun prolog-ensure-process (&optional wait) - "If Prolog process is not running, run it. -If the optional argument WAIT is non-nil, wait for Prolog prompt specified by -the variable `prolog-prompt-regexp'." - (if (null prolog-program-name-i) - (error "This Prolog system has defined no interpreter.")) - (if (comint-check-proc "*prolog*") - () - (apply 'make-comint "prolog" prolog-program-name-i nil - prolog-program-switches-i) - (save-excursion - (set-buffer "*prolog*") - (prolog-inferior-mode) - (if wait - (progn - (goto-char (point-max)) - (while - (save-excursion - (not - (re-search-backward - (concat "\\(" prolog-prompt-regexp-i "\\)" "\\=") - nil t))) - (sit-for 0.1))))))) - -(defun prolog-process-insert-string (process string) - "Insert STRING into inferior Prolog buffer running PROCESS." - ;; Copied from elisp manual, greek to me - (let ((buf (current-buffer))) - (unwind-protect - (let (moving) - (set-buffer (process-buffer process)) - (setq moving (= (point) (process-mark process))) - (save-excursion - ;; Insert the text, moving the process-marker. - (goto-char (process-mark process)) - (insert string) - (set-marker (process-mark process) (point))) - (if moving (goto-char (process-mark process)))) - (set-buffer buf)))) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------ -;; Old consulting and compiling functions -;;------------------------------------------------------------ - -(defun prolog-old-process-region (compilep start end) - "Process the region limited by START and END positions. -If COMPILEP is non-nil then use compilation, otherwise consulting." - (prolog-ensure-process) - ;(let ((tmpfile prolog-temp-filename) - (let ((tmpfile (prolog-bsts (prolog-temporary-file))) - ;(process (get-process "prolog")) - (first-line (1+ (count-lines - (point-min) - (save-excursion - (goto-char start) - (point)))))) - (write-region start end tmpfile) - (process-send-string - "prolog" (prolog-build-prolog-command - compilep tmpfile (prolog-bsts buffer-file-name) - first-line)) - (prolog-goto-prolog-process-buffer))) - -(defun prolog-old-process-predicate (compilep) - "Process the predicate around point. -If COMPILEP is non-nil then use compilation, otherwise consulting." - (prolog-old-process-region - compilep (prolog-pred-start) (prolog-pred-end))) - -(defun prolog-old-process-buffer (compilep) - "Process the entire buffer. -If COMPILEP is non-nil then use compilation, otherwise consulting." - (prolog-old-process-region compilep (point-min) (point-max))) - -(defun prolog-old-process-file (compilep) - "Process the file of the current buffer. -If COMPILEP is non-nil then use compilation, otherwise consulting." - (save-some-buffers) - (prolog-ensure-process) - (let ((filename (prolog-bsts buffer-file-name))) - (process-send-string - "prolog" (prolog-build-prolog-command - compilep filename filename)) - (prolog-goto-prolog-process-buffer))) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------ -;; Consulting and compiling -;;------------------------------------------------------------ - -;;; Interactive interface functions, used by both the standard -;;; and the experimental consultation and compilation functions -(defun prolog-consult-file () - "Consult file of current buffer." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-file nil) - (prolog-consult-compile-file nil))) - -(defun prolog-consult-buffer () - "Consult buffer." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-buffer nil) - (prolog-consult-compile-buffer nil))) - -(defun prolog-consult-region (beg end) - "Consult region between BEG and END." - (interactive "r") - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-region nil beg end) - (prolog-consult-compile-region nil beg end))) - -(defun prolog-consult-predicate () - "Consult the predicate around current point." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-predicate nil) - (prolog-consult-compile-predicate nil))) - -(defun prolog-compile-file () - "Compile file of current buffer." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-file t) - (prolog-consult-compile-file t))) - -(defun prolog-compile-buffer () - "Compile buffer." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-buffer t) - (prolog-consult-compile-buffer t))) - -(defun prolog-compile-region (beg end) - "Compile region between BEG and END." - (interactive "r") - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-region t beg end) - (prolog-consult-compile-region t beg end))) - -(defun prolog-compile-predicate () - "Compile the predicate around current point." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-standard-consult-compile-method-flag - (prolog-old-process-predicate t) - (prolog-consult-compile-predicate t))) - -(defun prolog-buffer-module () - "Select Prolog module name appropriate for current buffer. -Bases decision on buffer contents (-*- line)." - ;; Look for -*- ... module: MODULENAME; ... -*- - (let (beg end) - (save-excursion - (goto-char (point-min)) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (and (search-forward "-*-" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) - (progn - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (setq beg (point)) - (search-forward "-*-" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t)) - (progn - (forward-char -3) - (skip-chars-backward " \t") - (setq end (point)) - (goto-char beg) - (and (let ((case-fold-search t)) - (search-forward "module:" end t)) - (progn - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (setq beg (point)) - (if (search-forward ";" end t) - (forward-char -1) - (goto-char end)) - (skip-chars-backward " \t") - (buffer-substring beg (point))))))))) - -(defun prolog-build-prolog-command (compilep file buffername - &optional first-line) - "Make Prolog command for FILE compilation/consulting. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, consider compilation, otherwise consulting." - (let* ((compile-string - (if compilep prolog-compile-string-i prolog-consult-string-i)) - (module (prolog-buffer-module)) - (file-name (concat "'" file "'")) - (module-name (if module (concat "'" module "'"))) - (module-file (if module - (concat module-name ":" file-name) - file-name)) - strbeg strend - (lineoffset (if first-line - (- first-line 1) - 0))) - - ;; Assure that there is a buffer name - (if (not buffername) - (error "The buffer is not saved")) - - (if (not (string-match "^'.*'$" buffername)) ; Add quotes - (setq buffername (concat "'" buffername "'"))) - (while (string-match "%m" compile-string) - (setq strbeg (substring compile-string 0 (match-beginning 0))) - (setq strend (substring compile-string (match-end 0))) - (setq compile-string (concat strbeg module-file strend))) - (while (string-match "%f" compile-string) - (setq strbeg (substring compile-string 0 (match-beginning 0))) - (setq strend (substring compile-string (match-end 0))) - (setq compile-string (concat strbeg file-name strend))) - (while (string-match "%b" compile-string) - (setq strbeg (substring compile-string 0 (match-beginning 0))) - (setq strend (substring compile-string (match-end 0))) - (setq compile-string (concat strbeg buffername strend))) - (while (string-match "%l" compile-string) - (setq strbeg (substring compile-string 0 (match-beginning 0))) - (setq strend (substring compile-string (match-end 0))) - (setq compile-string (concat strbeg (format "%d" lineoffset) strend))) - (concat compile-string "\n"))) - -;;; The rest of this page is experimental code! - -;; Global variables for process filter function -(defvar prolog-process-flag nil - "Non-nil means that a prolog task (i.e. a consultation or compilation job) -is running.") -(defvar prolog-consult-compile-output "" - "Hold the unprocessed output from the current prolog task.") -(defvar prolog-consult-compile-first-line 1 - "The number of the first line of the file to consult/compile. -Used for temporary files.") -(defvar prolog-consult-compile-file nil - "The file to compile/consult (can be a temporary file).") -(defvar prolog-consult-compile-real-file nil - "The file name of the buffer to compile/consult.") - -(defun prolog-consult-compile (compilep file &optional first-line) - "Consult/compile FILE. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, perform compilation, otherwise perform CONSULTING. -COMMAND is a string described by the variables `prolog-consult-string' -and `prolog-compile-string'. -Optional argument FIRST-LINE is the number of the first line in the compiled -region. - -This function must be called from the source code buffer." - (if prolog-process-flag - (error "Another Prolog task is running.")) - (prolog-ensure-process t) - (let* ((buffer (get-buffer-create prolog-compilation-buffer)) - (real-file buffer-file-name) - (command-string (prolog-build-prolog-command compilep file - real-file first-line)) - (process (get-process "prolog")) - (old-filter (process-filter process))) - (save-excursion - (set-buffer buffer) - (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) - (compilation-mode) - ;; Setting up font-locking for this buffer - (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) - (setq font-lock-defaults - '(prolog-font-lock-keywords nil nil ((?_ . "w")))) - (if (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (progn - (make-local-variable 'compilation-parse-errors-function) - (setq compilation-parse-errors-function - 'prolog-parse-sicstus-compilation-errors))) - (toggle-read-only 0) - (insert command-string "\n")) - (save-selected-window - (pop-to-buffer buffer)) - (setq prolog-process-flag t - prolog-consult-compile-output "" - prolog-consult-compile-first-line (if first-line (1- first-line) 0) - prolog-consult-compile-file file - prolog-consult-compile-real-file (if (string= - file buffer-file-name) - nil - real-file)) - (save-excursion - (set-buffer buffer) - (goto-char (point-max)) - (set-process-filter process 'prolog-consult-compile-filter) - (process-send-string "prolog" command-string) - ;; (prolog-build-prolog-command compilep file real-file first-line)) - (while (and prolog-process-flag - (accept-process-output process 10)) ; 10 secs is ok? - (sit-for 0.1) - (unless (get-process "prolog") - (setq prolog-process-flag nil))) - (insert (if compilep - "\nCompilation finished.\n" - "\nConsulted.\n")) - (set-process-filter process old-filter)))) - -(defun prolog-parse-sicstus-compilation-errors (limit) - "Parse the prolog compilation buffer for errors. -Argument LIMIT is a buffer position limiting searching. -For use with the `compilation-parse-errors-function' variable." - (setq compilation-error-list nil) - (message "Parsing SICStus error messages...") - (let (filepath dir file errorline) - (while - (re-search-backward - "{\\([a-zA-Z ]* ERROR\\|Warning\\):.* in line[s ]*\\([0-9]+\\)" - limit t) - (setq errorline (string-to-number (match-string 2))) - (save-excursion - (re-search-backward - "{\\(consulting\\|compiling\\|processing\\) \\(.*\\)\\.\\.\\.}" - limit t) - (setq filepath (match-string 2))) - - ;; ###### Does this work with SICStus under Windows (i.e. backslahes and stuff?) - (if (string-match "\\(.*/\\)\\([^/]*\\)$" filepath) - (progn - (setq dir (match-string 1 filepath)) - (setq file (match-string 2 filepath)))) - - (setq compilation-error-list - (cons - (cons (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (point-marker)) - (list (list file dir) errorline)) - compilation-error-list) - )) - )) - -(defun prolog-consult-compile-filter (process output) - "Filter function for Prolog compilation PROCESS. -Argument OUTPUT is a name of the output file." - ;;(message "start") - (setq prolog-consult-compile-output - (concat prolog-consult-compile-output output)) - ;;(message "pccf1: %s" prolog-consult-compile-output) - ;; Iterate through the lines of prolog-consult-compile-output - (let (outputtype) - (while (and prolog-process-flag - (or - ;; Trace question - (progn - (setq outputtype 'trace) - (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (string-match - "^[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]*Call:.*? " - prolog-consult-compile-output))) - - ;; Match anything - (progn - (setq outputtype 'normal) - (string-match "^.*\n" prolog-consult-compile-output)) - )) - ;;(message "outputtype: %s" outputtype) - - (setq output (match-string 0 prolog-consult-compile-output)) - ;; remove the text in output from prolog-consult-compile-output - (setq prolog-consult-compile-output - (substring prolog-consult-compile-output (length output))) - ;;(message "pccf2: %s" prolog-consult-compile-output) - - ;; If temporary files were used, then we change the error - ;; messages to point to the original source file. - (cond - - ;; If the prolog process was in trace mode then it requires - ;; user input - ((and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (eq outputtype 'trace)) - (let (input) - (setq input (concat (read-string output) "\n")) - (process-send-string "prolog" input) - (setq output (concat output input)))) - - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (if (and prolog-consult-compile-real-file - (string-match - "\\({.*:.* in line[s ]*\\)\\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\)" output)) - (setq output (replace-match - ;; Adds a {processing ...} line so that - ;; `prolog-parse-sicstus-compilation-errors' - ;; finds the real file instead of the temporary one. - ;; Also fixes the line numbers. - (format "Added by Emacs: {processing %s...}\n%s%d-%d" - prolog-consult-compile-real-file - (match-string 1 output) - (+ prolog-consult-compile-first-line - (string-to-number - (match-string 2 output))) - (+ prolog-consult-compile-first-line - (string-to-number - (match-string 3 output)))) - t t output))) - ) - - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - (if (and prolog-consult-compile-real-file - (string-match (format - "%s\\([ \t]*:[ \t]*\\)\\([0-9]+\\)" - prolog-consult-compile-file) - output)) - (setq output (replace-match - ;; Real filename + text + fixed linenum - (format "%s%s%d" - prolog-consult-compile-real-file - (match-string 1 output) - (+ prolog-consult-compile-first-line - (string-to-number - (match-string 2 output)))) - t t output))) - ) - - (t ()) - ) - ;; Write the output in the *prolog-compilation* buffer - (insert output))) - - ;; If the prompt is visible, then the task is finished - (if (string-match prolog-prompt-regexp-i prolog-consult-compile-output) - (setq prolog-process-flag nil))) - -(defun prolog-consult-compile-file (compilep) - "Consult/compile file of current buffer. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, compile, otherwise consult." - (let ((file buffer-file-name)) - (if file - (progn - (save-some-buffers) - (prolog-consult-compile compilep file)) - (prolog-consult-compile-region compilep (point-min) (point-max))))) - -(defun prolog-consult-compile-buffer (compilep) - "Consult/compile current buffer. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, compile, otherwise consult." - (prolog-consult-compile-region compilep (point-min) (point-max))) - -(defun prolog-consult-compile-region (compilep beg end) - "Consult/compile region between BEG and END. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, compile, otherwise consult." - ;(let ((file prolog-temp-filename) - (let ((file (prolog-bsts (prolog-temporary-file))) - (lines (count-lines 1 beg))) - (write-region beg end file nil 'no-message) - (write-region "\n" nil file t 'no-message) - (prolog-consult-compile compilep file - (if (looking-at "^") (1+ lines) lines)) - (delete-file file))) - -(defun prolog-consult-compile-predicate (compilep) - "Consult/compile the predicate around current point. -If COMPILEP is non-nil, compile, otherwise consult." - (prolog-consult-compile-region - compilep (prolog-pred-start) (prolog-pred-end))) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Font-lock stuff -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -;; Auxilliary functions -(defun prolog-make-keywords-regexp (keywords &optional protect) - "Create regexp from the list of strings KEYWORDS. -If PROTECT is non-nil, surround the result regexp by word breaks." - (let ((regexp - (if (fboundp 'regexp-opt) - ;; Emacs 20 - ;; Avoid compile warnings under earlier versions by using eval - (eval '(regexp-opt keywords)) - ;; Older Emacsen - (concat (mapconcat 'regexp-quote keywords "\\|"))) - )) - (if protect - (concat "\\<\\(" regexp "\\)\\>") - regexp))) - -(defun prolog-font-lock-object-matcher (bound) - "Find SICStus objects method name for font lock. -Argument BOUND is a buffer position limiting searching." - (let (point - (case-fold-search nil)) - (while (and (not point) - (re-search-forward "\\(::[ \t\n]*{\\|&\\)[ \t]*" - bound t)) - (while (or (re-search-forward "\\=\n[ \t]*" bound t) - (re-search-forward "\\=%.*" bound t) - (and (re-search-forward "\\=/\\*" bound t) - (re-search-forward "\\*/[ \t]*" bound t)))) - (setq point (re-search-forward - (format "\\=\\(%s\\)" prolog-atom-regexp) - bound t))) - point)) - -(defsubst prolog-face-name-p (facename) - ;; Return t if FACENAME is the name of a face. This method is - ;; necessary since facep in XEmacs only returns t for the actual - ;; face objects (while it's only their names that are used just - ;; about anywhere else) without providing a predicate that tests - ;; face names. This function (including the above commentary) is - ;; borrowed from cc-mode. - (memq facename (face-list))) - -;; Set everything up -(defun prolog-font-lock-keywords () - "Set up font lock keywords for the current Prolog system." - ;(when window-system - (require 'font-lock) - - ;; Define Prolog faces - (defface prolog-redo-face - '((((class grayscale)) (:italic t)) - (((class color)) (:foreground "darkorchid")) - (t (:italic t))) - "Prolog mode face for highlighting redo trace lines." - :group 'prolog-faces) - (defface prolog-exit-face - '((((class grayscale)) (:underline t)) - (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "green")) - (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen")) - (t (:underline t))) - "Prolog mode face for highlighting exit trace lines." - :group 'prolog-faces) - (defface prolog-exception-face - '((((class grayscale)) (:bold t :italic t :underline t)) - (((class color)) (:bold t :foreground "black" :background "Khaki")) - (t (:bold t :italic t :underline t))) - "Prolog mode face for highlighting exception trace lines." - :group 'prolog-faces) - (defface prolog-warning-face - '((((class grayscale)) (:underline t)) - (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "blue")) - (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "MidnightBlue")) - (t (:underline t))) - "Face name to use for compiler warnings." - :group 'prolog-faces) - (defface prolog-builtin-face - '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Purple")) - (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Cyan")) - (((class grayscale) (background light)) (:foreground "LightGray" :bold t)) - (((class grayscale) (background dark)) (:foreground "DimGray" :bold t)) - (t (:bold t))) - "Face name to use for compiler warnings." - :group 'prolog-faces) - (defvar prolog-warning-face - (if (prolog-face-name-p 'font-lock-warning-face) - 'font-lock-warning-face - 'prolog-warning-face) - "Face name to use for built in predicates.") - (defvar prolog-builtin-face - (if (prolog-face-name-p 'font-lock-builtin-face) - 'font-lock-builtin-face - 'prolog-builtin-face) - "Face name to use for built in predicates.") - (defvar prolog-redo-face 'prolog-redo-face - "Face name to use for redo trace lines.") - (defvar prolog-exit-face 'prolog-exit-face - "Face name to use for exit trace lines.") - (defvar prolog-exception-face 'prolog-exception-face - "Face name to use for exception trace lines.") - - ;; Font Lock Patterns - (let ( - ;; "Native" Prolog patterns - (head-predicates - (list (format "^\\(%s\\)\\((\\|[ \t]*:-\\)" prolog-atom-regexp) - 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) - ;(list (format "^%s" prolog-atom-regexp) - ; 0 font-lock-function-name-face)) - (head-predicates-1 - (list (format "\\.[ \t]*\\(%s\\)" prolog-atom-regexp) - 1 font-lock-function-name-face) ) - (variables - '("\\<\\([_A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)" - 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)) - (important-elements - (list (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - "[][}{;|]\\|\\\\[+=]\\|?" - "[][}{!;|]\\|\\*->") - 0 'font-lock-keyword-face)) - (important-elements-1 - '("[^-*]\\(->\\)" 1 font-lock-keyword-face)) - (predspecs ; module:predicate/cardinality - (list (format "\\<\\(%s:\\|\\)%s/[0-9]+" - prolog-atom-regexp prolog-atom-regexp) - 0 font-lock-function-name-face 'prepend)) - (keywords ; directives (queries) - (list - (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (concat - "\\<\\(" - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp prolog-keywords-i) - "\\|" - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp - prolog-determinism-specificators-i) - "\\)\\>") - (concat - "^[?:]- *\\(" - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp prolog-keywords-i) - "\\)\\>")) - 1 prolog-builtin-face)) - (quoted_atom (list prolog-quoted-atom-regexp - 2 'font-lock-string-face 'append)) - (string (list prolog-string-regexp - 1 'font-lock-string-face 'append)) - ;; SICStus specific patterns - (sicstus-object-methods - (if (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '(prolog-font-lock-object-matcher - 1 font-lock-function-name-face))) - ;; Mercury specific patterns - (types - (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (list - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp prolog-types-i t) - 0 'font-lock-type-face))) - (modes - (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (list - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp prolog-mode-specificators-i t) - 0 'font-lock-reference-face))) - (directives - (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (list - (prolog-make-keywords-regexp prolog-directives-i t) - 0 'prolog-warning-face))) - ;; Inferior mode specific patterns - (prompt - (list prolog-prompt-regexp-i 0 'font-lock-keyword-face)) - (trace-exit - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*\\(Exit\\):" - 1 prolog-exit-face)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("[ \t]*\\(Exit\\):[ \t]*([ \t0-9]*)" 1 prolog-exit-face)) - (t nil))) - (trace-fail - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*\\(Fail\\):" - 1 prolog-warning-face)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("[ \t]*\\(Fail\\):[ \t]*([ \t0-9]*)" 1 prolog-warning-face)) - (t nil))) - (trace-redo - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*\\(Redo\\):" - 1 prolog-redo-face)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("[ \t]*\\(Redo\\):[ \t]*([ \t0-9]*)" 1 prolog-redo-face)) - (t nil))) - (trace-call - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*\\(Call\\):" - 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("[ \t]*\\(Call\\):[ \t]*([ \t0-9]*)" - 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) - (t nil))) - (trace-exception - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("[ \t]*[0-9]+[ \t]+[0-9]+[ \t]*\\(Exception\\):" - 1 prolog-exception-face)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("[ \t]*\\(Exception\\):[ \t]*([ \t0-9]*)" - 1 prolog-exception-face)) - (t nil))) - (error-message-identifier - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("{\\([A-Z]* ?ERROR:\\)" 1 prolog-exception-face prepend)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("^[[]\\(WARNING:\\)" 1 prolog-builtin-face prepend)) - (t nil))) - (error-whole-messages - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("{\\([A-Z]* ?ERROR:.*\\)}[ \t]*$" - 1 font-lock-comment-face append)) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '("^[[]WARNING:[^]]*[]]$" 0 font-lock-comment-face append)) - (t nil))) - (error-warning-messages - ;; Mostly errors that SICStus asks the user about how to solve, - ;; such as "NAME CLASH:" for example. - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("^[A-Z ]*[A-Z]+:" 0 prolog-warning-face)) - (t nil))) - (warning-messages - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("\\({ ?\\(Warning\\|WARNING\\) ?:.*}\\)[ \t]*$" - 2 prolog-warning-face prepend)) - (t nil)))) - - ;; Make font lock list - (delq - nil - (cond - ((eq major-mode 'prolog-mode) - (list - head-predicates - head-predicates-1 - quoted_atom - string - variables - important-elements - important-elements-1 - predspecs - keywords - sicstus-object-methods - types - modes - directives)) - ((eq major-mode 'prolog-inferior-mode) - (list - prompt - error-message-identifier - error-whole-messages - error-warning-messages - warning-messages - predspecs - trace-exit - trace-fail - trace-redo - trace-call - trace-exception)) - ((eq major-mode 'compilation-mode) - (list - error-message-identifier - error-whole-messages - error-warning-messages - warning-messages - predspecs)))) - )) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Indentation stuff -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -;; NB: This function *MUST* have this optional argument since XEmacs -;; assumes it. This does not mean we have to use it... -(defun prolog-indent-line (&optional whole-exp) - "Indent current line as Prolog code. -With argument, indent any additional lines of the same clause -rigidly along with this one (not yet)." - (interactive "p") - (let ((indent (prolog-indent-level)) - (pos (- (point-max) (point))) beg) - (beginning-of-line) - (setq beg (point)) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (if (zerop (- indent (current-column))) - nil - (delete-region beg (point)) - (indent-to indent)) - (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point)) - (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))) - - ;; Align comments - (if prolog-align-comments-flag - (save-excursion - (prolog-goto-comment-column t))) - - ;; Insert spaces if needed - (if (or prolog-electric-tab-flag prolog-electric-if-then-else-flag) - (prolog-insert-spaces-after-paren)) - )) - -(defun prolog-comment-indent () - "Compute prolog comment indentation." - (cond ((looking-at "%%%") (prolog-indentation-level-of-line)) - ((looking-at "%%") (prolog-indent-level)) - (t - (save-excursion - (skip-chars-backward " \t") - ;; Insert one space at least, except at left margin. - (max (+ (current-column) (if (bolp) 0 1)) - comment-column))) - )) - -(defun prolog-indent-level () - "Compute prolog indentation level." - (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (let ((totbal (prolog-region-paren-balance - (prolog-clause-start t) (point))) - (oldpoint (point))) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (cond - ((looking-at "%%%") (prolog-indentation-level-of-line)) - ;Large comment starts - ((looking-at "%[^%]") comment-column) ;Small comment starts - ((bobp) 0) ;Beginning of buffer - - ;; If we found '}' then we must check if it's the - ;; end of an object declaration or something else. - ((and (looking-at "}") - (save-excursion - (forward-char 1) - ;; Goto to matching { - (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (prolog-backward-list) - (backward-list)) - (skip-chars-backward " \t") - (backward-char 2) - (looking-at "::"))) - ;; It was an object - (if prolog-object-end-to-0-flag - 0 - prolog-indent-width)) - - ;;End of /* */ comment - ((looking-at "\\*/") - (save-excursion - (prolog-find-start-of-mline-comment) - (skip-chars-backward " \t") - (- (current-column) 2))) - - ;; Here we check if the current line is within a /* */ pair - ((and (looking-at "[^%/]") - (eq (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'cmt)) - (if prolog-indent-mline-comments-flag - (prolog-find-start-of-mline-comment) - ;; Same as before - (prolog-indentation-level-of-line))) - - (t - (let ((empty t) ind linebal) - ;; See previous indentation - (while empty - (forward-line -1) - (beginning-of-line) - (if (= (point) (point-min)) - (setq empty nil) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (if (not (or (not (member (prolog-in-string-or-comment) '(nil txt))) - (looking-at "%") - (looking-at "\n"))) - (setq empty nil)))) - - ;; Store this line's indentation - (if (= (point) (point-min)) - (setq ind 0) ;Beginning of buffer - (setq ind (current-column))) ;Beginning of clause - - ;; Compute the balance of the line - (setq linebal (prolog-paren-balance)) - ;;(message "bal of previous line %d totbal %d" linebal totbal) - (if (< linebal 0) - (progn - ;; Add 'indent-level' mode to find-unmatched-paren instead? - (end-of-line) - (setq ind (prolog-find-indent-of-matching-paren)))) - - ;;(message "ind %d" ind) - (beginning-of-line) - - ;; Check if the line ends with ":-", ".", ":: {", "}" (might be - ;; unnecessary), "&" or ")" (The last four concerns SICStus objects) - (cond - ;; If the last char of the line is a '&' then set the indent level - ;; to prolog-indent-width (used in SICStus objects) - ((and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (looking-at ".+&[ \t]*\\(%.*\\|\\)$")) - (setq ind prolog-indent-width)) - - ;; Increase indentation if the previous line was the head of a rule - ;; and does not contain a '.' - ((and (looking-at (format ".*%s[^\\.]*[ \t]*\\(%%.*\\|\\)$" - prolog-head-delimiter)) - ;; We must check that the match is at a paren balance of 0. - (save-excursion - (let ((p (point))) - (re-search-forward prolog-head-delimiter) - (>= 0 (prolog-region-paren-balance p (point)))))) - (let (headindent) - (if (< (prolog-paren-balance) 0) - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (setq headindent (prolog-find-indent-of-matching-paren))) - (setq headindent (prolog-indentation-level-of-line))) - (setq ind (+ headindent prolog-indent-width)))) - - ;; The previous line was the head of an object - ((looking-at ".+ *::.*{[ \t]*$") - (setq ind prolog-indent-width)) - - ;; If a '.' is found at the end of the previous line, then - ;; decrease the indentation. (The \\(%.*\\|\\) part of the - ;; regexp is for comments at the end of the line) - ((and (looking-at "^.+\\.[ \t]*\\(%.*\\|\\)$") - ;; Make sure that the '.' found is not in a comment or string - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (re-search-backward "\\.[ \t]*\\(%.*\\|\\)$" (point-min)) - ;; Guard against the real '.' being followed by a - ;; commented '.'. - (if (eq (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'cmt) ;; commented out '.' - (let ((here (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (point)))) - (end-of-line) - (re-search-backward "\\.[ \t]*%.*$" here t)) - (not (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - ) - )) - (setq ind 0)) - - ;; If a '.' is found at the end of the previous line, then - ;; decrease the indentation. (The /\\*.*\\*/ part of the - ;; regexp is for C-like comments at the end of the - ;; line--can we merge with the case above?). - ((and (looking-at "^.+\\.[ \t]*\\(/\\*.*\\|\\)$") - ;; Make sure that the '.' found is not in a comment or string - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (re-search-backward "\\.[ \t]*\\(/\\*.*\\|\\)$" (point-min)) - ;; Guard against the real '.' being followed by a - ;; commented '.'. - (if (eq (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'cmt) ;; commented out '.' - (let ((here (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (point)))) - (end-of-line) - (re-search-backward "\\.[ \t]*/\\*.*$" here t)) - (not (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - ) - )) - (setq ind 0)) - - ) - - ;; If the last non comment char is a ',' or left paren or a left- - ;; indent-regexp then indent to open parenthesis level - (if (and - (> totbal 0) - ;; SICStus objects have special syntax rules if point is - ;; not inside additional parens (objects are defined - ;; within {...}) - (not (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (= totbal 1) - (prolog-in-object)))) - (if (looking-at - (format "\\(%s\\|%s\\|0'.\\|[0-9]+'[0-9a-zA-Z]+\\|[^\n\'\"%%]\\)*\\(,\\|%s\\|%s\\)\[ \t]*\\(%%.*\\|\\)$" - prolog-quoted-atom-regexp prolog-string-regexp - prolog-left-paren prolog-left-indent-regexp)) - (progn - (goto-char oldpoint) - (setq ind (prolog-find-unmatched-paren (if prolog-paren-indent-p - 'termdependent - 'skipwhite))) - ;;(setq ind (prolog-find-unmatched-paren 'termdependent)) - ) - (goto-char oldpoint) - (setq ind (prolog-find-unmatched-paren nil)) - )) - - - ;; Return the indentation level - ind - )))))) - -(defun prolog-find-indent-of-matching-paren () - "Find the indentation level based on the matching parenthesis. -Indentation level is set to the one the point is after when the function is -called." - (save-excursion - ;; Go to the matching paren - (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (prolog-backward-list) - (backward-list)) - - ;; If this was the first paren on the line then return this line's - ;; indentation level - (if (prolog-paren-is-the-first-on-line-p) - (prolog-indentation-level-of-line) - ;; It was not the first one - (progn - ;; Find the next paren - (prolog-goto-next-paren 0) - - ;; If this paren is a left one then use its column as indent level, - ;; if not then recurse this function - (if (looking-at prolog-left-paren) - (+ (current-column) 1) - (progn - (forward-char 1) - (prolog-find-indent-of-matching-paren))) - )) - )) - -(defun prolog-indentation-level-of-line () - "Return the indentation level of the current line." - (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (current-column))) - -(defun prolog-first-pos-on-line () - "Return the first position on the current line." - (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (point))) - -(defun prolog-paren-is-the-first-on-line-p () - "Return t if the parenthesis under the point is the first one on the line. -Return nil otherwise. -Note: does not check if the point is actually at a parenthesis!" - (save-excursion - (let ((begofline (prolog-first-pos-on-line))) - (if (= begofline (point)) - t - (if (prolog-goto-next-paren begofline) - nil - t))))) - -(defun prolog-find-unmatched-paren (&optional mode) - "Return the column of the last unmatched left parenthesis. -If MODE is `skipwhite' then any white space after the parenthesis is added to -the answer. -If MODE is `plusone' then the parenthesis' column +1 is returned. -If MODE is `termdependent' then if the unmatched parenthesis is part of -a compound term the function will work as `skipwhite', otherwise -it will return the column paren plus the value of `prolog-paren-indent'. -If MODE is nil or not set then the parenthesis' exact column is returned." - (save-excursion - ;; If the next paren we find is a left one we're finished, if it's - ;; a right one then we go back one step and recurse - (prolog-goto-next-paren 0) - - (let ((roundparen (looking-at "("))) - (if (looking-at prolog-left-paren) - (let ((not-part-of-term - (save-excursion - (backward-char 1) - (looking-at "[ \t]")))) - (if (eq mode nil) - (current-column) - (if (and roundparen - (eq mode 'termdependent) - not-part-of-term) - (+ (current-column) - (if prolog-electric-tab-flag - ;; Electric TAB - prolog-paren-indent - ;; Not electric TAB - (if (looking-at ".[ \t]*$") - 2 - prolog-paren-indent)) - ) - - (forward-char 1) - (if (or (eq mode 'skipwhite) (eq mode 'termdependent) ) - (skip-chars-forward " \t")) - (current-column)))) - ;; Not looking at left paren - (progn - (forward-char 1) - ;; Go to the matching paren. When we get there we have a total - ;; balance of 0. - (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (prolog-backward-list) - (backward-list)) - (prolog-find-unmatched-paren mode))) - ))) - - -(defun prolog-paren-balance () - "Return the parenthesis balance of the current line. -A return value of n means n more left parentheses than right ones." - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (prolog-region-paren-balance (prolog-first-pos-on-line) (point)))) - -(defun prolog-region-paren-balance (beg end) - "Return the summed parenthesis balance in the region. -The region is limited by BEG and END positions." - (save-excursion - (let ((state (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (prolog-tokenize beg end) - (parse-partial-sexp beg end)))) - (nth 0 state)))) - -(defun prolog-goto-next-paren (limit-pos) - "Move the point to the next parenthesis earlier in the buffer. -Return t if a match was found before LIMIT-POS. Return nil otherwise." - (let (retval) - (setq retval (re-search-backward - (concat prolog-left-paren "\\|" prolog-right-paren) - limit-pos t)) - - ;; If a match was found but it was in a string or comment, then recurse - (if (and retval (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - (prolog-goto-next-paren limit-pos) - retval) - )) - -(defun prolog-in-string-or-comment () - "Check whether string, atom, or comment is under current point. -Return: - `txt' if the point is in a string, atom, or character code expression - `cmt' if the point is in a comment - nil otherwise." - (save-excursion - (let* ((start - (if (eq prolog-parse-mode 'beg-of-line) - ;; 'beg-of-line - (save-excursion - (let (safepoint) - (beginning-of-line) - (setq safepoint (point)) - (while (and (> (point) (point-min)) - (progn - (forward-line -1) - (end-of-line) - (if (not (bobp)) - (backward-char 1)) - (looking-at "\\\\")) - ) - (beginning-of-line) - (setq safepoint (point))) - safepoint)) - ;; 'beg-of-clause - (prolog-clause-start))) - (end (point)) - (state (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (prolog-tokenize start end) - (parse-partial-sexp start end)))) - (cond - ((nth 3 state) 'txt) ; String - ((nth 4 state) 'cmt) ; Comment - (t - (cond - ((looking-at "%") 'cmt) ; Start of a comment - ((looking-at "/\\*") 'cmt) ; Start of a comment - ((looking-at "\'") 'txt) ; Start of an atom - ((looking-at "\"") 'txt) ; Start of a string - (t nil) - )))) - )) - -(defun prolog-find-start-of-mline-comment () - "Return the start column of a /* */ comment. -This assumes that the point is inside a comment." - (re-search-backward "/\\*" (point-min) t) - (forward-char 2) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (current-column)) - -(defun prolog-insert-spaces-after-paren () - "Insert spaces after the opening parenthesis, \"then\" (->) and \"else\" (;) branches. -Spaces are inserted if all preceding objects on the line are -whitespace characters, parentheses, or then/else branches." - (save-excursion - (let ((regexp (concat "(\\|" prolog-left-indent-regexp)) - level) - (beginning-of-line) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (when (looking-at regexp) - ;; Treat "( If -> " lines specially. - ;;(if (looking-at "(.*->") - ;; (setq incr 2) - ;; (setq incr prolog-paren-indent)) - - ;; work on all subsequent "->", "(", ";" - (while (looking-at regexp) - (goto-char (match-end 0)) - (setq level (+ (prolog-find-unmatched-paren) prolog-paren-indent)) - - ;; Remove old white space - (let ((start (point))) - (skip-chars-forward " \t") - (delete-region start (point))) - (indent-to level) - (skip-chars-forward " \t")) - ))) - (when (save-excursion - (backward-char 2) - (looking-at "\\s ;\\|\\s (\\|->")) ; (looking-at "\\s \\((\\|;\\)")) - (skip-chars-forward " \t")) - ) - -;;;; Comment filling - -(defun prolog-comment-limits () - "Returns the current comment limits plus the comment type (block or line). -The comment limits are the range of a block comment or the range that -contains all adjacent line comments (i.e. all comments that starts in -the same column with no empty lines or non-whitespace characters -between them)." -(let ((here (point)) - lit-limits-b lit-limits-e lit-type beg end - ) - (save-restriction - ;; Widen to catch comment limits correctly. - (widen) - (setq end (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) - beg (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))) - (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (setq lit-type (if (search-forward-regexp "%" end t) 'line 'block)) - ; (setq lit-type 'line) - ;(if (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]*%" end t) - ; (setq lit-type 'line) - ; (if (not (search-forward-regexp "%" end t)) - ; (setq lit-type 'block) - ; (if (not (= (forward-line 1) 0)) - ; (setq lit-type 'block) - ; (setq done t - ; ret (prolog-comment-limits))) - ; )) - (if (eq lit-type 'block) - (progn - (goto-char here) - (when (looking-at "/\\*") (forward-char 2)) - (when (and (looking-at "\\*") (> (point) (point-min)) - (forward-char -1) (looking-at "/")) - (forward-char 1)) - (when (save-excursion (search-backward "/*" nil t)) - (list (save-excursion (search-backward "/*") (point)) - (or (search-forward "*/" nil t) (point-max)) lit-type))) - ;; line comment - (setq lit-limits-b (- (point) 1) - lit-limits-e end) - (condition-case nil - (if (progn (goto-char lit-limits-b) - (looking-at "%")) - (let ((col (current-column)) done) - (setq beg (point) - end lit-limits-e) - ;; Always at the beginning of the comment - ;; Go backward now - (beginning-of-line) - (while (and (zerop (setq done (forward-line -1))) - (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]*%" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) - (= (+ 1 col) (current-column))) - (setq beg (- (point) 1))) - (when (= done 0) - (forward-line 1)) - ;; We may have a line with code above... - (when (and (zerop (setq done (forward-line -1))) - (search-forward "%" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) - (= (+ 1 col) (current-column))) - (setq beg (- (point) 1))) - (when (= done 0) - (forward-line 1)) - ;; Go forward - (goto-char lit-limits-b) - (beginning-of-line) - (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) - (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]*%" (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) t) - (= (+ 1 col) (current-column))) - (setq end (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))) - (list beg end lit-type)) - (list lit-limits-b lit-limits-e lit-type) - ) - (error (list lit-limits-b lit-limits-e lit-type)))) - )))) - -(defun prolog-guess-fill-prefix () - ;; fill 'txt entities? - (when (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (equal (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'cmt)) - (let* ((bounds (prolog-comment-limits)) - (cbeg (car bounds)) - (type (nth 2 bounds)) - beg end str) - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (setq end (point)) - (beginning-of-line) - (setq beg (point)) - (if (and (eq type 'line) - (> cbeg beg) - (save-excursion (not (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]*%" cbeg t)))) - (progn - (goto-char cbeg) - (search-forward-regexp "%+[ \t]*" end t) - (setq str (replace-in-string (buffer-substring beg (point)) "[^ \t%]" " ")) - ) - ;(goto-char beg) - (if (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]*\\(%+\\|\\*+\\|/\\*+\\)[ \t]*" end t) - (setq str (replace-in-string (buffer-substring beg (point)) "/" " ")) - (beginning-of-line) - (when (search-forward-regexp "^[ \t]+" end t) - (setq str (buffer-substring beg (point))))) - )) - str))) - -(defun prolog-fill-paragraph () - "Fill paragraph comment at or after point." - (interactive) - (let* ((bounds (prolog-comment-limits)) - (type (nth 2 bounds))) - (if (eq type 'line) - (let ((fill-prefix (prolog-guess-fill-prefix))) - (fill-paragraph nil)) - (save-excursion - (save-restriction - ;; exclude surrounding lines that delimit a multiline comment - ;; and don't contain alphabetic characters, like "/*******", - ;; "- - - */" etc. - (save-excursion - (backward-paragraph) - (unless (bobp) (forward-line)) - (if (string-match "^/\\*[^a-zA-Z]*$" (thing-at-point 'line)) - (narrow-to-region (point-at-eol) (point-max)))) - (save-excursion - (forward-paragraph) - (forward-line -1) - (if (string-match "^[^a-zA-Z]*\\*/$" (thing-at-point 'line)) - (narrow-to-region (point-min) (point-at-bol)))) - (let ((fill-prefix (prolog-guess-fill-prefix))) - (fill-paragraph nil)))) - ))) - -(defun prolog-do-auto-fill () - "Carry out Auto Fill for Prolog mode. -In effect it sets the fill-prefix when inside comments and then calls -`do-auto-fill'." - (let ((fill-prefix (prolog-guess-fill-prefix))) - (do-auto-fill) - )) - -(unless (fboundp 'replace-in-string) - (defun replace-in-string (str regexp newtext &optional literal) - "Replace all matches in STR for REGEXP with NEWTEXT string, - and returns the new string. -Optional LITERAL non-nil means do a literal replacement. -Otherwise treat `\\' in NEWTEXT as special: - `\\&' in NEWTEXT means substitute original matched text. - `\\N' means substitute what matched the Nth `\\(...\\)'. - If Nth parens didn't match, substitute nothing. - `\\\\' means insert one `\\'. - `\\u' means upcase the next character. - `\\l' means downcase the next character. - `\\U' means begin upcasing all following characters. - `\\L' means begin downcasing all following characters. - `\\E' means terminate the effect of any `\\U' or `\\L'." - (if (> (length str) 50) - (let ((cfs case-fold-search)) - (with-temp-buffer - (setq case-fold-search cfs) - (insert str) - (goto-char 1) - (while (re-search-forward regexp nil t) - (replace-match newtext t literal)) - (buffer-string))) - (let ((start 0) newstr) - (while (string-match regexp str start) - (setq newstr (replace-match newtext t literal str) - start (+ (match-end 0) (- (length newstr) (length str))) - str newstr)) - str))) - ) - - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; The tokenizer -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -(defconst prolog-tokenize-searchkey - (concat "[0-9]+'" - "\\|" - "['\"]" - "\\|" - prolog-left-paren - "\\|" - prolog-right-paren - "\\|" - "%" - "\\|" - "/\\*" - )) - -(defun prolog-tokenize (beg end &optional stopcond) - "Tokenize a region of prolog code between BEG and END. -STOPCOND decides the stop condition of the parsing. Valid values -are 'zerodepth which stops the parsing at the first right parenthesis -where the parenthesis depth is zero, 'skipover which skips over -the current entity (e.g. a list, a string, etc.) and nil. - -The function returns a list with the following information: - 0. parenthesis depth - 3. 'atm if END is inside an atom - 'str if END is inside a string - 'chr if END is in a character code expression (0'x) - nil otherwise - 4. non-nil if END is inside a comment - 5. end position (always equal to END if STOPCOND is nil) -The rest of the elements are undefined." - (save-excursion - (let* ((end2 (1+ end)) - oldp - (depth 0) - (quoted nil) - inside_cmt - (endpos end2) - skiptype ; The type of entity we'll skip over - ) - (goto-char beg) - - (if (and (eq stopcond 'skipover) - (looking-at "[^[({'\"]")) - (setq endpos (point)) ; Stay where we are - (while (and - (re-search-forward prolog-tokenize-searchkey end2 t) - (< (point) end2)) - (progn - (setq oldp (point)) - (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) - (cond - ;; Atoms and strings - ((looking-at "'") - ;; Find end of atom - (if (re-search-forward "[^\\]'" end2 'limit) - ;; Found end of atom - (progn - (setq oldp end2) - (if (and (eq stopcond 'skipover) - (not skiptype)) - (setq endpos (point)) - (setq oldp (point)))) ; Continue tokenizing - (setq quoted 'atm))) - - ((looking-at "\"") - ;; Find end of string - (if (re-search-forward "[^\\]\"" end2 'limit) - ;; Found end of string - (progn - (setq oldp end2) - (if (and (eq stopcond 'skipover) - (not skiptype)) - (setq endpos (point)) - (setq oldp (point)))) ; Continue tokenizing - (setq quoted 'str))) - - ;; Paren stuff - ((looking-at prolog-left-paren) - (setq depth (1+ depth)) - (setq skiptype 'paren)) - - ((looking-at prolog-right-paren) - (setq depth (1- depth)) - (if (and - (or (eq stopcond 'zerodepth) - (and (eq stopcond 'skipover) - (eq skiptype 'paren))) - (= depth 0)) - (progn - (setq endpos (1+ (point))) - (setq oldp end2)))) - - ;; Comment stuff - ((looking-at comment-start) - (end-of-line) - ;; (if (>= (point) end2) - (if (>= (point) end) - (progn - (setq inside_cmt t) - (setq oldp end2)) - (setq oldp (point)))) - - ((looking-at "/\\*") - (if (re-search-forward "\\*/" end2 'limit) - (setq oldp (point)) - (setq inside_cmt t) - (setq oldp end2))) - - ;; 0'char - ((looking-at "0'") - (setq oldp (1+ (match-end 0))) - (if (> oldp end) - (setq quoted 'chr))) - - ;; base'number - ((looking-at "[0-9]+'") - (goto-char (match-end 0)) - (skip-chars-forward "0-9a-zA-Z") - (setq oldp (point))) - - - ) - (goto-char oldp) - )) ; End of while - ) - - ;; Deal with multi-line comments - (and (prolog-inside-mline-comment end) - (setq inside_cmt t)) - - ;; Create return list - (list depth nil nil quoted inside_cmt endpos) - ))) - -(defun prolog-inside-mline-comment (here) - (save-excursion - (goto-char here) - (let* ((next-close (save-excursion (search-forward "*/" nil t))) - (next-open (save-excursion (search-forward "/*" nil t))) - (prev-open (save-excursion (search-backward "/*" nil t))) - (prev-close (save-excursion (search-backward "*/" nil t))) - (unmatched-next-close (and next-close - (or (not next-open) - (> next-open next-close)))) - (unmatched-prev-open (and prev-open - (or (not prev-close) - (> prev-open prev-close)))) - ) - (or unmatched-next-close unmatched-prev-open) - ))) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Online help -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -(defvar prolog-help-function - '((mercury nil) - (eclipse prolog-help-online) - ;; (sicstus prolog-help-info) - (sicstus prolog-find-documentation) - (swi prolog-help-online) - (t prolog-help-online)) - "Alist for the name of the function for finding help on a predicate.") - -(defun prolog-help-on-predicate () - "Invoke online help on the atom under cursor." - (interactive) - - (cond - ;; Redirect help for SICStus to `prolog-find-documentation'. - ((eq prolog-help-function-i 'prolog-find-documentation) - (prolog-find-documentation)) - - ;; Otherwise, ask for the predicate name and then call the function - ;; in prolog-help-function-i - (t - (let* (word - predicate - ;point - ) - (setq word (prolog-atom-under-point)) - (setq predicate (read-from-minibuffer - (format "Help on predicate%s: " - (if word - (concat " (default " word ")") - "")))) - (if (string= predicate "") - (setq predicate word)) - (if prolog-help-function-i - (funcall prolog-help-function-i predicate) - (error "Sorry, no help method defined for this Prolog system.")))) - )) - -(defun prolog-help-info (predicate) - (let ((buffer (current-buffer)) - oldp - (str (concat "^\\* " (regexp-quote predicate) " */"))) - (require 'info) - (pop-to-buffer nil) - (Info-goto-node prolog-info-predicate-index) - (if (not (re-search-forward str nil t)) - (error (format "Help on predicate `%s' not found." predicate))) - - (setq oldp (point)) - (if (re-search-forward str nil t) - ;; Multiple matches, ask user - (let ((max 2) - n) - ;; Count matches - (while (re-search-forward str nil t) - (setq max (1+ max))) - - (goto-char oldp) - (re-search-backward "[^ /]" nil t) - (recenter 0) - (setq n (read-string ;; was read-input, which is obsolete - (format "Several matches, choose (1-%d): " max) "1")) - (forward-line (- (string-to-number n) 1))) - ;; Single match - (re-search-backward "[^ /]" nil t)) - - ;; (Info-follow-nearest-node (point)) - (prolog-Info-follow-nearest-node) - (re-search-forward (concat "^`" (regexp-quote predicate)) nil t) - (beginning-of-line) - (recenter 0) - (pop-to-buffer buffer))) - -(defun prolog-Info-follow-nearest-node () - (if (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs) - (Info-follow-nearest-node (point)) - (Info-follow-nearest-node)) -) - -(defun prolog-help-online (predicate) - (prolog-ensure-process) - (process-send-string "prolog" (concat "help(" predicate ").\n")) - (display-buffer "*prolog*")) - -(defun prolog-help-apropos (string) - "Find Prolog apropos on given STRING. -This function is only available when `prolog-system' is set to `swi'." - (interactive "sApropos: ") - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - (prolog-ensure-process) - (process-send-string "prolog" (concat "apropos(" string ").\n")) - (display-buffer "*prolog*")) - (t - (error "Sorry, no Prolog apropos available for this Prolog system.")))) - -(defun prolog-atom-under-point () - "Return the atom under or left to the point." - (save-excursion - (let ((nonatom_chars "[](){},\. \t\n") - start) - (skip-chars-forward (concat "^" nonatom_chars)) - (skip-chars-backward nonatom_chars) - (skip-chars-backward (concat "^" nonatom_chars)) - (setq start (point)) - (skip-chars-forward (concat "^" nonatom_chars)) - (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point)) - ))) - - -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -;; Help function with completion -;; Stolen from Per Mildner's SICStus debugger mode and modified - -(defun prolog-find-documentation () - "Go to the Info node for a predicate in the SICStus Info manual." - (interactive) - (let ((pred (prolog-read-predicate))) - (prolog-goto-predicate-info pred))) - -(defvar prolog-info-alist nil - "Alist with all builtin predicates. -Only for internal use by `prolog-find-documentation'") - -;; Very similar to prolog-help-info except that that function cannot -;; cope with arity and that it asks the user if there are several -;; functors with different arity. This function also uses -;; prolog-info-alist for finding the info node, rather than parsing -;; the predicate index. -(defun prolog-goto-predicate-info (predicate) - "Go to the info page for PREDICATE, which is a PredSpec." - (interactive) - (require 'info) - (string-match "\\(.*\\)/\\([0-9]+\\).*$" predicate) - (let ((buffer (current-buffer)) - (name (match-string 1 predicate)) - (arity (match-string 2 predicate)) - ;oldp - ;(str (regexp-quote predicate)) - ) - (setq arity (string-to-number arity)) - (pop-to-buffer nil) - - (Info-goto-node - prolog-info-predicate-index) ;; We must be in the SICStus pages - (Info-goto-node (car (cdr (assoc predicate prolog-info-alist)))) - - (prolog-find-term (regexp-quote name) arity "^`") - - (recenter 0) - (pop-to-buffer buffer)) -) - -(defun prolog-read-predicate () - "Read a PredSpec from the user. -Returned value is a string \"FUNCTOR/ARITY\". -Interaction supports completion." - (let ((initial (prolog-atom-under-point)) - answer) - ;; If the predicate index is not yet built, do it now - (if (not prolog-info-alist) - (prolog-build-info-alist)) - ;; Test if the initial string could be the base for completion. - ;; Discard it if not. - (if (eq (try-completion initial prolog-info-alist) nil) - (setq initial "")) - ;; Read the PredSpec from the user - (setq answer (completing-read - "Help on predicate: " - prolog-info-alist nil t initial)) - (if (equal answer "") - initial - answer))) - -(defun prolog-build-info-alist (&optional verbose) - "Build an alist of all builtins and library predicates. -Each element is of the form (\"NAME/ARITY\" . (INFO-NODE1 INFO-NODE2 ...)). -Typically there is just one Info node associated with each name -If an optional argument VERBOSE is non-nil, print messages at the beginning -and end of list building." - (if verbose - (message "Building info alist...")) - (setq prolog-info-alist - (let ((l ()) - (last-entry (cons "" ()))) - (save-excursion - (save-window-excursion - ;; select any window but the minibuffer (as we cannot switch - ;; buffers in minibuffer window. - ;; I am not sure this is the right/best way - (if (active-minibuffer-window) ; nil if none active - (select-window (next-window))) - ;; Do this after going away from minibuffer window - (save-window-excursion - (info)) - (Info-goto-node prolog-info-predicate-index) - (goto-char (point-min)) - (while (re-search-forward - "^\\* \\(.+\\)/\\([0-9]+\\)\\([^\n:*]*\\):" nil t) - (let* ((name (match-string 1)) - (arity (string-to-number (match-string 2))) - (comment (match-string 3)) - (fa (format "%s/%d%s" name arity comment)) - info-node) - (beginning-of-line) - ;; Extract the info node name - (setq info-node (progn - (re-search-forward ":[ \t]*\\([^:]+\\).$") - (match-string 1) - )) - ;; ###### Easier? (from Milan version 0.1.28) - ;; (setq info-node (Info-extract-menu-node-name)) - (if (equal fa (car last-entry)) - (setcdr last-entry (cons info-node (cdr last-entry))) - (setq last-entry (cons fa (list info-node)) - l (cons last-entry l))))) - (nreverse l) - )))) - (if verbose - (message "Building info alist... done."))) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Miscellaneous functions -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -;; For Windows. Change backslash to slash. SICStus handles either -;; path separator but backslash must be doubled, therefore use slash. -(defun prolog-bsts (string) - "Change backslashes to slashes in STRING." - (let ((str1 (copy-sequence string)) - (len (length string)) - (i 0)) - (while (< i len) - (if (char-equal (aref str1 i) ?\\) - (aset str1 i ?/)) - (setq i (1+ i))) - str1)) - -;(defun prolog-temporary-file () -; "Make temporary file name for compilation." -; (make-temp-name -; (concat -; (or -; (getenv "TMPDIR") -; (getenv "TEMP") -; (getenv "TMP") -; (getenv "SYSTEMP") -; "/tmp") -; "/prolcomp"))) -;(setq prolog-temp-filename (prolog-bsts (prolog-temporary-file))) - -(defun prolog-temporary-file () - "Make temporary file name for compilation." - (if prolog-temporary-file-name - ;; We already have a file, erase content and continue - (progn - (write-region "" nil prolog-temporary-file-name nil 'silent) - prolog-temporary-file-name) - ;; Actually create the file and set `prolog-temporary-file-name' accordingly - (let* ((umask (default-file-modes)) - (temporary-file-directory (or - (getenv "TMPDIR") - (getenv "TEMP") - (getenv "TMP") - (getenv "SYSTEMP") - "/tmp")) - (prefix (expand-file-name "prolcomp" temporary-file-directory)) - (suffix ".pl") - file) - (unwind-protect - (progn - ;; Create temp files with strict access rights. - (set-default-file-modes #o700) - (while (condition-case () - (progn - (setq file (concat (make-temp-name prefix) suffix)) - ;; (concat (make-temp-name "/tmp/prolcomp") ".pl") - (unless (file-exists-p file) - (write-region "" nil file nil 'silent)) - nil) - (file-already-exists t)) - ;; the file was somehow created by someone else between - ;; `make-temp-name' and `write-region', let's try again. - nil) - (setq prolog-temporary-file-name file)) - ;; Reset the umask. - (set-default-file-modes umask))) - )) - -(defun prolog-goto-prolog-process-buffer () - "Switch to the prolog process buffer and go to its end." - (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*prolog*") - (goto-char (point-max)) -) - -(defun prolog-enable-sicstus-sd () - "Enable the source level debugging facilities of SICStus 3.7 and later." - (interactive) - (require 'pltrace) ; Load the SICStus debugger code - ;; Turn on the source level debugging by default - (add-hook 'prolog-inferior-mode-hook 'pltrace-on) - (if (not prolog-use-sicstus-sd) - (progn - ;; If there is a *prolog* buffer, then call pltrace-on - (if (get-buffer "*prolog*") - ;; Avoid compilation warnings by using eval - (eval '(pltrace-on))) - (setq prolog-use-sicstus-sd t) - )) - ) - -(defun prolog-disable-sicstus-sd () - "Disable the source level debugging facilities of SICStus 3.7 and later." - (interactive) - (setq prolog-use-sicstus-sd nil) - ;; Remove the hook - (remove-hook 'prolog-inferior-mode-hook 'pltrace-on) - ;; If there is a *prolog* buffer, then call pltrace-off - (if (get-buffer "*prolog*") - ;; Avoid compile warnings by using eval - (eval '(pltrace-off)))) - -(defun prolog-debug-on (&optional arg) - "Enable debugging. -When called with prefix argument ARG, disable debugging instead." - (interactive "P") - (if arg - (prolog-debug-off) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-debug-on-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-debug-on-string))) - -(defun prolog-debug-off () - "Disable debugging." - (interactive) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-debug-off-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-debug-off-string)) - -(defun prolog-trace-on (&optional arg) - "Enable tracing. -When called with prefix argument ARG, disable tracing instead." - (interactive "P") - (if arg - (prolog-trace-off) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-trace-on-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-trace-on-string))) - -(defun prolog-trace-off () - "Disable tracing." - (interactive) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-trace-off-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-trace-off-string)) - -(defun prolog-zip-on (&optional arg) - "Enable zipping (for SICStus 3.7 and later). -When called with prefix argument ARG, disable zipping instead." - (interactive "P") - (if arg - (prolog-zip-off) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-zip-on-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-zip-on-string))) - -(defun prolog-zip-off () - "Disable zipping (for SICStus 3.7 and later)." - (interactive) - (prolog-process-insert-string (get-process "prolog") - prolog-zip-off-string) - (process-send-string "prolog" prolog-zip-off-string)) - -;; (defun prolog-create-predicate-index () -;; "Create an index for all predicates in the buffer." -;; (let ((predlist '()) -;; clauseinfo -;; object -;; pos -;; ) -;; (goto-char (point-min)) -;; ;; Replace with prolog-clause-start! -;; (while (re-search-forward "^.+:-" nil t) -;; (setq pos (match-beginning 0)) -;; (setq clauseinfo (prolog-clause-info)) -;; (setq object (prolog-in-object)) -;; (setq predlist (append -;; predlist -;; (list (cons -;; (if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) -;; (prolog-in-object)) -;; (format "%s::%s/%d" -;; object -;; (nth 0 clauseinfo) -;; (nth 1 clauseinfo)) -;; (format "%s/%d" -;; (nth 0 clauseinfo) -;; (nth 1 clauseinfo))) -;; pos -;; )))) -;; (prolog-end-of-predicate)) -;; predlist)) - -(defun prolog-get-predspec () - (save-excursion - (let ((state (prolog-clause-info)) - (object (prolog-in-object))) - (if (or (equal (nth 0 state) "") (equal (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'cmt)) - nil - (if (and (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - object) - (format "%s::%s/%d" - object - (nth 0 state) - (nth 1 state)) - (format "%s/%d" - (nth 0 state) - (nth 1 state))) - )))) - -;; For backward compatibility. Stolen from custom.el. -(or (fboundp 'match-string) - ;; Introduced in Emacs 19.29. - (defun match-string (num &optional string) - "Return string of text matched by last search. -NUM specifies which parenthesized expression in the last regexp. - Value is nil if NUMth pair didn't match, or there were less than NUM pairs. -Zero means the entire text matched by the whole regexp or whole string. -STRING should be given if the last search was by `string-match' on STRING." - (if (match-beginning num) - (if string - (substring string (match-beginning num) (match-end num)) - (buffer-substring (match-beginning num) (match-end num)))))) - -(defun prolog-pred-start () - "Return the starting point of the first clause of the current predicate." - (save-excursion - (goto-char (prolog-clause-start)) - ;; Find first clause, unless it was a directive - (if (and (not (looking-at "[:?]-")) - (not (looking-at "[ \t]*[%/]")) ; Comment - - ) - (let* ((pinfo (prolog-clause-info)) - (predname (nth 0 pinfo)) - (arity (nth 1 pinfo)) - (op (point))) - (while (and (re-search-backward - (format "^%s\\([(\\.]\\| *%s\\)" - predname prolog-head-delimiter) nil t) - (= arity (nth 1 (prolog-clause-info))) - ) - (setq op (point))) - (if (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - ;; Skip to the beginning of declarations of the predicate - (progn - (goto-char (prolog-beginning-of-clause)) - (while (and (not (eq (point) op)) - (looking-at - (format ":-[ \t]*\\(pred\\|mode\\)[ \t]+%s" - predname))) - (setq op (point)) - (goto-char (prolog-beginning-of-clause))))) - op) - (point)))) - -(defun prolog-pred-end () - "Return the position at the end of the last clause of the current predicate." - (save-excursion - (goto-char (prolog-clause-end)) ; if we are before the first predicate - (goto-char (prolog-clause-start)) - (let* ((pinfo (prolog-clause-info)) - (predname (nth 0 pinfo)) - (arity (nth 1 pinfo)) - oldp - (notdone t) - (op (point))) - (if (looking-at "[:?]-") - ;; This was a directive - (progn - (if (and (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (looking-at - (format ":-[ \t]*\\(pred\\|mode\\)[ \t]+\\(%s+\\)" - prolog-atom-regexp))) - ;; Skip predicate declarations - (progn - (setq predname (buffer-substring-no-properties - (match-beginning 2) (match-end 2))) - (while (re-search-forward - (format - "\n*\\(:-[ \t]*\\(pred\\|mode\\)[ \t]+\\)?%s[( \t]" - predname) - nil t)))) - (goto-char (prolog-clause-end)) - (setq op (point))) - ;; It was not a directive, find the last clause - (while (and notdone - (re-search-forward - (format "^%s\\([(\\.]\\| *%s\\)" - predname prolog-head-delimiter) nil t) - (= arity (nth 1 (prolog-clause-info)))) - (setq oldp (point)) - (setq op (prolog-clause-end)) - (if (>= oldp op) - ;; End of clause not found. - (setq notdone nil) - ;; Continue while loop - (goto-char op)))) - op))) - -(defun prolog-clause-start (&optional not-allow-methods) - "Return the position at the start of the head of the current clause. -If NOTALLOWMETHODS is non-nil then do not match on methods in -objects (relevent only if 'prolog-system' is set to 'sicstus)." - (save-excursion - (let ((notdone t) - (retval (point-min))) - (end-of-line) - - ;; SICStus object? - (if (and (not not-allow-methods) - (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (prolog-in-object)) - (while (and - notdone - ;; Search for a head or a fact - (re-search-backward - ;; If in object, then find method start. - ;; "^[ \t]+[a-z$].*\\(:-\\|&\\|:: {\\|,\\)" - "^[ \t]+[a-z$].*\\(:-\\|&\\|:: {\\)" ; The comma causes - ; problems since we cannot assume - ; that the line starts at column 0, - ; thus we don't know if the line - ; is a head or a subgoal - (point-min) t)) - (if (>= (prolog-paren-balance) 0) ; To no match on " a) :-" - ;; Start of method found - (progn - (setq retval (point)) - (setq notdone nil))) - ) ; End of while - - ;; Not in object - (while (and - notdone - ;; Search for a text at beginning of a line - ;; ###### - ;; (re-search-backward "^[a-z$']" nil t)) - (let ((case-fold-search nil)) - (re-search-backward - ;; (format "^[%s$']" prolog-lower-case-string) - (format "^\\([%s$']\\|[:?]-\\)" prolog-lower-case-string) - nil t))) - (let ((bal (prolog-paren-balance))) - (cond - ((> bal 0) - ;; Start of clause found - (progn - (setq retval (point)) - (setq notdone nil))) - ((and (= bal 0) - (looking-at - (format ".*\\(\\.\\|%s\\|!,\\)[ \t]*\\(%%.*\\|\\)$" - prolog-head-delimiter))) - ;; Start of clause found if the line ends with a '.' or - ;; a prolog-head-delimiter - (progn - (setq retval (point)) - (setq notdone nil)) - ) - (t nil) ; Do nothing - )))) - - retval))) - -(defun prolog-clause-end (&optional not-allow-methods) - "Return the position at the end of the current clause. -If NOTALLOWMETHODS is non-nil then do not match on methods in -objects (relevent only if 'prolog-system' is set to 'sicstus)." - (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) ; Necessary since we use "^...." for the search - (if (re-search-forward - (if (and (not not-allow-methods) - (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - (prolog-in-object)) - (format - "^\\(%s\\|%s\\|[^\n\'\"%%]\\)*&[ \t]*\\(\\|%%.*\\)$\\|[ \t]*}" - prolog-quoted-atom-regexp prolog-string-regexp) - (format - "^\\(%s\\|%s\\|[^\n\'\"%%]\\)*\\.[ \t]*\\(\\|%%.*\\)$" - prolog-quoted-atom-regexp prolog-string-regexp)) - nil t) - (if (and (prolog-in-string-or-comment) - (not (eobp))) - (progn - (forward-char) - (prolog-clause-end)) - (point)) - (point)))) - -(defun prolog-clause-info () - "Return a (name arity) list for the current clause." - (let (predname (arity 0)) - (save-excursion - (goto-char (prolog-clause-start)) - (let ((op (point))) - (if (looking-at prolog-atom-char-regexp) - (progn - (skip-chars-forward "^ (\\.") - (setq predname (buffer-substring op (point)))) - (setq predname "")) - ;; Retrieve the arity - (if (looking-at prolog-left-paren) - (let ((endp (save-excursion - (prolog-forward-list) (point)))) - (setq arity 1) - (forward-char 1) ; Skip the opening paren - (while (progn - (skip-chars-forward "^[({,'\"") - (< (point) endp)) - (if (looking-at ",") - (progn - (setq arity (1+ arity)) - (forward-char 1) ; Skip the comma - ) - ;; We found a string, list or something else we want - ;; to skip over. Always use prolog-tokenize, - ;; parse-partial-sexp does not have a 'skipover mode. - (goto-char (nth 5 (prolog-tokenize (point) endp 'skipover)))) - ))) - (list predname arity) - )))) - -(defun prolog-in-object () - "Return object name if the point is inside a SICStus object definition." - ;; Return object name if the last line that starts with a character - ;; that is neither white space nor a comment start - (save-excursion - (if (save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (looking-at "\\([^\n ]+\\)[ \t]*::[ \t]*{")) - ;; We were in the head of the object - (match-string 1) - ;; We were not in the head - (if (and (re-search-backward "^[a-z$'}]" nil t) - (looking-at "\\([^\n ]+\\)[ \t]*::[ \t]*{")) - (match-string 1) - nil)))) - -(defun prolog-forward-list () - "Move the point to the matching right parenthesis." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (let ((state (prolog-tokenize (point) (point-max) 'zerodepth))) - (goto-char (nth 5 state))) - (forward-list))) - -;; NB: This could be done more efficiently! -(defun prolog-backward-list () - "Move the point to the matching left parenthesis." - (interactive) - (if prolog-use-prolog-tokenizer-flag - (let ((bal 0) - (paren-regexp (concat prolog-left-paren "\\|" prolog-right-paren)) - (notdone t)) - (while (and notdone (re-search-backward paren-regexp nil t)) - (cond - ((looking-at prolog-left-paren) - (if (not (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - (setq bal (1+ bal))) - (if (= bal 0) - (setq notdone nil))) - ((looking-at prolog-right-paren) - (if (not (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - (setq bal (1- bal)))) - ))) - (backward-list))) - -(defun prolog-beginning-of-clause () - "Move to the beginning of current clause. -If already at the beginning of clause, move to previous clause." - (interactive) - (let ((point (point)) - (new-point (prolog-clause-start))) - (if (and (>= new-point point) - (> point 1)) - (progn - (goto-char (1- point)) - (goto-char (prolog-clause-start))) - (goto-char new-point) - (skip-chars-forward " \t")))) - -;; (defun prolog-previous-clause () -;; "Move to the beginning of the previous clause." -;; (interactive) -;; (forward-char -1) -;; (prolog-beginning-of-clause)) - -(defun prolog-end-of-clause () - "Move to the end of clause. -If already at the end of clause, move to next clause." - (interactive) - (let ((point (point)) - (new-point (prolog-clause-end))) - (if (and (<= new-point point) - (not (eq new-point (point-max)))) - (progn - (goto-char (1+ point)) - (goto-char (prolog-clause-end))) - (goto-char new-point)))) - -;; (defun prolog-next-clause () -;; "Move to the beginning of the next clause." -;; (interactive) -;; (prolog-end-of-clause) -;; (forward-char) -;; (prolog-end-of-clause) -;; (prolog-beginning-of-clause)) - -(defun prolog-beginning-of-predicate () - "Go to the nearest beginning of predicate before current point. -Return the final point or nil if no such a beginning was found." - (interactive) - (let ((op (point)) - (pos (prolog-pred-start))) - (if pos - (if (= op pos) - (if (not (bobp)) - (progn - (goto-char pos) - (backward-char 1) - (setq pos (prolog-pred-start)) - (if pos - (progn - (goto-char pos) - (point))))) - (goto-char pos) - (point))))) - -(defun prolog-end-of-predicate () - "Go to the end of the current predicate." - (interactive) - (let ((op (point))) - (goto-char (prolog-pred-end)) - (if (= op (point)) - (progn - (forward-line 1) - (prolog-end-of-predicate))))) - -(defun prolog-insert-predspec () - "Insert the predspec for the current predicate." - (interactive) - (let* ((pinfo (prolog-clause-info)) - (predname (nth 0 pinfo)) - (arity (nth 1 pinfo))) - (insert (format "%s/%d" predname arity)))) - -(defun prolog-view-predspec () - "Insert the predspec for the current predicate." - (interactive) - (let* ((pinfo (prolog-clause-info)) - (predname (nth 0 pinfo)) - (arity (nth 1 pinfo))) - (message (format "%s/%d" predname arity)))) - -(defun prolog-insert-predicate-template () - "Insert the template for the current clause." - (interactive) - (let* ((n 1) - oldp - (pinfo (prolog-clause-info)) - (predname (nth 0 pinfo)) - (arity (nth 1 pinfo))) - (insert predname) - (if (> arity 0) - (progn - (insert "(") - (when prolog-electric-dot-full-predicate-template - (setq oldp (point)) - (while (< n arity) - (insert ",") - (setq n (1+ n))) - (insert ")") - (goto-char oldp)) - )) - )) - -(defun prolog-insert-next-clause () - "Insert newline and the name of the current clause." - (interactive) - (insert "\n") - (prolog-insert-predicate-template)) - -(defun prolog-insert-module-modeline () - "Insert a modeline for module specification. -This line should be first in the buffer. -The module name should be written manually just before the semi-colon." - (interactive) - (insert "%%% -*- Module: ; -*-\n") - (backward-char 6)) - -(defun prolog-uncomment-region (beg end) - "Uncomment the region between BEG and END." - (interactive "r") - (comment-region beg end -1)) - -(defun prolog-goto-comment-column (&optional nocreate) - "Move comments on the current line to the correct position. -If NOCREATE is nil (or omitted) and there is no comment on the line, then -a new comment is created." - (interactive) - (beginning-of-line) - (if (or (not nocreate) - (and - (re-search-forward - (format "^\\(\\(%s\\|%s\\|[^\n\'\"%%]\\)*\\)%% *" - prolog-quoted-atom-regexp prolog-string-regexp) - (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)) 'limit) - (progn - (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) - (not (eq (prolog-in-string-or-comment) 'txt))))) - (indent-for-comment))) - -(defun prolog-indent-predicate () - "*Indent the current predicate." - (interactive) - (indent-region (prolog-pred-start) (prolog-pred-end) nil)) - -(defun prolog-indent-buffer () - "*Indent the entire buffer." - (interactive) - (indent-region (point-min) (point-max) nil)) - -(defun prolog-mark-clause () - "Put mark at the end of this clause and move point to the beginning." - (interactive) - (let ((pos (point))) - (goto-char (prolog-clause-end)) - (forward-line 1) - (beginning-of-line) - (set-mark (point)) - (goto-char pos) - (goto-char (prolog-clause-start)))) - -(defun prolog-mark-predicate () - "Put mark at the end of this predicate and move point to the beginning." - (interactive) - (let (pos) - (goto-char (prolog-pred-end)) - (setq pos (point)) - (forward-line 1) - (beginning-of-line) - (set-mark (point)) - (goto-char pos) - (goto-char (prolog-pred-start)))) - -;; Stolen from `cc-mode.el': -(defun prolog-electric-delete (arg) - "Delete preceding character or whitespace. -If `prolog-hungry-delete-key-flag' is non-nil, then all preceding whitespace is -consumed. If however an ARG is supplied, or `prolog-hungry-delete-key-flag' is -nil, or point is inside a literal then the function in the variable -`backward-delete-char' is called." - (interactive "P") - (if (or (not prolog-hungry-delete-key-flag) - arg - (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - (funcall 'backward-delete-char (prefix-numeric-value arg)) - (let ((here (point))) - (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") - (if (/= (point) here) - (delete-region (point) here) - (funcall 'backward-delete-char 1) - )))) - -;; For XEmacs compatibility (suggested by Per Mildner) -(put 'prolog-electric-delete 'pending-delete 'supersede) - -(defun prolog-electric-if-then-else (arg) - "If `prolog-electric-if-then-else-flag' is non-nil, indent if-then-else constructs. -Bound to the >, ; and ( keys." - (interactive "P") - (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)) - (if prolog-electric-if-then-else-flag (prolog-insert-spaces-after-paren))) - -(defun prolog-electric-colon (arg) - "If `prolog-electric-colon-flag' is non-nil, insert the electric `:' construct, -that is, space (if appropriate), `:-' and newline if colon is pressed -at the end of a line that starts in the first column (i.e., clause -heads)." - (interactive "P") - (if (and prolog-electric-colon-flag - (null arg) - (= (point) (line-end-position)) - ;(not (string-match "^\\s " (thing-at-point 'line)))) - (not (string-match "^\\(\\s \\|%\\)" (thing-at-point 'line)))) - (progn - (unless (save-excursion (backward-char 1) (looking-at "\\s ")) (insert " ")) - (insert ":-\n") - (prolog-indent-line)) - (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))) - -(defun prolog-electric-dash (arg) - "If `prolog-electric-dash-flag' is non-nil, insert the electric `-' construct, -that is, space (if appropriate), `-->' and newline if dash is pressed -at the end of a line that starts in the first column (i.e., DCG -heads)." - (interactive "P") - (if (and prolog-electric-dash-flag - (null arg) - (= (point) (line-end-position)) - ;(not (string-match "^\\s " (thing-at-point 'line)))) - (not (string-match "^\\(\\s \\|%\\)" (thing-at-point 'line)))) - (progn - (unless (save-excursion (backward-char 1) (looking-at "\\s ")) (insert " ")) - (insert "-->\n") - (prolog-indent-line)) - (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)))) - -(defun prolog-electric-dot (arg) - "Insert dot and newline or a head of a new clause. - -If `prolog-electric-dot-flag' is nil, then simply insert dot. -Otherwise:: -When invoked at the end of nonempty line, insert dot and newline. -When invoked at the end of an empty line, insert a recursive call to -the current predicate. -When invoked at the beginning of line, insert a head of a new clause -of the current predicate. - -When called with prefix argument ARG, insert just dot." - (interactive "P") - ;; Check for situations when the electricity should not be active - (if (or (not prolog-electric-dot-flag) - arg - (prolog-in-string-or-comment) - ;; Do not be electric in a floating point number or an operator - (not - (or - ;; (re-search-backward - ;; ###### - ;; "\\(^\\|[])}a-zA-Z_!'0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" nil t))) - (save-excursion - (re-search-backward - ;; "\\(^\\|[])}_!'0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" nil t))) - "\\(^\\|[])}_!'0-9]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" - nil t)) - (save-excursion - (re-search-backward - ;; "\\(^\\|[])}a-zA-Z]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" nil t))) - (format "\\(^\\|[])}%s]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" - prolog-lower-case-string) - nil t)) - (save-excursion - (re-search-backward - ;; "\\(^\\|[])}a-zA-Z]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" nil t))) - (format "\\(^\\|[])}%s]+\\)[ \t]*\\=" - prolog-upper-case-string) - nil t)) - ) - ) - ;; Do not be electric if inside a parenthesis pair. - (not (= (prolog-region-paren-balance (prolog-clause-start) (point)) - 0)) - ) - (funcall 'self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)) - (cond - ;; Beginning of line - ((bolp) - (prolog-insert-predicate-template)) - ;; At an empty line with at least one whitespace - ((save-excursion - (beginning-of-line) - (looking-at "[ \t]+$")) - (prolog-insert-predicate-template) - (when prolog-electric-dot-full-predicate-template - (save-excursion - (end-of-line) - (insert ".\n")))) - ;; Default - (t - (insert ".\n")) - ))) - -(defun prolog-electric-underscore () - "Replace variable with an underscore. -If `prolog-electric-underscore-flag' is non-nil and the point is -on a variable then replace the variable with underscore and skip -the following comma and whitespace, if any. -If the point is not on a variable then insert underscore." - (interactive) - (if prolog-electric-underscore-flag - (let (;start - (oldcase case-fold-search) - (oldp (point))) - (setq case-fold-search nil) - ;; ###### - ;;(skip-chars-backward "a-zA-Z_") - (skip-chars-backward - (format "%s%s_" - prolog-lower-case-string - prolog-upper-case-string)) - - ;(setq start (point)) - (if (and (not (prolog-in-string-or-comment)) - ;; ###### - ;; (looking-at "\\<[_A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\>")) - (looking-at (format "\\<[_%s][%s%s_0-9]*\\>" - prolog-upper-case-string - prolog-lower-case-string - prolog-upper-case-string))) - (progn - (replace-match "_") - (skip-chars-forward ", \t\n")) - (goto-char oldp) - (self-insert-command 1)) - (setq case-fold-search oldcase) - ) - (self-insert-command 1)) - ) - - -(defun prolog-find-term (functor arity &optional prefix) - "Go to the position at the start of the next occurance of a term. -The term is specified with FUNCTOR and ARITY. The optional argument -PREFIX is the prefix of the search regexp." - (let* (;; If prefix is not set then use the default "\\<" - (prefix (if (not prefix) - "\\<" - prefix)) - (regexp (concat prefix functor)) - (i 1)) - - ;; Build regexp for the search if the arity is > 0 - (if (= arity 0) - ;; Add that the functor must be at the end of a word. This - ;; does not work if the arity is > 0 since the closing ) - ;; is not a word constituent. - (setq regexp (concat regexp "\\>")) - ;; Arity is > 0, add parens and commas - (setq regexp (concat regexp "(")) - (while (< i arity) - (setq regexp (concat regexp ".+,")) - (setq i (1+ i))) - (setq regexp (concat regexp ".+)"))) - - ;; Search, and return position - (if (re-search-forward regexp nil t) - (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) - (error "Term not found")) - )) - -(defun prolog-variables-to-anonymous (beg end) - "Replace all variables within a region BEG to END by anonymous variables." - (interactive "r") - (save-excursion - (let ((oldcase case-fold-search)) - (setq case-fold-search nil) - (goto-char end) - (while (re-search-backward "\\<[A-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\>" beg t) - (progn - (replace-match "_") - (backward-char))) - (setq case-fold-search oldcase) - ))) - - -(defun prolog-set-atom-regexps () - "Set the `prolog-atom-char-regexp' and `prolog-atom-regexp' variables. -Must be called after `prolog-build-case-strings'." - (setq prolog-atom-char-regexp - (format "[%s%s0-9_$]" - prolog-lower-case-string - prolog-upper-case-string)) - (setq prolog-atom-regexp - (format "[%s$]%s*" - prolog-lower-case-string - prolog-atom-char-regexp)) - ) - -(defun prolog-build-case-strings () - "Set `prolog-upper-case-string' and `prolog-lower-case-string'. -Uses the current case-table for extracting the relevant information." - (let ((up_string "") - (low_string "")) - ;; Use `map-char-table' if it is defined. Otherwise enumerate all - ;; numbers between 0 and 255. `map-char-table' is probably safer. - ;; - ;; `map-char-table' causes problems under Emacs, the - ;; while loop seems to do its job well (Ryszard Szopa) - ;; - ;;(if (and (not (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs)) - ;; (fboundp 'map-char-table)) - ;; (map-char-table - ;; (lambda (key value) - ;; (cond - ;; ((and - ;; (eq (int-to-char key) (downcase key)) - ;; (eq (int-to-char key) (upcase key))) - ;; ;; Do nothing if upper and lower case are the same - ;; ) - ;; ((eq (int-to-char key) (downcase key)) - ;; ;; The char is lower case - ;; (setq low_string (format "%s%c" low_string key))) - ;; ((eq (int-to-char key) (upcase key)) - ;; ;; The char is upper case - ;; (setq up_string (format "%s%c" up_string key))) - ;; )) - ;; (current-case-table)) - ;; `map-char-table' was undefined. - (let ((key 0)) - (while (< key 256) - (cond - ((and - (eq (int-to-char key) (downcase key)) - (eq (int-to-char key) (upcase key))) - ;; Do nothing if upper and lower case are the same - ) - ((eq (int-to-char key) (downcase key)) - ;; The char is lower case - (setq low_string (format "%s%c" low_string key))) - ((eq (int-to-char key) (upcase key)) - ;; The char is upper case - (setq up_string (format "%s%c" up_string key))) - ) - (setq key (1+ key)))) - ;; ) - ;; The strings are single-byte strings - (setq prolog-upper-case-string (prolog-dash-letters up_string)) - (setq prolog-lower-case-string (prolog-dash-letters low_string)) - )) - -;(defun prolog-regexp-dash-continuous-chars (chars) -; (let ((ints (mapcar #'char-to-int (string-to-list chars))) -; (beg 0) -; (end 0)) -; (if (null ints) -; chars -; (while (and (< (+ beg 1) (length chars)) -; (not (or (= (+ (nth beg ints) 1) (nth (+ beg 1) ints)) -; (= (nth beg ints) (nth (+ beg 1) ints))))) -; (setq beg (+ beg 1))) -; (setq beg (+ beg 1) -; end beg) -; (while (and (< (+ end 1) (length chars)) -; (or (= (+ (nth end ints) 1) (nth (+ end 1) ints)) -; (= (nth end ints) (nth (+ end 1) ints)))) -; (setq end (+ end 1))) -; (if (equal (substring chars end) "") -; (substring chars 0 beg) -; (concat (substring chars 0 beg) "-" -; (prolog-regexp-dash-continuous-chars (substring chars end)))) -; ))) - -(defun prolog-ints-intervals (ints) - "Return a list of intervals (from . to) covering INTS." - (when ints - (setq ints (sort ints '<)) - (let ((prev (car ints)) - (interval-start (car ints)) - intervals) - (while ints - (let ((next (car ints))) - (when (> next (1+ prev)) ; start of new interval - (setq intervals (cons (cons interval-start prev) intervals)) - (setq interval-start next)) - (setq prev next) - (setq ints (cdr ints)))) - (setq intervals (cons (cons interval-start prev) intervals)) - (reverse intervals)))) - -(defun prolog-dash-letters (string) - "Return a condensed regexp covering all letters in STRING." - (let ((intervals (prolog-ints-intervals (mapcar #'char-to-int - (string-to-list string)))) - codes) - (while intervals - (let* ((i (car intervals)) - (from (car i)) - (to (cdr i)) - (c (cond ((= from to) `(,from)) - ((= (1+ from) to) `(,from ,to)) - (t `(,from ?- ,to))))) - (setq codes (cons c codes))) - (setq intervals (cdr intervals))) - (apply 'concat (reverse codes)))) - -;(defun prolog-condense-character-sets (regexp) -; "Condense adjacent characters in character sets of REGEXP." -; (let ((next -1)) -; (while (setq next (string-match "\\[\\(.*?\\)\\]" regexp (1+ next))) -; (setq regexp (replace-match (prolog-dash-letters (match-string 1 regexp)) -; t t regexp 1)))) -; regexp) - -;; GNU Emacs compatibility: GNU Emacs does not differentiate between -;; ints and chars, or at least these two are interchangeable. -(or (fboundp 'int-to-char) - ;; Introduced in Emacs 19.29. - (defun int-to-char (num) - num)) - -(or (fboundp 'char-to-int) - ;; Introduced in Emacs 19.29. - (defun char-to-int (num) - num)) - - -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- -;; Menu stuff (both for the editing buffer and for the inferior -;; prolog buffer) -;;------------------------------------------------------------------- - -(unless (fboundp 'region-exists-p) - (defun region-exists-p () - "Non-nil iff the mark is set. Lobotomized version for Emacsen that do not provide their own." - (mark))) - -(defun prolog-menu () - "Creates the menus for the Prolog editing buffers. -These menus are dynamically created because one may change systems -during the life of an Emacs session, and because GNU Emacs wants them -so by ignoring `easy-menu-add'." - - ;; GNU Emacs ignores `easy-menu-add' so the order in which the menus - ;; are defined _is_ important! - - (easy-menu-define - prolog-edit-menu-help (current-local-map) - "Help menu for the Prolog mode." - (append - (if (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs) '("Help") '("Prolog-help")) - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '(["On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate t] - "---")) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '(["On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate t] - ["Apropos" prolog-help-apropos t] - "---"))) - '(["Describe mode" describe-mode t]))) - - (easy-menu-define - prolog-edit-menu-runtime (current-local-map) - "Runtime Prolog commands available from the editing buffer" - (append - ;; runtime menu name - (list (cond ((eq prolog-system 'eclipse) - "ECLiPSe") - ((eq prolog-system 'mercury) - "Mercury") - (t - "Prolog"))) - ;; consult items, NIL for mercury - (unless (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - '("---" - ["Consult file" prolog-consult-file t] - ["Consult buffer" prolog-consult-buffer t] - ["Consult region" prolog-consult-region (region-exists-p)] - ["Consult predicate" prolog-consult-predicate t] - )) - ;; compile items, NIL for everything but SICSTUS - (when (eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '("---" - ["Compile file" prolog-compile-file t] - ["Compile buffer" prolog-compile-buffer t] - ["Compile region" prolog-compile-region (region-exists-p)] - ["Compile predicate" prolog-compile-predicate t] - )) - ;; debug items, NIL for mercury - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - ;; In SICStus, these are pairwise disjunctive, - ;; so it's enough with one "off"-command - (if (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - (list "---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["Zip" prolog-zip-on t] - ["All debug off" prolog-debug-off t] - '("Source level debugging" - ["Enable" prolog-enable-sicstus-sd t] - ["Disable" prolog-disable-sicstus-sd t])) - (list "---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["All debug off" prolog-debug-off t]))) - ((not (eq prolog-system 'mercury)) - '("---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Debug off" prolog-debug-off t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["Trace off" prolog-trace-off t])) - ;; default (mercury) nil - ) - (list "---" - (if (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs) - [(concat "Run " (cond ((eq prolog-system 'eclipse) "ECLiPSe") - ((eq prolog-system 'mercury) "Mercury") - (t "Prolog"))) - run-prolog t] - ["Run Prolog" run-prolog t])))) - - (easy-menu-define - prolog-edit-menu-insert-move (current-local-map) - "Commands for Prolog code manipulation." - (append - (list "Code" - ["Comment region" comment-region (region-exists-p)] - ["Uncomment region" prolog-uncomment-region (region-exists-p)] - ["Add comment/move to comment" indent-for-comment t]) - (unless (eq prolog-system 'mercury) - (list ["Convert variables in region to '_'" prolog-variables-to-anonymous (region-exists-p)])) - (list "---" - ["Insert predicate template" prolog-insert-predicate-template t] - ["Insert next clause head" prolog-insert-next-clause t] - ["Insert predicate spec" prolog-insert-predspec t] - ["Insert module modeline" prolog-insert-module-modeline t] - "---" - ["Beginning of clause" prolog-beginning-of-clause t] - ["End of clause" prolog-end-of-clause t] - ["Beginning of predicate" prolog-beginning-of-predicate t] - ["End of predicate" prolog-end-of-predicate t] - "---" - ["Indent line" prolog-indent-line t] - ["Indent region" indent-region (region-exists-p)] - ["Indent predicate" prolog-indent-predicate t] - ["Indent buffer" prolog-indent-buffer t] - ["Align region" align (region-exists-p)] - "---" - ["Mark clause" prolog-mark-clause t] - ["Mark predicate" prolog-mark-predicate t] - ["Mark paragraph" mark-paragraph t] - ;"---" - ;["Fontify buffer" font-lock-fontify-buffer t] - ))) - - (easy-menu-add prolog-edit-menu-insert-move) - (easy-menu-add prolog-edit-menu-runtime) - - ;; Add predicate index menu - ;(make-variable-buffer-local 'imenu-create-index-function) - (make-local-variable 'imenu-create-index-function) - (setq imenu-create-index-function 'imenu-default-create-index-function) - ;;Milan (this has problems with object methods...) ###### Does it? (Stefan) - (setq imenu-prev-index-position-function 'prolog-beginning-of-predicate) - (setq imenu-extract-index-name-function 'prolog-get-predspec) - - (if (and prolog-imenu-flag - (< (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)) prolog-imenu-max-lines)) - (imenu-add-to-menubar "Predicates")) - - (easy-menu-add prolog-edit-menu-help)) - -(defun prolog-inferior-menu () - "Creates the menus for the Prolog inferior buffer. -This menu is dynamically created because one may change systems during -the life of an Emacs session." - - (easy-menu-define - prolog-inferior-menu-help (current-local-map) - "Help menu for the Prolog inferior mode." - (append - (if (eq prolog-emacs 'xemacs) '("Help") '("Prolog-help")) - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - '(["On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate t] - "---")) - ((eq prolog-system 'swi) - '(["On predicate" prolog-help-on-predicate t] - ["Apropos" prolog-help-apropos t] - "---"))) - '(["Describe mode" describe-mode t]))) - - (easy-menu-define - prolog-inferior-menu-all (current-local-map) - "Menu for the inferior Prolog buffer." - (append - ;; menu name - (list (cond ((eq prolog-system 'eclipse) - "ECLiPSe") - ((eq prolog-system 'mercury) - "Mercury") - (t - "Prolog"))) - ;; debug items, NIL for mercury - (cond - ((eq prolog-system 'sicstus) - ;; In SICStus, these are pairwise disjunctive, - ;; so it's enough with one "off"-command - (if (prolog-atleast-version '(3 . 7)) - (list "---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["Zip" prolog-zip-on t] - ["All debug off" prolog-debug-off t] - '("Source level debugging" - ["Enable" prolog-enable-sicstus-sd t] - ["Disable" prolog-disable-sicstus-sd t])) - (list "---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["All debug off" prolog-debug-off t]))) - ((not (eq prolog-system 'mercury)) - '("---" - ["Debug" prolog-debug-on t] - ["Debug off" prolog-debug-off t] - ["Trace" prolog-trace-on t] - ["Trace off" prolog-trace-off t])) - ;; default (mercury) nil - ) - ;; runtime - '("---" - ["Interrupt Prolog" comint-interrupt-subjob t] - ["Quit Prolog" comint-quit-subjob t] - ["Kill Prolog" comint-kill-subjob t]) - )) - - (easy-menu-add prolog-inferior-menu-all) - (easy-menu-add prolog-inferior-menu-help)) - -(add-hook 'prolog-mode-hook 'prolog-menu) -(add-hook 'prolog-inferior-mode-hook 'prolog-inferior-menu) - -(add-hook 'prolog-mode-hook '(lambda () (font-lock-mode 1))) -(add-hook 'prolog-inferior-mode-hook '(lambda () (font-lock-mode 1))) - - -(defun prolog-mode-version () - "Echo the current version of Prolog mode in the minibuffer." - (interactive) - (message "Using Prolog mode version %s" prolog-mode-version)) - -(provide 'prolog) - -;;; prolog.el ends here diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/enhanced-ruby-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/enhanced-ruby-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 1b805a8..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/enhanced-ruby-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 1b805a8102fb906f9b2ad5fae86dd3ee3ce4ca53 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/epl b/.emacs.d/vendor/epl deleted file mode 160000 index 33aa353..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/epl +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 33aa35375e89e68c89e4d0dfc24b233251529af5 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/erc b/.emacs.d/vendor/erc deleted file mode 160000 index 9497cc9..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/erc +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9497cc92bf1feb63c24425c46b1e033265c2cea9 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/ess b/.emacs.d/vendor/ess deleted file mode 160000 index d898abe..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/ess +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit d898abe8e45ef182239628c6c3f3383212f31d07 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-emacs.el b/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-emacs.el deleted file mode 100644 index 0e6151d..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-emacs.el +++ /dev/null @@ -1,498 +0,0 @@ -;;; package --- ffailla-emacs.el -;;; Commentary: -;;; Code: - -(require 'imenu) -(require 'recentf) - -;;; -;;; ido -;;; -(require 'ido) -(require 'ido-ubiquitous) -(when (> emacs-major-version 21) - (ido-mode t) - (setq ido-enable-prefix nil - ido-enable-flex-matching t - ido-create-new-buffer 'always - ido-use-filename-at-point t - ido-max-prospects 10)) - -;;; -;;; flycheck -;;; -(require 'flycheck) -;; (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode) - -;;; -;;; smex -;;; -(require 'smex) -(smex-initialize) -(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'smex) -(global-set-key (kbd "M-X") 'smex-major-mode-commands) -;; This is your old M-x. -(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c M-x") 'execute-extended-command) - -;;set the title bar to display the full path of the buffer -(setq-default frame-title-format - (list '((buffer-file-name " %f" - (dired-directory - dired-directory - (revert-buffer-function " %b" ("%b - " default-directory))))))) - -;;; -;;; yasnippet -;;; -(require 'yasnippet) -;; (yas-global-mode 1) - -;;; -;;; global settings -;;; -(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) -(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8) -(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8) -(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8) -(setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8) -(setq default-save-buffer-coding-system 'utf-8) - -(setq font-lock-verbose nil) - -(if (fboundp 'scroll-bar-mode) (scroll-bar-mode -1)) -(if (fboundp 'tool-bar-mode) (tool-bar-mode -1)) -(if (fboundp 'menu-bar-mode) (menu-bar-mode -1)) - -(setq inhibit-splash-screen t) -(recentf-mode 1) -(setq column-number-mode t) -;; (setq ns-pop-up-frames nil) - -(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil) -(define-key global-map (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) - -;;; -;;; windows specific configuration -;;; -;; (if (eq system-type 'windows-nt) -;; (setenv "PATH" (concat "c:/cygwin/bin;" (getenv "PATH"))) -;; (setq exec-path (cons "c:/cygwin/bin/" exec-path)) -;; (require 'cygwin-mount) -;; (cygwin-mount-activate) - -;; (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'shell-strip-ctrl-m nil t) -;; (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'comint-watch-for-password-prompt nil t) -;; (setq explicit-shell-file-name "bash.exe") -;; ;; For subprocesses invoked via the shell -;; ;; (e.g., "shell -c command") -;; (setq shell-file-name explicit-shell-file-name) - -;; ) - -;;; -;;; shell -;;; -;; (setq shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash") -;; (defun cygwin-shell () -;; "Run cygwin bash in shell mode." -;; (interactive) -;; (let ((explicit-shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash")) -;; (call-interactively 'shell))) - -;;; -;;; use bash shell on windows -;;; -;; (setenv "PATH" (concat "c:/cygwin/bin") (getenv "PATH")) -;; (setq exec-path (append '("c:/cygwin/bin") exec-path)) - -;; (defun cygwin-shell () -;; "Run cygwin bash in shell mode." -;; (interactive) -;; (let ((explicit-shell-file-name "C:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe")) -;; (call-interactively 'shell))) - -;; (defun ffailla-shell-setup () -;; "For Cygwin bash under Emacs 20" -;; (setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-output 'this) -;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'comint-completion-addsuffix)) -;; (setq comint-completion-addsuffix t) -;; (setq comint-eol-on-send t) -;; (setq binary-process-input t) -;; (setq w32-quote-process-args ?\") -;; (setq shell-file-name "bash") ;; or sh if you rename your bash executable to sh. -;; (setenv "SHELL" shell-file-name) -;; (setq explicit-shell-file-name shell-file-name) -;; (setq explicit-sh-args '("-login" "-i")) -;; (setq comint-completion-addsuffix t) -;; (setq comint-eol-on-send t) - -;; (setq shell-mode-hook 'ffailla-shell-setup) - -;;; -;;; linum settings -;;; -(require 'hlinum) -(when (fboundp 'fringe-mode) (fringe-mode 0)) -(global-linum-mode 1) -(setq linum-format "%d ") -(hlinum-activate) - -;;; -;;; desktop -;;; -(defun desktop-save-in-desktop-dir-nomessage () - "Save the desktop in directory `desktop-dirname'." - (interactive) - (if desktop-dirname - (desktop-save desktop-dirname) - (call-interactively 'desktop-save)) - ;;(message "Desktop saved in %s" (abbreviate-file-name desktop-dirname)) - ) - -(desktop-save-mode 1) -(add-hook 'auto-save-hook (lambda () (desktop-save-in-desktop-dir-nomessage))) -(savehist-mode 1) - -(require 'saveplace) -(setq-default save-place t) - -(setq echo-keystrokes 0.1 - ;; use-dialog-box nil ; FF enabled for flyspell - visible-bell t) -(show-paren-mode t) - -;;(setq visible-bell f) -;;(setq ring-bell-function 'ignore) -;; (setq ring-bell-function -;; (lambda () -;; (unless (memq this-command -;; '(isearch-abort abort-recursive-edit exit-minibuffer keyboard-quit -;; mwheel-scroll down up next-line previous-line -;; backward-char forward-char)) -;; (ding)))) - -(add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'shell-strip-ctrl-m) - -;;; -;;; autosave/backup tmp file locations -;;; -;; Put autosave files (ie #foo#) in one place, *not* scattered all over the file system! -(defvar autosave-dir (concat "/tmp/emacs_autosaves/" (user-login-name) "/")) -(make-directory autosave-dir t) -(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `(("\\(?:[^/]*/\\)*\\(.*\\)", (concat autosave-dir "\\1") t))) - -;; Put backup files (ie foo~) in one place too. (The backup-directory-alist -;; list contains regexp=>directory mappings; filenames matching a regexp are -;; backed up in the corresponding directory. Emacs will mkdir it if necessary.) -(defvar backup-dir (concat "/tmp/emacs_backups/" (user-login-name) "/")) -(setq backup-directory-alist (list (cons "." backup-dir))) - -;; move custom-file mods to its own file (not in this .emacs file) -(setq custom-file "~/.emacs-custom.el") -(load custom-file 'noerror) - -;;; -;;; ediff -;;; -(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally) - -;;; -;;; auto-complete -;;; -;; (require 'auto-complete-config) -;; (add-to-list 'ac-dictionary-directories "~/.emacs.d/ac-dict") -;; (ac-config-default) - -;; emacs key bindings -(defalias 'ttl 'toggle-truncate-lines) -(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) - -;;; alternate M-x -(global-set-key "\C-x\C-m" 'execute-extended-command) -(global-set-key "\C-c\C-m" 'execute-extended-command) - -;;; tmux ?!?!?!? -;;(global-set-key (kbd " [C") 'paredit-forward-slurp-sexp) -;;(global-set-key (kbd "S-") 'windmove-left) -;;(global-set-key (kbd "S-") 'windmove-up) -;;(global-set-key (kbd "S-") 'windmove-down) - -;;; -;;; printing support -;;; -(require 'printing) - -;;; -;;; Emacs Starter Kit fns -;;; -(defun untabify-buffer () - (interactive) - (untabify (point-min) (point-max))) - -(defun indent-buffer () - (interactive) - (indent-region (point-min) (point-max))) - -(defun cleanup-buffer () - "Perform a bunch of operations on the whitespace content of a buffer." - (interactive) - (indent-buffer) - (untabify-buffer) - (delete-trailing-whitespace)) - -(defun recentf-ido-find-file () - "Find a recent file using ido." - (interactive) - (let ((file (ido-completing-read "Choose recent file: " recentf-list nil t))) - (when file - (find-file file)))) - -(defun show-file-name () - "Show the full path file name in the minibuffer." - (interactive) - (message (buffer-file-name))) - -;;; ido -(global-set-key (kbd "C-x M-f") 'ido-find-file-other-window) -(global-set-key (kbd "C-x f") 'recentf-ido-find-file) -(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer) - -;;; -;;; default font -;;; -(if (not (eq system-type 'windows-nt)) - (set-default-font "-unknown-Inconsolata-normal-normal-normal-*-12-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1")) - -;;; -;;; rainbow-delimiters -;;; -(require 'rainbow-delimiters) - -;;; -;;; color-theme -;;; -(require 'color-theme) - -(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs/") -(eval-after-load 'color-theme - '(progn - (load-theme 'zenburn))) - -;;; -;;; diff-mode customization -;;; -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(".*_EDITMSG\\'" . diff-mode)) -(custom-set-faces - '(diff-added ((t (:foreground "#559944")))) - '(diff-context ((t nil))) - '(diff-file-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "RoyalBlue1")))) - '(diff-function ((t (:foreground "#00bbdd")))) - '(diff-header ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:foreground "RoyalBlue1")))) - '(diff-hunk-header ((t (:foreground "#fbde2d")))) - '(diff-nonexistent ((t (:inherit diff-file-header :strike-through nil)))) - '(diff-refine-change ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark)) (:background "#182042")))) - '(diff-removed ((t (:foreground "#de1923"))))) - -;;; -;;; erc settings -;;; -(require 'erc) - -;;; -;;; magit -;;; * http://github.com/philjackson/magit -;;; -(autoload 'magit-status "magit" nil t) -(defalias 'ms 'magit-status) - -;;; -;;; nxml-mode -;;; -(autoload 'nxml-mode "nxml-mode" nil t) -(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.\\(xml\\|xsl\\|rng\\|xhtml\\)\\'" . nxml-mode) - auto-mode-alist)) -(unify-8859-on-decoding-mode) - -;;; -;;; xml pretty printer -;;; * http://blog.bookworm.at/2007/03/pretty-print-xml-with-emacs.html -;;; -(defun xml-pprint-region (begin end) - "Pretty format XML markup in region. You need to have nxml-mode -http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/NxmlMode installed to do -this. The function inserts linebreaks to separate tags that have -nothing but whitespace between them. It then indents the markup -by using nxml's indentation rules." - (interactive "r") - (save-excursion - (nxml-mode) - (goto-char begin) - (while (search-forward-regexp "\>[ \\t]*\<" nil t) - (backward-char) (insert "\n")) - (indent-region begin end)) - (message "Ah, much better!")) - -(defun xml-pprint () - (interactive) - (push-mark) - (xml-pprint-region (point-min) (point-max))) - -;;; -;;; Setup TRAMP mode -;;; -(setq tramp-default-method "ssh") -(setq tramp-default-user "root") -(setq tramp-default-host "localhost") -(setq tramp-chunksize 500) - -;;; log4j mode -;;; -(autoload 'log4j-mode "log4j-mode" "Major mode for viewing log files." t) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.log\\'" . log4j-mode)) -;;(add-hook 'log4j-mode-hook (lambda () (linum-mode nil))) - -;;; -;;; sql-mode -;;; -;; (sql-set-product 'ms) - -;;; -;;; org-mode -;;; -(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/vendor/org-mode/lisp" load-path)) -(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/vendor/org-mode/contrib/lisp" load-path)) -(require 'org-install) ; org-install.el only has autoloads -(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; Org buffers only -;;(global-font-lock-mode 1) ; for all buffers - -(if (not (file-exists-p "~/org")) (make-directory "~/org")) -(setq org-directory "~/org") -(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/org/flagged.org") -;;(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg") -(setq org-mobile-directory "~/org/mobile") -(setq org-default-notes-file "~/org/notes.org") -(setq org-agenda-files (directory-files "~/org" t ".org$")) -(setq org-mobile-files org-agenda-files) - -;; org-mode babel -(require 'ob) -(require 'ob-tangle) - -(org-babel-do-load-languages - 'org-babel-load-languages - '((emacs-lisp . t) - (clojure . t) - (R . t))) - -(setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'nrepl) -(setq org-src-fontify-natively t) -(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) -(setq org-export-babel-evaluate nil) -(setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window) -;;(setq inferior-lisp-program "lein repl") -(add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-lang-exts '("clojure" . "clj")) - -;; webdav rsync command -(setq org-webdav-username nil) -(setq org-webdav-server nil) -(setq org-webdav-directory "~/org") -;; override with my settings -(load "~/.mobile-org.el" t) - -(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.org\\'" 'utf-8) -(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.dat\\'" 'utf-8) - -(defun org-set-org-agenda-files () - (interactive) - (setq org-agenda-files (directory-files "~/org" t ".org$"))) - -(defun org-set-org-mobile-files () - (interactive) - (setq org-mobile-files org-agenda-files)) - -(defun org-sync-push () - (interactive) - (org-mobile-push) - ;; (shell-command (format "rsync -e ssh -avzuP %s %s@%s:%s" - ;; org-mobile-directory - ;; org-webdav-username - ;; org-webdav-server - ;; org-webdav-directory)) - - (start-process "mobile-org-rsync" - (get-buffer-create "*rsync-buffer*") - "rsync" "--verbose" "-e" "ssh" "-avzuP" - (expand-file-name org-mobile-directory) - (format "%s@%s:%s" - org-webdav-username - org-webdav-server - org-webdav-directory)) - ) - -(defun org-sync-pull () - (interactive) - (shell-command (format "rsync --verbose -e ssh -avzuP %s@%s:%s/mobile %s/.." - org-webdav-username - org-webdav-server - org-webdav-directory - (expand-file-name org-mobile-directory))) - - ;; (start-process "mobile-org-rsync" - ;; (get-buffer-create "*rsync-buffer*") - ;; "rsync" "--verbose" "-e" "ssh" "-avzuP" - ;; (format "%s@%s:%s/mobile" - ;; org-webdav-username - ;; org-webdav-server - ;; org-webdav-directory) - ;; (format "%s/.." (expand-file-name org-mobile-directory))) - - (org-mobile-pull) -) - -;;; org-mode -(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link) -(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda) -(global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb) -(defalias 'omps 'org-sync-push) -(defalias 'ompl 'org-sync-pull) - -;;; -;;; evernote-mode -;;; * http://code.google.com/p/emacs-evernote-mode/ -;;; -;; (setq evernote-ruby-command "/opt/local/bin/ruby") -;; (require 'evernote-mode) -;; (setq evernote-username "ffailla") ; optional: you can use this username as default. -;; (setq evernote-enml-formatter-command '("w3m" "-dump" "-I" "UTF8" "-O" "UTF8")) ; option -;;?? (add-hook 'evernote-mode-hook (function (lambda () (org-mode)))) - -;; (global-set-key "\C-cec" 'evernote-create-note) -;; (global-set-key "\C-ceo" 'evernote-open-note) -;; (global-set-key "\C-ces" 'evernote-search-notes) -;; (global-set-key "\C-ceS" 'evernote-do-saved-search) -;; (global-set-key "\C-cew" 'evernote-write-note) -;; (global-set-key "\C-cep" 'evernote-post-region) -;; (global-set-key "\C-ceb" 'evernote-browser) - -;;; -;; FF - problems with screen -(setq org-clock-persist 'history) -(org-clock-persistence-insinuate) -(setq org-clock-idle-time 15) - -;;(define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture) - -;;; -;;; vlfi - large file support -;;; -(require 'vlf) - -;;; -;;; pbcopy - copy paste support for emacs in terminal on osx -;;; -(require 'pbcopy) -(turn-on-pbcopy) - -(provide 'ffailla-emacs) - -;;; ffailla-emacs.el ends here diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-lang.el b/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-lang.el deleted file mode 100644 index 20030ff..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/ffailla/ffailla-lang.el +++ /dev/null @@ -1,409 +0,0 @@ -;;; package --- ffailla-lang.el -;;; Commentary: -;;; Code: - -;;; -;;; arduino -;;; -;; Configure arduino OS X dirs. -(setq ede-arduino-appdir "/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java") - -(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode") -(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.\\(pde\\|ino\\)$" . arduino-mode) auto-mode-alist)) -(autoload 'arduino-mode "arduino-mode" "Arduino editing mode." t) - -;;; -;;; csharpmode -;;; * svn checkout http://csharpmode.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ csharpmode-read-only -;;; * find . -name "*.cs" -print | etags - -;;; * find . -name *.cs | xargs /usr/local/bin/ctags -a -e -f TAGS -;;; * DIR /S /A /ONE /B | etags - -(autoload 'csharp-mode "csharp-mode" "Major mode for editing C# code." t) -(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.cs$" . csharp-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) - -;;; -;;; cypher -;;; -(autoload 'cypher-mode "cypher-mode" nil t) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cypher$" . cypher-modeu)) -;;(define-key cypher-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?r)] 'sh-send-line-or-region-and-step) -;;(define-key cypher-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?z)] 'sh-switch-to-process-buffer) - -;;; -;;; sh-mode helpers -;;; -(defun sh-send-line-or-region (&optional step) - (interactive ()) - (let ((proc (get-process "shell")) - pbuf min max command) - (unless proc - (let ((currbuff (current-buffer))) - (shell) - (switch-to-buffer currbuff) - (setq proc (get-process "shell")) - )) - (setq pbuff (process-buffer proc)) - (if (use-region-p) - (setq min (region-beginning) - max (region-end)) - (setq min (point-at-bol) - max (point-at-eol))) - (setq command (concat (buffer-substring min max) "\n")) - (with-current-buffer pbuff - (goto-char (process-mark proc)) - (insert command) - (move-marker (process-mark proc) (point)) - ) ;;pop-to-buffer does not work with save-current-buffer -- bug? - (process-send-string proc command) - (display-buffer (process-buffer proc) t) - (when step - (goto-char max) - (next-line)) - )) - -(defun sh-send-line-or-region-and-step () - (interactive) - (sh-send-line-or-region t)) - -(defun sh-switch-to-process-buffer () - (interactive) - (pop-to-buffer (process-buffer (get-process "shell")) t)) - -;;; -;;; ess -;;; -(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor/ess/lisp") -(setq ess-r-versions nil) - -(autoload 'ess-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'R-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'R "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'S-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'Rnw-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'omegahat-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'XLS-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'STA-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'SAS-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'S-transcript-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) -(autoload 'R-transcript-mode "ess-site" "Emacs Speaks Statistics" t) - -(autoload 'actr-mode "actr-mode" "ACT-R mode" 'interactive nil) -;;(add-to-list (quote auto-mode-alist) (quote ("\\.actr\\'" . actr-mode))) - -(setq auto-mode-alist - (append - '(("\\.sp\\'" . S-mode) ;; re: Don MacQueen - ("\\.[qsS]\\'" . S-mode) ;; q,s,S [see ess-restore-asm-extns above!] - ("\\.ssc\\'" . S-mode) ;; Splus 4.x script files. - ("\\.[rR]\\'" . R-mode) - ("\\.[rR]nw\\'" . Rnw-mode) - ("\\.[rR]profile\\'" . R-mode) - ("NAMESPACE\\'" . R-mode) - ("\\.omg\\'" . omegahat-mode) - ("\\.hat\\'" . omegahat-mode) ;; Duncan's pref'd... - ("\\.lsp\\'" . XLS-mode) - ("\\.do\\'" . STA-mode) - ("\\.ado\\'" . STA-mode) - ("\\.[Ss][Aa][Ss]\\'" . SAS-mode) - ;; Many .log/.lst files, not just SAS - ;;("\\.log\\'" . SAS-log-mode) - ;;("\\.lst\\'" . SAS-listing-mode) - ("\\.[Ss]t\\'" . S-transcript-mode) - ("\\.[Ss]out" . S-transcript-mode) - ("\\.[Rr]t\\'" . R-transcript-mode) - ("\\.[Rr]out" . R-transcript-mode) - ) - auto-mode-alist)) - -;;; -;;; haskell -;;; -;;(load "~/.emacs.d/vendor/haskell-mode/ghc-core.el") -;;(require 'haskell-mode) - -;;(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.hs\\" . haskell-mode)) - -;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode) -;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indentation) -;; ;;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent) -;; ;;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-simple-indent) -;; (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode) - -(setq auto-mode-alist - (append auto-mode-alist - '(("\\.[hg]s$" . haskell-mode) - ("\\.hic?$" . haskell-mode) - ("\\.hsc$" . haskell-mode) - ("\\.chs$" . haskell-mode) - ("\\.l[hg]s$" . literate-haskell-mode)))) -(autoload 'haskell-mode "haskell-mode" - "Major mode for editing Haskell scripts." t) -(autoload 'literate-haskell-mode "haskell-mode" - "Major mode for editing literate Haskell scripts." t) - -;adding the following lines according to which modules you want to use: -;;(require 'inf-haskell) - -(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) -;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-off-haskell-decl-scan) -;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-off-haskell-doc-mode) -(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent) -;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-simple-indent) -;(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-hugs) -(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-ghci) -(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook - (function - (lambda () - (setq haskell-program-name "ghci") - (setq haskell-ghci-program-name "ghci6")))) - -;;; -;;; js2-mode -;;; * http://code.google.com/p/js2-mode/ -;;; -;; M-x byte-compile-file js2.el -(autoload 'js2-mode "js2-mode" nil t) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js$" . js2-mode)) -(setq js-indent-level 2) - -;;; -;;; js-comint -;;; -(require 'js-comint) -;;(setq inferior-js-program-command "java org.mozilla.javascript.tools.shell.Main") -(setenv "NODE_NO_READLINE" "1") -(setq inferior-js-program-command "node --interactive") - -(defun my-js2-mode-hook () - (rainbow-delimiters-mode t) - (setq js-indent-level 2 - indent-tabs-mode nil - c-basic-offset 2) - (c-toggle-auto-state 0) - (c-toggle-hungry-state 1) - (if (featurep 'js2-highlight-vars) - (js2-highlight-vars-mode)) - - (define-key js2-mode-map [(return)] 'newline-and-indent) - (define-key js2-mode-map [(backspace)] 'c-electric-backspace) - (define-key js2-mode-map [(control d)] 'c-electric-delete-forward) - - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-x\C-e") 'js-send-last-sexp) - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-c\C-r") 'js-send-region) - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-\M-x") 'js-send-last-sexp-and-go) - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-cb") 'js-send-buffer) - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-c\C-b" ) 'js-send-buffer-and-go) - (define-key js2-mode-map (kbd "\C-cl") 'js-load-file-and-go)) - -(add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'my-js2-mode-hook) - -;;; -;;; objective-c / xcode -;;; * find . \( -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.m" -o -name "*.mm" \) -print | etags - -;;; -(defun xcode-compile () - (interactive) - (let ((df (directory-files ".")) - (has-proj-file nil)) - (while (and df (not has-proj-file)) - (let ((fn (car df))) - (if (> (length fn) 10) - (if (string-equal (substring fn -10) ".xcodeproj") - (setq has-proj-file t)))) - (setq df (cdr df))) - (if has-proj-file - (compile "xcodebuild -configuration Debug") - (compile "make")))) - -;;; -;;; prolog -;;; * http://bruda.ca/emacs-prolog/ -;;; -(autoload 'run-prolog "prolog" "Start a Prolog sub-process." t) -(autoload 'prolog-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Prolog programs." t) -(autoload 'mercury-mode "prolog" "Major mode for editing Mercury programs." t) -(setq prolog-system 'swi) -(setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.pl$" . prolog-mode) - ("\\.m$" . mercury-mode)) - auto-mode-alist)) - -;;; -;;; lisp -;;; -(setq inferior-lisp-program "~/bin/lisp") -(setq same-window-buffer-names (delete "*inferior-lisp*" same-window-buffer-names)) - -;;; -;;; paredit -;;; -;;(autoload 'paredit-mode "paredit" "Minor mode for pseudo-structurally editing Lisp code." t) -(require 'paredit) - -;;; -;;; queue -;;; -(require 'queue) - -;;; -;;; cider -;;; -(require 'cider) -(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook 'cider-turn-on-eldoc-mode) -(setq cider-repl-tab-command 'indent-for-tab-command) -(setq cider-repl-pop-to-buffer-on-connect nil) -(setq cider-popup-stacktraces nil) -(setq cider-repl-popup-stacktraces t) -(setq cider-auto-select-error-buffer t) -;;(setq nrepl-buffer-name-separator "-") -;;(setq nrepl-buffer-name-show-port t) -(add-to-list 'same-window-buffer-names "*cider*") -(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'subword-mode) -(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'paredit-mode) -(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode) -(autoload 'cider-interaction-mode "cider-interaction" "Minor mode for cider interaction from a Clojure buffer.") - -;; (autoload 'nrepl-interaction-mode "nrepl-interaction" "Minor mode for nrepl interaction from a Clojure buffer.") -(setq cider-repl-wrap-history t) -(setq cider-repl-history-size 1000) -(setq cider-repl-history-file "~/.cider.history") - -;;; -;;; company-mode -;;; -(require 'company) - -;; -;; clojure-mode -;; -(defun clojure-mode-setup () - (if (and (stringp buffer-file-name) - (string-match "\\.cljs\\'" buffer-file-name)) - (setq inferior-lisp-program "lein figwheel") - (setq inferior-lisp-program "lein repl")) - ;;(setq inferior-lisp-program "lein figwheel") - - ;; (slime-mode t) - ;; (cider-interaction-mode t) - ;; (nrepl-interaction-mode t) - ;; (ac-nrepl-setup) - ;; (auto-complete-mode t) - - (company-mode t) - (show-paren-mode t) - (column-number-mode t) - (paredit-mode t) - (outline-minor-mode t) - (rainbow-delimiters-mode t)) - -;;(autoload 'clojure-mode "clojure-mode" nil t) -(add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook #'clojure-mode-setup) -;; (add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook #'clojure-mode-setup) -(add-hook 'inferior-lisp-mode-hook #'clojure-mode-setup) -(add-hook 'cider-mode-hook #'clojure-mode-setup) -(add-hook 'cider-repl-mode-hook - (lambda () - (cider-turn-on-eldoc-mode) - ;; (ac-nrepl-setup) - ;; (auto-complete-mode t) - (company-mode t) - (show-paren-mode t) - (paredit-mode t) - (outline-minor-mode t) - (rainbow-delimiters-mode t))) - (add-hook 'cider-interaction-mode-hook - (lambda () - (nrepl-turn-on-eldoc-mode) - ;; (ac-nrepl-setup) - ;; (auto-complete-mode t) - (company-mode t) - (show-paren-mode t) - (paredit-mode t) - (outline-minor-mode t) - (rainbow-delimiters-mode t))) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.clj\\'" . clojure-mode)) - -;;; -;;; Emacs lisp mode setup -;;; -(defun emacs-lisp-mode-setup () - (paredit-mode t) - (column-number-mode t) - (show-paren-mode t) - (outline-minor-mode t) - (rainbow-delimiters-mode t)) - -(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'emacs-lisp-mode-setup) - -;;; -;;; clojurescript -;;; -;; (defun start-clojurescript () -;; (interactive) -;; ;;(setq inferior-lisp-program "/Users/ffailla/dev/clojurescript/script/repljs") -;; (cd "/Users/ffailla/dev/clojurescript/") -;; (run-lisp "script/repljs")) - -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cljs\\'" . clojure-mode)) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.edn\\'" . clojure-mode)) - -;; -;; clojure.etags -;; -;; /[ \t\(]*def[a-z]* \([a-z-!]+\)/\1/ -;; /[ \t\(]*ns \([a-z.]+\)/\1/ - -(defun create-clojure-etags (project-root) - "Create tags file for clojure project." - (interactive "DProject Root: ") - (eshell-command - (format "find %s -name \'*.clj\' | xargs %s --regex=@%s -o %s/TAGS" - project-root - "/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/etags" ; path-to-etags - "/Users/ffailla/bin/clojure.tags" - project-root))) - -;;; -;;; yaml-mode -;;; -(require 'yaml-mode) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.yml$" . yaml-mode)) - -;;; -;;; ruby-mode -;;; -(setq enh-ruby-program "/usr/bin/ruby") ; so that still works if ruby points to -(autoload 'inf-ruby "inf-ruby" "Run an inferior Ruby process" t) -(add-hook 'enh-ruby-mode-hook 'inf-ruby-minor-mode) - -;;; -;;; markdown mode -;;; -(autoload 'markdown-mode "markdown-mode.el" "Major mode for editing Markdown files" t) -(setq auto-mode-alist - (append '(("\\.text" . markdown-mode) - ("\\.md" . markdown-mode) - ("\\.mdwn" . markdown-mode) - ("\\.mdt" . markdown-mode)) - auto-mode-alist)) - -(defun markdown-preview-file () - "run Marked on the current file and revert the buffer" - (interactive) - (shell-command - (format "open -a /Applications/Marked.app %s" - (shell-quote-argument (buffer-file-name))))) - -(eval-after-load 'markdown-mode - '(define-key markdown-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-p") 'markdown-preview-file)) - -;;; -;;; groovy and gradle -;;; -(autoload 'groovy-mode "groovy-mode" "Major mode for editing Groovy code." t) -(autoload 'gradle-mode "gradle-mode" "Minor mode for editing gradle files" t) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.groovy\\'" . groovy-mode)) -(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.gradle\\'" . groovy-mode)) - -(provide 'ffailla-lang) -;;; ffailla-lang.el ends here - diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/flycheck b/.emacs.d/vendor/flycheck deleted file mode 160000 index 43e11b9..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/flycheck +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 43e11b938b82b227cbc646a5633dd4923c3fe61d diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/git-modes b/.emacs.d/vendor/git-modes deleted file mode 160000 index 7bd60a7..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/git-modes +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 7bd60a7ab5b3c59a6093072e9fbe01b3c9b47263 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/go-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/go-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 49c885d..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/go-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 49c885db795ae60c03076ee20ac3ce5384d53648 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/groovy-emacs-modes b/.emacs.d/vendor/groovy-emacs-modes deleted file mode 160000 index 5079f0b..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/groovy-emacs-modes +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 5079f0bd749b1c116435e40fd2a188a530a7462e diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/hlinum-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/hlinum-mode deleted file mode 160000 index d325fa1..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/hlinum-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit d325fa1ef749893d1b647f154097c3729e9af358 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/ido-ubiquitous b/.emacs.d/vendor/ido-ubiquitous deleted file mode 160000 index c49809b..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/ido-ubiquitous +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit c49809b305922701ea73d4164cce1be066ecd908 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/inf-ruby b/.emacs.d/vendor/inf-ruby deleted file mode 160000 index 0697315..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/inf-ruby +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 069731548540232730f5e03a741766096fb3e6b4 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/js-comint b/.emacs.d/vendor/js-comint deleted file mode 160000 index 18bc6d8..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/js-comint +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 18bc6d80d11b8e8fa79371b4ad90057aabde0c97 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/js2-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/js2-mode deleted file mode 160000 index ef65afd..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/js2-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit ef65afd7a35e68356f9e4992d81c370f965b4a07 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/log4j-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/log4j-mode deleted file mode 160000 index ec3de92..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/log4j-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit ec3de92cfe60dd3d0de613e9062476196dea0faf diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/magit b/.emacs.d/vendor/magit deleted file mode 160000 index 9ab0523..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/magit +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9ab0523250d7483db7f90c62e1bc85c3b595f827 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/markdown-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/markdown-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 9b3f881..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/markdown-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9b3f88107df281c58a20916122707ae845c80655 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/paredit b/.emacs.d/vendor/paredit deleted file mode 160000 index d36f200..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/paredit +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit d36f2009167be372691569527786efa9ae92c412 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/pbcopy b/.emacs.d/vendor/pbcopy deleted file mode 160000 index 1acc93d..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/pbcopy +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 1acc93d8d8ffe1e9bf38da54c53ce34d44e4e2ad diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/pkg-info b/.emacs.d/vendor/pkg-info deleted file mode 160000 index 9458110..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/pkg-info +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9458110af6d25ca3c531d6fce1a7923e38064d00 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/rainbow-delimiters b/.emacs.d/vendor/rainbow-delimiters deleted file mode 160000 index 5a7d013..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/rainbow-delimiters +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 5a7d0131f8b8b51aa158ddad8b354aa56e67953d diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/s b/.emacs.d/vendor/s deleted file mode 160000 index cdd0a24..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/s +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit cdd0a24e8d5fa4d55f3e07f829bface0407c0adb diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/smex b/.emacs.d/vendor/smex deleted file mode 160000 index ab59af5..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/smex +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit ab59af59eccbaa02c35afcc81753dd1a2f8dd54c diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/vlfi b/.emacs.d/vendor/vlfi deleted file mode 160000 index 305d802..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/vlfi +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 305d8022c43b8994a42b13478f596e653279f7e5 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/yaml-mode b/.emacs.d/vendor/yaml-mode deleted file mode 160000 index 5eae0c1..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/yaml-mode +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 5eae0c19568b6947887e4f0bfef74cf58e6ec501 diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/yasnippet b/.emacs.d/vendor/yasnippet deleted file mode 160000 index 987942c..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/yasnippet +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 987942c513da38c1b174112b9e26f853fd5f1c4d diff --git a/.emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs b/.emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs deleted file mode 160000 index 9a41247..0000000 --- a/.emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 9a41247ca1cbfbb73ad5c2bcd7ca9f0cdc891a81 diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index ba5c0f7..85f69f6 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -1,114 +1,6 @@ -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/arduino-mode - url = https://github.com/bookest/arduino-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/clojure-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/clojure-mode - url = https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/ess"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/ess - url = https://github.com/emacs-ess/ESS.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/markdown-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/markdown-mode - url = git://jblevins.org/git/markdown-mode.git [submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/js2-comint"] path = .emacs.d/vendor/js2-comint url = https://github.com/emacsmirror/js-comint.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/js-comint"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/js-comint - url = https://github.com/emacsmirror/js-comint.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/js2-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/js2-mode - url = https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/log4j-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/log4j-mode - url = https://github.com/emacsmirror/log4j-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/magit"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/magit - url = https://github.com/magit/magit.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/cider"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/cider - url = https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider.git [submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/org-mode"] path = .emacs.d/vendor/org-mode url = git://orgmode.org/org-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/paredit"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/paredit - url = http://mumble.net/~campbell/git/paredit.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/rainbow-delimiters"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/rainbow-delimiters - url = https://github.com/jlr/rainbow-delimiters.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/go-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/go-mode - url = https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/dash"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/dash - url = https://github.com/magnars/dash.el.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/pkg-info"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/pkg-info - url = https://github.com/lunaryorn/pkg-info.el.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/s"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/s - url = https://github.com/magnars/s.el.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/git-modes"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/git-modes - url = https://github.com/magit/git-modes.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/csharpmode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/csharpmode - url = https://github.com/ffailla/csharpmode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/cypher-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/cypher-mode - url = https://github.com/fxbois/cypher-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/zenburn-emacs - url = https://github.com/bbatsov/zenburn-emacs.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/color-theme"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/color-theme - url = https://github.com/ffailla/color-theme.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/erc"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/erc - url = git://git.sv.gnu.org/erc.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/hlinum-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/hlinum-mode - url = https://github.com/ffailla/hlinum-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/epl"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/epl - url = https://github.com/cask/epl.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/smex"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/smex - url = https://github.com/nonsequitur/smex.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/ido-ubiquitous"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/ido-ubiquitous - url = https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/yasnippet"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/yasnippet - url = https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/yaml-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/yaml-mode - url = https://github.com/yoshiki/yaml-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/enhanced-ruby-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/enhanced-ruby-mode - url = https://github.com/zenspider/enhanced-ruby-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/inf-ruby"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/inf-ruby - url = https://github.com/nonsequitur/inf-ruby.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/vlfi"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/vlfi - url = https://github.com/m00natic/vlfi.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/pbcopy"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/pbcopy - url = https://github.com/ffailla/pbcopy.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/company-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/company-mode - url = https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/elpa-queue"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/elpa-queue - url = https://github.com/ffailla/elpa-queue.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/flycheck"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/flycheck - url = https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/groovy-emacs-modes"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/groovy-emacs-modes - url = https://github.com/Groovy-Emacs-Modes/groovy-emacs-modes.git -[submodule ".emacs.d/vendor/emacs-gradle-mode"] - path = .emacs.d/vendor/emacs-gradle-mode - url = https://github.com/jacobono/emacs-gradle-mode.git diff --git a/sync-emacs.sh b/sync-emacs.sh index aa63b73..7a5d58a 100755 --- a/sync-emacs.sh +++ b/sync-emacs.sh @@ -2,14 +2,9 @@ if [ "$1" == "--restore" ] then - git submodule init - git submodule update rsync -av --delete ./.emacs.d/ ~/.emacs.d - #rsync -av --delete ./bin/ ~/bin - cp ./.screenrc ~/ exit 0; fi rsync -av --copy-dirlinks --delete ~/.emacs.d/ ./.emacs.d -#rsync -av --copy-dirlinks --delete ~/bin/ ./bin -rsync -av --copy-dirlinks --delete ~/.screenrc ./ +