title | authors | reviewers | creation-date | last-updated | status | see-also | replaces | superseded-by | ||||
kconnect CLI UX |
2020-06-30 |
2020-07-01 |
provisional |
This proposal includes a walkthrough of the cli user experience.
We need to get the UX experience correct when using kconnect otherwise it will not be adopted.
- Demonstrate how the tool may be used
- Aid refinement of the initial design
Contents of $HOME/.kconnect/config
http_proxy: http.proxy.company.com
https_proxy: http.proxy.company.com
no_proxy: *company.com
user: [email protected]
password: $PASSWORD #password is always recommended to point to an ENV variable. $, %% are use to detect env variables
platform: eks
cluster: pe1
kubeconfig: $HOME/.kube/config
# initially supported platforms will be eks | aks | rancher
# aws defaults used by kconnect
alias : pe-3-cluster
region: us-east-1
cluster: eks-cluster-1
account: 1234567890
# roleFilter is used while displaying list of IAM roles to select
roleFilter: *EKS*
awsProfile: kconnect
protocol: saml
provider: ping
endpoint: https://my.idp.com/idp/startSSO.ping?PartnerSpId=urn:amazon:webservices
./kconnect -h [--help] or ./kconnect help
kconnect is a kubernetes connection manager CLI that helps sets up a connection to a k8s cluster using your identity provider credentials. Currently supports eks, aks and rancher more platforms.
You can find detailed documentation at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
kconnect COMMAND [FLAGS]
Available commands:
use connects you to a specific platform. Supported platforms are eks, aks & rancher e.g. ./kconnect platform eks
ls lists clusters that you can connect to, based on your connection history
configure sets up your default configurations at $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
to shortcut to connect to clusters using aliases e.g. kconnect to eks-cluster-1
Common flags:
-u --user [required] username used for logging into the identity provider
-p --password [required] password for the user
--config [optional] use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
-k --kubeconfig [optional] write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config
Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
./kconnect use -h
sets up connection to clusters in specific platforms. Currently supported platforms are eks, rancher and aks
kconnect use [eks | aks | rancher] [FLAGS] e.g ./kconnect use eks -u [email protected] -p password
eks flags:
-c --cluster [optional] if not provided, will try to discover all the clusters
-r --region [required] aws region where to discover clusters
--profile [optional] name used while writing to aws profile, defaults to kconnect
-n --namespace [optional] when present, sets the kubeconfig namespace context
-r --role [required] aws iam role that will be assumed by the user, which is used to authenticate with the cluster
-x-role [optional] support form cross account
-a --alias [optional] unique alias that will be used as a shortcut to connect to. e.g kconnect to <ALIAS>
--idp-protocol [required] valid values are saml | oidc
--idp-provider [required] valid values are ping | okta | adfs
--idp-endpoint [required] identity provider endpoint provided by your IT team.
Example usage:
kconnect platform eks -u [email protected] -p $PASSWORD --region us-east-1 --account 1234567890 --cluster eks-cluster1-east1 --role EKS_IAM_ROLE --alias env1
Second time you can connect to above cluster as "kconnect to env1" where env1 is coming from --alias.
Common flags:
-u --user [required] username used for logging into the identity provider. e.g domain\username
-p --password [required] password for the user
--config [optional] use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config
-k --kubeconfig [optional] write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config
Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
./kconnect use -h
sets up connection to clusters in specific platforms. Currently supported platforms are eks, rancher and aks
kconnect use [eks | aks | rancher] [FLAGS] e.g ./kconnect use eks -u [email protected] -p password
eks flags:
-c --cluster [optional] if not provided, will try to discover all the clusters
--resource-group [optional] azure resource group to discover clusters in
--subscription [optional] azure subscription to use to discover clusters in. This can be id or name. If not
provided a list subscriptions will be presented to choose from
--tenant [optional] azure tenant id to use.
-n --namespace [optional] when present, sets the kubeconfig namespace context
-a --alias [optional] unique alias that will be used as a shortcut to connect to. e.g kconnect to <ALIAS>
Example usage:
kconnect platform aks -u [email protected] -p $PASSWORD --resource-group 12345 --subscription my-sub-1 --tenant 243546 --cluster aks-cluster1-east1 --alias env1
Second time you can connect to above cluster as "kconnect to env1" where env1 is coming from --alias.
Common flags:
-u --user [required] username used for logging into the identity provider. e.g domain\username
-p --password [required] password for the user
--config [optional] use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config
-k --kubeconfig [optional] write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config
Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
config not found at $HOME/.kconnect/config
Looks like a first time user, lets set you up interactively
Alternatively if you have kconnect-config handy, you can run "kconnect configure -f /path/to/kconnect-config.yaml". More info at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
Choose a platform
(1) eks
(2) aks
(3) rancher
setting up eks as the default platform at $HOME/kconnect/config.yaml
select your idp protocol
(1) saml
(2) oidc
select your idp provider
(1) ping
(2) okta
(3) adfs
provide your idp endpoint
[url]: https://idp.company.com/saml/endpoint
checking connectivity to https://idp.company.com/saml/endpoint, looks good.
do1 you want to configure proxy? [http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy]
no proxy configured
user: [email protected]
password: ********
#region defaults to us-east-1
region set to us-east-1
fetching the iam roles via saml
platform-eng 7654321098
[ 0 ] EKS_Deployment
[ 1 ] EKS_Master
[ 2 ] EKS_NetworkingAdmin
[ 3 ] EKS_NodeDeployment
production-cluster1 43817294371
[ 4 ] EKS_Deployment
[ 5 ] EKS_Master
[ 6 ] EKS_NetworkingAdmin
[ 7 ] EKS_NodeDeployment
choose an IAM role from the above list which will be used to discover eks clusters in that account
role no [0]:
assuming arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/EKS_Deployment via aws sts
list of clusters in us-east-1 0987654321
[ 0 ] cluster-1
[ 1 ] cluster-2
[ 2 ] cluster-3
[ 3 ] cluster-4
#press enter if you want to select ALL clusters
cluster no [0]:
do you want to set an unique alias for this cluster? e.g my-test-cluster1.
You can later use the command "kconnect to my-test-cluster1" to connect to this cluster as a shortcut
#press enter to SKIP
do you want to connect to a specific namespace?
#press enter to SKIP
generating kubeconfig at $HOME/.kube/config
setting namespace to default
saving your settings to $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
you can run kubectl commands now!
NOTE: we could possibly list clusters grouped by resource group, subscription when running interactively.
config not found at $HOME/.kconnect/config
Looks like a first time user, lets set you up interactively
Alternatively if you have kconnect-config handy, you can run "kconnect configure -f /path/to/kconnect-config.yaml". More info at https://fidelity.github.io/kconnect/
Choose a platform
(1) eks
(2) aks
(3) rancher
setting up eks as the default platform at $HOME/kconnect/config.yaml
do1 you want to configure proxy? [http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy]
no proxy configured
Please login to Azure using the browser window thats opened.
fetching subscriptions
[0] Azure Subscription 1 (1234567890)
[1] Azure Subscription 2 (7565839308)
Getting resource groups for subscription 1234567890
[0] rg-dev
[1] rg-staging
resource group[0]:
Getting clusters in resource group rg-staging
list of clusters in rg-staging (sub 1234567890) 0
[ 0 ] cluster-1
[ 1 ] cluster-2
[ 2 ] cluster-3
[ 3 ] cluster-4
#press enter if you want to select ALL clusters
cluster no [0]:
do you want to set an unique alias for this cluster? e.g my-test-cluster1.
You can later use the command "kconnect to my-test-cluster1" to connect to this cluster as a shortcut
#press enter to SKIP
do you want to connect to a specific namespace?
#press enter to SKIP
generating kubeconfig at $HOME/.kube/config
setting namespace to default
saving your settings to $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
you can run kubectl commands now!
Add anything else relevant here