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kconnect CLI UX

kconnect - CLI User Experience (UX)


This proposal includes a walkthrough of the cli user experience.


We need to get the UX experience correct when using kconnect otherwise it will not be adopted.


  • Demonstrate how the tool may be used
  • Aid refinement of the initial design

Non-goals/Future Work


Configuration file

Contents of $HOME/.kconnect/config

  no_proxy:     *

  user: [email protected]
  password: $PASSWORD     #password is always recommended to point to an ENV variable. $, %% are use to detect env variables
  platform: eks
  cluster: pe1
  kubeconfig: $HOME/.kube/config

  # initially supported platforms will be eks | aks | rancher

    # aws defaults used by kconnect
      alias : pe-3-cluster
      region:  us-east-1
      cluster: eks-cluster-1
      account: 1234567890
          role:    EKS_ADMIN
          # roleFilter is used while displaying list of IAM roles to select
          roleFilter: *EKS*
      awsProfile: kconnect
      protocol:     saml
      provider:     ping

help command

./kconnect -h [--help] or ./kconnect help

kconnect is a kubernetes connection manager CLI that helps sets up a connection to a k8s cluster using your identity provider credentials. Currently supports eks, aks and rancher more platforms.

You can find detailed documentation at


kconnect COMMAND [FLAGS]

Available commands:

use             connects you to a specific platform. Supported platforms are eks, aks & rancher e.g. ./kconnect platform eks
ls              lists clusters that you can connect to, based on your connection history
configure       sets up your default configurations at $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
to              shortcut to connect to clusters using aliases e.g. kconnect to eks-cluster-1

Common flags:

-u --user             [required]    username used for logging into the identity provider
-p --password         [required]    password for the user
   --config           [optional]    use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml
-k --kubeconfig       [optional]    write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config

Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at

use Command

EKS Example

./kconnect use -h

sets up connection to clusters in specific platforms. Currently supported platforms are eks, rancher and aks


kconnect use [eks | aks | rancher] [FLAGS] e.g ./kconnect use eks -u [email protected] -p password

eks flags:

-c  --cluster          [optional]    if not provided, will try to discover all the clusters
-r  --region           [required]    aws region where to discover clusters
    --profile          [optional]    name used while writing to aws profile, defaults to kconnect
-n  --namespace        [optional]    when present, sets the kubeconfig namespace context
-r  --role             [required]    aws iam role that will be assumed by the user, which is used to authenticate with the cluster
    -x-role            [optional]    support form cross account
-a  --alias            [optional]    unique alias that will be used as a shortcut to connect to. e.g  kconnect to <ALIAS>
    --idp-protocol     [required]    valid values are saml | oidc
    --idp-provider     [required]    valid values are ping | okta | adfs
    --idp-endpoint     [required]    identity provider endpoint provided by your IT team.

Example usage:

    kconnect platform eks -u [email protected] -p $PASSWORD --region us-east-1 --account 1234567890 --cluster eks-cluster1-east1 --role EKS_IAM_ROLE --alias env1

Second time you can connect to above cluster as "kconnect to env1" where env1 is coming from --alias.

Common flags:

-u --user             [required]    username used for logging into the identity provider. e.g domain\username
-p --password         [required]    password for the user
   --config  [optional]    use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config
-k --kubeconfig   [optional]    write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config

Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at

AKS Example

./kconnect use -h

sets up connection to clusters in specific platforms. Currently supported platforms are eks, rancher and aks


kconnect use [eks | aks | rancher] [FLAGS] e.g ./kconnect use eks -u [email protected] -p password

eks flags:

-c  --cluster          [optional]    if not provided, will try to discover all the clusters
    --resource-group   [optional]    azure resource group to discover clusters in
    --subscription     [optional]    azure subscription to use to discover clusters in. This can be id or name. If not
                                     provided a list subscriptions will be presented to choose from
    --tenant           [optional]    azure tenant id to use.
-n  --namespace        [optional]    when present, sets the kubeconfig namespace context
-a  --alias            [optional]    unique alias that will be used as a shortcut to connect to. e.g  kconnect to <ALIAS>

Example usage:

    kconnect platform aks -u [email protected] -p $PASSWORD --resource-group 12345 --subscription my-sub-1 --tenant 243546 --cluster aks-cluster1-east1 --alias env1

Second time you can connect to above cluster as "kconnect to env1" where env1 is coming from --alias.

Common flags:

-u --user             [required]    username used for logging into the identity provider. e.g domain\username
-p --password         [required]    password for the user
   --config           [optional]    use this for kconnect default configurations instead of the default $HOME/.kconnect/config
-k --kubeconfig       [optional]    write kubeconfig to this location. Defaults to $HOME/.kube/config

Supports autocomplete. Refer to autocomplete setups instructions at

UX for first time user

EKS Example


config not found at $HOME/.kconnect/config

Looks like a first time user, lets set you up interactively

Alternatively if you have kconnect-config handy, you can run "kconnect configure -f /path/to/kconnect-config.yaml". More info at

Choose a platform
(1) eks
(2) aks
(3) rancher

setting up eks as the default platform at $HOME/kconnect/config.yaml

select your idp protocol
(1) saml
(2) oidc

select your idp provider
(1) ping
(2) okta
(3) adfs

provide your idp endpoint

checking connectivity to, looks good.

do1 you want to configure proxy? [http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy]

no proxy configured

user: [email protected]
password: ********
#region defaults to us-east-1

region set to us-east-1

fetching the iam roles via saml


platform-eng  7654321098


    [ 0 ]       EKS_Deployment

    [ 1 ]       EKS_Master

    [ 2 ]       EKS_NetworkingAdmin

    [ 3 ]       EKS_NodeDeployment


production-cluster1  43817294371


    [ 4 ]       EKS_Deployment

    [ 5 ]       EKS_Master

    [ 6 ]       EKS_NetworkingAdmin

    [ 7 ]       EKS_NodeDeployment

choose an IAM role from the above list which will be used to discover eks clusters in that account

role no [0]:

assuming arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/EKS_Deployment via aws sts

list of clusters in us-east-1 0987654321
    [ 0 ]       cluster-1
    [ 1 ]       cluster-2
    [ 2 ]       cluster-3
    [ 3 ]       cluster-4
#press enter if you want to select ALL clusters

cluster no [0]:

do you want to set an unique alias for this cluster? e.g my-test-cluster1.

You can later use the command "kconnect to my-test-cluster1" to connect to this cluster as a shortcut

#press enter to SKIP


do you want to connect to a specific namespace?

#press enter to SKIP


generating kubeconfig at $HOME/.kube/config

setting namespace to default

saving your settings to $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml

you can run kubectl commands now!

AKS Example

NOTE: we could possibly list clusters grouped by resource group, subscription when running interactively.


config not found at $HOME/.kconnect/config

Looks like a first time user, lets set you up interactively

Alternatively if you have kconnect-config handy, you can run "kconnect configure -f /path/to/kconnect-config.yaml". More info at

Choose a platform
(1) eks
(2) aks
(3) rancher

setting up eks as the default platform at $HOME/kconnect/config.yaml

do1 you want to configure proxy? [http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy]

no proxy configured

Please login to Azure using the browser window thats opened.

fetching subscriptions

[0] Azure Subscription 1 (1234567890)
[1] Azure Subscription 2 (7565839308)


Getting resource groups for subscription 1234567890

[0] rg-dev
[1] rg-staging

resource group[0]:

Getting clusters in resource group rg-staging

list of clusters in rg-staging (sub 1234567890) 0
    [ 0 ]       cluster-1
    [ 1 ]       cluster-2
    [ 2 ]       cluster-3
    [ 3 ]       cluster-4
#press enter if you want to select ALL clusters

cluster no [0]:

do you want to set an unique alias for this cluster? e.g my-test-cluster1.

You can later use the command "kconnect to my-test-cluster1" to connect to this cluster as a shortcut

#press enter to SKIP


do you want to connect to a specific namespace?

#press enter to SKIP


generating kubeconfig at $HOME/.kube/config

setting namespace to default

saving your settings to $HOME/.kconnect/config.yaml

you can run kubectl commands now!

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