Table of contents
Version 4.0.0-beta*
tiamo/spss Version ~2.2.2
PHP 8+ only because of several dependency problems to be more up to date and goin to be more strict in the code base. PHP 8 offers so many good improvements and bug fixes that there is no reason to not switching to it.
- Updates dependencies (composer, test tools and test runner configs)
- Merges
- Updates tests/ fixes implementation
- Fixes MachineFloatingPoint for PHP 7.4, 8.0; Updates tests
- Fixes CS Errors (Too long lines. 80 chars very good, > 120 becomes unreadable)
- Updates developer tools to phpunit 8+
- Updates tests
- Updates dependencies to use also php7.3
- Adds to source your php version within the developer scripts
- Updates test runner scripts
- Merges parts from @SamMousa of #3 done in a5f8b18 , Thank you! :)
- Updates developer tools to phpunit 7+
- Leaves hints for min/max doubles to find out when it comes up
Update Reader interface/ construction
- Adds optional flag to disable reading the data/contents to improve the reader performance when just analyse the stucture of an spss/pspp file @ thanks to stephanw for the hint
Updates Testing/ developer enviroment
- Adds phing as default tool for tests, code coverage and additional task you may need for your production/ deployment/ development
- php 5* = OFF (Maybe it works. Not tested)
- VERSION/TAG 2.0.2 Created by accident (if you got it)
- Beginning with php7.0 and already depricated: php7.2++ first and future... not in at all :)
Last version which may work with php 5.3++