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5809 lines (5803 loc) Β· 113 KB

Incompatible rules

This section of the documentation highlights differences in configuration between individual rules in each ruleset.

For a high-level overview of differences between rulesets refer to the Table of Comparison.

AirBnb Incompatible Rules

jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "components": []
jsx-a11y/aria-role (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreNonDOM": false
jsx-a11y/alt-text (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "area": [],
    "elements": [
    "img": [],
    "input[type=\"image\"]": [],
    "object": []
jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "assert": "both",
    "controlComponents": [],
    "depth": 25,
    "labelAttributes": [],
    "labelComponents": []
jsx-a11y/control-has-associated-label (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "controlComponents": [],
    "depth": 5,
    "ignoreElements": [
    "ignoreRoles": [
    "labelAttributes": [
jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "tabbable": [
jsx-a11y/heading-has-content (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "components": [
jsx-a11y/lang (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "elements": [
jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowExpressionValues": true,
    "handlers": [
    "handlers": [
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "alert": [
    "body": [
    "dialog": [
    "handlers": [
    "iframe": [
    "img": [
    "handlers": [
jsx-a11y/no-autofocus (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreNonDOM": true
jsx-a11y/media-has-caption (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "audio": [],
    "track": [],
    "video": []
jsx-a11y/no-interactive-element-to-noninteractive-role (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "canvas": [
    "tr": [
    "tr": [
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-to-interactive-role (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "fieldset": [
    "li": [
    "ol": [
    "table": [
    "td": [
    "ul": [
    "li": [
    "ol": [
    "table": [
    "td": [
    "ul": [
jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowExpressionValues": true,
    "roles": [
    "tags": []
    "roles": [
    "tags": []
jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "aspects": [
    "components": [
    "specialLink": [
no-underscore-dangle (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allow": [
    "allowAfterSuper": false,
    "allowAfterThis": false,
    "allowAfterThisConstructor": false,
    "allowFunctionParams": true,
    "enforceInMethodNames": true
jsx-quotes (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
class-methods-use-this (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassFields": true,
    "exceptMethods": [
react/forbid-prop-types (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "checkChildContextTypes": true,
    "checkContextTypes": true,
    "forbid": [
react/jsx-boolean-value (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "always": []
react/jsx-closing-tag-location (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/jsx-max-props-per-line (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "maximum": 3,
    "when": "multiline"
    "maximum": 1,
    "when": "multiline"
react/jsx-no-bind (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowArrowFunctions": true,
    "allowBind": false,
    "allowFunctions": false,
    "ignoreDOMComponents": false,
    "ignoreRefs": true
    "allowArrowFunctions": true,
    "allowBind": false,
    "allowFunctions": false,
    "ignoreDOMComponents": true,
    "ignoreRefs": true
react/jsx-no-duplicate-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreCase": true
react/jsx-pascal-case (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignore": [
    "allowAllCaps": true,
    "ignore": []
react/no-danger (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/prefer-es6-class (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/prop-types (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "customValidators": [],
    "ignore": [],
    "skipUndeclared": false
react/react-in-jsx-scope (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/jsx-wrap-multilines (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "arrow": "parens-new-line",
    "assignment": "parens-new-line",
    "condition": "parens-new-line",
    "declaration": "parens-new-line",
    "logical": "parens-new-line",
    "prop": "parens-new-line",
    "return": "parens-new-line"
react/jsx-indent (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/jsx-no-target-blank (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceDynamicLinks": "always",
    "forms": false,
    "links": true
react/jsx-filename-extension (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "extensions": [
react/no-unused-prop-types (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "customValidators": [],
    "skipShapeProps": true
react/no-unescaped-entities (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/jsx-tag-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "afterOpening": "never",
    "beforeSelfClosing": "always",
    "closingSlash": "never"
    "afterOpening": "never",
    "beforeClosing": "never",
    "beforeSelfClosing": "always",
    "closingSlash": "never"
react/require-default-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "forbidDefaultForRequired": true
react/forbid-foreign-prop-types (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowInPropTypes": true
react/default-props-match-prop-types (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowRequiredDefaults": false
react/jsx-one-expression-per-line (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allow": "single-child"
react/destructuring-assignment (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
react/button-has-type (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "button": true,
    "reset": false,
    "submit": true
react/jsx-curly-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "multiline": "consistent",
    "singleline": "consistent"
react/static-property-placement (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
  "property assignment"
react/jsx-props-no-spreading (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "custom": "enforce",
    "exceptions": [],
    "explicitSpread": "ignore",
    "html": "enforce"
import/no-unresolved (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "caseSensitive": true,
    "caseSensitiveStrict": false,
    "commonjs": true
import/named (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
import/no-extraneous-dependencies (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "devDependencies": true,
    "optionalDependencies": true,
    "peerDependencies": true
    "devDependencies": [
    "optionalDependencies": false
import/extensions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignorePackages": true,
    "pattern": {
      "json": "always",
      "svg": "always"
    "js": "never",
    "jsx": "never",
    "mjs": "never"
import/order (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "alphabetize": {
      "caseInsensitive": false,
      "order": "asc"
    "groups": [
    "newlines-between": "never",
    "warnOnUnassignedImports": false
    "groups": [
    "warnOnUnassignedImports": false
import/prefer-default-export (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
import/no-cycle (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreExternal": false,
    "maxDepth": "∞"
import/no-useless-path-segments (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "commonjs": true
arrow-body-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "requireReturnForObjectLiteral": false
generator-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": false,
    "before": true
    "after": true,
    "before": false
no-confusing-arrow (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowParens": true
object-shorthand (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "avoidQuotes": true,
    "ignoreConstructors": false
prefer-arrow-callback (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowNamedFunctions": false,
    "allowUnboundThis": true
prefer-const (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "destructuring": "any",
    "ignoreReadBeforeAssign": true
prefer-destructuring (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "AssignmentExpression": {
      "array": true,
      "object": false
    "VariableDeclarator": {
      "array": false,
      "object": true
    "enforceForRenamedProperties": false
prefer-template (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
template-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
yield-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false
no-shadow (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "builtinGlobals": false,
    "hoist": "all"
no-unused-vars (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "args": "after-used",
    "ignoreRestSiblings": true,
    "vars": "all"
no-use-before-define (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "classes": true,
    "functions": false,
    "variables": true
    "classes": true,
    "functions": true,
    "variables": true
brace-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSingleLine": false
    "allowSingleLine": true
camelcase (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreGlobals": false,
    "ignoreImports": false,
    "properties": "never"
comma-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "exceptions": {
      "ArrayExpression": false,
      "ArrayPattern": false,
      "ArrowFunctionExpression": false,
      "CallExpression": false,
      "FunctionDeclaration": false,
      "FunctionExpression": false,
      "ImportDeclaration": false,
      "NewExpression": false,
      "ObjectExpression": false,
      "ObjectPattern": false,
      "VariableDeclaration": false
eol-last (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
func-names (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
indent (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ArrayExpression": 1,
    "CallExpression": {
      "arguments": 1
    "FunctionDeclaration": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 1
    "FunctionExpression": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 1
    "ImportDeclaration": 1,
    "ObjectExpression": 1,
    "SwitchCase": 1,
    "VariableDeclarator": 1,
    "flatTernaryExpressions": false,
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "ignoredNodes": [
      "JSXElement > *",
    "offsetTernaryExpressions": false,
    "outerIIFEBody": 1
keyword-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": true
    "after": true,
    "before": true,
    "overrides": {
      "case": {
        "after": true
      "return": {
        "after": true
      "throw": {
        "after": true
lines-between-class-members (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "exceptAfterSingleLine": false
lines-around-directive (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": "always",
    "before": "always"
max-len (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true,
    "ignoreStrings": true,
    "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true,
    "ignoreUrls": true
new-cap (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "capIsNew": false,
    "capIsNewExceptions": [
    "newIsCap": true,
    "newIsCapExceptions": [],
    "properties": true
newline-per-chained-call (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreChainWithDepth": 4
no-continue (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-mixed-operators (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSamePrecedence": false,
    "groups": [
no-multiple-empty-lines (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 1,
    "maxBOF": 0,
    "maxEOF": 1
    "max": 1,
    "maxBOF": 0,
    "maxEOF": 0
no-nested-ternary (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-plusplus (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-spaced-func (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-trailing-spaces (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "skipBlankLines": false
no-unneeded-ternary (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "defaultAssignment": false
nonblock-statement-body-position (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "overrides": {}
object-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
object-curly-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ExportDeclaration": "always",
    "ImportDeclaration": "always",
    "ObjectExpression": {
      "minProperties": 1,
      "multiline": true
    "ObjectPattern": {
      "minProperties": 1,
      "multiline": true
    "ExportDeclaration": {
      "consistent": true,
      "minProperties": 4,
      "multiline": true
    "ImportDeclaration": {
      "consistent": true,
      "minProperties": 4,
      "multiline": true
    "ObjectExpression": {
      "consistent": true,
      "minProperties": 4,
      "multiline": true
    "ObjectPattern": {
      "consistent": true,
      "minProperties": 4,
      "multiline": true
object-property-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": false,
    "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": false
    "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": true,
    "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": false
one-var-declaration-per-line (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
operator-linebreak (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "overrides": {
      "=": "none"
padded-blocks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "blocks": "never",
    "classes": "never",
    "switches": "never"
    "allowSingleLineBlocks": true
quote-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "numbers": true
    "keywords": false,
    "numbers": false,
    "unnecessary": true
quotes (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "avoidEscape": true
space-before-blocks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
space-before-function-paren (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "anonymous": "always",
    "asyncArrow": "always",
    "named": "never"
space-unary-ops (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "nonwords": false,
    "words": true
    "nonwords": false,
    "overrides": {},
    "words": true
spaced-comment (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "block": {
      "balanced": true,
      "exceptions": [
      "markers": [
    "line": {
      "exceptions": [
      "markers": [
global-require (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-buffer-constructor (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-new-require (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-path-concat (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
getter-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowImplicit": true
no-await-in-loop (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-cond-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-console (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-constant-condition (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-unreachable (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
array-callback-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowImplicit": true,
    "checkForEach": false
curly (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
default-case (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "commentPattern": "^no default$"
dot-notation (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowKeywords": true,
    "allowPattern": ""
eqeqeq (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "null": "ignore"
max-classes-per-file (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-alert (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-else-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowElseIf": false
no-empty-function (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allow": [
no-global-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "exceptions": []
no-labels (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowLoop": false,
    "allowSwitch": false
no-multi-spaces (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreEOLComments": false
no-param-reassign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "props": false
    "ignorePropertyModificationsFor": [
    "props": true
no-redeclare (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "builtinGlobals": true
no-return-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-return-await (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-self-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "props": true
no-unused-expressions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowShortCircuit": false,
    "allowTaggedTemplates": false,
    "allowTernary": false,
    "enforceForJSX": false
no-void (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowAsStatement": true
prefer-promise-reject-errors (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowEmptyReject": true
wrap-iife (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "functionPrototypeMethods": false
yoda (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)

Google Incompatible Rules

valid-jsdoc (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "prefer": {
      "returns": "return"
    "requireParamDescription": false,
    "requireParamType": true,
    "requireReturn": false,
    "requireReturnDescription": false,
    "requireReturnType": true
curly (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-invalid-this (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-unused-vars (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "args": "none"
block-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
brace-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSingleLine": false
camelcase (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreGlobals": false,
    "ignoreImports": false,
    "properties": "never"
comma-dangle (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "arrays": "always-multiline",
    "exports": "always-multiline",
    "functions": "always-multiline",
    "imports": "always-multiline",
    "objects": "always-multiline"
comma-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false
comma-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
computed-property-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
func-call-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
indent (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "CallExpression": {
      "arguments": 2
    "FunctionDeclaration": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 2
    "FunctionExpression": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 2
    "MemberExpression": 2,
    "ObjectExpression": 1,
    "SwitchCase": 1,
    "flatTernaryExpressions": false,
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "ignoredNodes": [
    "offsetTernaryExpressions": false
key-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "afterColon": true,
    "beforeColon": false
keyword-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": true
linebreak-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
max-len (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "code": 80,
    "ignorePattern": "goog.(module|require)",
    "ignoreUrls": true,
    "tabWidth": 2
new-cap (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-multiple-empty-lines (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 1,
    "maxBOF": 0,
    "maxEOF": 1
    "max": 2
object-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
one-var (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "const": "never",
    "let": "never",
    "var": "never"
quote-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "numbers": true
quotes (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowTemplateLiterals": true
require-jsdoc (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "require": {
      "ArrowFunctionExpression": false,
      "ClassDeclaration": true,
      "FunctionDeclaration": true,
      "FunctionExpression": false,
      "MethodDefinition": true
semi (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
semi-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false
space-before-blocks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
space-before-function-paren (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "anonymous": "never",
    "asyncArrow": "always",
    "named": "never"
switch-colon-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false
generator-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": false,
    "before": true
prefer-const (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "destructuring": "all",
    "ignoreReadBeforeAssign": false
rest-spread-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
yield-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false

Standard Incompatible Rules

no-var (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
accessor-pairs (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassMembers": true,
    "getWithoutSet": false,
    "setWithoutGet": true
array-callback-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowImplicit": false,
    "checkForEach": false
brace-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSingleLine": false
    "allowSingleLine": true
camelcase (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allow": [
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreGlobals": true,
    "ignoreImports": false,
    "properties": "never"
comma-dangle (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "arrays": "always-multiline",
    "exports": "always-multiline",
    "functions": "always-multiline",
    "imports": "always-multiline",
    "objects": "always-multiline"
    "arrays": "never",
    "exports": "never",
    "functions": "never",
    "imports": "never",
    "objects": "never"
computed-property-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassMembers": true
curly (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
dot-notation (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowKeywords": true,
    "allowPattern": ""
eqeqeq (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "null": "ignore"
generator-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": false,
    "before": true
    "after": true,
    "before": true
indent (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ArrayExpression": 1,
    "CallExpression": {
      "arguments": 1
    "FunctionDeclaration": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 1
    "FunctionExpression": {
      "body": 1,
      "parameters": 1
    "ImportDeclaration": 1,
    "MemberExpression": 1,
    "ObjectExpression": 1,
    "SwitchCase": 1,
    "VariableDeclarator": 1,
    "flatTernaryExpressions": false,
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "ignoredNodes": [
      "TemplateLiteral *",
      "JSXElement > *",
    "offsetTernaryExpressions": true,
    "outerIIFEBody": 1
lines-between-class-members (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "exceptAfterSingleLine": true
multiline-ternary (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
new-cap (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "capIsNew": false,
    "newIsCap": true,
    "properties": true
no-constant-condition (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "checkLoops": false
no-empty (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowEmptyCatch": true
no-extra-parens (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-labels (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowLoop": false,
    "allowSwitch": false
no-mixed-operators (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSamePrecedence": true,
    "groups": [
no-multiple-empty-lines (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 1,
    "maxBOF": 0,
    "maxEOF": 1
    "max": 1,
    "maxEOF": 0
no-redeclare (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "builtinGlobals": true
    "builtinGlobals": false
no-return-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-self-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "props": true
no-unneeded-ternary (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "defaultAssignment": false
no-unreachable (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-unused-expressions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowShortCircuit": true,
    "allowTaggedTemplates": true,
    "allowTernary": true,
    "enforceForJSX": false
no-unused-vars (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "args": "none",
    "caughtErrors": "none",
    "ignoreRestSiblings": true,
    "vars": "all"
no-use-before-define (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "classes": true,
    "functions": false,
    "variables": true
    "classes": false,
    "functions": false,
    "variables": false
no-useless-rename (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreExport": false,
    "ignoreImport": false
no-void (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowAsStatement": true
object-curly-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ExportDeclaration": "always",
    "ImportDeclaration": "always",
    "ObjectExpression": {
      "minProperties": 1,
      "multiline": true
    "ObjectPattern": {
      "minProperties": 1,
      "multiline": true
    "consistent": true,
    "multiline": true
object-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
object-property-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": false,
    "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": false
    "allowAllPropertiesOnSameLine": false,
    "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true
one-var (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "initialized": "never"
operator-linebreak (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "overrides": {
      ":": "before",
      "?": "before",
      "|>": "before"
padded-blocks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "blocks": "never",
    "classes": "never",
    "switches": "never"
prefer-const (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "destructuring": "all",
    "ignoreReadBeforeAssign": false
quote-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "numbers": true
quotes (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowTemplateLiterals": false,
    "avoidEscape": true
semi (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
spaced-comment (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "block": {
      "balanced": true,
      "exceptions": [
      "markers": [
    "line": {
      "markers": [
use-isnan (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForIndexOf": true,
    "enforceForSwitchCase": true
wrap-iife (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "functionPrototypeMethods": true
yield-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false
import/no-absolute-path (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "amd": false,
    "commonjs": true,
    "esmodule": true
node/handle-callback-err (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
promise/param-names (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)

XO Incompatible Rules

comma-dangle (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "arrays": "always-multiline",
    "exports": "always-multiline",
    "functions": "always-multiline",
    "imports": "always-multiline",
    "objects": "always-multiline"
no-await-in-loop (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-constant-condition (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-empty (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowEmptyCatch": true
no-unreachable (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-unsafe-negation (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForOrderingRelations": true
no-unsafe-optional-chaining (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "disallowArithmeticOperators": true
valid-typeof (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "requireStringLiterals": true
    "requireStringLiterals": false
accessor-pairs (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassMembers": true,
    "getWithoutSet": false,
    "setWithoutGet": true
array-callback-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowImplicit": true,
    "checkForEach": false
complexity (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-else-return (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowElseIf": false
no-redeclare (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "builtinGlobals": true
no-return-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-return-await (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-self-assign (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "props": true
no-unused-expressions (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowShortCircuit": false,
    "allowTaggedTemplates": false,
    "allowTernary": false,
    "enforceForJSX": true
no-void (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowAsStatement": true
no-warning-comments (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "location": "start",
    "terms": [
prefer-promise-reject-errors (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowEmptyReject": true
prefer-regex-literals (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "disallowRedundantWrapping": true
wrap-iife (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "functionPrototypeMethods": true
yoda (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-undef (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "typeof": true
no-unused-vars (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "args": "after-used",
    "argsIgnorePattern": "^_",
    "caughtErrors": "all",
    "caughtErrorsIgnorePattern": "^_$",
    "ignoreRestSiblings": true,
    "vars": "all"
no-buffer-constructor (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-restricted-imports (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
array-bracket-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "minItems": 1,
    "multiline": true
array-element-newline (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "minItems": 1,
    "multiline": true
camelcase (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreGlobals": false,
    "ignoreImports": false,
    "properties": "always"
computed-property-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassMembers": true
func-name-matching (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "considerPropertyDescriptor": true
indent (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "SwitchCase": 1,
    "flatTernaryExpressions": false,
    "ignoreComments": false,
    "offsetTernaryExpressions": false
jsx-quotes (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
keyword-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": true
lines-between-class-members (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "exceptAfterSingleLine": true
max-depth (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
max-nested-callbacks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
max-params (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 4
max-statements-per-line (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 1
new-cap (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "capIsNew": true,
    "newIsCap": true,
    "properties": true
no-mixed-operators (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
no-multiple-empty-lines (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "max": 1,
    "maxBOF": 0,
    "maxEOF": 1
    "max": 1
object-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
operator-linebreak (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
padded-blocks (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowSingleLineBlocks": false
quote-props (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "numbers": true
space-before-function-paren (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "anonymous": "always",
    "asyncArrow": "always",
    "named": "never"
space-unary-ops (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "nonwords": false,
    "words": true
spaced-comment (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "block": {
      "balanced": true,
      "exceptions": [
      "markers": [
    "line": {
      "exceptions": [
      "markers": [
arrow-body-style (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
arrow-parens (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
generator-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": false,
    "before": true
no-useless-computed-key (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "enforceForClassMembers": true
no-useless-rename (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "ignoreDestructuring": false,
    "ignoreExport": false,
    "ignoreImport": false
prefer-arrow-callback (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "allowNamedFunctions": true,
    "allowUnboundThis": true
prefer-const (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "destructuring": "all",
    "ignoreReadBeforeAssign": false
prefer-destructuring (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "AssignmentExpression": {
      "array": false,
      "object": false
    "VariableDeclarator": {
      "array": false,
      "object": true
    "enforceForRenamedProperties": false
template-curly-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
yield-star-spacing (back to comparison table πŸ‘†)
    "after": true,
    "before": false