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GameDig Type ID Name See Also
a2oa ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead Valve Protocol
aaa ARMA: Armed Assault
aapg America's Army: Proving Grounds Valve Protocol
abioticfactor Abiotic Factor Valve Protocol
actionsource Action: Source Valve Protocol
acwa ARMA: Cold War Assault
ahl Action Half-Life Valve Protocol
alienarena Alien Arena
alienswarm Alien Swarm Valve Protocol
americasarmy America's Army
americasarmy2 America's Army 2
americasarmy3 America's Army 3 Valve Protocol
aoc Age of Chivalry Valve Protocol
aoe2 Age of Empires 2
aosc Ace of Spades Classic
arma2 ARMA 2 Valve Protocol
arma3 ARMA 3 Valve Protocol
armagetronadvanced Armagetron Advanced
armareforger ARMA: Reforger Notes, Valve Protocol
armaresistance ARMA: Resistance
asa Ark: Survival Ascended EOS Protocol
ase Ark: Survival Evolved Valve Protocol
asr08 Arca Sim Racing '08
assettocorsa Assetto Corsa
atlas Atlas Valve Protocol
avorion Avorion Valve Protocol
avp2 Aliens versus Predator 2
avp2010 Aliens vs. Predator 2010 Valve Protocol
baldursgate Baldur's Gate
ballisticoverkill Ballistic Overkill Valve Protocol
barotrauma Barotrauma Valve Protocol
bas Build and Shoot
basedefense Base Defense Valve Protocol
battalion1944 Battalion 1944 Valve Protocol
battlefield1942 Battlefield 1942
battlefield2 Battlefield 2
battlefield2142 Battlefield 2142
battlefield3 Battlefield 3
battlefield4 Battlefield 4
battlefieldhardline Battlefield Hardline
battlefieldvietnam Battlefield Vietnam
bbc2 Battlefield: Bad Company 2
beammp BeamMP (2021)
blackmesa Black Mesa Valve Protocol
bladesymphony Blade Symphony Valve Protocol
brainbread BrainBread Valve Protocol
brainbread2 BrainBread 2 Valve Protocol
breach Breach Valve Protocol
breed Breed
brink Brink Valve Protocol
brokeprotocol BROKE PROTOCOL Notes
c2d CS2D
c3db Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
cacr Command and Conquer: Renegade
chaser Chaser
chrome Chrome
cmw Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Valve Protocol
cod Call of Duty
cod2 Call of Duty 2
cod3 Call of Duty 3
cod4mw Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
codbo3 Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Valve Protocol
codenamecure Codename CURE Valve Protocol
codenameeagle Codename Eagle
codmw2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
codmw3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Valve Protocol
coduo Call of Duty: United Offensive
codwaw Call of Duty: World at War
coj Call of Juarez
colonysurvival Colony Survival Valve Protocol
conanexiles Conan Exiles Notes, Valve Protocol
contagion Contagion Valve Protocol
contractjack Contract J.A.C.K.
corekeeper Core Keeper Valve Protocol
counterstrike15 Counter-Strike 1.5
counterstrike16 Counter-Strike 1.6 Valve Protocol
counterstrike2 Counter-Strike 2 Notes, Valve Protocol
crce Cross Racing Championship Extreme
creativerse Creativerse Valve Protocol
crysis Crysis
crysis2 Crysis 2
crysiswars Crysis Wars
cscz Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Valve Protocol
csgo Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Notes, Valve Protocol
css Counter-Strike: Source Valve Protocol
dab Double Action: Boogaloo Valve Protocol
daikatana Daikatana
dal Dark and Light Valve Protocol
dayofdragons Day of Dragons Valve Protocol
dayz DayZ Notes, Valve Protocol
dayzmod DayZ Mod Valve Protocol
ddd Dino D-Day Valve Protocol
ddpt Deadly Dozen: Pacific Theater
deathmatchclassic Deathmatch Classic Valve Protocol
deerhunter2005 Deer Hunter 2005
descent3 Descent 3
deusex Deus Ex
devastation Devastation
dhe4445 Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45
discord Discord Notes
dmomam Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Valve Protocol
dnf2001 Duke Nukem Forever 2001
dod Day of Defeat Valve Protocol
dods Day of Defeat: Source Valve Protocol
doi Day of Infamy Valve Protocol
doom3 Doom 3
dootf Drakan: Order of the Flame
dota2 Dota 2 Valve Protocol
dow Days of War Valve Protocol
dst Don't Starve Together Valve Protocol
dtr2 Dirt Track Racing 2
dystopia Dystopia Valve Protocol
eco Eco
egs Empyrion - Galactic Survival Valve Protocol
eldewrito Halo Online - ElDewrito
empiresmod Empires Mod Valve Protocol
enshrouded enshrouded Valve Protocol
etqw Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
ets2 Euro Truck Simulator 2 Valve Protocol
exfil Exfil Valve Protocol
f1c9902 F1 Challenge '99-'02
factorio Factorio
farcry Far Cry
farcry2 Far Cry 2
farmingsimulator19 Farming Simulator 19
farmingsimulator22 Farming Simulator 22
farmingsimulator25 Farming Simulator 25
fear F.E.A.R.
ffow Frontlines: Fuel of War
fof Fistful of Frags Valve Protocol
formulaone2002 Formula One 2002
fortressforever Fortress Forever Valve Protocol
foundry FOUNDRY Valve Protocol
garrysmod Garry's Mod Valve Protocol
gck Giants: Citizen Kabuto
geneshift Geneshift
globaloperations Global Operations
goldeneyesource GoldenEye: Source Valve Protocol
groundbreach Ground Breach Valve Protocol
gta5am Grand Theft Auto V - alt:V Multiplayer Notes
gta5f Grand Theft Auto V - FiveM Notes
gta5r Grand Theft Auto V - RageMP Notes
gtasam Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Multiplayer
gtasamta Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Multi Theft Auto
gtasao Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas OpenMP
gtavcmta Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Multi Theft Auto
gunmanchronicles Gunman Chronicles Valve Protocol
gus Gore: Ultimate Soldier
halo Halo
halo2 Halo 2
hawakening Hawakening Notes
heretic2 Heretic II
hexen2 Hexen II
hiddendangerous2 Hidden & Dangerous 2
hl2d Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Valve Protocol
hld Half-Life Deathmatch Valve Protocol
hlds Half-Life Deathmatch: Source Valve Protocol
hll Hell Let Loose Valve Protocol
hlof Half-Life: Opposing Force Valve Protocol
homefront Homefront Valve Protocol
homeworld2 Homeworld 2
hurtworld Hurtworld Valve Protocol
i2cs IGI 2: Covert Strike
i2s IL-2 Sturmovik
icarus Icarus Valve Protocol
imic Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat Valve Protocol
insurgency Insurgency Valve Protocol
insurgencysandstorm Insurgency: Sandstorm Valve Protocol
ironstorm Iron Storm
jb0n James Bond 007: Nightfire
jc2m Just Cause 2 - Multiplayer
jc3m Just Cause 3 - Multiplayer Valve Protocol
killingfloor Killing Floor
killingfloor2 Killing Floor 2 Valve Protocol
kloc Kingpin: Life of Crime
kpctnc Kiss: Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child
kreedzclimbing Kreedz Climbing Valve Protocol
kspd Kerbal Space Program - DMP
l4d Left 4 Dead Valve Protocol
l4d2 Left 4 Dead 2 Valve Protocol
m2m Mafia II - Multiplayer
m2o Mafia II - Online
mbe Minecraft: Bedrock Edition
medievalengineers Medieval Engineers Valve Protocol
mgm Mumble - GT Murmur Notes
minecraft Minecraft Notes
minetest Minetest
mnc Monday Night Combat Valve Protocol
moe Myth of Empires Valve Protocol
moh Medal of Honor
moha Medal of Honor: Airborne
mohaa Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
mohaab Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough
mohaas Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Spearhead
mohpa Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
mohw Medal of Honor: Warfighter
mordhau Mordhau Valve Protocol
mumble Mumble Notes
mutantfactions Mutant Factions
nab Nerf Arena Blast
nascarthunder2004 NASCAR Thunder 2004
naturalselection Natural Selection Valve Protocol
naturalselection2 Natural Selection 2 Valve Protocol
netpanzer netPanzer
neverwinternights Neverwinter Nights
neverwinternights2 Neverwinter Nights 2
nexuiz Nexuiz
nfshp2 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
nitrofamily Nitro Family
nla Nova-Life: Amboise Valve Protocol
nmrih No More Room in Hell Valve Protocol
nolf2asihw No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way
nucleardawn Nuclear Dawn Valve Protocol
ofcwc Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
ofr Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
ohd Operation: Harsh Doorstop Valve Protocol
onset Onset Valve Protocol
openarena OpenArena
openttd OpenTTD
painkiller Painkiller
palworld Palworld Notes
pce Primal Carnage: Extinction Valve Protocol
pixark PixARK Valve Protocol
postal2 Postal 2
postscriptum Post Scriptum Valve Protocol
prb2 Project Reality: Battlefield 2
prey Prey
projectcars Project Cars Valve Protocol
projectcars2 Project Cars 2 Valve Protocol
projectzomboid Project Zomboid Valve Protocol
pvak2 Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II Valve Protocol
q3a Quake 3: Arena
quake Quake
quake2 Quake 2
quake4 Quake 4
quakelive Quake Live Valve Protocol
rainbowsix Rainbow Six
rallisportchallenge RalliSport Challenge
rallymasters Rally Masters
rdkf Rag Doll Kung Fu Valve Protocol
rdr2r Red Dead Redemption 2 - RedM
redline Redline
redorchestra Red Orchestra
redorchestra2 Red Orchestra 2 Valve Protocol
renegade10 Renegade X
rfactor rFactor
rfactor2 rFactor 2 Valve Protocol
ricochet Ricochet Valve Protocol
risingworld Rising World Valve Protocol
ron Rise of Nations
roo4145 Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
ror2 Risk of Rain 2 Valve Protocol
rs2rs Rainbow Six 2: Rogue Spear
rs2v Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Valve Protocol
rs3rs Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
rtcw Return to Castle Wolfenstein
rune Rune
rust Rust Valve Protocol
s2ats Savage 2: A Tortured Soul
satisfactory Satisfactory Notes
sdtd 7 Days to Die Valve Protocol
serioussam Serious Sam
serioussam2 Serious Sam 2
shatteredhorizon Shattered Horizon Valve Protocol
shogo Shogo
shootmania Shootmania Notes
sin SiN
sinepisodes SiN Episodes Valve Protocol
sof Soldier of Fortune
sof2 Soldier of Fortune 2
soldat Soldat Notes
sotf Sons Of The Forest Valve Protocol
soulmask Soulmask Valve Protocol
spaceengineers Space Engineers Valve Protocol
squad Squad Valve Protocol
sstse Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
stalker S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
starbound Starbound Valve Protocol
starmade StarMade
starsiege Starsiege
stbc Star Trek: Bridge Commander
stn Survive the Nights Valve Protocol
stvef Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force
stvef2 Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force 2
suicidesurvival Suicide Survival Valve Protocol
svencoop Sven Coop Valve Protocol
swat4 SWAT 4
swb Star Wars: Battlefront
swb2 Star Wars: Battlefront 2
swjk2jo Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
swjkja Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
swrc Star Wars: Republic Commando
synergy Synergy Valve Protocol
t1s Tribes 1: Starsiege
tacticalops Tactical Ops
tcgraw Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
tcgraw2 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
teamfactor Team Factor
teamfortress2 Team Fortress 2 Valve Protocol
teamspeak2 Teamspeak 2
teamspeak3 Teamspeak 3 Notes
terminus Terminus
terrariatshock Terraria - TShock Notes
tfc Team Fortress Classic Valve Protocol
theforest The Forest Valve Protocol
thefront The Front Valve Protocol
thehidden The Hidden Valve Protocol
theisle The Isle Valve Protocol
theship The Ship Valve Protocol
thespecialists The Specialists Valve Protocol
thps3 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
thps4 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
thu2 Tony Hawk's Underground 2
tie The Isle Evrima EOS Protocol
toh Take On Helicopters
tonolf The Operative: No One Lives Forever
towerunite Tower Unite Valve Protocol
toxikk TOXIKK
trackmania2 Trackmania 2 Notes
trackmaniaforever Trackmania Forever Notes
tremulous Tremulous
tribesvengeance Tribes: Vengeance
tron20 Tron 2.0
turok2 Turok 2
u2tax Unreal 2: The Awakening - XMP
universalcombat Universal Combat
unreal Unreal
unrealtournament Unreal Tournament
unrealtournament2003 Unreal Tournament 2003
unrealtournament2004 Unreal Tournament 2004
unrealtournament3 Unreal Tournament 3
unturned unturned Valve Protocol
urbanterror Urban Terror
v8sc V8 Supercar Challenge
valheim Valheim Notes, Valve Protocol
vampireslayer Vampire Slayer Valve Protocol
vcm Vice City Multiplayer
ventrilo Ventrilo
vietcong Vietcong
vietcong2 Vietcong 2
vintagestory Vintage Story
vrising V Rising Valve Protocol
warfork Warfork
warsow Warsow
wet Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
wolfenstein Wolfenstein
wop World Of Padman
wot Wheel of Time
wurmunlimited Wurm Unlimited Valve Protocol
xonotic Xonotic
xpandrally Xpand Rally
zombiemaster Zombie Master Valve Protocol
zps Zombie Panic: Source Valve Protocol

Not supported (yet)

  • Cube Engine (cube):
    • Cube 1
    • Assault Cube
    • Cube 2: Sauerbraten
    • Blood Frontier
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 and 2 (no documentation, may require rcon)
  • Crysis Warhead
  • DirtyBomb
  • Doom - Skulltag
  • Doom - ZDaemon
  • Freelancer
  • Ghost Recon
  • GRAV Online
  • GTA Network (Ref)
  • GTR 2
  • Haze
  • Hexen World
  • Last Oasis (#248, #446, #352)
  • Lost Heaven
  • Multi Theft Auto
  • Pariah
  • Plain Sight
  • Purge Jihad
  • Red Eclipse
  • Red Faction
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
  • Savage: The Battle For Newerth
  • SiN 1 Multiplayer
  • South Park
  • Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
  • Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
  • Sum of All Fears
  • Teeworlds
  • Tibia (Ref)
  • Titanfall
  • Tribes 2
  • World in Conflict
  • World Opponent Network

Want support for one of these games? Please open an issue to show your interest! Know how to code? Protocol details for many of the games above are documented at , ready for you to develop into GameDig!

Don't see your game listed here?

First, let us know, so we can fix it. Then, you can try using some common query protocols directly from the protocols folder. We also have a little tool that could come in handy, attempt protocols

Games with Additional Notes

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

To receive a full player list response from CS:GO servers, the server must have set the cvar: host_players_show 2


You must set the guildId request field to the server's guild ID. Do not provide an IP. The Guild ID can be found in server widget settings (Server ID) or by enabling developer mode in client settings and right-clicking the server's icon. In order to retrieve information from discord server's they must have the Enable server widget option enabled.


For full query results from Mumble, you must be running the GTmurmur plugin. If you do not wish to run the plugin, or do not require details such as channel and user lists, you can use the 'mumbleping' server type instead, which uses a less accurate but more reliable solution

Nadeo (ShootMania / TrackMania / etc)

The server must have xmlrpc enabled, the port needs to be the xmlrpc one, not the connection port.
You must also pass the info of a user account on the server with the access level of User or higher in the options parameters as login and password.

Grand Theft Auto V - RAGE MP

If you are using a FQDN for your server, you will need to set the host parameter to be this domain e.g. This is due to how the Rage MP master server works with server ids as the ip is only used in the ID if no FQDN is provided.

Grand Theft Auto V - alt:V Multiplayer

When querying a server on alt:V Multiplayer, you have two options for querying the server:

  1. Setting the serverId request field or --serverId when using the cli to the publicId of the server.
  2. Passing the host and port request fields or --host and --port when using the cli to the server.

If you are using the second option and the server is using a useCdn option in the alt:V server config file, you will need to set host to the CDN address, and the port to the cdn port. As an example, if the server cdn url was, you would set the host to and port to 443.

TeamSpeak 3

For teamspeak 3 queries to work correctly, the following permissions must be available for the guest server group:

  • Virtual Server
  • b_virtualserver_info_view
  • b_virtualserver_channel_list
  • b_virtualserver_client_list
  • Group
  • b_virtualserver_servergroup_list
  • b_virtualserver_channelgroup_list

In the extremely unusual case that your server host responds to queries on a non-default port (the default is 10011), you can specify their host query port using the teamspeakQueryPort option.


Requires tshock server mod, and a REST user token, which can be passed to GameDig with the additional option: token


Valheim servers will only respond to queries if they are started in public mode (-public 1).
Crossplay servers report numplayers always being 0, servers without this option work as expected (#539).


DayZ stores some of it's servers information inside the tags attribute. Make sure to set requestRules: true to access it. Some data inside dayzMods attribute may be fuzzy, due to how mods are loaded into the servers. Players can be fetched, but will not show ingame names. Alternatively, some servers may have a third party tool that you can use to get the mods information. If it's installed, you can access it via browser with the game servers IP:PORT, but add up 10 to the port. (eg. if game port is 2302 then use 2312).

The Front

Responses with wrong name (gives out a steamid instead of the server name) and maxplayers (always 200, whatever the config would be) field values.

Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles never responds to player query.


Many Minecraft servers do not respond with players data.
Beware that using this entry is quite slow as it attempts 3 protocols at a time (minecraftvanilla, minecraftbedrock and gamespy3) and waits for all the queries to finish. If you know your use case, it's better to use a single protocol or make your own logic for attempting multiple ones.

Farming Simulator

Farming Simulator servers need a token (reffered as code in the game). It can be obtained at your server's web interface (http://ip:port/settings.html). It can be passed to GameDig with the additional option: token. It does only work for your own server. The response includes much information about the server. Currently, only the fields about server information (name, map, version, etc.), players and mods are parsed.


Querying server info for Hawakening requires a ServerId to be passed to GameDig instead of an IP address. You can acquire such a ServerId from the master query protocol hawakeningmaster [type: protocol-hawakeningmaster] (see raw.servers[]raw.listing.Guid).

Additionally, the master server requires authorization. A user profile is required for querying the API. Such a profile can be created on the official page.

  • Provide a Server Id via serverId
  • Provide a client profile with username (email address, not callsign)

And one of the following options for gaining access:

  • Provide a client access token via the option token
  • Provide the user profile password via the option password

NOTE: The protocol hawakening will query additional server info by requesting a matchmaking token, which will fail for full servers. Due to this, the IP address and port cannot be queried for such servers.


When querying a server on BROKE PROTOCOL, you have two options for querying the server:

  1. Passing the address and port request fields (or --address and --port when using the cli to the server).
  2. Setting the serverId request field or --serverId when using the cli to the publicId of the server.

You can acquire a ServerId from the master query protocol protocol-brokeprotocolmaster (see raw.servers[]

ARMA: Reforger

For queries to work, A2S needs to be setup in the server config, more info here.

Does not provide players data.

Protocols with Additional Notes

Valve Protocol

For many valve games, additional 'rules' may be fetched into the unstable raw field by passing the additional option: requestRules: true. Beware that this may increase query time.

Epic Online Services (EOS) Protocol

EOS does not provide players data.


Palworld support can be unstable, the devs mention the api is currently experimental.
To query Palworld servers, the RESTAPIEnabled setting must be True in the configuration file, and you need to pass the username (currently always admin) and the adminpassword (from the server config) as the password parameter.


Satisfactory servers unless specified use self-signed certificates for the HTTPS API. If you are using proper-signed certificates you will need to set the rejectUnauthorized flag in options to true to ensure a secured query. For more information on setting a user certificate refer to the Satisfactory Dedicated server/HTTPS API wiki documentation.

One can also provide an authentication token via the token option to skip the PasswordlessLogin query.

The query is done via the lightweight query option but also safely tries to utilize the HTTP one.


Requires Allow_Download and Logging to be 1 in the server config.

Grand Theft Auto V - FiveM

Requires the sv_exposePlayerIdentifiersInHttpEndpoint convar to be 1 for the query to return players' data.

Counter-Strike 2

Does not provide players names, using a plugin like this one makes the query to return them.