Terraform .well-known discovery
Return well-known JSON
Provide usage analytics for Prometheus scraper
Return Prometheus metrics for global statistics and module provider statistics
Return list of modules.
Search for modules, given query string, namespace or provider.
Interface to obtain list of modules in namespace.
Return list of modules in namespace
Return latest version for each module provider.
Return list of version.
Return list of version.
Return list of version.
Provide download endpoint.
Provide download header for location to download source.
Provide download summary for module provider.
Return list of download counts for module provider.
Interface to list all providers
Return list of modules.
Interface to obtain list of providers in namespace.
Return list of providers in namespace
Return provider details.
Interface to provide list of integration URLs
Return list of integration URLs
Return provider version details.
Return provider version details.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
version | json | str | True | None |
Version to be indexed |
csrf_token | json | str | False | None |
CSRF Token |
Return provider details.
Search for modules, given query string, namespace or provider.
Interface for providing provider details
Return provider details.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
include | args | str | False | `` | List of linked resources to include in response. Currently supports: provider-versions, categories |
Interface for providing download summary for providers
Return download summary.
Interface for querying provider docs
Query provider version documentation.
This API is very static and requires all arguments to be passed. Page size, is effectively unused, as the query filters will result in 0 or 1 result.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
filter[provider-version] | args | int | True | None |
Provider version ID to query documenation from |
filter[category] | args | str | True | None |
Provider documentation category |
filter[slug] | args | str | True | None |
Slug of documentation to query for |
filter[language] | args | str | True | None |
Documentation language to filter results |
page[size] | args | int | True | None |
Result page size |
Interface for obtain provider doc details
Obtain details about provider document
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
output | args | str | False | md |
Content output type, either "html" or "md" |
Provide interface to create GPG Keys.
Lists GPG keys for given namespaces
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
filter[namespace] | args | str | True | None |
Comma-separated list of namespaces to obtain GPG keys for |
Handle creation of GPG key.
POST Body must be JSON, in the format:
"data": {
"type": "gpg-keys",
"attributes": {
"namespace": "my-namespace",
"ascii-armor": "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
"csrf_token": "xxxaaabbccc"
Provide interface to create GPG Keys.
Get details for a given GPG key for a namespace
Perform deletion of GPG key
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
csrf_token | json | str | False | None |
CSRF token |
Interface to obtain list of provider categories.
Return list of all provider categories
Interface to obtain module version graph data.
Return graph data for module version.
Interface to initiate authentication via OpenID connect
Generate session for storing OpenID state token and redirect to OpenID login provider.
Interface to handle callback from authorization flow from OpenID connect
Handle response from OpenID callback
Interface to initiate authentication via OpenID connect
Setup authentication request to redirect user to SAML provider.
Handle POST request.
Meta-data endpoint for SAML
Return SAML SP metadata.
Interface to initiate authentication via Github
Redirect to github login.
Interface to handle call-back from Github login
Handle callback from Github auth.
Interface to provide details about current authentication status with Github
Provide authentication status.
Interface to provide details about current Github organisations for the logged in user
Provide organisation details.
Interface to provide details about current Github repositories for the logged in user
Provide organisation details.
Interface to refresh repositories for a namespaces from a provider source
Refresh repositories for given namespace.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
namespace | json | str | True | None |
Namespace to refresh repositories for |
csrf_token | json | str | True | None |
CSRF token |
Interface publish a repository as a provider
Publish repository provider.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
category_id | form | int | True | None |
Provider category ID for provider |
csrf_token | form | str | False | None |
CSRF Token |
Endpoint to return config used by UI.
Return config.
Interface to obtain git provider configurations.
Return list of git providers
Provide global download stats for homepage.
Return number of namespaces, modules, module versions and downloads
Return data for most recently published module version.
Return number of namespaces, modules, module versions and downloads
Provide interface to obtain statistics about global module usage.
Return stats on total module providers, total unique analytics tokens per module (with and without auth token).
Provide endpoint for interacting with module version analytics.
Submit analytics for module version.
Used as an alternative to passing analytics in module source URL. The module execution can perform a http request to this endpoint to register analytics for a module usage.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
analytics_token | json | str | True | None |
Analytics token to register. |
terraform_version | json | str | False | None |
Version of Terraform used. |
Provide download summary for module provider.
Return list of download counts for module provider.
Return data for most downloaded module provider this week.
Return most downloaded module this week
Interface to provide data to the initial setup page.
Return information for steps for setting up Terrareg.
Provide interface to obtain namespaces.
Return list of namespaces.
The offset/limit arguments are currently optional. Without them, all namespaces will be returned in a list (legacy response format). Providing these values will return an object with a meta object and a list of namespaces.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
only_published | args | boolean | False | False |
Whether to only show namespaces with published modules or providers |
type | args | str | False | module |
Type of namespace to show results for. Either "provider" or "module" |
offset | args | int | False | 0 |
Pagination offset |
limit | args | int | False | None |
Pagination limit |
Create namespace.
Interface to obtain custom terrareg namespace details.
Return custom terrareg config for namespace.
Edit name/display name of a namespace
Delete namespace
JSON body:
- csrf_token - CSRF token required for session-based authentication
Interface to obtain list of modules in namespace.
Return list of modules in namespace
Interface to obtain list of providers for module.
Return list of modules in namespace
Interface to obtain module provider/version details.
Return details about module version.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
target_terraform_version | args | str | False | None |
Provide terraform version to show compatibility with search results. |
output | args | str | False | md |
Variable/Output description format, either "html" or "md" |
Interface to obtain module provider versions
Return list of module versions for module provider
Provide interface to create module provider.
Handle update to settings.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
git_provider_id | json | str | False | None |
ID of the git provider to associate to module provider. |
repo_base_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated base git URL. |
repo_clone_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated git clone URL. |
repo_browse_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated URL for browsing repository. |
git_tag_format | json | str | False | None |
Module provider git tag format. |
git_path | json | str | False | None |
Path within git repository that the module exists. |
archive_git_path | json | boolean | False | False |
Whether to generate module archives from the git_path directory. Otherwise, archives are generated from the root |
csrf_token | json | str | False | None |
CSRF token |
Provide interface to delete module provider.
Delete module provider.
Provide interface to update module provider settings.
Handle update to settings.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
git_provider_id | json | str | False | None |
ID of the git provider to associate to module provider. |
repo_base_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated base git repository URL. |
repo_clone_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated git clone URL. |
repo_browse_url_template | json | str | False | None |
Templated URL for browsing repository. |
git_tag_format | json | str | False | None |
Module provider git tag format. |
git_path | json | str | False | None |
Path within git repository that the module exists. |
archive_git_path | json | boolean | False | None |
Whether to generate module archives from the git_path directory. Otherwise, archives are generated from the root |
verified | json | boolean | False | None |
Whether module provider is marked as verified. |
namespace | json | str | False | None |
Name of new namespace to move module/module provider to a new namespace |
module | json | str | False | None |
New name of module |
provider | json | str | False | None |
New provider for module |
csrf_token | json | str | False | None |
CSRF token |
Interface to provide list of integration URLs
Return list of integration URLs
Provide interface to delete module provider redirect.
Delete module provider.
Provide interface to delete module provider redirect.
Delete module provider.
Provide interface for Bitbucket hook to detect pushes of new tags.
Create new version based on Bitbucket hooks.
Provide interface for GitHub hook to detect new and changed releases.
Create, update or delete new version based on GitHub release hooks.
Provide variable template for module version.
Return variable template.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
output | args | str | False | md |
Variable/Output description format, either "html" or "md" |
Interface to obtain content of module version file.
Return content of module version file.
Provide variable template for module version.
Return variable template.
Handle module version upload.
Provide interface to create release for git-backed modules.
This API maybe removed in future. This deprecation is still in discussion.
Consider migrating to '/v1/terrareg/modules/string:namespace/string:name/string:provider/import'
Handle creation of module version.
Provide interface to import/index version for git-backed modules.
Handle creation of module version.
Argument | Location (JSON POST body or query string argument) | Type | Required | Default | Help |
version | json | str | False | None |
The semantic version number of the module to be imported. This can only be used if the git tag format of the module provider contains a {version} placeholder. Conflicts with git_tag |
git_tag | json | str | False | None |
The git tag of the module to be imported. Conflicts with version. |
Return source package of module version
Return static file.
Provide interface to publish module version.
Publish module.
Provide interface to delete module version.
Delete module version.
Interface to obtain list of submodules in module version.
Return list of submodules.
Interface to obtain submodule details.
Return details of submodule.
Interface to obtain submodule REAMDE in HTML format.
Return HTML formatted README of submodule.
Interface to obtain list of examples in module version.
Return list of examples.
Interface to obtain example details.
Return details of example.
Interface to obtain example REAMDE in HTML format.
Return HTML formatted README of example.
Interface to obtain list of example files.
Return list of files available in example.
Interface to obtain content of example file.
Return content of example file in example module.
Provide interface to obtain all provider logo details
Return all details about provider logos.
Return list of filters available for search.
Deprecation: The /v1/terrareg/search_filters
endpoint has been deprecated in favour of /v1/terrareg/modules/search/filters
The previous endpoint will be removed in a future major release.
Return list of available filters and filter counts for search query.
Return list of filters available for provider search.
Return list of available filters and filter counts for search query.
Interface to obtain audit history
Obtain audit history events
Interface to list and create user groups.
Obtain list of user groups.
Create user group
Interface to interact with single user group.
Delete user group.
Interface to create user groups namespace permissions.
Create user group namespace permission
Delete user group namespace permission
Interface to perform authentication as an admin and set appropriate cookie.
Handle POST requests to the authentication endpoint.
Interface to return whether user is authenticated as an admin.
Return information about current user.
Interface to obtain version of Terrareg.
Return version
Endpoint to return 200 when healthy.
Return static 200