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File metadata and controls

146 lines (111 loc) · 7.32 KB


Write a scraper

The most useful thing you can do in this repository is to create a scraper that takes one of the sources, websites listing Game Boy homebrews and spits out valid folders to add in this repository (entries/ folder).

Take a look to the scrapers we already made in the scrapers folder.

Add a game

To add an entry, start by forking this repository and cloning your fork locally.

1. Decide the game slug

Decide a "slug" for the game you are adding. It's like an username: short, no spaces, special characters, or punctuation other than hyphens and underscores. It may start with a letter or digit.

If the game is called "Super Roto Land I: Tales from the Dumper", a good slug could be super-roto-land-1.

2. Create the game folder and add the related files

Create, in the entries directory, a folder with the slug as name.

E.g. we created a folder named super-roto-land-1 in entries/

In the created folder, put:

  • The game ROM (.gb or .gbc);
  • The screenshots (PNG, JPG and BMP are supported). At least 1 screenshot is required;
  • Possibly, a license file (license.txt or, describing the terms under which the game/assets are released, this is generally not necessary if you specify the license name.

3. Add the game.json file

In the folder we just created, create a file called game.json. Here's a basic example:

    "developer": "Sanqui",
    "files": [
            "default": true,
            "filename": "",
            "playable": true
    "license": "Zlib",
    "platform": "GB",
    "repository": "",
    "screenshots": [
    "slug": "2048gb",
    "tags": [
        "Open Source",
    "title": "2048gb",
    "typetag": "game"

Fill in every property with your values. You can take a look at existing games or the game.json schema to make sure everything is correct.

Required Fields

Property Description Possible values
title The complete name, including spacing. String
slug A short identificative name that will be the in the URL String, Only letters, underscores, dashes and numbers
developer Name of the developer String
platform Target console String: GB or GBC
typetag The type of the software String: game, homebrew, demo or hackrom
screenshots A list of the filenames of the screenshots in the folder Array of String of the screnshots file names (no path)
files Array of objects, each one with a "filename" and "playable" field String (no path)

The platform specifies the minimum requirement. For a dual-mode entry (compatible with Game Boy and including Game Boy Color or Super Game Boy enhancement), use GB.

Optional Fields

The following fields are appreciated, but not strictly required:

Property Description Possible values
license Identifier of the license under whose terms the software is released Identifier of the license
assetLicense Identifier of the license under whose terms the assets are released Identifier of the license
description A description of the entry String
video URL of a gameplay or trailer video on YouTube or elsewhere String, URI
date The date the first version of the entry was released String, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601)
tags A list of the categories representing the entry Array of String of existing categories
alias A list of other names with which the entry can be referred to Array of String
repository Repository or URL where the source can be found String, URI
gameWebsite Game website/page String, URI
devWebsite Developer personal website/page String, URI
onlineplay Allow or not the game to be played directly on the website Boolean
wip Flag a game as work-in-progress (not yet completely stable/bugfree) Boolean

The date refers to the first public release of a project, not the release of the current version or the date it was added to the database.

The possible categories for tags are: RPG, Open Source, Adventure, Action, Puzzle, Platform.

4. Check your changes and create a PR

Check the existing folders to have examples of valid entries.

The final folder structure will look like this:

├── entries/
|   ├── my-new-game/
|   │   ├──
|   │   ├── screenshot1.png
|   │   ├── screenshot2.png
|   │   └── game.json
|   ├── another-game/
|   │   ├──
|   │   ├── screenshot1.png
|   │   ├── screenshot2.png
|   │   └── game.json
|   ├── another-roto-game/
|   │   ├──
|   │   ├── screenshot1.png
|   │   ├── screenshot2.png
|   │   └── game.json
|   |
|   ├── [...]
|   |

You're welcome to edit, correct or improve existing entries. After you're finished and you're sure everything is valid (screenshot and rom names must be identical to the file names you added in the folder) you can commit your changes and propose a Pull Request.

Remove a file from history

In case a copyrighted file gets uploaded and maintainers wish to clean up history from it:

git clone --mirror
java -jar bfg-1.14.0.jar --delete-files <FILE_NAME_TO_REMOVE> database.git
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
git push --force