Table of contents
We'd love to accept your sample apps and patches! Before we can take them, we have to jump a couple of legal hurdles.
Please fill out either the individual or corporate Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
- If you are an individual writing original source code and you're sure you own the intellectual property, then you'll need to sign an individual CLA.
- If you work for a company that wants to allow you to contribute your work, then you'll need to sign a corporate CLA.
Follow either of the two links above to access the appropriate CLA and instructions for how to sign and return it. Once we receive it, we'll be able to accept your pull requests.
- Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the repo in question.
- The repo owner will respond to your issue promptly.
- If your proposed change is accepted, and you haven't already done so, sign a Contributor License Agreement (see details above).
- Fork the desired repo, develop and test your code changes.
- Ensure that your code adheres to the existing style in the code to which you are contributing.
- Ensure that your code has an appropriate set of tests which all pass.
- Title your pull request following Conventional Commits styling.
- Submit a pull request.
- Select or create a Cloud Platform project.
- Set up authentication with a service account so you can access the API from your local workstation.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the tests:
# Run unit tests. npm test # Run a single test. E.g., for `it("does something")` # npm test -- "-g" "does something" # Run sample integration tests. npm run samples-test # Run all system tests. npm run system-test
Lint (and maybe fix) any changes:
npm run fix
When you want to debug a test with break points in your VS Code, take the steps below.
of the package to understand the commands there. For example, inpackages/release-please/package.json
, the command for the test iscross-env LOG_LEVEL=fatal c8 mocha --node-option no-experimental-fetch --exit build/test
is NodeJS utility command for Windows. This is irrelevant to break points.c8
is code coverage measurement tool. This is irrelevant to break points.- mocha is the test framework
that provides the
methods you see in the tests. The steps below explains how to run Mocha via VS Code. - Also notice that there's
step that compiles the TypeScript to JavaScript.
In VS Code, click "Run and Debug" menu in the side bar.
Click "Create a launch.json file". If you already have one, then open it.
Add the following configuration in the
array:{ "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "Run mocha", "runtimeExecutable": "mocha", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/release-please", "args": ["--node-option", "no-experimental-fetch", "build/test"] },
is the directory of the package you're working on andargs
is the list of the arguments you found in thepackage.json
.This creates "Run mocha" option in the "Run and Debug" menu.
- If you want to run a single test, append
and<test name>
(Mocha option).
- If you want to run a single test, append
Compile the package via
npm run compile
, this is thepretest
command in thepackage.json
. This compilation is required every time you make changes. -
Add a break point in VS Code. Run "Run mocha" option via "Run and Debug" menu. You see your program execution stops at the line and you can inspect the variable values and the stack trace.