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114 lines (93 loc) · 3.73 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (93 loc) · 3.73 KB


📌 Simple plugin to import data from Sanity and inject it in the files array of Metalsmith

yarn add -D metalsmith-sanity
# or
npm i -D metalsmith-sanity


Add the plugin to the metalsmith instance at the highest position possible:

const Metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
const metalsmithSanity = require('metalsmith-sanity')

const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

const metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname)
      // Config object for the @sanity/client package
      // See
      clientConfig: {
        projectId: 'pfntyadl', // required, else will throw
        dataset: 'production', // defaults to 'production'
        // Add a token if you want to import drafts as well.
        // In the example below we're only using the token in the dev environment
        token: isProduction ? undefined : '812387sdafk920831ifdslkj9230dsif',
        useCdn: true // defaults to true

      // Choose which is going to be the data file's key inside of the `files`
      // array
      filesKey: 'data.json', // defaults to sanity.json

      // If you don't want to import the data from Sanity at every rebuild, you can
      // cache it, which is perfect for the dev environment.
      useCache: !isProduction, // defaults to false
      // You can choose where to save the cached data. Will import from Sanity if
      // cached file doesn't exist.
      // defaults to './.cache/sanity-cached.json'
      cacheFilePath: './.cache/cached-data.json'
  .build(err => {
    if (err) {
      throw err

Quick tip

I highly encourage you to use groq.js as a means for accessing the data before passing it into templates instead of trying to process it through plain JS methods. It's going to save you tons of time and headaches 😉

Quick example:

// Inside of metalsmith.js
  .use(metalsmithSanity({ /* config */ }))

// layoutRenderer.js
import { parse, evaluate } from 'groq-js'

module.exports = (files, metalsmith, done) => {
  // You can set the data file key in the metalsmith-sanity plugin options
  const sanityData = files['sanity.json']

  // Example GROQ query that expands the post.category reference
  const postsQuery = `*[_type == 'post']{

  // Get all the posts through groq's methods
  const postsTree = parse(postsQuery)
  const allPosts = await evaluate(postsTree, { documents: sanityData }).get()

  // And finally add an html file for each post
  for (const post of allPosts) {
    files[`${post.slug.current}/index.html`] = {
      // The content comes from a postTemplate function, which could be a
      // nunjucks template, React / Vue / Svelte component, or much more!
      contents: Buffer.from(postTemplate(post))

If we were to go through the sanityData array above and manually expand each post.category reference, we'd have something like:

const allPosts = => {
  if (doc._type !== 'post') {
    return doc
  return {
    category: sanityData.find(
      possibleCategory => possibleCategory._id === doc.category._ref

Not too hard, right? Now imagine doing this sort of manual operations to data with 10+ types of documents and thousands of entries? Believe me, it's not fun! GROQ solves all this and more, and it's easier to learn and even more powerful than GraphQL for this sorts of operations! If in doubt, feel free to reach me on Twitter.